タラモア・デュー・アイリッシュウイスキーがMyHeritage DNAと提携し「Beauty of Blend」を解き明かす

タラモア・デュー(Tullamore D.E.W.)

タラモア・デュー・アイリッシュウイスキーがMyHeritage DNAと提携し「Beauty of Blend」を解き明かす

AsiaNet 70168

タラモア(アイルランド)、2017年9月20日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --


「The Beauty of Blend」の発売を祝して、オリジナルトリプルブレンドのアイリッシュウイスキー、タラモア・デュー(Tullamore D.E.W.)は、家族歴・遺伝子検査の大手企業MyHeritage DNAと提携し、世界中の人々が自分特有の混合(ブレンド)を発見することができる限定版ブランドの遺伝子検査キットを作ります。世界各地での遺伝子検査の動向を再考する上で、タラモア・デューはMyHeritage DNAと協働して世界人口の99.7%が複数の民族性を併せ持つことを発見しました。つまり、検体採取した個人のわずか0.3%しか単一民族性の背景を持たないことを意味しています。[2]



この提携によりタラモア・デューのファンは自分特有の民族性の混合を発見し祝う機会を得ます。限定版ブランドのMyHeritage DNAキットは、今後数か月間ギフトプログラムおよびタラモア・デューのソーシャルチャネルを通して提供される予定です。

世界第2位のアイリッシュウイスキー、タラモア・デューは、全3種のアイリッシュウイスキーのトリプルブレンドで、ポットスチル、モルトとグレーン、トリプル蒸溜とトリプルカスクのウイスキーが熟成され並はずれて美しいウイスキーとなります。このために、タラモア・デューはそのブレンドがもたらす豊かな変化の力を支持し、さまざまな要素を組み合わせることで作り出される新しく興味深い限りない機会の探求に時間をささげる大切さを確信しています。タラモア・デューは、人々に自分だけの「Beauty of Blend」、つまり1人1人を独自の存在にする民族性の美しい混合(ブレンド)を見つける機会を提供します。

このユニークなパートナーシップは、タラモア・デューの新しい世界規模の広告キャンペーン「Beauty of Blend」の一環です。このキャンペーンは、人々を結びつけるよう作り出された、タラモア・デューのポットスチル、モルト、グレーンウイスキーのトリプルブレンドであろうと、歴史を通した文化と考えのブレンドであろうと、そのブレンド特有の精神を称賛します。

タラモア・デューのグローバルブランドディレクターのCaspar MacRae氏は次のようにコメントしています。「当社はブレンドの上に成り立っています。オリジナルトリプルブレンドのアイリッシュウイスキーの全てのボトルがそうです。何か美しいものが異なる文化や考えのブレンドによって作られている数多くの例が食品、音楽、その他多くの世界にあり、このことは祝福する価値があると当社は考えています。The Beauty of Blendは、当社のアイリッシュウイスキーのオリジナルトリプルブレンドから、世界中のアイルランド移民と当社の歴史的なつながりに根ざした文化のブレンドに至る、ブレンドの精神に対する信念を讃えます。」

何世紀にもわたり、アイルランドから海外へ移住した8,000万の人々が世界中に広がりブレンドされてきました。タラモア・デューは、1829年以来アイランド移民が好んできたウイスキーであり、ブレンドされた世界をもっと興味深いさまざまな要素を含んだ場所として支持しています。世界中の人々が「Beauty of Blend」遺伝子検査キットを利用して自分達特有の多様性を発見することを可能にすることで、タラモア・デューは私達のまわりに存在する時に意外で多岐にわたるブレンドを明らかにし、幅広いグループの全ての人々が社会的に団結し一体感を讃えるよう促したいと思っています。

The Beauty of Blendキャンペーンは2つの新しい映画と共に開始されます。「No Irish Need Apply」は大胆で挑戦的な映画で、米国でのアイルランド移民の歴史を紹介します。「Danny Boy」は、野心的で、真のアイルランド的な、そして明らかに穏やかな方法で文化的多様性を暗に讃えています。

2つの映画はタラモア・デューYou Tubeチャネル

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ164kde2KWQJr2tx9a73hA )で視聴できます。

No Irish Need Applyはこちらで (http://bit.ly/NoIrishNeedApply )、

Danny Boyはこちらで (http://bit.ly/DannyBoyTD )それぞれご覧になれます。



1&2:MyHeritage DNAのグローバルデータベースより。MyHeritage遺伝子検査結果は最大42の民族性を明らかにすることが可能。市場に出ている消費者向け遺伝子検査の中で最も包括的。


グローバル PR &アドボカシー・アシスタント:Emma Oliver、




http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/557592/Tullamore_D_E_W_Beauty_of_Blend.jpg )

ソース: タラモア・デュー(Tullamore D.E.W.)


Tullamore D.E.W. Irish Whiskey Partners with MyHeritage DNA to unlock the 'Beauty of Blend'


TULLAMORE, Ireland, Sept. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ -

- Only 0.3% of people have one ethnicity in their DNA, showing our world is a

true blend[1]

    To celebrate the launch of 'The Beauty of Blend', Tullamore D.E.W., the

original triple blend Irish whiskey has partnered with MyHeritage DNA, the

leading destination for family history and DNA testing, to create a limited

edition branded DNA kit which will allow people all over the world to uncover

their own unique blend. Reviewing trends of DNA testing from around the world,

Tullamore D.E.W. worked with MyHeritage DNA, to uncover that 99.7% of people

have a blend of multiple ethnicities, meaning that only 0.3% of individuals

sampled are of only one ethnic background.[2]

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    The partnership gives fans an opportunity to discover, and celebrate, their

own unique blend of ethnicities. Limited edition branded MyHeritage DNA kits

will be given away through a gifting program and the Tullamore D.E.W. social

channels in the coming months.

    Tullamore D.E.W., the world's second largest Irish whiskey is a triple

blend of all three types of Irish whiskey: pot still, malt and grain, triple

distilled and triple cask matured to deliver a whiskey of exceptional beauty.

Because of this, Tullamore D.E.W. champions the rich, transformative power of

blend, and believes in dedicating time to explore the limitless new and

interesting opportunities that are created by combining different elements.

Tullamore D.E.W. is giving people the opportunity to unlock their own personal

'Beauty of Blend' - the beautiful blend of ethnicities that combine to make

each individual unique.

    This unique partnership is part of Tullamore D.E.W.'s new global

advertising campaign, 'Beauty of Blend' which celebrates the unique spirit of

the blend - whether it be the triple blend of pot still, malt and grain

whiskies in Tullamore D.E.W., crafted to bring people together, or the blending

of cultures and ideas throughout history.

    Tullamore D.E.W.'s Global Brand Director, Caspar MacRae, commented: "We are

built on blend. It runs through every bottle of our original triple blend Irish

whiskey. There are numerous examples in the worlds of food, music and beyond

where something beautiful has been created because of the blending of different

cultures or ideas, and we think that is worth celebrating. The Beauty of Blend

celebrates our belief in the spirit of blend - from the original triple blend

in our Irish whiskey to the blending of cultures, rooted in our historic

association with Irish emigrants around the world."

    For generations, Ireland's diaspora of 80 million people have built and

blended around the world. Tullamore D.E.W., the whiskey favoured by Irish

immigrants since 1829, is championing the blended world as a more interesting,

eclectic place. By enabling people around the world to discover their own

unique blend using 'Beauty of Blend' DNA Kits, Tullamore D.E.W. hopes to reveal

the often surprising and varied blends that exist all around us, and inspire

diverse groups of people to come together socially and celebrate


    The Beauty of Blend campaign launches with two new films. 'No Irish Need

Apply' is a boldly challenging film, showcasing the history of Irish

immigration in the USA. 'Danny Boy' implicitly celebrates cultural diversity in

a way that is aspirational, authentically Irish and distinctly sociable.

    Both films can be watched on the Tullamore D.E.W. YouTube channel

[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ164kde2KWQJr2tx9a73hA ]; No Irish Need

Apply can be viewed here [http://bit.ly/NoIrishNeedApply ] and Danny Boy can be

viewed here [http://bit.ly/DannyBoyTD ].


    For further information, please contact:

    Emma Oliver, Global PR & Advocacy Assistant: Emma.Oliver@wgrant.com

    Visit MyHeritage DNA at https://www.myheritage.com  


    1&2: According to MyHeritage DNA's global database. MyHeritage DNA test

results can reveal up to 42 ethnicities - the most comprehensive of all

consumer DNA tests availableon the market.


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/557592/Tullamore_D_E_W_Beauty_of_Blend.jpg )

SOURCE: Tullamore D.E.W.

Tullamore D.E.W. Irish Whiskey Partners with MyHeritage DNA to unlock the 'Beauty of Blend'

TULLAMORE, Ireland, Sept. 20, 2017 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -

HOLD UNTIL 20/09/2017 19:00 SYDNEY TIME

- Only 0.3% of people have one ethnicity in their DNA, showing our world is a

true blend[1]

    To celebrate the launch of 'The Beauty of Blend', Tullamore D.E.W., the

original triple blend Irish whiskey has partnered with MyHeritage DNA, the

leading destination for family history and DNA testing, to create a limited

edition branded DNA kit which will allow people all over the world to uncover

their own unique blend. Reviewing trends of DNA testing from around the world,

Tullamore D.E.W. worked with MyHeritage DNA, to uncover that 99.7% of people

have a blend of multiple ethnicities, meaning that only 0.3% of individuals

sampled are of only one ethnic background.[2]

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    The partnership gives fans an opportunity to discover, and celebrate, their

own unique blend of ethnicities. Limited edition branded MyHeritage DNA kits

will be given away through a gifting program and the Tullamore D.E.W. social

channels in the coming months.

    Tullamore D.E.W., the world's second largest Irish whiskey is a triple

blend of all three types of Irish whiskey: pot still, malt and grain, triple

distilled and triple cask matured to deliver a whiskey of exceptional beauty.

Because of this, Tullamore D.E.W. champions the rich, transformative power of

blend, and believes in dedicating time to explore the limitless new and

interesting opportunities that are created by combining different elements.

Tullamore D.E.W. is giving people the opportunity to unlock their own personal

'Beauty of Blend' - the beautiful blend of ethnicities that combine to make

each individual unique.

    This unique partnership is part of Tullamore D.E.W.'s new global

advertising campaign, 'Beauty of Blend' which celebrates the unique spirit of

the blend - whether it be the triple blend of pot still, malt and grain

whiskies in Tullamore D.E.W., crafted to bring people together, or the blending

of cultures and ideas throughout history.

    Tullamore D.E.W.'s Global Brand Director, Caspar MacRae, commented: "We are

built on blend. It runs through every bottle of our original triple blend Irish

whiskey. There are numerous examples in the worlds of food, music and beyond

where something beautiful has been created because of the blending of different

cultures or ideas, and we think that is worth celebrating. The Beauty of Blend

celebrates our belief in the spirit of blend - from the original triple blend

in our Irish whiskey to the blending of cultures, rooted in our historic

association with Irish emigrants around the world."

    For generations, Ireland's diaspora of 80 million people have built and

blended around the world. Tullamore D.E.W., the whiskey favoured by Irish

immigrants since 1829, is championing the blended world as a more interesting,

eclectic place. By enabling people around the world to discover their own

unique blend using 'Beauty of Blend' DNA Kits, Tullamore D.E.W. hopes to reveal

the often surprising and varied blends that exist all around us, and inspire

diverse groups of people to come together socially and celebrate


    The Beauty of Blend campaign launches with two new films. 'No Irish Need

Apply' is a boldly challenging film, showcasing the history of Irish

immigration in the USA. 'Danny Boy' implicitly celebrates cultural diversity in

a way that is aspirational, authentically Irish and distinctly sociable.

    Both films can be watched on the Tullamore D.E.W. YouTube channel

[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ164kde2KWQJr2tx9a73hA ]; No Irish Need

Apply can be viewed here [http://bit.ly/NoIrishNeedApply ] and Danny Boy can be

viewed here [http://bit.ly/DannyBoyTD ].


    For further information, please contact:

    Emma Oliver, Global PR & Advocacy Assistant: Emma.Oliver@wgrant.com

    Visit MyHeritage DNA at https://www.myheritage.com  


    1&2: According to MyHeritage DNA's global database. MyHeritage DNA test

results can reveal up to 42 ethnicities - the most comprehensive of all

consumer DNA tests availableon the market.


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/557592/Tullamore_D_E_W_Beauty_of_Blend.jpg )

SOURCE: Tullamore D.E.W.




