タイムズ・ハイアー・エデュケーション(THE)が、研究のイノベーション評価にWeb of Scienceを採用


タイムズ・ハイアー・エデュケーション(THE)が、研究のイノベーション評価にWeb of Scienceを採用

AsiaNet 68696




タイムズ・ハイアー・エデュケーション(THE)が25日に発行した5月特集号『The next big bang』において、世界を変える可能性のある研究が特集され、注目トピック19件が紹介されました。トピックの選定においては、クラリベイト・アナリティクス(本社:米国フィラデルフィア、日本オフィス:東京都港区、以下「クラリベイト」)が提供するWeb of Scienceの引用データとEssential Science Indicators(SM)の知見が使用されています。


注目トピックの特定は、「引用栄誉賞」の分析を手掛ける弊社アナリスト、David Pendlebury(デービッド・ペンドルベリー)が担当しており、分析にはリサーチフロントの先端研究領域を明らかにする基本手法が用いられています。引用がつなぐ論文ネットワークから、専門分野の研究動向を分析し、活発に動く最前線研究分野、すなわちリサーチフロントが特定されています。ペンドルベリーは、引用ネットワークは研究者自身の専門的判断に基づいて繋がれていることから、研究の本質に迫る上で信頼できる情報であると考えており、同時に最新の研究動向を把握できる手段だとしています。


ヘンリー・スモール博士と故ユージーン・ガーフィールド博士が共引用分析を使って1970年代と1980年代にサイエンスマップを先駆けて開発して以来、クラリベイト・アナリティクスは50年にわたり、Web of Scienceの高品質なデータを用いた研究動向の分析で世界をけん引してきました。この手法で得られた知見は政策立案や研究資金配分においても、今も注目すべき新しいトピックの特定に役立っています。


クラリベイト・アナリティクスは、世界中のお客さまに信頼の置ける知見や分析を提供することでイノベーションを加速させ、新しい技術ソリューションのより迅速な発明・発見、保護、事業化をサポートします。トムソン・ロイターのIP & Science 事業を前身とする弊社は、科学と学術研究、特許調査と工業規格、製薬およびバイオテクノロジーに対するインテリジェンス、商標およびドメインブランド保護、そして知的財産マネジメントを主軸とする情報を保有し、業界をリードするビジネスを展開しています。クラリベイト アナリティクスは4,000人以上の従業員を擁し、世界100カ国以上で事業展開する独立会社として、Web of Science、Cortellis、Thomson Innovation、Derwent World Patents Index, CompuMark、 MarkMonitor、そしてTechstreetなど、広く知られるブランドを所有しています。詳しくはClarivate.comをご覧ください。


Heidi Siegel

Clarivate Analytics

Director, External Relations

+1 215 823 5646 (o)

+1 215 356 4504 (m)


Pamela Lim

Clarivate Analytics

Regional Communications Manager, Asia Pacific

+65 6870 3212 (o)



Times Higher Education chooses the Web of Science to assess innovation in research


PHILADELPHIA, May 25, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Citation data and analytics from Clarivate Analytics predict what's hot in


Times Higher Education's ( https://www.timeshighereducation.com/ ) May 25 issue

features 19 hot topics in current research that have the potential to change

the world. These hot topics were identified using Web of Science (


) citation data and Essential Science Indicators(SM) (

http://clarivate.com/?product=essential-science-indicators )insights from

Clarivate Analytics.

Times Higher Education (THE) chose Web of Science citation data to gain an

objective view of contemporary research for its May feature "The next big

bang". The featured research includes enhancing the body's potential to kill

cancer cells; development of genes driven to modify plants, animals and

insects; producing clean power sources such as redox flow batteries and "green"

hydrogen cars; reducing energy use by low-power LED lighting; discoveries in

the environment and ecology field to improve environmental health;

next-generation electronics and big physics.

Clarivate Analytics has, for five decades, been the world leader in

understanding trends in research through analysis of the curated, high-quality

data in Web of Science. Dr. Henry Small and the late Dr. Eugene Garfield

pioneered science mapping in the 1970s and 1980s using co-citation analysis.

Since then, insights gleaned through this method have informed policymakers and

funders on hot or emerging topics and where they should focus their attention

and resources.

"The citation network linking one paper to another reveals the organic

structure and dynamics of specialty areas," notes David Pendlebury, senior

citation analyst at Clarivate Analytics. "We call these specialty areas

'research fronts' because they represent active, leading-edge activity. And

since citations reflect the expert judgments of researchers themselves, the

citation network is a reliable guide to the true nature of current research,

not a depiction employing traditional field or subject categories that lag

behind what is really happening today."

Constructing research fronts starts with identifying highly cited papers (those

cited in the top 1% for their age and area) over the most recent five years. It

is then determined how often these papers have been jointly cited

(co-citation). High co-citation frequency suggests a strong socio-cognitive

association between the content of two papers. Repetitive analysis of

co-citation patterns yields clusters of related research reports. These

clusters, or research fronts, are provided in the Clarivate Analytics Essential

Science Indicators database. About 8,000 appear every two months in Essential

Science Indicators.

For THE's May feature, research fronts with the youngest co-cited papers and

with at least 200 citations to date were extracted and 19 selected for special

attention, reflecting their wider scientific environments and potential

applications. THE editors assigned these to five broad groupings (biology and

medicine, energy and light, astrophysics and high-energy physics, environment

and ecology, and next generation electronics) and its journalists interviewed

the key players and describe why these fronts capture what is hot in research


"Highly-cited papers turn out to be one of the most reliable indicators of

world-class research, and can provide a map of the most innovative research,"

said Jessica Turner, global head of the scientific and academic research

business at Clarivate Analytics. "We are pleased that THE has chosen Web of

Science citation data to identify the truly groundbreaking science that will

impact the world we live in."

Clarivate Analytics

Clarivate(TM) Analytics accelerates the pace of innovation by providing trusted

insights and analytics to customers around the world, enabling them to

discover, protect and commercialize new ideas faster. Formerly the Intellectual

Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters, we own and operate a

collection of leading subscription-based businesses focused on scientific and

academic research, patent analytics and regulatory standards, pharmaceutical

and biotech intelligence, trademark protection, domain brand protection and

intellectual property management. Clarivate(TM) Analytics is now an independent

company with over 4,000 employees, operating in more than 100 countries and

owns well-known brands that include Web of Science(TM), Cortellis(TM),

Derwent, CompuMark(TM), MarkMonitor(R) and Techstreet(TM), among others. For

more information, please visit http://www.clarivate.com.

Media Contact:

Heidi Siegel

Clarivate Analytics

Director, External Relations

+1 215 823 5646 (o)

+1 215 356 4504 (m)


Pamela Lim

Clarivate Analytics

Regional Communications Manager, Asia Pacific

+65 6870 3212 (o)


SOURCE: Clarivate Analytics




