
SEDCO Capital


AsiaNet 60345 (0575)


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SEDCO Capitalの中東/北アフリカ地域主席ファンドマネジャー兼中東/北アフリカ地域流動資産部門長のヤザン・アブディーン氏はこれらの引用された数字はサウジ市場の健全性を表していると言う。これらの事実に加え、サウジアラビアは米ドルペッグ制のため為替リスクがないことも相まって、新興市場および世界のファンドマネジャーはサウジ市場にしかるべき関心を払うことになるとした。




この見方に賛同するSEDCO Capital最高投資責任者(CIO)のベルナール・カラルプ氏は「当社はこのポジショニングを良く理解しており、当社の資産配分ではサウジアラビアをアルファ・オプティマイザーとして優遇してきた」と述べた。同氏はまた「サウジ市場のマクロ経済的な強みはまだ十分に発揮されておらず、同国の為替市場の時価総額に反映されているとは言えない。今回、サウジアラビア資本市場庁(CMA)の市場開放の発表を受け、当社の現地チームはその瞬間に当社の世界投資にとって欠くべからざるものになった」と述べた。

30年以上、SEDCOはサウジにとって世界に向けた投資大使の約割を果たしてきた。直近の5年では、SEDCO Capitalはサウジアラビアに投資する世界の投資家のアセットマネジャーに選ばれるためのインフラ作りをしてきた。SEDCO Capital最高経営責任者(CEO)のハサン・アルジャブリ氏の見解によれば「当社のユニークなポジショニングには4つの柱があると考えている。ファンダメンタルズ重視で、社会責任を負い、慎重を旨とする財務哲学。運用基準順守、リサーチ本位、そして科学的なプロセスおよびアプローチで、これはすなわち銘柄選定にフォーカスし、この地域で最も長い期間上位4分の1に入っている実績を含め、国際的な資産管理の経験を持つ信頼に足るスタッフチームが担当する」と述べた。

ソース:SEDCO Capital


Amro Abbas, SEDCO Capital



A Look at Emerging Markets' Latest Entrant: An Equity Fund Perspective


JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, Apr. 30, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Saudi Arabia's stock market "Tadawul" will be open for foreign investors as of

June 15, 2015. With a market cap of $535 billion, Saudi Arabia's market size is

individually bigger than South Africa, Russia, Mexico and Turkey. It makes up

6.4% of the global Emerging Market's capitalization, which stands at $8.3

Trillion. Furthermore, the Saudi market trades more than $2.4 billion in daily

value compared to the $18.2 billion traded in all emerging markets on a daily

basis, representing 13% of emerging markets liquidity.

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These figures quoted by Yazan Abdeen, Lead MENA Fund Manager and Head of MENA

Liquid Assets at SEDCO Capital, Jeddah, highlights the positive case he makes

for the Saudi market. These facts, combined with the lack of currency risks,

stand to yield considerable attention from emerging markets and global managers.

According to Abdeen, "This development will put the real 'S' in the BRICS

(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)." He goes on to explain:

"Albeit the fundamental appeal of the market, we believe that real value within

the market needs deep research and on-the-ground positioning. A local team that

speaks the global investment language, directed by a disciplined

fundamentally-driven investment process that is stock-selection oriented in its

style will have a superior investment positioning in the Saudi market."

He stresses that those who are early players are the ones to benefit the most

as the market quickly earns its "emerging market status," which he estimates to

take place within two years.

Global investors for the past 15 years or so have endorsed emerging markets as

a core weight within their global portfolio, to augment their strategies for

growth. This strategy has been hedged with emerging markets' currency

volatility and/or political and governance risks. Saudi Arabia's market

provides growth without the associated common currency and political risks.

Echoing this point, Bernard Caralp, CIO of SEDCO Capital said, "We have

understood this positioning and kept Saudi Arabia within our global asset

allocation as an alpha optimizer."

"The macroeconomics strengths of the Saudi market are not fully realized and

reflected in the exchange's capitalization. With the CMA announcement of market

opening, our regional team has immediately become a global investment

necessity," he added.

For more than 30 years, SEDCO has been an ambassador of Saudi investments to

the world. For the past five years SEDCO Capital has created the infrastructure

to be the asset manager of choice for global investors in Saudi Arabia. As the

CEO of SEDCO Capital sees it, Hasan AlJabri says, "We believe that four pillars

define our unique positioning; a fundamentally-driven, socially-responsible and

financially prudent philosophy, a disciplined, research-based, scientific

process and approach that is stock-selection focused, run by a solid team with

international asset management experience with the longest top quartile

track-record in the region."

For further inquiries:

Amro Abbas, SEDCO Capital



Source: SEDCO Capital




