◎comScore が2007年12月の日本のトップウェブランキングを発表


緊急リリース                                        問い合わせ: 佐藤英丸

comScore が2007年12月の日本のトップウェブランキングを発表


東京(日本)発 2008年1月28日 - デジタルワールド利用動向調査のリーディングカンパニーであるコムスコア(comScore, Inc. NASDAQ:SCOR)は、本日、コムスコアのWorld Metrix利用動向調査サービスにより集計したデータを基に、日本における12月の最も訪問者を集めたトップウェブプロパティとウェブサイトカテゴリーのランキングを発表した。


また、12月はティーンズ(10代)のカテゴリーも前月に比べて57%増の240万人と訪問者が非常に増加した。これは、Disney Onlineへの訪問者の増加が影響していると思われる。

出典: comScore World Metrix
                                            ユニークビジター数 (000)
                     2007年11月 2007年12月 変化率%
日本の15才以上のユニークビジター総数          54,153     54,348       0
e-cards                                        2,028       5,505     171
Teens                                          1,544       2,427      57
Pharmacy                                         295         419      42
Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories               1,168       1,562      34
Toys                                           1,665       2,089      25
* ネットカフェなどの公共のコンピュータからのトラフィックや、携帯電話やPDAなどからのアクセスは除外.

クリスマスと年末を迎えた12月は、いくつかのウェブサイトプロパティが訪問者の増加を示した。Disney Online(39%増加で270万人の訪問者)とNintendo Co. (17%増加で330万人の訪問者)が、プレゼント商品の購入や探索で訪問者を集めた。年賀状シーズンでもありJAPANPOST.JP、また、レストラン検索サイトであるHOTPEPPER.JPがクリスマスパーティーや忘年会の会場探しで訪問者を集めたようだ。また、12月は年末年始の特別番組などの情報探索などで、テレビ局のサイトも訪問者を集めたようで、NTV.CO.JPとNHK.OR.JPがそれぞれ前月に比べて訪問者の28%増加を示した。

出典: comScore World Metrix

プロパティ                                  ユニークビジター数 (000)
                                       2007年11月  2007年12月    変化率%
日本の15才以上のユニークビジター総数      54,153       54,348         0
MAINICHI.JP                                3,860        5,784        50
Disney Online                              1,942        2,701        39
JAPANPOST.JP                               4,481        6,047        35
JIJI.COM                               2,123        2,741        29
NTV.CO.JP                              3,060        3,932        28
NHK.OR.JP                                  3,923        5,015        28
ATWIKI.JP                                  2,949        3,653        24
NIKKANSPORTS.COM                           3,423        4,162        22
HOTPEPPER.JP                               3,666        4,341        18
Nintendo Co.                               2,907        3,392        17
* 2007年12月の日本のトップ100のプロパティに基づくランキング
** ネットカフェなどの公共のコンピュータからのトラフィックや、携帯電話やPDAなどからのアクセスは除外

12月は、Yahoo!サイトが4200万人以上の訪問者を集め日本での第1位のプロパティを堅持している。Googleサイトが0323万人の訪問者で第2位、Microsoftサイトが2980万人の訪問者で第3位で続いている。トップ25のプロパティを見ると、ランキング順位は前月11月のランキング順位と比べて顕著な変化はないが、Sakura Internet、Mixi, Inc、SEESAA.NETがそれぞれランキングを1つ上げている。

出典: comScore World Metrix
2007年12月  2007年11月 プロパティ                          2007年12月の
順位        順位                                          ユニークビジター数

N/A         N/A        日本の15才以上のユニークビジター           54,348
1           1          Yahoo! Sites                               42,140
2           2          Google Sites                               32,302
3           3          Microsoft Sites                            29,793
4           4          Rakuten Inc                                29,006
5           5          NTT Group                                  26,367
6           6          FC2 inc.                                   25,834
7           7          Nifty Corporation                          22,027
8           8          Livedoor                                   21,439
9           9          Wikipedia Sites                            20,962
10          10         GMO Internet Group                         19,323
11          11         Amazon Sites                               18,211
12          13         Sakura Internet                            16,571
13          12         NEC Corporation                            15,846
14          14         Sony Online                                15,489
15          15         Apple Inc.                                 15,050
16          16         Excite Japan                               13,520
17          17         AMEBLO.JP                                  12,645
18          19         MIXI, Inc.                                 12,414
19          18         HATENA.NE.JP                               12,217
20          21         SEESAA.NET                                 12,031
21          20         DION.NE.JP                                 11,461
22          22         JWORD.JP                                   10,870
23          23         IIJ4U.OR.JP                                10,528
24          24         TRACKWORD.NET                              10,444
25          25         NICOVIDEO.JP                                9,686
* 2007年12月の日本のトップ100のプロパティに基づくランキング
** ネットカフェなどの公共のコンピュータからのトラフィックや、携帯電話やPDAなどからのアクセスは除外

コムスコア(NASDAQ: SCOR)は、デジタルワールド利用動向調査の分野で世界をリードする企業である。この調査能力は、オンラインやオフラインでの購入情報をはじめ、ウェブサイトの閲覧やその取引行動などについて情報秘匿性を守って調査する許可を同社に与えた全世界200万人以上の膨大な数の消費者からなるパネリストからの情報に基づいている。また、同社のパネリストは、消費者の意向や意志を調査し総合的に分析する調査研究にも参加する。コムスコアは独自の技術を通じて、消費者のさまざまな動向や傾向の調査を行っている。同社のコンサルタントは、顧客や競合相手に関する深い知識を活用して、顧客が最大限の投資利益率(ROI)を高める強力なマーケティング戦略と戦術を立案するための手助けをする。コムスコアのサービスは800社以上の顧客に利用されている。主な顧客は、AOL,マイクロソフト、ヤフー、BBC、キャラット、サイワールド、ドイツ銀行、フランス・テレコム、ベストバイ、米国新聞協会、ファイナンシャル・タイムズ、ESPN,フォックス・スポーツ、ネスレ、スターコム、ユニバーサルマッキャン、米国郵政公社、ベライゾン、ヴィアミシュラン、メルク、エクスペディアなどの世界企業が含まれる。詳しい情報はwww.comscore.com まで。

comScore Releases Top Japan Web Site Rankings for December, 2007



            Holiday Greetings Drive Strong Gains for E-card Sites  
          And National Interest Stories Prompt Growth for News Sites

    comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world,
today released its December rankings of the largest and fastest-growing
Internet properties and site categories in Japan, based on data from the
comScore World Metrix audience measurement service.  

    (Logo:  http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO)

    "The holiday season is a true testament to the relationship between online
and offline activity," said Maru Sato, Managing Director of comScore Japan.
"People went online not only to shop and search for gifts, but to plan their
holiday activities including Forget-Year parties and checking schedules for
year-end television specials."  

    Top Gaining Site Categories for December  
    With the holidays and the celebration of the New Year, visits to e-card
sites jumped 171 percent to 5.5 million visitors, making it the top-gaining
category for the month. Retail site categories also experienced strong growth,
including the Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories category (up 34 percent to 1.6
million visitors) and toys (up 25 percent to 2.1 million visitors) as people
searched for holiday gifts.   

    Teen sites also experienced a surge in traffic in December, up 57 percent
to 2.4 million visitors for the month, due in large part to increased activity
at Disney.co.jp.  

    Top Gaining Site Categories by Number of Unique Japanese Visitors Age 15+  
    December 2007 vs. November 2007        
    Total Japan - Home and Work Locations*                                
    Source: comScore World Metrix                                         

                                             Total Unique Visitors (000)       
                                          Nov-2007      Dec-2007    % Change   
    Total Internet : Total Audience        54,153         54,348           0  
    e-cards                                 2,028          5,505         171  
    Teens                                   1,544          2,427          57  
    Pharmacy                                  295            419          42  
    Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories        1,168          1,562          34  
    Toys                                    1,665          2,089          25  
    * Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access  
      from mobile phones or PDAs.

    Top Gaining Properties for December  
    In December, news sites attracted increased visitation, with both the
government's anticipated pension plan and Prime Minister Fukuda's official
visit to China creating increased interest in national affairs. Mainichi.jp
gained 50 percent to 5.8 million visitors, making it the top-gaining property
for the month, while Jiji.com increased 29 percent to 2.7 million visitors.  

    The holiday season prompted growth to several Web properties in December.
Both Disney Online (up 39 percent to 2.7 million visitors) and Nintendo Co.
(up 17 percent to 3.4 million) gained as shoppers searched for holiday gifts.
The New Year's holiday sparked growth to JapanPost.jp, as people sent greeting
cards for the occasion, and to restaurant navigation site HotPepper.jp as
visitors planned Christmas and Forget-Year parties. TV sites also gained with
the airing of year-end television specials, leading to 28-percent increases
for NTV.co.jp and NHK.or.jp.  

    Top 10 Gaining Properties by Number of Japanese Unique Visitors Age 15+*
    December 2007 vs. November 2007                                       
    Total Japan - Home and Work Locations**                               
    Source: comScore World Metrix                                         

                                               Total Unique Visitors (000)    
    Property                             Nov-2007    Dec-2007       % Change  
    Total Internet : Total Audience        54,153      54,348              0  
    MAINICHI.JP                             3,860       5,784             50  
    Disney Online                           1,942       2,701             39  
    JAPANPOST.JP                            4,481       6,047             35  
    JIJI.COM                                2,123       2,741             29  
    NTV.CO.JP                               3,060       3,932             28  
    NHK.OR.JP                               3,923       5,015             28  
    ATWIKI.JP                               2,949       3,653             24  
    NIKKANSPORTS.COM                        3,423       4,162             22  
    HOTPEPPER.JP                            3,666       4,341             18  
    Nintendo Co.                            2,907       3,392             17
    *  Ranking based on the top 100 Japanese properties in December 2007.
    ** Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access
       from mobile phones or PDAs.

     Top 25 Properties for December  
     Yahoo! Sites continued to lead the market in Japan with more than 42
million visitors in December. Google Sites captured the second position with
32 million visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 30 million visitors. The
top 25 properties held relatively constant in their positions from November
2007, with small position gains experienced by Sakura Internet, Mixi, Inc.,
and Seesaa.net.  

    Top 25 Properties by Number of Japanese Unique Visitors Age 15+*      
    December 2007 vs. November 2007                                       
    Total Japan - Home and Work Locations**                               
    Source: comScore World Metrix                                         

    December  November                                               Visitors  
    2007      2007                                                    (000)
    Rank      Rank     Property                                       Dec-07
    N/A       N/A      Total Internet : Total Audience                54,348  
    1         1        Yahoo! Sites                                   42,140  
    2         2        Google Sites                                   32,302  
    3         3        Microsoft Sites                                29,793  
    4         4        Rakuten Inc                                    29,006  
    5         5        NTT Group                                      26,367  
    6         6        FC2 inc.                                       25,834  
    7         7        Nifty Corporation                              22,027  
    8         8        Livedoor                                       21,439  
    9         9        Wikipedia Sites                                20,962  
    10       10        GMO Internet Group                             19,323  
    11       11        Amazon Sites                                   18,211  
    12       13        Sakura Internet                                16,571  
    13       12        NEC Corporation                                15,846  
    14       14        Sony Online                                    15,489  
    15       15        Apple Inc.                                     15,050  
    16       16        Excite Japan                                   13,520  
    17       17        AMEBLO.JP                                      12,645  
    18       19        MIXI, Inc.                                     12,414  
    19       18        HATENA.NE.JP                                   12,217  
    20       21        SEESAA.NET                                     12,031  
    21       20        DION.NE.JP                                     11,461  
    22       22        JWORD.JP                                       10,870  
    23       23        IIJ4U.OR.JP                                    10,528  
    24       24        TRACKWORD.NET                                  10,444  
    25       25        NICOVIDEO.JP                                    9,686  
    *  Ranking based on the top 100 Japanese properties in December 2007.
    ** Excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access
       from mobile phones or PDAs.

    About comScore  
    comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital
world. This capability is based on a massive, global cross-section of more
than 2 million consumers who have given comScore permission to confidentially
capture their browsing and transaction behavior, including online and offline
purchasing. comScore panelists also participate in survey research that
captures and integrates their attitudes and intentions. Through its
proprietary technology, comScore measures what matters across a broad spectrum
of behavior and attitudes.  comScore analysts apply this deep knowledge of
customers and competitors to help clients design powerful marketing strategies
and tactics that deliver superior ROI.  comScore services are used by more
than 800 clients, including global leaders such as AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo!,
BBC, Carat, Cyworld, Deutsche Bank, France Telecom, Best Buy, The Newspaper
Association of America, Financial Times, ESPN, Fox Sports, Nestle, Starcom,
Universal McCann, the United States Postal Service, Verizon, ViaMichelin,
Merck and Expedia.  For more information, please visit http://www.comscore.com

     SOURCE:     comScore, Inc.  

     CONTACT:    Maru Sato of comScore Japan K.K.

Photo:       http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080115/COMSCORELOGO
AP Archive:  http://photoarchive.ap.org

PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com

Web site:  http://www.comscore.com