Cytus II に登場する初の香港シンガー

Underthepillow Limited

Cytus II に登場する初の香港シンガー

AsiaNet 72314

【香港2018年2月15日PR Newswire】

*シンシンラビットは2018年、Rayark ゲームと提携

香港のアニメシンガーでクロスメディアのクリエーティブ・ブランドであるシンシンラビット(Sing Sing Rabbit)は2011年、大きなウサギの頭を被った不思議なイメージでコンピレーション・ソング「One Song Ten Sings」をインターネットに発表した。彼女の癒しの声と創造的なアイデアはオンラインで人気を博し、CtitvやApple Daily Newsといった香港と台湾のメディアで広く報じられた。

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2018年は始まったばかりだが、1月18日にシンシンラビットの新曲「Green Hope」がCytus IIで公式に初公開され、5人のゲームキャラクターの中、Paffという人気アイドルの収録曲になった。シンシンラビットは作詞を担当し、日本の制作チームと提携し、J-Rockスタイルを創る。この収録曲はレベル22に達したプレーヤーだけが入手可能で、プレーヤーは曲のロック解除のために熱心に取り組む必要があり、ファンはそれを楽しみにしている。


マネージングディレクターのアンディ・タン氏は、2018年は中国本土と日本のマーケットに集中するとし、「シンシンラビットは中国本土、香港、日本、台湾で楽曲を発表した。日本のゲーム企業大手のDonutsだけではなく、Cytus IIやShanghai Times Squareといった多くのプラットフォームでもシンシンラビットの曲を利用しており、音楽業界にとって優れた基礎を構築している。日本のレコードレーベル数社がシンシンラビットの新曲に興味を持っており、彼女のチームは日本マーケットにもっと大規模に登場できるのを楽しみにしている」と述べた。




*Cytus II - Green Hope



Underthepillow Ltdの関連会社で知的財産のSing Sing Rabbit(シンシンラビット)はわずか2-3年の間に数多くの有名、上場企業およびその関連会社と提携している。それはWharf Group関連会社のShanghai Times Square、Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd.、CEC International傘下の759、Sasa International Holdings Ltd、サムスン電子、Swire Properties傘下のUA Cinema Line、ホリプロ、Donuts、Rayark ゲームなどである。当社の事業範囲は音楽、プロダクション、製品、ストーリー、ライセンス供与、エンターテインメントなど。独自のアニメイメージとアイデアで、これほどの短期間でこのように広い展開を開拓する香港のシンガーはほとんどいない。当社のブランドイメージは香港、中国本土、台湾、日本、マカオ、マレーシアで広がっている。


UNDERTHEPILLOWの公式ウェブサイトは を参照。


Carrie Ho

UNDERTHEPILLOW Pr & communications



First Hong Kong Singer to be Included in Cytus II


HONG KONG, Feb. 15, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Sing Sing Rabbit cooperates with Rayark Games in 2018

Sing Sing Rabbit, a Hong Kong-based cartoon singer and cross-media creative

brand, posted her compilation song "One Song Ten Sings" with her mysterious

image wearing a big rabbit head on the internet in 2011. Her healing voice and

creative ideas have gained popularity online and were widely reported by Hong

Kong and Taiwan media such as Ctitv and Apple Daily News.

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Sing Sing Rabbit's successfully gain cooperation with world's no. 1 mobile

music game "Cytus II" & first tier malls "Shanghai Times Square"

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While 2018 has just started, Sing Sing Rabbit's new song "Green Hope"

officially debuted on January 18th via Cytus II and was included in one of the

five most popular idol artists, Paff. Sing Sing Rabbit has partnered with her

Japan production team to create J-Rock style. She also composed the lyrics. As

Sing Sing Rabbit's song would only be available after players reached level 22,

players need to work hard in order to unlock the song and fans are looking

forward to it.

Focus on the development of licensing and music programs of the mainland China

and Japan markets

Managing Director Mr. Andy Tang said that in 2018, the market in mainland China

and Japan will be concentrated: "Sing Sing Rabbit has published her music in

mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. Whether it is the Japanese mobile

game giant Donuts, Cytus II or Shanghai Times Square, many platforms have

utilized Sing Sing Rabbit's songs, which has laid a good foundation in the

music industry. A few Japanese record labels are interested in publishing Sing

Sing Rabbit's new song and her team is looking forward to more mass exposure in

the Japanese market.

Three core businesses - Music, cartoon images & novels

Compared to the cartoon character Hello Kitty, which earned an annual license

fee of $4.4 billion announced in licensing ranking charts in 2016, Sing Sing

Rabbit said as a new brand image, though last year's cartoon image licensing

items including investors' promotion fees, only amounted to about 10 million

yuan, she believed in the near future Sing Sing Rabbit will create greater

business potential and astronomical revenue if they could grasp all aspects

such as online and offline promotion, image, music and film launches.

* Japan mobile game app "Unmanned .war 2099"

*Cytus II - Green Hope


We Dream Big & We Know Where The Treasure Is

IP Sing Sing Rabbit, a subsidiary of Underthepillow Ltd, has been cooperating

with a number of famous or listed companies and their subsidiaries in just 2-3

years. Among these companies are: Shanghai Times Square, a subsidiary of Wharf

Group, Henderson Land Development Co., Ltd., CEC International's 759, Sasa

International Holdings Ltd, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Swire Properties' UA

Cinema Line, HoriPro, Donuts, Rayark games, etc. Its business scope includes

music, production, product, story, licensing and entertainment, etc. It is rare

for Hong Kong singers to open up such a wide development with their unique

cartoon images and ideas in such a short period of time. The brand image has

been spread across Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Macao and Malaysia.

UNDERTHEPILLOW is opening up its business to investors and negotiating

financing solutions for expanding its business, paving the way for its

diversified business opportunities and future development of film or more major


UNDERTHEPILLOW official website:


Carrie Ho

UNDERTHEPILLOW Pr & communications


SOURCE  Underthepillow Limited




