
McIlhenny Company(マキルヘニー社)


AsiaNet 71730 (0025)

【エイブリーアイランド(米ルイジアナ州)2018年1月10日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】エドモンド・マキルヘニー氏は1868年、最初のタバスコペパー(唐辛子)を収穫し、家族と友人向け料理の風味を引き立たせるピリッと辛いソースを生み出した。このシンプルなソースの誕生は、意図することなく世界の食べ方を永久に一変させた。150年後の現在、彼のタバスコ(R)ソース(TABASCO(R)Sauce)が作られた同じ3つの原料-タバスコペパー、食塩、食酢-がエイブリーアイランドのエドモンド一族によって熟成され、瓶詰めされている。その工程は実質的に変わっていない。



タバスコ(R)ソースはその丁寧な専門技と汎用性によって、1世紀半にわたりシェフや家庭の料理人、バーテンダー、グルメの友になってきた。タバスコ(R)ソースのメーカーであるMcIlhenny Company(マキルヘニー社)は創業150周年の歴史的な節目を記念、今年いっぱい祭典を開催して、「マキルヘニー氏が作った有名なソース」をテーブルの主要製品、台所になくてはならないもの、世界の古典的・現代的レシピの必需品にした人々にささげる。


McIlhenny Companyの社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)でマキルヘニー家5代目のアンソニー・A・シモンズ氏は「私の家族とMcIlhenny Companyの職員一同は、この信じがたい記念祭をもたらしたタバスコ(R)ソースに対する愛に大いに恐縮している。高祖父は、裏庭の新事業が全く新しい料理部門に上り詰めるなんて夢にも思わなかっただろう。150年後、世界中のあらゆる場所でこれほど多くの人々に素晴らしい味の料理をもたらしたことを、彼が喜ぶことを確信している。今後150年、タバスコ(R)ソースがどこに行き、どのように使われるか、想像するのは楽しい」と語った。

150周年記念祭は100年以上全編公演が行われていない19世紀末の喜劇パロディー「TABASCO: A Burlesque Opera」の限定公演によって、ニューオーリンズで開幕する。New Orleans Opera Association(ニューオーリンズ・オペラ協会)が制作し、2018年1月25-28日に行われるショーのチケットは専用サイト(http://neworleansopera.org/operas )で入手可能。

祝祭は2018年1月28日まで続き、今年ニューオーリンズ市の300周年を祝うNew Orleans Tricentennial Commission(ニューオーリンズ300周年委員会)と提携した史上初のタバスコ(R)ウイーク(TABASCO(R)Week)には、ニューオーリンズの大半の著名シェフ、料理団体が参加する。この公式ホリデーにはタバスコ(R)ブランド(TABASCO(R)Brand)シェフパートナーシップ、限定メニュー、特別料理、その他が盛り込まれる。

ニューオーリンズから、世界の台所でタバスコ(R)ソースの役割をたたえるバースデーパーティーが出発する。McIlhenny Companyはニューヨーク、ロンドン、上海などのファンを大小のイベントに招待する。そこでは世界の一流シェフと創造的な料理人がペパーソースを使う刺戟的で思いも寄らない手法を味わうことができる。世界のイベント出席者は360度ビデオのマジックを通じて、先祖伝来のタバスコペパー畑が生い茂り、すりつぶされたペパーがオーク樽で熟成され、タバスコ(R)ソース工場が今なお世界一有名なボトルを1瓶ごと生産するエイブリーアイランドに運ばれる。



▽McIlhenny Company(マキルヘニー社)について

McIlhenny Company(マキルヘニー社)はタバスコ(R)ブランド製品を生産しており、それは22の言語・方言ラベルを貼られて185カ国・地域以上で販売されている。創業150年のMcIlhenny Companyのペパーソース・ラインアップは、世界で名高いTABASCO(R) Brand Original Red Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/original-red-sauce )以下次の通り。

*Green Jalapeño Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/green-jalapeno-sauce

*Chipotle Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/chipotle-sauce

*SWEET & Spicy Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/sweet-spicy-sauce

*Habanero Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/habanero-sauce

*Garlic Pepper Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/garlic-pepper-sauce

*Buffalo Style Hot Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/buffalo-style-hot-sauce

*Sriracha Sauce(https://www.tabasco.com/product/sriracha-sauce


Jennifer Mestayer

Hunter Public Relations (New York),


PH: +1 212-679-6600;

Alex Conway

Hunter Public Relations (London)


PH: +44 207-033-7795

ソース:McIlhenny Company

TABASCO(R) Sauce Celebrates 150 Years Of Flavoring Food + Drinks Around The World


AVERY ISLAND, La., Jan. 10, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

In 1868 Edmund McIlhenny harvested his first tabasco pepper crop from which he

created a piquant sauce to enliven the flavors in foods for family and friends.

The creation of this simple sauce would unwittingly change the way the world

eats forever. Today, 150 years later, the same three ingredients that made his

TABASCO(R) Sauce – tabasco peppers, salt and vinegar – are aged and bottled by

Edmund's family on Avery Island, the process virtually unchanged.  

Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:


The careful craftsmanship and versatility of TABASCO(R) Sauce has made it a

friend of chefs, home cooks, bartenders and food lovers for a century and a

half. On the occasion of its 150th anniversary, McIlhenny Company, the maker of

TABASCO(R) Sauce, will mark this historic milestone with a yearlong celebration

dedicated to the people who have made "that famous sauce Mr. McIlhenny makes" a

staple on tables, indispensable in kitchens and an essential ingredient in

classic and contemporary recipes worldwide.

TABASCO(R) Sauce is a uniquely global brand not only for its ubiquity, but also

for its versatility. The iconic red-capped bottle with the diamond label is

sold in more than 185 countries and territories and labeled in 22 languages and

dialects. This instantly recognizable pepper sauce is just as at home in main

street diners, hole-in-the-wall dives and the finest dining establishments as

it is in the home pantries, kitchen tabletops and handbags of food lovers all

over the world.

"My family and all of us at McIlhenny Company are truly humbled by the love

we've seen for TABASCO(R) Sauce that has brought us to this incredible

anniversary," said Anthony A. Simmons, president & CEO of McIlhenny Company and

fifth-generation McIlhenny family member. "I don't know if my

great-great-grandfather ever dreamed that his backyard start-up would have

given rise to an entirely new food category. One hundred and fifty years later,

I'm certain he'd be pleased to have brought so much great tasting food to so

many people in so many places all around the world. It's exciting to imagine

where TABASCO(R) Sauce will go and how it will be used over the next 150 years."

The 150th anniversary celebration will kick off in New Orleans with a limited

engagement of TABASCO: A Burlesque Opera, a comedic burlesque dating to the

late 19th century that hasn't been performed in its entirety in more than a

century. Tickets for the show, produced by the New Orleans Opera Association,

are available to the general public at http://neworleansopera.org/operas for

performances scheduled for January 25-28, 2018.

The festivities will continue on January 28, 2018, as many of New Orleans' most

notable chefs and culinary institutions take part in the first ever TABASCO(R)

Week in partnership with the New Orleans Tricentennial Commission, which will

commemorate the 300th anniversary of the city of New Orleans this year. The

official holiday will include TABASCO(R) Brand chef partnerships, exclusive

menus, special dishes and more.

From New Orleans, the birthday party hits the road to celebrate the role of

TABASCO(R) Sauce in the global kitchen. McIlhenny Company will invite fans in

New York, London, Shanghai and beyond to events big and small, where they can

taste the exciting and unexpected ways the world's top chefs and creative cooks

use the pepper sauce. Through the magic of 360 degree video, event attendees

the world over will be transported to Avery Island, where heirloom tabasco

pepper fields thrive, mashed peppers age in oak barrels and the TABASCO(R)

Sauce factory still produces every single bottle of the world's most famous


For those eager to celebrate at home, TABASCO(R) Brand has invited chef and

bartender friends from around the world to spotlight classic dishes and drinks

that have made the sauce an icon, as well as popular, and sometimes surprising,

foods that continue to make TABASCO(R) Sauce indispensable today. Recipes will

be released throughout the year on TABASCO.com and on TABASCO(R) Brand social

channels alongside snapshots of the rich and storied role that this pepper

sauce has played in the history of food, American and global culture.

To learn more about the 150th anniversary of TABASCO(R) Sauce, visit

TABASCO.com or follow the conversation on social media with #TABASCO150.

About McIlhenny Company

McIlhenny Company produces TABASCO(R) Brand products, which are sold in more

than 185 countries and territories around the world and labeled in 22 languages

and dialects. The 150-year-old company makes a line of pepper sauces, including

its world-famous TABASCO(R) Brand Original Red Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/original-red-sauce), Green Jalapeno Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/green-jalapeno-sauce), Chipotle Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/chipotle-sauce), SWEET & Spicy Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/sweet-spicy-sauce), Habanero Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/habanero-sauce), Garlic Pepper Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/garlic-pepper-sauce), Buffalo Style Hot Sauce

(https://www.tabasco.com/product/buffalo-style-hot-sauce), and Sriracha Sauce


CONTACT: Jennifer Mestayer, Hunter Public Relations (New York),

TABASCOMedia@hunterpr.com, PH: +1 212-679-6600; Alex Conway, Hunter Public

Relations (London), TABASCOMedia@hunterpr.com, PH: +44 207-033-7795

SOURCE: McIlhenny Company




