中国- ASEAN博覧会の開催都市、南寧で地下鉄2号線が開業

The News Bureau of Nanning Municipal Government

中国- ASEAN博覧会の開催都市、南寧で地下鉄2号線が開業

AsiaNet 71756 (0041)

【南寧(中国)2018年1月5日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国-ASEAN博覧会(China-ASEAN Exposition)が開催される広西チワン族自治区の南寧市は2017年12月28日、地下鉄2号線の運行を開始した。この新路線は、2016年に開業した地下鉄1号線と中継駅を共有するので、2号線の開業は南寧地下鉄が今や十字の路線網を形成し、南寧市が通勤に便利な新時代の先導役であることを示している。南寧は中国南西部の広西チワン族自治区の首都で、同自治区の政治、経済、文化と輸送の中心地でもある。南寧地下鉄の1号線と2号線の開業と運行で、広西チワン族自治区は地下鉄システムを備えた最初の少数民族グループの自治地区として注目の的になった。


南寧市は中国南部と南西部と東南アジア経済圏の交差点に位置し、Beibu Gulf Economic Zone(北部湾経済地帯)の中核であり、中国-ASEAN博覧会の恒久的な開催地だ。幸い比類のない自然条件に恵まれ、南寧全体が年間通して実り豊かで、そのため「緑の都市」との別名を持つ。2016年に"UN Habitat Award"(国連住宅賞)を受賞した南寧は、住宅都市農村建設省から”national ecological garden cities"(国民エコロジー庭園都市)の最初の集団に登録された。2018年12月に、12th China International Garden Expo(第12回中国国際庭園博覧会)が南寧で開催される予定だ。

ソース:The News Bureau of Nanning Municipal Government


China-ASEAN Exposition Host City Nanning Opens Metro Line 2


NANNING, China, Jan. 5, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On December 28, 2017, the host to the China-ASEAN Exposition, Nanning of

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, commenced operation of its Metro Line 2. As

the new route shares an interchange with Metro Line 1 that opened in 2016, the

opening of Line 2 indicates that the Nanning Metro has now formed a

cross-shaped network and that the city is ushering a new era of commuting

convenience. Nanning is the capital of the southwestern Chinese autonomous

region of Guangxi, as well as the center of Guangxi politics, economy, culture

and transportation. The opening and operation of Line 1 and Line 2 of the

Nanning Metro has launched Guangxi into the limelight as the first minority

ethnic group autonomous region with a subway system.

It has been known that after the opening of Line 2, the Nanning Metro now

operates 53.1 km of routes and 43 stations. The transfer between Line 1 and

Line 2 not only makes commuting much easier for citizens and mitigates

above-ground traffic congestion, but also instills more vitality and hope into

the city. The opening of Metro Line 2 is a testament to the overall rise in

socio-economic development level of Nanning and will promote and accelerate

both public transportation and urban construction. The new line is also

conducive to Nanning's goal for establishing a general international

transportation hub of the region and a modernized and eco-friendly metropolis

with hospitable environment, and is contributive to Nanning's developmental

target to forging a city with higher sense of security, stronger sense of

belonging and more happiness. As planned, the future Nanning Metro network will

be comprised of 184 stations and eight lines totaling about 252 km in mileage.

The city of Nanning is located at the juncture of the southern China,

southwestern China and Southeast Asia economic circles, and is a core in the

Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the permanent host of the China-ASEAN Exposition.

Well-endowed with unrivaled natural conditions, the entire Nanning remains lush

throughout the year and thus has been nicknamed the "Green City". A recipient

of the "UN Habitat Award", in 2016 Nanning was inscribed into the first batch

of "national ecological garden cities" by the Ministry of Housing and

Urban-Rural Development. In December 2018, the 12th China International Garden

Expo will take place in Nanning.

SOURCE:The News Bureau of Nanning Municipal Government

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