
ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム (The Consumer Goods Forum)


AsiaNet 71548


パリ、2017年12月13日 – ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム (http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/ )は本日、消費財セクターが低酸素ソリューションをどのように実施 (http://beta.theconsumergoodsforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/low-carbon-solutions-sustainable-consumer-goods.pdf )しているかに関する具体的な例を示すレポートを発表しました。レポートでは、これらのソリューションを紹介することにより、重要な知識と実例を共有し、業界全体でのそれらの使用を促進し、同セクターのカーボンフットプリントの削減を支援することを目指しています。レポートは、COP 21から正確に2年後に、気候変動サミット(One Planet Summit)と連携して発表されています。そこでは、エマニュエル・マクロン仏大統領がコミットメントから行動へと進み、パリ協定を実体経済にもたらすことを目指しています。

(Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/556222/The_Consumer_Goods_Forum_Logo.jpg )










Peter Freedman(ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラムのマネージングディレクター)は、次のように述べました。「気候変動は、私たち全員が取り組む必要のある課題です。議論の時間は終わりです。地球の温度が現在のペースで上昇し続けた場合、他の産業と同様、消費財産業もビジネスリスクの増大に直面しています。私たちの加盟企業は、長い間、責任あるビジネスの支援に取り組んでおり、私は、そうした企業が低炭素、循環経済を実施し、全企業のために経験を共有して、他を導くのを確認するのを嬉しく思います」。

Alexandre Bompard(カルフールの会長兼最高経営責任者)は、レポートでソリューションを共有していますが、付け加えて次のように言いました。「気候変動の課題では、世界的な温暖化を1.5°C~2°Cに制限するために、すべてのセクター、およびすべてのバリューチェーンに世界的な移行を要求します。この視点から、競合他社は、私たちが最も関連するソリューションを共有できる、また共有する必要があるパートナーでもあります。したがって、カルフールの課題は、この世界的な移行で既存のパートナーシップを支援しながら、さらに協力を発展させることです。







The Consumer Goods Forum Publishes Report on Low-Carbon Solutions in the Consumer Goods Sector


PARIS, Dec. 13, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

      CGF members share best practices on how to implement low-carbon business


    The Consumer Goods Forum [http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com ] has today

published a report showcasing concrete examples of how the consumer goods

sector is implementing low-carbon solutions


utions-sustainable-consumer-goods.pdf ] . By sharing these solutions, the

report seeks to share essential knowledge and real-life examples to further

their use across the industry and to help reduce the sector's carbon footprint.

The report comes exactly two years after COP 21,  and in co-ordination with the

One Planet Summit, where French President Emmanuel Macron seeks to drive from

commitment to action and bring the Paris Agreement into the real economy.


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/556222/The_Consumer_Goods_Forum_Logo.jpg )

    Consisting of manufacturers, transporters and distributors, the consumer

goods sector is one of the largest sectors of economic activity today. Present

in our daily lives with household products and food, it represents about 60% of

global greenhouse gas emissions across the whole value chain.

    For several years now, companies in the sector have tested and deployed

solutions related to energy efficiency, renewable energy and technological

innovation in order to reduce their environmental footprint. These include:

    - Intelligent lighting systems;

    - Sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning systems;

    - Producing renewable energy on-site;

    - Purchasing green electricity (Guarantees of Origin, Renewable Energy


      Power Purchase Agreements);

    - Logistics optimisation systems;

    - Using alternative fuels and natural refrigerants.

    These solutions can effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the

sector, therefore, it is necessary to deploy them on a large-scale to generate

significant impacts.

    Peter Freedman, Managing Director of The Consumer Goods Forum, said, "The

climate challenge is one we all need to take up. The time for talk is over. If

global temperatures continue to increase at the current rate, the consumer

industry - like everyone else - will face increased business risks. Our member

companies have long been committed to supporting responsible business and I am

happy to see them lead the way, implementing a low carbon, circular economy and

sharing their experiences for the benefit of all."

    Alexandre Bompard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Carrefour, who

share their solution in the report, added, "The climate change challenge calls

for a global transition from all sectors, and all value chains in order to

limit global warming between 1.5degree (s)C and 2degree(s)C. From this point of

view, our competitors are also partners with whom we can, and must, share the

most relevant solutions. Carrefour's challenge is therefore to further develop

collaboration, while also supporting existing partnerships in this global


    However, this can only be regarded as a first step. Indirect greenhouse gas

emissions, associated with the sourcing of raw materials and consumption

habits, make up the majority of emissions from the sector. The Consumer Goods

Forum recognises that collaboration needs to take place along the entire value

chain and across sectors. Only through this collaborative and cross-sector

approach can the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals be

achieved and long-term business growth secured.

    Download Low Carbon Solutions for a Sustainable Consumer Goods Sector


utions-sustainable-consumer-goods.pdf ]

    About The Consumer Goods Forum

    The Consumer Goods Forum ("CGF [http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com ]") is

a global, parity-based industry network that is driven by its members to

encourage the global adoption of practices and standards that serves the

consumer goods industry worldwide. It brings together the CEOs and senior

management of some 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and other

stakeholders across 70 countries, and it reflects the diversity of the industry

in geography, size, product category and format. Its member companies have

combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and directly employ nearly 10 million

people, with a further 90 million related jobs estimated along the value chain.

It is governed by its Board of Directors, which comprises more than 50

manufacturer and retailer CEOs. For more information, please visit:


SOURCE: The Consumer Goods Forum




