


AsiaNet 71592 (2070)

【北京2017年12月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国のビッグデータ・テクノロジー企業Wecashは、新技術の適用による地元の賃貸部門の変革を目指し、広州でのアパート賃貸向けスマートインターネット・プラットフォームの構築に今後1年間で100億元(約15億米ドル)を投資する計画をこのほど発表した。


今年下半期にMeiwoはWecashの統一ブランドMeiwo Meiyuにアップグレードされ 、長期賃貸向けのB2B2C管理プラットフォームの最新のイテレーションに加え、中国の一線都市にある同社店舗で1万件以上の賃貸物件を追加した。新バージョンのプラットフォームは、資産管理会社および事業者が交通、テクノロジー、サプライチェーン管理、財務管理およびブランド力の点で統合された付加価値サービスを提供することを可能にする。

Wecashの短期賃貸および代替宿泊施設サービスの開発戦略の一環として、当社は2番目の賃貸プロジェクトBox Spaceを開始した。Box Spaceは若年層にスマートシェアホテル宿泊体験を提供するために特別に設計されている。さらにWecashは、若年層を対象とした都市交通および宿泊サービスのプロバイダーであるttgに戦略的投資を行った。ttgは、そのビジネス戦略を「1 + X」と定義しており、これは都市の中心ビジネス地区に旗艦オフィスを構え、同じ市内およびその周辺に分散した複数のサテライトオフィスを持つことを表す。



Wecash to invest $1.5 billion in building the first smart internet platform for apartment rentals in Guangzhou, China


BEIJING, Dec. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Chinese big data technology firm Wecash announced recently a plan to invest 10

billion yuan (approx. US$1.5 billion) in the building of a smart internet

platform for apartment rentals in Guangzhou over the next year, with the aim of

transforming the local home rental sector through the application of new


As early as 2015, Wecash started collaborating with rental service providers to

create a home rental scenario-based credit system and risk control model,

providing credit services for over one million rental transactions. In 2016,

Wecash created the Meiwo brand with the goal of exploring various service

scenarios by applying advanced technologies to the rental market and improving

the user experience with smart internet apartment rental services.

In the second half of this year, Meiwo was upgraded to Wecash's unified Meiwo

Meiyu brand and added over 10,000 homes available for rental at its company

stores in China's first-tier cities, in addition to the latest iteration of its

B2B2C management platform for long-term rentals. The new version of the

platform empowers property management firms and operators to deliver integrated

value-added services in terms of traffic, technology, supply chain management,

financial management and brand power.

As part of Wecash's development strategy for its short-term rental and

alternative accommodation services, the company launched a second rental

project Box Space. Box Space is designed specially to provide the young adult

demographic with a smart shared hotel accommodation experience. In addition,

Wecash made a strategic investment in ttg, an urban travel and accommodation

service provider also targeting young adults. ttg defines its business strategy

as "1+X", which stands for a flagship location in the central business district

of a city plus several satellite offices distributed in and around the same


meiwozufang.com chief executive Xiao Zhujun explained, with the implementation

of an intelligent big data evaluation system for home rentals, Meiwo opens up

the availability of an apartment or home for immediate occupancy by qualified

tenants based on their credit rating without requiring an advance deposit. In

addition, with a seamless connection to banks, Meiwo also rolled out a first:

payment of the rent in installments for cash-strapped tenants.  

SOURCE: Wecash




