
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation (MBRF)


AsiaNet 71582 (2067)

【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)2017年12月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



Knowledge Project(ナレッジプロジェクト)は、2017年11月21-22日にDubai World Trade Centre(ドバイ世界貿易センター)で開催された第4回Knowledge Summit(ナレッジサミット)で、これまでにない計測手段である初のGlobal Knowledge Index(グローバルナレッジ指数)を発表した。

(Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/620573/MBRF_Knowledge_Summit_2017.jpg

(Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/620572/Knowledge_Summit_2017.jpg



Global Knowledge Indexは、大学前の教育、技術職業教育・訓練、高等教育、情報・通信技術、研究開発・革新、経済の6分野の指数の組み合わせに基づき、一般的な支援環境に関する総合副指数を加味する。指数は、特に学校の入学、卒業、中途退学の比率、識字率、失業率、出生時平均余命、電子政府、政治的安定、法・規制制度、特許、民間部門の指標、人材(学生、教師、専門職、研究者)の質と有用性など、国の多くの重要部門を網羅する133の変数によって算定される。


Arab Knowledge Project主任技術顧問のハニー・トルキー博士は、グローバルナレッジ指数を、UAEにおける総合的かつ持続可能なナレッジ・ベースの開発推進の「大きな一歩」と呼んだ。初回の指数は、信頼できる確かなデータの入手可能性に基づいて選ばれた131カ国が対象である。Projectは、同指数が世界中の政策決定者や利害関係者を支援する実用的な手段になることを目指している。

Knowledge IndexはKnowledge Projectによって発表された。これは、国際的専門家らによる諮問委員会の監督下でのMohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation(ムハンマド・ビン・ラシド・マクトム・ナレッジ財団)と国連開発計画(UNDP)の協力の成果である。諮問委員会委員は次の各氏ら:国際電気通信連合(ITU)のアハメド・エルシェルビニ氏;世界銀行のアヌジャ・ウッツ氏;経済学者で国連大学マーストリヒト技術革新・経済社会研究所(UNU-MERIT)(マーストリヒト大学)上級研究員のヒューゴ・ホランダース氏;RESTING - Advice from the Futureの創設者ヤン・ストゥレソン氏;PwC研究開発ユニットのディレクター、ローラン・プロブスト氏;コグニティブキャピタルのルンド大学(スウェーデン)名誉教授レイフ・エドビンソン氏;UNDP人間開発報告書(HDR)室の主任統計学者ミロラド・コバセビッチ氏;ユネスコ国際職業技術教育事業(UNEVOC)責任者シュヤマル・マジュムダル氏;Higher Institute of Applied and Economic Sciencesのジャンルイ・ラビル氏;American University(カイロ)のアリ・ハディ氏;ケベック大学(モントリオール)のシド・アハメド・スシ氏。


指数の全結果とKnowledge Projectの詳細は次のリンクhttp://www.knowledge4all.com を参照。

ソース:Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation (MBRF)

Switzerland, Singapore and Finland Take Top Three Spots in the First Global Knowledge Index


DUBAI, UAE, December 17, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Results announced at the Knowledge Summit 2017 in Dubai.

    - Index covers 131 countries in its first edition.

    The Knowledge Project has launched the first Global Knowledge Index, an

unprecedented instrument, at the fourth Knowledge Summit, held at the Dubai

World Trade Centre on November 21-22, 2017.


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/620573/MBRF_Knowledge_Summit_2017.jpg )

     (Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/620572/Knowledge_Summit_2017.jpg )

    The Index identifies knowledge as an integral part of human life, affecting

its social,  economic and cultural aspects, as well as an engine for

comprehensive and sustainable human development.

    The Index's first edition saw Switzerland take first place with 71.8 points

out of 100,  closely followed by Singapore (69.5), Finland (68.5), Sweden

(68.3), Netherlands (68), the United States (67.2), Luxembourg (66.2), the

United Kingdom (65.6), Denmark (65.2) and Norway (64.3).

    The Global Knowledge Index is based on a combination of six sectoral

indices: pre-university education; technical vocational education and training;

higher education; information and communications technology; research,

development and innovation; and, finally, economy, in addition to a general

sub-index on the general enabling environment. The index is calculated through

133 variables covering various vital sectors in the country, such as enrolment,

graduation and drop-out rates in schools; literacy; unemployment; life

expectancy at birth; e-government; political stability; regulatory and legal

frameworks; patents; private-sector indicators; quality and availability of

human resources (students, teachers, professionals and researchers), among

other criteria.

    Also among the Index's notable results were the Philippines and Azerbaijan

ranking fourth and 11th, respectively, in technical vocational education and

training, while the UAE ranked second in economy.

    Dr. Hany Torky, Chief Technical Advisor of the Arab Knowledge Project,

described the Global Knowledge Index as "a major step" in the comprehensive and

sustainable knowledge-based development drive in the UAE. In its first edition,

the index includes 131 countries, selected based on the availability of

reliable and credible data. The Project aims for the index to become a

practical tool that supports decision-makers and stakeholders around the world.

    The Knowledge Index was released by the Knowledge Project; it is the result

of a collaboration between the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge

Foundation and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), under the

supervision of an advisory committee of international experts, including Ahmed

El Sherbini of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU); Anuja Utz of

the World Bank; Hugo Hollanders an Economist and Senior Researcher at UNU-MERIT

(Maastricht University); Jan Sturesson, Founder of RESTING - Advice from the

Future; Laurent Probst, Director, Research and Development Unit, PwC; Leif

Edvinsson, Professor of Cognitive Capital, Emeritus, Lund University, Sweden;

Milorad Kovacevic, Chief Statistician at UNDP's HDRO; Shyamal Majumdar, Head of

UNESCO-UNEVOC; Jean-Louis Laville of the Higher Institute of Applied and

Economic Sciences; Ali Hadi of the American University in Cairo and Sid Ahmed

Soussi of the University of Quebec in Montreal.

    Note to editors:

    To view the full results of the index and to learn more about the Knowledge

Project, please visit the following link: http://www.knowledge4all.com

SOURCE: Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation (MBRF)




