多様な文化とオールフォーワン観光を推進:12月に珠海で2017 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival開催

Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province

AsiaNet 71030 (1821)

多様な文化とオールフォーワン観光を推進:12月に珠海で2017 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival開催

【広州(中国)2017年11月14日新華社=共同通信JBN】広東省観光局はこのほど記者会見し、12月12日に「Dynamic Guangdong, Romantic Zhuhai(ダイナミックな広東、ロマンチックな珠海)」のテーマで2017 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival(広東国際観光文化フェスティバル)が中国のロマンチック・シティー、珠海で幕を開けることを発表した。文化交流を推進し、投資を引き出すと同時に、このイベントで、国内外の観光客からの需要の増加に応え、オールフォーワン観光を発展させる試みだ。具体的には、広東文化と異国の文化を結び、広東-香港-マカオ・グレーターベイエリア(Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)のための都市観光団体を設立し、エリアの最高の観光ルートを宣伝するよう計画されている。

「City of Romance(ロマンスの都市)」または「City of Hundred Islands(数百の島の都市)」と呼ばれ、今年のフェスティバル開催地でもある珠海は、風光明媚な観光地巡で中国南東沿岸部を率いてきた。フェスティバルでは、観光客は、その場での経験や観光ルートのプロモーションを通して、印象的な景色や豊富な観光資源を大いに評価するだろう。オンライン、および実際のツアー・オペレーターは、イベントで各ブースを設置し、観光客はそこで自分の好む競合製品を見つけるだろう。




ソース:Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province

Promote Diverse Cultures and All-For-One Tourism -- 2017 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival to Kick off in Zhuhai this December


GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 14, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

In a recent press conference, Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province

announced that, the 2017 Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival

will kick off in Zhuhai, the romantic city of China on December 12, under the

theme of "Dynamic Guangdong, Romantic Zhuhai." While promoting cultural

exchange and drawing investment, the event is attempting to foster all-for-one

tourism in response to the increasing demand from tourists at home and aboard.

Specifically, it is designed to connect Cantonese and exotic cultures,

establish an urban tour union for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay

Area and promote the Area's prime tour routes.

Zhuhai, the "City of Romance" and "City of Hundred Islands," and host city of

the Festival this year, has been leading southeastern coastal China in scenic

tourism. At the Festival, tourists will appreciate the imposing scenery and

abundant tourism resources through on-spot experience and tour route promotion.

Online and physical tour operators will set up their booths at the event, where

tourists will find out the competitive products they favor.

With focus on all-for-one tourism, Guangdong has now been creating a new

leisure travelling experience with Cantonese features. The opening ceremony of

the Festival will mark the launch of the urban tour union for the

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the introduction to the Area's

selected tour routes. That means the "tourism at scenic spots" will be replaced

by all-for-one tourism, bringing more product options to tourists.

All tourism resources in Guangdong will cluster at the Festival, when such

activities as fun carnival, performances for cultural exchange and high-level

forum on unban tourism will be offered. As a tourist, you can enjoy a leisure

cruise on a yacht while appreciating exotic charm of performing groups from

Cook Islands and Poland, and apart from that, amazing food, sparkling light

shows and a tour on Cantonese intangible cultural heritage...All these efforts

will give tourists an all-round sightseeing tour experience in Guangdong and

invite investment for its tourism industry.

The biennial Festival, since its set-up in 2005, has gone through nine

sessions. Now, it has been an important means for Guangdong to promote its

tourism and cultural industries and build up its regional image and fame. Such

influence has, thus, made it indispensable to enhancing communication and

investment in the cultural and tourism sectors. Statistics show that the last

Festival hosted 580 thousand visitors and saw 31 signed projects in tourism and

cultural industries, with a total investment of 52.56 billion yuan.

Source: Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province




