21世紀海のシルクロード構想4周年開発フォーラムと第5回CMEC Brand Promotion Conferenceを開催

CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

21世紀海のシルクロード構想4周年開発フォーラムと第5回CMEC Brand Promotion Conferenceを開催

AsiaNet 70826(1723)

【クアラルンプール(マレーシア)2017年11月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


The 4th Anniversary Development Forum of 21th Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative(21世紀海のシルクロード構想4周年開発フォーラム)と第5回CMEC Brand Promotion Conference(CMECブランド振興会議)が2017年10月27日、マレーシアのクアラルンプールでChina Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC)と北京大学の共催により開催された。

マレーシア科学技術革新省のアブバクル・モハマド・ディア副大臣、マレーシア・中国商業会議所(MCCC)のカーク・レオン・シン副会頭、スリランカのラウフ・ハキーム都市開発上下水道相とマレーシアの元駐中国大使など数人の重要な来賓があいさつした。Electricite du Laos(ラオス電力、EDL)の上級幹部が中国国内以外の市場のCMEC利用者を代表して、ユーザー体験について講演した。中国政府の強い支持を示すため、在マレーシア中華人民共和国大使館のシ・ジミン経済商務参事官が出席した。バングラデシュ、カンボジア、インドネシア、ラオス、マレーシア、モルディブ、ミャンマー、シンガポール、スリランカ、タイを含む世界中の17カ国・地域の代表300人余が集まった。出席者には他の政府当局者としてはモルディブのマウムーン・アブドルサマド住宅社会基盤省副大臣、業界団体代表、上級シンクタンクのトップ研究者、構想の対象となっている各国の工業商業界代表らも含まれる。CMECのチャン・チュン社長は「CMEC-Your Partner for Success(CMEC、あなたの成功のパートナー」と題して基調講演し、複数のビジネスミーティングと会議に参加した。


CMECブランドの影響力を強化するため、CMEC Brand Promotion Conference(ブランド振興会議)が主催者言うところの「ワンプラススリー・アプローチ」を利用して開催された。午前に1会議が開かれ、午後にエンジニアリング設計・調達と施工、資金調達、マシナリーエンジニアリングの学術的側面に関する3つのサブフォーラムが開かれた。CMECはゼネラルエレクトリック(GE)を含む戦略パートナーと協力して、「EPCプラス新技術」をテーマにした行事で、顧客にエンジニアリング統合における同社の顕著な力量を示した。中国開発銀行、中国建設銀行、中国銀行、ドイツ銀行、スタンダードチャータード銀行など20近い中国・国際金融機関の上級幹部らがCMECとの協力の概要を述べ、投資・金融パートナーとしてのCMECの信頼性の証しを示した。北京大学は21世紀海のシルクロード沿線諸国の相関関係に関する報告書を正式に発表、関係諸国の専門家や学術有識者に中国とマレーシアの協力の可能性や21世紀海のシルクロード構想の将来に関する討議への参加を招請した。

フォーラムとブランド振興会議は2015年のインドネシアでの初回会合、2016年のタイでの1周年行事と続き、3年連続で東南アジア諸国で開催されてきた。行事の組織はCMECの子会社CMEC International Exhibitionが請け負っている。今年の行事は光電技術とマルチメディア相互作用を利用したデモンストレーションなどで特に鮮明なプレゼンテーションとなり、CMECのブランドイメージと影響力を明示した。




ソース: CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

The 4th Anniversary Development Forum of the 21th Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and the 5th CMEC Brand Promotion Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 1, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-The event included discussions on the future of the 21th Century Maritime Silk

Road Initiative, helping to create a community of shared future for mankind-

The 4th Anniversary Development Forum of 21th Century Maritime Silk Road

Initiative and the 5th CMEC Brand Promotion Conference, co-hosted by China

Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) and Peking University, took place in

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on October 27, 2017.  

Several key guests delivered speeches at the event, including Deputy Minister

of Science, Technology and Innovation (Malaysia) YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar

Mohamad Diah, vice president of the Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC)

Kerk Loong Sing and Minister of City Planning and Water Supply (Sri Lanka)

Rauff Hakeem, as well as the former Malaysian Ambassador to China. A

high-ranking executive from Electricite du Laos (EDL) gave a speech on user

experience on behalf of CMEC's users in markets outside of its domestic market

in China. As evidence of strong support from the Chinese government, the

Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of

China in Malaysia Shi Ziming was in attendance. The event also brought together

over 300 representatives from 17 countries and regions worldwide, including

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Singapore,

Sri Lanka and Thailand. Attendees included Deputy Minister of Housing and

Infrastructure (Maldives) Maumoon Abdulsamad, among other government officials,

representatives from industry associations, top researchers from high-end think

tanks and representatives from the industrial and commercial communities in the

countries targeted by the initiative. CMEC president Zhang Chun delivered a

keynote speech themed "CMEC-Your Partner for Success" and took part in several

business meetings and conferences during the event.

The event received wide attention from the media community. China Radio

International (CRI) conducted an exclusive interview with CMEC president Zhang

Chun. Additionally, several dozen local and international media outlets,

including leading Chinese news agencies, issued featured reports on the event.

Among them, Xinhua News Agency, China News Service, Radio Televisyen Malaysia

(RTM), NanYang Siang Pau, Sin Chew Daily and Oriental Daily News.

To further increase CMEC's brand influence, the CMEC Brand Promotion Conference

was organized using what the event organizer termed as the "one plus three"

approach: one conference held in the morning and three sub-forums held in the

afternoon related respectively to the engineering design, procurement and

construction, the financing and the academic aspects of machinery engineering.

CMEC, in cooperation with its strategic partners, including General Electric

(GE), demonstrated the company's outstanding competence in engineering

integration to its customers during the "EPC plus new technology"-themed

events. High-level executives from nearly 20 Chinese and international

financial institutions, including China Development Bank, China Construction

Bank, Bank of China, Deutsche Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, outlined their

cooperation with CMEC, serving as a testament to CMEC's reliability as an

investment and financing partner. In addition, Peking University formally

released its Report on the Interconnections among Countries along the 21th

Century Maritime Silk Road and invited specialists and academic experts from

the countries involved to participate in the discussions on potential

collaborations between China and Malaysia and on the future of the 21th Century

Maritime Silk Road Initiative.  

The Forum and Brand Promotion Conference has been held in Southeast Asian

countries for three years in a row following the inaugural gathering in

Indonesia in 2015 and the first anniversary event in Thailand in 2016. The

organization of the events was undertaken by CMEC's controlling subsidiary CMEC

International Exhibition. This year's event which included demonstrations on

the use of photoelectric technology and multimedia interactions proved to be an

especially vivid presentation and demonstration of CMEC's brand image and


"CMEC highly values its markets in Southeast Asia, especially South Asia, and

has identified the region as one of the company's key strategic markets outside

of its home market," said president Zhang in his keynote speech. "Going

forward, CMEC plans to continue embracing innovation as the firm keeps

perfecting the business model as part of its mission to achieve the vision of

becoming a leading global international engineering contractor and service

provider and of making further worthwhile contributions to the fulfillment of

the 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative and the creation of a community of a shared

future for mankind."



SOURCE: CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd.




