
ロスコングレス基金(Roscongress Foundation)


AsiaNet 70559

サンクト・ペテルブルク(ロシア)、2017年10月13日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

第137回列国議会同盟(IPU:Inter-Parliamentary Union)会議が、10月14日から18日までサンクト・ペテルブルクで開催されます。同会議はロシアで開かれる最大の国際的議会行事であり、我が国にとって特に重要で意義深いものです。


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/583010/Roscongress_Logo.jpg )




予定される主要行事の一つは、「民主主義に関する世界宣言採択20周年:多様性における共通点について(On the 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Democracy: the Commonality of our Diversity)」の決議提案です。列国議会同盟の女性国会議員フォーラム(Forum of Women Parliamentarians)と若手国会議員フォーラム(Forum of Young Parliamentarians)のテーマ別カンファレンスやセッションもあります。下記のIPU常任委員会のセッションが開催されます:議会運営委員会、民主主義と人権常任委員会、国連問題常任委員会、持続可能な開発・財政・貿易常任委員会、平和・国際安全保障常任委員会。

会議にはアフリカ・グループ、アラブ・グループ、アジア太平洋グループ、ユーラシア・グループ、中南米とカリブ海のグループ、トゥエルブプラス・グループ(Twelve Plus Group:西欧と中欧、カナダその他の国を含む)というIPUの6つの地政学的グループのセッションもあります。ユーラシア地政学グループは、ロシア連邦議会代表のほかベラルーシ、カザフスタン、アルメニア、タジキスタン、キルギスタン、モルドバの国会議員で構成されます。トルクメニスタンが同盟に加盟すれば、同国の国会議員もこのグループに加わります。トルクメン人の国会議員が、第137回IPU会議直前にこのような意向を表明したのです。


第137回IPU会議の行事は、エキスポフォーラム・コンベンション&エキシビション・センター(ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre )、タヴリーチェスキー宮殿(Tavricheskiy Palace )、パーラメンタリー・センター(Parliamentary Centre)の3会場で開催されます。

ロスコングレス基金(Roscongress Foundation)が、コンベンションや展示の主催者






The 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly to Bring Together Parliamentarians from Around the World


ST PETERSBURG, Russia, Oct.13, 2017/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly is set to take place from 14

to 18 October in St Petersburg. The Assembly is the largest international

parliamentary event to be organised in Russia, and holds special importance and

significance for our country.

     (Logo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/583010/Roscongress_Logo.jpg )

    The IPU is the oldest existing international parliamentary organisation. It

was established in 1889 and brings together parliamentarians from 173

countries, as well as 11 inter-parliamentary organisations. Throughout its

history, the IPU has facilitated the development of parliamentarism, the

protection of human rights, the establishment of a multinational world, and the

preservation of international security. It is one of the world's most

authoritative parliamentary organisations.

    This year's Assembly promises to be the largest in the history of the IPU.

Approximately 100 heads of foreign parliaments, as well as delegations from

more than 150 countries, representing five continents, have already confirmed

their participation. The total number of registered participants already

exceeds 2,300. The 137th IPU Assembly will be covered by the world's major

media organisations.

    Russia has guaranteed smooth entry into the country for all foreign

participants, irrespective of their presence on Russian restricted lists drawn

up in response to Western sanctions. Everything will be provided to ensure an

atmosphere in which parliamentarians can engage in productive dialogue at the

Assembly venue.

    One of the main events on the programme will be the tabling of the

resolution 'On the 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal

Declaration of Democracy: the Commonality of our Diversity'. It will also

include thematic conferences and sessions of the Forum of Women

Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young Parliamentarians of the

Inter-Parliamentary Union. Sessions of the following IPU standing committees

will take place: the Assembly Steering Committee, the Standing Committee on

Democracy and Human Rights, the Standing Committee on United Nations Affairs,

the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance, and Trade, and the

Standing Committee on Peace and International Security.

    The Assembly will also feature sessions of the IPU's six geopolitical

groups: the African Group, the Arab Group, the Asia-Pacific Group, the Eurasia

Group, the Group of Latin-America and the Caribbean, and the Twelve Plus Group

(which includes the countries of Western and Central Europe, Canada, and some

other states). The Eurasia geopolitical group will be made up of a delegation

from the Russian Federal Assembly, together with parliamentarians from Belarus,

Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova. This group may also

be joined by parliamentarians from Turkmenistan in the event of the country's

accession to the Union. Turkmen parliamentarians announced such an intent on

the eve of the 137th IPU Assembly.

    The programme for the Assembly in St Petersburg will notably include the

election of a new IPU President.

    The events of the 137th IPU Assembly will take place at three venues: the

ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, Tavricheskiy Palace, and the

Parliamentary Centre.

    The Roscongress Foundation is a major organizer of convention and

exhibition events.

    The Roscongress Foundation was founded in 2007 to develop Russia's economic

potential and strengthen the country's image by organizing congresses and

exhibitions with an economic and social focus. The Foundation develops the

substantive content for these events, and provides companies with advice,

information, and expert guidance, as well as offering comprehensive evaluation,

analysis, and coverage of the Russian and global economic agenda.

    Today, its annual programme includes events held from Montevideo to

Vladivostok, offering an opportunity to bring together global business leaders,

experts, the media, and government officials in one place, creating favourable

conditions for dialogue and the promotion of new ideas and projects, and

assisting in the creation of social enterprise and charity projects.



    Source: Roscongress Foundation




