ブロックチェーンで6.5兆の戦略的な協調 - 日本のScry.info


ブロックチェーンで6.5兆の戦略的な協調 - 日本のScry.info

AsiaNet 70488 (1589)

【東京2017年10月9日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】北京時間の2017年10月7日、SCRY.INFOの日本コミュニティーが始まった。SCRY.INFO日本コミュニティーの発足式典は日本のブロックチェーン専門家とコミュニティーのメンバーから温かい歓迎を受けた。

この式典は世界的な格付け企業のS&Pグローバル、InfoDelivery、プルデンシャル・ファイナンシャル、富士通、FITECH LABS、Nissin Corporation、CCB、東京大学、アジア工科大学院を含む非常に多くの一流企業と大学を引き付けた。このイベント中、ブロックチェーンへの意欲を持つ日本人の参加者はSCRY.INFOが紹介した技術の詳細と応用事例に高い関心を示し、会場のSCRY.INFOチームと踏み込んだ討論を交わした。



SCRY.INFO共同創立者のレイとTLZS Corporation社長のSxrsingの両氏は会場で契約に調印した。これによりTLZS Corporationがリードする日本のSCRY.INFOコミュニティーが正式に設立された。Sxrsing社長はブロックチェーンが最先端の技術であると表明した。コンピューティングの飛躍は、すべての産業の利益となるようにコンピューターを作動させる方法の下でコンピューターが作動、構築するよう、それが命じられる方法に基づいている。ブロックチェーンはデータアプリケーションにおけるニーズに応え、それは予見できる具体的な経済的利益をもたらす技術である。それはたとえば効率性の改善、商業の運用コスト削減、知的で信用できる社会を構築することへの支援といったことである。






Scry.info in Japan: a 6.5 Trillion Strategic Cooperation in Blockchain


TOKYO, Oct. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/

On October 7, 2017, Beijing time, the SCRY.INFO Japanese community launched.

The launching ceremony of the SCRY.INFO Japanese community received a warm

welcome from Japanese blockchain professionals and community members.

The ceremony also attracted a great number of well-established enterprises and

colleges, including global rating company S&P Global, InfoDelivery, Prudential

Financial, Fujitsu, FITECH LABS Nissin Corporation, CCB as well as the

University of Tokyo and Asian Institute of Technology. During this event,

Japanese attendees with an appetite for blockchain showed strong interests in

technological details and application practice presented by SCRY.INFO, and had

in-depth discussions with the SCRY.INFO team on the spot.

SCRY.INFO is the world's first blockchain quantifiable platform for data

transactions, storage realizing, verification, sharing, analysis and

transactions of real data in smart contracts. Blockchain is not a technology

for the sole purpose of technology. In the time of symbolization and

information application, the goal of SCRY.INFO is to create value and gain a

competitive edge for more business partners, based on the combination of big

data and blockchain technology.

At the scene, Ray, co-founder of SCRY.INFO and Kurihara, the core developer of

this community, shared the progress of research and development of SCRY.INFO

and the practical plan for applying systematic smart contracts in business,

respectively. They opened an in-depth discussion and conducted a model test in

terms of grafting AI robot systems into the SCRY.INFO blockchain protocols.

They projected that they together will release the blockchain commercial

cooperation system integrated with artificial intelligence, in December.

Present was also algorithm engineer from the University of Tokyo Dr. Wang

Zhipeng and the founder of Sujitech, who represents a new generation of

technical engineers. Suji promotes technical knowledge sharing.

Co-founder of SCRY.INFO Ray and president of TLZS Corporation Sxrsing signed

the contract on the spot. Thus, the Japanese SCRY.INFO community led by TLZS

Corporation was officially set up. President Sxsing indicated that blockchain

is a cutting-edge technology. The leap of computing is based on how computers

are told to perform and built upon how to make computers perform in a way that

every industry can benefit from. Blockchain answers a need in data application

and is a technology that will bring with many foreseeable concrete economic

benefits, for instance, improving effectiveness, lowering commercial operating

cost and helping to build an intelligent credible society.

At present, Japan is paving the way for blockchain technology and its financial

applications worldwide, thanks to the appreciation and huge support from the

Japanese government and institutions. Blockchain technology will certainly

enjoy enormous development in the years to come. We believe that more and more

enterprises and institutions will connect to blockchain application systems in

Japan. SCRY.INFO will also add more strength into our Japanese community and

work together to promote the development of blockchain applications in Japan.

Ray expressed that SCRY.INFO welcomes new and old friends in Japan, inside or

outside this industry, and any enterprise, organization or individual who is

interested in blockchain smart contracts to join our SCRY.INFO community.

Together, we can build the SCRY.INFO ecological community, and embrace a future

of in-depth commercial cooperation and contribute to the development of

industrial blockchain technology application.



Captions: Photo from Scry.info

SOURCE: Scry.info




