


AsiaNet 70323

テルアビブ(イスラエル)、2017年9月28日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --


先日アーミス・ラブズ(Armis Labs:https://www.armis.com/ )が発見したブルートゥース(Bluetooth)のゼロデイ脆弱性は、高レベルのサイバーリスクを車両にもたらします。この脆弱性はブルーボーン(BlueBorne)と総称され、ランサムウェア攻撃を仕掛けるのに使うことができ、最悪完全に車両を乗っ取ることもできてしまいます。ブルーボーンを使ったエクスプロイト(攻撃コード)は、アーミス・ラブズのレポートやビデオ

https://www.armis.com/blueborne/#foobox-1/0/LLNtZKpL0P8 )に示されているように非常に高い感染力を持ちます。この脆弱性を使った攻撃は無線通信を経由し拡散し、感染した機器とペアリングしていなくてもブルートゥース接続から拡大感染します。


http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160721/391784LOGO )

5万時間以上にわたり自動車サイバー・セキュリティー研究を行ってきたアルガスは、ブルートゥース、WiFi、携帯電話接続、自動車コンポーネントに固有の設計上の脆弱性、更にはサードパーティー製ドングル(https://argus-sec.com/argus-cyber-security-working-bosch-promote-public-safety-mitigate-car-hacking/ )やソフトウェア・アップデートについて多数の脆弱性を明らかにしました。この幅広い自動車サイバー・セキュリティーの知識でアルガスは、ブルーボーンのバッファーオーバーフローのような脆弱性の利用を含めて、、侵入方法に依存せずにサイバー攻撃を検出・阻止できるアルガス・コネクティビティー・プロテクション(https://argus-sec.com/argus-connectivity-protection/ )を設計、開発しました。








@ArgusSec (https://twitter.com/ArgusSec )| LinkedIn



Brandon Weinstock



ソース: アルガス・サイバー・セキュリティー


Argus Protects Vehicles from High Risk Exploits of BlueBorne Bluetooth Vulnerability


TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 28, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Argus Connectivity Protection detects and prevents exploits of Bluetooth

vulnerabilities that render vehicles at high risk of remote cyber-attack

    Bluetooth zero day vulnerabilities recently discovered by Armis Labs

[https://www.armis.com ] leave vehicles at high risk of a remote cyber-attack.

The vulnerabilities, collectively named BlueBorne, can potentially be used to

perform ransomware attacks on vehicles, or worse, take complete control over

them. BlueBorne exploits can be highly infectious as demonstrated in the Armis

Labs report and in this

[https://www.armis.com/blueborne/#foobox-1/0/LLNtZKpL0P8 ] video. Attacks using

this vulnerability can spread wirelessly and penetrate devices through their

Bluetooth connections, without the need for pairing with the infected device.

(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/452675/Argus_Cyber_Security.jpg )

    With more than 50,000 hours of automotive cyber security research, Argus

has revealed a tremendous number of vulnerabilities in Bluetooth, WiFi, and

cellular connections, in design vulnerabilities inherent in vehicle components,

third-party dongles


mitigate-car-hacking ] , and in software updates. With this extensive

automotive cyber security knowledge, Argus designed and developed Argus

Connectivity Protection [https://argus-sec.com/argus-connectivity-protection ]

to protect vehicles from cyber-attacks no matter how they penetrate the

vehicle, including against vulnerabilities like the BlueBorne buffer overflow.

    Argus Connectivity Protection includes multiple security modules to harden

the target system, detect intrusions, and prevent malicious exploits of vehicle

infotainment and telematics units.

    "The BlueBorne discovery is just one more example of the vulnerability of

connected cars to cyber threats. By integrating multiple layers of security,

the automotive industry can protect vehicles and drivers from exploits and

attack vectors like BlueBorne and others", said Oron Lavi, Argus Co-Founder and

VP of R&D. "While operating system (OS) hardening is critical, it is only one

part of the Argus Connectivity Protection solution suite. To secure vehicles

from cyber-attacks for the duration of their lifespan, our connectivity

protection security modules build on advanced detection, prevention and

mitigation techniques to work stand-alone and with Argus in-vehicle and cloud

solutions to provide seamless, end-to-end protection."

    Argus provides the automotive industry multi-layered solutions that are

market-ready and comply with existing standards and imminent US legislation

[https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr3388/BILLS-115hr3388rfs.pdf ] on vehicle

cyber security that mandates intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS).

With Argus, automakers can assess and manage risks, embed security throughout

vehicle design and production and protect them throughout their lifetime.

    About Argus Argus, the global leader in automotive cyber security, provides

comprehensive and proven solution suites to protect connected cars and

commercial vehicles against cyber-attacks. Ranked number one in third-party

evaluations, Argus technologies are built on dozens of pending and granted

automotive patents that illustrate innovative security methods, proven computer

networking know-how and decades of experience in both cyber security and the

automotive industry. Argus customers include the world's largest OEMs and Tier

1 suppliers and partners include leading industry players. Founded in 2013,

Argus is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel, with offices in Michigan, Silicon

Valley, Stuttgart and Tokyo.

    @ArgusSec [https://twitter.com/ArgusSec ] | LinkedIn

[https://www.linkedin.com/company/5200367 ]

Media Contact:     

Brandon Weinstock     


+1 914-336-4878

SOURCE: Argus Cyber Security Ltd.




