
"One World Award“ c/o RAPUNZEL NATURKOST GmbH


AsiaNet 69985

レガウ(ドイツ)、2017年9月9日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --


第5回ワンワールド賞(OWA:One World Award)は9月8日、ラプンツェル・ナチュールコスト(Rapunzel Naturkost)での祝典で授与されました。世界各地から700人近いゲストがアルゴイ地方レガウを訪れました。今年は、2つの優良プロジェクトがOWAグランプリ(OWA Grand Prix)と賞金3万ユーロを分かち合いました。


フライブルク(ドイツ)とプネー(インド)のユナイテッド・ワールド・カレッジ(UWC:United World Colleges)


http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/553486/5th_One_World_Award.jpg )

OWAは、わずか数年で世界の有機食品運動のもっとも重要な賞になりました。ラプンツェル・ナチュールコストの創設者兼マネージング・ディレクターでOWAを設立したヨーゼフ・ヴィルヘルムは、開会の辞でこの賞を「公正かつ公平なグローバル化を推進する人と取り組みを称える奨励賞」と呼びました。ラプンツェルとIFOAM(Organics International:国際有機農業運動連盟)が提供する同賞は、3年に1度授与されます。

ドイツ経済協力開発大臣(German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development)のゲルト・ミューラー博士とヨーゼフ・ヴィルヘルムが、深遠なライフワークを認められたエチオピアの科学者で環境活動家のTewolde Berhan Begre Egziabher博士と妻のスー・エドワーズ博士の生涯功績賞(Lifetime Achievement Award)ほかの賞を授与しました。

賞金5000ユーロずつとOWA勲章がアゼルバイジャンのアミン・ババエフ教授、パレスティナのナセル・アブファーハ(カナン・プロジェクト:Canaan Project)、ジンバブエのマーサ=ジーン・シャミソ・ムンガシュに贈られました。






詳細: http://www.one-world-award.de

情報源:ラプンツェル・ナチュールコスト(Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH)「ワンワールド賞」


Presentation of the 5th One World Award


LEGAU, Germany, Sept. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

     Festive award gala for the winners from around the world

    The five winners of the 5th One World Award (OWA) were presented in a

festive gala on September 8 at Rapunzel Naturkost. Nearly 700 guests from all

parts of the world came to Legau in the Allgau region. This year, two

outstanding projects shared the OWA Grand Prix and the 30,000 Euro prize money:

    State Prime Minister Shri Pawan Chamling and the organic movement of the

federal state Sikkim/India.

    The United World Colleges (UWC) from Freiburg/Germany and Pune/India.

(Photo: http://mma.prnewswire.com/media/553486/5th_One_World_Award.jpg )

    Only within a few years, the OWA established itself to the most important

award of the global organic movement. Joseph Wilhelm, founder and managing

director of Rapunzel Naturkost and initiator of the OWA, describes the award in

his opening address as an "encourager award that honours people and initiatives

that promote fair and equitable globalization." The award that is presented by

Rapunzel and IFOAM - Organics International is awarded every three years.

    The German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dr.

Gerd Mueller and Joseph Wilhelm presented the awards including the Lifetime

Achievement Award that went to the Ethiopian scientist and environmental

activist Dr. Tewolde Berhan Begre Egziabher and his wife Dr. Sue Edwards for

their profound life's work.

    The prize money of 5,000 Euro each and an OWA medal went to Professor Amin

Babayev from Azerbaijan, Nasser Abufarha (Canaan Project) from Palestine and

Martha-Jean Shamiso Mungwashu from Zimbabwe.

    The highlight of the gala was the presentation of the OWA Grand Prix to two

winners: State Prime Minister Shri Pawan Chamling from India and the

representatives of the United World Colleges (UWC) from Freiburg and Pune. Each

of the two winners received a prize money of 15,000 Euro and an OWA statue

created by the Vietnamese-German artist Dao Droste.

    Joseph Wilhelm and the OWA coordinators were excited about the great

success of the 5th One World Award and were already looking forward to the

nominations from around the world for the next OWA that will be awarded in the

year 2020.

    About the One World Award (OWA)

    Joseph Wilhelm, German organic pioneer and founder of Rapunzel Naturkost,

initiated the OWA. Since 2008, the award honours people and projects at the

international level who create future in the sense of positive globalization in

consideration of economic, ecological and social aspects.

    IOFAM - Organics International, the global umbrella association of the

global organic agricultural movement, is the ideal partner for Rapunzel for the

organization of the award event.

    For more information: http://www.one-world-award.de

Press contact:

"One World Award" c/o RAPUNZEL NATURKOST GmbH

Eva Kiene/ Heike Kirsten / Phone: +49 (0)8330/ 529-1209 E-Mail:


Source:  "One World Award“ c/o RAPUNZEL NATURKOST GmbH




