
Air China


AsiaNet 69863(1318)

【北京2017年8月31日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

中国国際航空(「エアチャイナ」ないしは「同社」、子会社を含め「グループ」と表記)(HKEX: 00753; LSE: AIRC; SSE: 601111:ADR OTC: AIRYY)は31日、2017年6月30日に終了した上半期決算を発表した。









航空旅客収入は前年比8.02% 増の510億5200万人民元、航空貨物収入は前年比19.65%増の 44億8700万人民元となった。


純利益は前年比3.33% 増の39億2100万人民元だった。上半期のグループの為替差益は12億7000万人民元となり、米ドルの対人民元安による前年同期16億9800万人民元の為替差損から改善した。





2017年上半期、グループは前年比5%増の4920万人の旅客を輸送した。有効座席キロ(ASK)で測定した旅客運送能力は4.94%増の1189億9200万だった。国内線および国際線の輸送力はそれぞれ4.96 %、6.41%増となった一方、地方路線では7.40%減少した。有償旅客キロ(RPK)で測定した全体的な旅客輸送量は6.53%増の964億1500万だった。国内線および国際線の旅客輸送はそれぞれ6.30%、8.47%増加したが、地方路線では。前年比6.65%の減少となった。旅客ロードファクターは1.20パーセントポイント上昇し81.03%だった。RPK当たりの売上は前年比1.42%増の0.53人民元となった。

2017年上半期、グループはボーイング787-9型機2機を含む航空機16機を導入、11機を段階的に退役させ、フリートとネットワークの体制を強化した。同社のフリート総数は628機、平均使用年数は6.53年である。上半期同社は慎重にネットワークを拡大・発展することでハブネットワークを効果的に改良、グローバルネットワークを継続的に最適化した。国家戦略である「一帯一路」構想の展開および北京・天津・河北の統合と連携して、同社は北京からアスタナ、チューリヒへの各国際線ならびに北京・鄭州・邵陽を結ぶ国内線を就航し、欧州の17都市と国内の複数の都市を荷物のスルーチェックインサービスにより北京経由で結び、北京のハブ空港としての接続能力を一層高めた。一方で、同社は上海インターナショナルゲートウエー、成都および深センのリージョナルハブ開発を継続中である。上海-バルセロナ、成都-カシュガル、杭州-六盤水、香港-運城などの新路線就航(路線再開を含む)により路線ネットワークはさらに拡充している。2017年6月30日時点で、同社の旅客輸送路線は国内287路線、国際106 路線、地域15路線を含む6大陸・408路線に拡大している。同社のネットワークは39カ国・地域に広がり、国内115都市、海外66都市、地域3都市を含む184都市をカバーする。スターアライアンスによって同社の路線ネットワークは191カ国1307の目的地に及ぶ。


同社の革新的なビジネスモデルとして、モバイルアプリは6回のアップグレードを重ね、遅延便の荷物照会などを含む複数の機能で乗客の旅行体験をさらに改善している。新たな収入源を見定める継続的な取り組みの一環として、2017年上半期は座席選択料および搭乗ゲートでのアップグレードなどの付随サービスの売上は前年比68%増だった。「Phoenix Miles」の総会員数は4628万人に上り、キャンペーンの増加とともに売上への貢献度は前年同期比で23%増となった。ブランド戦略は前進を続け、ブランドイメージのデザインは適切な形で完成した。「2019 China Beijing World Garden Exhibition」とのブランディング提携で中国国際航空は最高級のグローバル・パートナーならびに唯一の航空会社スポンサーとなった。ブランド価値は着実に向上し続けている。


2017年上半期には、国際輸送市場の成長加速の兆しが現れ、世界貿易の回復が加速した。しかし、中国経済変革の中で国内市場の成長は比較的緩慢だった。Air China Cargoは、ビジネスモデルを積極的に変え、旅客事業と貨物事業との提携を継続的に強化し、荷物室のロードファクターを着実に改善した。路線構造はマージン・コントリビューションを高めて最適化されてきた。基幹ルートの利点をリソース共有を通じて活用することで、新しいビジネスイニシアチブが進展し、良好な結果をもたらした。これらの様々な措置が、貨物事業が収益性を維持するための困難な運用環境に積極的に対処するために行われた。

2017年上半期のAir China Cargoの有効貨物トンキロ(AFTK)は、前年同期比1.90%増の64億800万、有償貨物トンキロ(RFTK)は6.20%増の35億3100万となった。貨物と郵便物のロードファクターは2.23ポイント上昇して55.09%となった。カーゴイールドは1.27人民元で、前年比12.66%増えた。




中国国際航空は中国唯一のナショナルフラッグキャリアーであり、中国における旅客、航空貨物および航空関連サービス・製品のリーディングプロバイダーである。運営本部は中国の国内外の主要なハブである北京にある。また、北京、成都などでの航空機保守、地上処理サービスを含む航空関連サービスも提供している。2017年6月30日現在、当社グループは機齢平均6.53年の航空機628機を運航し、当社は機齢平均6.57年の航空機385機を運航。旅客路線は、106の国際線、15の地域路線、287の国内線を含む408路線に達している。当社のネットワークは、国際都市66、地域都市3、国内都市115を含む世界39カ国・地域、184都市をカバーしている。スターアライアンスを通じて、当社のルートネットワークは191カ国の1307都市に及んでいる。中国国際航空は2004年12月15日に香港証券取引所にコード00753で、ロンドン証券取引所にAIRCで上場された。中国国際航空は2006年8月18日、コード601111で上海証券取引所に上場された。詳細は、中国国際航空のウェブサイト を参照。

ソース:Air China

Air China Limited Announces 2017 Interim Results


BEIJING, Aug. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Air China Limited ("Air China" or "the Company," together with its

subsidiaries, collectively "the Group") (HKEX: 00753; LSE: AIRC; SSE: 601111:

ADR OTC: AIRYY), today announced its interim results for the 6 months ended

June 30, 2017 ("the Period").

Business Highlights

- Turnover rose year-on-year by 8.82% to RMB 58.746 billion

- Operating expenses increased year-on-year by 15.12% to RMB 52.939 billion

- Profit before tax increased year-on-year by 2.67% to RMB 5.174 billion

- Net profit increased year-on-year by 3.33% to RMB 3.921 billion

In the first half of 2017, the China passenger aviation market continued to

show strength in demand and supply while cargo business showed signs of

recovery, outbound travel demand continued to rise, and international traffic

grew steadily. Passenger load factor has increased steadily with enhanced

efficiency, against a background of aggressive capacity deployment. The Group

has capitalized on market opportunities by prudently expanding its business

scale, optimizing efficiency, improving yield and strengthening cost management

to reinforce its competitive advantage in the core business. In spite of

unfavorable factors such as higher jet fuel prices, the Group has delivered

solid results for the period.    

Financial Highlights

The Group recorded a turnover of RMB 58.746 billion in the first half of 2017,

an increase of 8.82% from the same period last year.

Air passenger revenue was up 8.02% year-on year to RMB 51.052 billion, while

air cargo revenue went up by 19.65% year-on-year to RMB 4.487billion.

Operating expenses increased by 15.12% to RMB 52.939 billion, up from RMB

45.987 billion reported in the first half of 2016. Jet fuel cost recorded a

year-on-year increase of RMB 3.902 billion, up by 40.11% from the same period

last year, mainly due to the increase in jet fuel price.

Net profit increased year-on-year by 3.33% to RMB 3.921 billion. During the

period, the Group recorded an exchange gain of RMB 1.270 billion as compared to

a loss of RMB 1.698 billion the same period of last year, arising from the

depreciation of USD to RMB.  

Business Review

In the first half of 2017, the Company's capacity measured by Available Tonne

Kilometers (ATK) was 17.142 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of

3.77%. Traffic measured by Revenue Tonne Kilometers (RTK) was 12.092 billion,

representing a year-on-year increase of 6.35%.

The Company tightened cost control to improve efficiency, strengthened

strategic synergies, optimized the structural composition of its resources and

maintained its competitive cost advantage. Through enhanced internal and

external coordination, it capitalized on a window of opportunity for stock

placement, successfully completed its secondary offering of A shares, and

raised RMB 11.2 billion.


In the first half of 2017, the Group carried a total of 49.20 million

passengers, a year-on-year increase of 5%. Passenger capacity, measured by

Available Seat Kilometers (ASK), increased by 4.94% to 118.992 billion.

Capacity for domestic and international routes rose by 4.96% and 6.41%

respectively, while capacity for regional routes fell by 7.40%. Overall

passenger traffic, measured by Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPK) increased by

6.53% to 96.415 billion. Traffic on domestic and international routes increased

by 6.30% and 8.47% respectively, while regional traffic dropped by 6.65%

year-on-year. Passenger load factor rose by 1.20 percentage points to 81.03%.

Revenue per RPK reached RMB0.53, an increase of 1.42% year-on-year.

In the first half of 2017, the Group introduced 16 aircraft, including 2 B787-9

aircraft, and phased out 11 aircraft, further enhancing the alignment of its

fleet and network. The total fleet size was 628 aircraft, with an average age

of 6.53 years. During the period, the Company prudently expanded and developed

its network, effectively enhancing the value of hub networks, and continuously

optimized the global network. In coordination with the national strategic

development of "One Belt, One Road" and the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and

Hebei, the Company launched international routes from Beijing to Astana,

Zurich, and domestic routes from Beijing to Zhengzhou to Shaoyang, and linked

17 European cities with domestic cities via Beijing with through check-in

baggage service, which further enhanced connecting capabilities for the Beijing

hub. Meanwhile, the Company keeps developing the Shanghai international

gateway, Chengdu and Shenzhen regional hubs. Route network has been further

developed by launching new routes (including resumption routes), such as

Shanghai-Barcelona, Chengdu-kashgar, Hangzhou-Liupanshui, Hong Kong-Yuncheng

etc. As of June 30, 2017, the Company's passenger traffic routes have expanded

to 408 in total across 6 continents, including 287 domestic, 106 international

and 15 regional routes. The Company's network covers 39 countries and regions

globally and 184 cities, including 115 domestic, 66 international and 3

regional cities. Through Star Alliance, the Company's route network extends to

1,307 destinations in 191 countries.

The Company vigorously enhanced its yield level, accelerated its business model

transformation, and enhanced its core brand value. With the gradual recovery in

business travel in the first half of 2017, the Company has significantly

increased its deployment of wide-body aircraft for domestic routes in key

markets. As domestic traffic continues to grow steadily, the Company has

effectively executed its price priority strategy further reinforcing the

competitive advantage of its industry-leading yield level. Through the

optimization of its premium classes pricing structure and broadening of premium

classes customer resources, the Company has significantly improved both the

yield and the revenue contribution of premium classes, with domestic and

international revenue rising by 22% and 7% year-on-year respectively.

With our innovative business model, mobile APPs have been upgraded 6 times with

functions including delayed flight baggage enquiries etc, further improving

passenger travel experience. As part of our sustained efforts to identify new

revenue streams, in the first half of 2017, revenue from ancillary services

such as seat selection fee and boarding gate ticket upgrading has increased by

68% year-on-year. The total number of "Phoenix Miles" members amounted to 46.28

million and with increasing activities, revenue contribution was up by 23%

compared to the corresponding period last year. The brand strategy is forging

ahead with the brand image design duly completed. In a branding partnership

with the "2019 China Beijing World Garden Exhibition", Air China has become the

highest level global partner and the sole airline sponsor. Brand value has been

consistently enhanced.

Cargo Business

In the first half of 2017, the global trade recovery accelerated with emerging

signs of growth pick-up in the international transport market. However,

domestic market growth was relatively slow amid China's economic

transformation. Air China Cargo has proactively transformed its business model,

and continuously strengthened the passenger and cargo business alignment to

steadily improved the load factor of bellyhold. The route structure has been

optimized with better margin contribution. By levering its trunk routes

advantage through resource sharing, new business initiatives progressed with

pleasing results. These various measures have proactively addressed the

challenging operating environment for the cargo business to maintain


In the first half of 2017, the Available Freight Tonne Kilometers (AFTK) of Air

China Cargo increased by 1.90% year-on-year to 6.408 billion, while the Revenue

Freight Tonne Kilometers (RFTK) increased by 6.20% year-on-year to 3.531

billion. The cargo and mail load factor increased by 2.23ppts to 55.09%. The

cargo yield was RMB1.27, a year-on-year Increase of 12.66%.


Looking ahead, China's economic growth will continue its steady trajectory, and

the civil aviation market will continue its rapid pace of growth. The Company

looks to capitalize on strategic opportunities while aware that industry

competition, particularly in the international market will continue to

intensify, the business environment will become more complex, and uncertainties

from oil price fluctuations and geopolitical risks will persist. In addressing

the opportunities and challenges ahead, the Company will remain focused on the

goal of becoming a "mega network airline with international competitive edge"

and on upholding our prudent management philosophy, deepening reform with

innovation, and enhancing our competitive advantage in the international market

so as to deliver better returns to shareholders and to society.

About Air China

Air China Limited (Air China) is the national flag carrier of China and a

leading provider of passenger, air cargo and airline-related services and

products in China. Its operational headquarters is in Beijing, a major domestic

and international hub in China. It also provides airline-related services,

including aircraft maintenance, ground handling services in Beijing, Chengdu,

and other locations. As of June 30, 2017, the Group operated a fleet of 628

aircraft with an average age of 6.53 years, while the Company operated a fleet

of 385 aircraft with an average age of 6.57 years. Passenger traffic routes

have reached 408, including 106 international, 15 regional and 287 domestic

routes. The Company's network covered 39 countries and regions globally and 184

cities, including 66 international, 3 regional and 115 domestic cities. Through

the Star Alliance, the Company's route network extends to 1,307 destinations in

191 countries. Air China was listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange and London

Stock Exchange on December 15, 2004 under codes 00753 and AIRC respectively. On

August 18, 2006, Air China was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange under code

601111. For further details, please visit Air China's website:

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains projections and forward-looking statements that

reflect the company's current views with respect to future events and financial

performance. These views are based on current assumptions which are subject to

various risks and which may change over time. No assurance can be given that

future events will occur that projections will be achieved, or that the

company's assumptions are correct. Actual results may differ materially from

those projected.

SOURCE  Air China




