
Guangdong Museum of Art


AsiaNet 69612 (1196)

【広州(中国)2017年8月10日新華社=共同通信JBN】歴史を主題とした絵画「南梁の習仲勲」が8月4日から20日まで広東で展示され、Guandong Museum of Art(広東美術館)主催のReform Mission - Guangdong Art Centennial Exhibition(革新は使命―広東美術100年展覧会)で好評を得たことに続き、新たな反響を巻き起こしている。中国共産党広東省委員会常務委員で広東省宣伝部部長のシェン・ハイション氏は9日、広東美術館で行われた広東の芸術家らとの会合に出席した。会合では「南梁の習仲勲」の制作者で広東省汕頭市美術家協会名誉主席のチェン・ヤン氏が同作品の制作過程について語った。シェン氏は、広東省の文学と芸術をかつてない高い水準に導くために、文学および芸術のコミュニティーが主要なテーマに集中し偉大な時代を称えることを望むと述べた。





ソース:Guangdong Museum of Art

Guangdong Publicity Chief Calls on Artists for Eulogizing the Great Times, Uplifting Literature and Art


GUANGZHOU, China, August 10, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

The history-themed painting Xi Zhongxun in Nanliang has sparked a fresh

reaction during its display from August 4 to 20 in Guangdong following a

favorable reception at the "Reform Mission - Guangdong Art Centennial

Exhibition" held by Guangdong Museum of Art. On August 9, Shen Haixiong, Member

of the Standing Committee of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong

Provincial Publicity Chief joined a group of Cantonese artists at Guangdong

Museum of Art at a meeting where Chen Yan, painter of this artwork and honorary

president of Shantou Artists Association would talk of how he completed the

painting. Shen said that he hoped the literature and art community of Guangdong

would focus on major themes and eulogize the great times in efforts to bring

the literature and art to a new high.

According to Chen, who was born and raised in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province before

settling down in Shantou in the 1980s, it was really an emotion-invested

project, which required his lived experience in Shaanxi earlier and in

Guangdong over 20 years since then. On top of that, to vividly depict how Xi

Zhongxun, then chairman of the Soviet Government in Shaanxi-Gansu Border

Revolutionary Base Area was joining together cheerful folks in the 1930s, Chen

made a bold technique innovation by combining western and Chinese painting


Much attention received proved that any great artworks of revolutionary

historic theme need to take roots in people and their life and employ

innovative approaches, Chen continued.

The painting is an artwork of great art performance, Shen pointed out, adding

that the literature and art community of Guangdong should gain valuable

experience from the meeting and make more efforts to focus on major themes and

eulogize the great times and the endeavors are expected to churn out more

influential and profound artworks featuring the Lingnan region.

Shen urged the departments concerned in Guangdong to boost support in artwork

creation and protection and to encourage artists to produce more well-deserved

artworks, taking the literature and art of Guangdong to a new high.

SOURCE: Guangdong Museum of Art




