
Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development


AsiaNet 69589 (1192)

【ニューヨーク2017年8月8日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】「英雄の町」をテーマにした中国の南昌のプロモーションビデオがニューヨークのタイムズスクエアと東京の銀座スクエアの大型デジタルスクリーンで放映され、南昌のすばらしい風景と南昌人の前向きの精神を紹介した。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170808/1915712-1


この海外向けプロモーションビデオは南昌の文化、歴史、自然景観を取り上げ、時系列順に総合的かつ説得力をもってさまざまな角度から「英雄の町」のイメージを提示している。視覚的、情緒的に、このビデオは外国人向けの間違いなく「国際的な」広報材料とみられる。補完物として、南昌の有名な歴史的建造物Tengwang Pavilion(滕王閣)のような南昌らしい要素を取り上げた巨大な中国式のポスターが屋外に掲示され、世界が南昌に親しむ媒介の役割をしている。

「唐代初期の4大文人」の1人王勃(おうぼつ)は南昌を「天然資源に恵まれ、優れた人材で名高い」土地と表現した。世代から世代へとこの有名な古都で巨人が輩出された。中国共産党率いる南昌暴動が1927年8月1日に南昌で発生、真に中国人民のために戦う新たな種類の軍の誕生を告げた。それ以来、この勇敢な先駆的精神は南昌人の心に深く根ざし、南昌発展への貢献を促進している。南昌暴動90周年の機会に、Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development(南昌市観光発展委員会)は南昌の文化的「ソフトパワー」を披露し、犠牲者の英雄的精神を発展させるためにこの海外キャンペーンを始めた。

Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Developmentのディレクターは「世界の注目を引くための海外での南昌プロモーションは、南昌暴動90周年と人民軍創設を記念するため中国共産党南昌市委員会Publicity Department(宣伝局)とNanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Developmentが主催する公式行事の1つである。屋外ポスターとプロモーションビデオ以外にも、"Nanchang in foreigners' eyes(外国人の見た南昌)"と呼ばれるビデオのシリーズを作り、YouTube、Facebook、Toutiao.comなど内外のオンラインメディアに投稿する。われわれは海外のすばらしい反響を国内に転送し、セカンドトランスミッションフロー効果を生み出したい。このキャンペーンは全部で約2500万の人々とインターネット利用者1億人をカバーすると推定されている」と語った。


ディレクターは、できるだけ多くの観光客を誘致し、観光地としての南昌の国際ブランド認知を強める目的も認めた。南昌で9月後半に開かれるInternational Military Music Festival(国際軍楽祭)も期待する価値があり、その間に、革命犠牲者を追悼する共通の厳粛な雰囲気で全世界を埋めるために、後続のプロモーションビデオがいくつかの国際都市で公開されることになる。

ソース:Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development

Nanchang, the City of Heroes, Shining in the World


NEW YORK, Aug. 8, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Recently, a promotional video of Nanchang, China, cantered on the theme of 'the

City of Heroes' has been broadcast on big digital screens on both Times Square

in New York and Ginza Square in Tokyo, which have showcased glorious landscape

of Nanchang as well as positive spirit of Nanchangers.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170808/1915712-1

Caption - Nanchang's promotional video was live at Times Square, New York

This overseas promo video covers the culture, history and natural scenery of

Nanchang, establishing an image of 'the city of heroes' from different

perspectives in chronological order, comprehensively and convincingly. Visually

and emotionally, this video is believed to be an authentic 'international'

publicity catering to foreigners. As a supplement, huge Chinese-style posters

characterized with Nanchang elements such as Tengwang Pavilion (one of the

well-known landmarks of Nanchang) are also posted outdoors, which functions as

an intermediary for the world to get closer to Nanchang.

Wang Bo, one of the 'Four Literary Eminences in Early Tang Dynasty', described

Nanchang as a land "richly endowed with nature resources and glorified by

outstanding talents". Generation after generation, giant figures have been

nurtured by this famous ancient city. On 1 August 1927, Nanchang Uprising led

by the Communist Party of China broke out in Nanchang, announcing the birth of

a new type of army which truly fought for Chinese people. Since then, this

courageous and pioneering spirit has been rooted deeply in Nanchangers' heart,

encouraging them to do their bit to contribute to the development of Nanchang.

On the 90th anniversary of Nanchang Uprising, Nanchang Municipal Committee for

Tourism Development took the opportunity to launch this overseas campaign to

exhibit Nanchang's cultural 'soft power' and carry forward martyrs' heroic


"Promoting Nanchang overseas to attract global focus is one of the official

events hosted by Publicity Department of the CPC Nanchang Municipal Committee

and Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development, in commemoration of

the 90th anniversary of Nanchang Uprising and the founding of people's army."

The director of Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development said.

"Apart from outdoors posters and promotional videos, we will also make a series

of videos called 'Nanchang in foreigners' eyes', which will be posted on

various online media home and abroad, such as YouTube, Facebook and

Toutiao.com. We wish to transfer overseas sensational impact back to home

country, creating a second transmission flow effect. In all, this campaign is

estimated to cover about 25 million people and 100 million Internet users." He


To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's

Liberation Army, various forms of activities are organized throughout China

recently. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech after PLA's 90th

birthday military parade, which greatly inspired all Chinese. Therefore, as the

place where PLA was established, Nanchang has aroused the attention from both

the press and Internet users at home and abroad, which are further reinforced

by current overseas promo campaign.

The director admitted that they also aimed to attract as many potential

tourists as possible, thereby building on the international brand awareness for

Nanchang as a tourist attraction. In late September, the International Military

Music Festival is worth looking forward to be held in Nanchang, during which,

subsequent promos will continue to be released in several cosmopolitan cities

to immerse the whole world into a shared solemn atmosphere in memory of

revolutionary martyrs.

SOURCE: Nanchang Municipal Committee for Tourism Development




