
Guangzhou News Center


AsiaNet 69497 (1141)

【上海2017年7月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国広州市政府は27日、継続的経済発展の展望と革新的な取り組みについて公開討論するフォーラムを上海で開催した。広州市と上海市は重要な国家中核都市として寄与し、両都市は国内トップ企業と世界的企業にとって中国の成長と発展機会を象徴する主要な国際ハブに成長した。この2都市は2017年フォーチュングローバル500社リスト入りしている中国企業115社の多数を擁し、有力な海外企業からも注目を集めてきた。今回のイベントには、政府当局者、有力な国際的企業の幹部に加え、Time Inc.の編集主幹でフォーチュン・グローバル・フォーラム(Fortune Global Forum)の共同議長であるクレイ・チャンドラー氏が参加した。

広州市は重要な現代の国際貿易センターと最先端の輸送ハブであり、中国における改革と開放の元祖の1つである。広州市はプライスウォーターハウスクーパースとChina Development Research Foundationによってトップの「City of Opportunity」に2回ランク付けされた。2016年、広州製品の総売上高は8313億米ドルに上り、総輸出入額は1297億米ドルに達した。その勢いは継続している。2017年第1四半期で508社の外国直接投資による企業が広州に設立され、外国資本の実際の行使は18億8600万米ドル相当となった。


広東省、香港・マカオ特別行政区(SARs)の間の新しいイニシアチブは、同地域の協力関係を深め、中国が世界にさらに開放されることを支援するのに寄与する。この「大湾岸圏」イニシアチブは、両都市の学者と起業家の話し合いで主要な話題になった。カイ・チャオリン中国共産党広州市委員会常務委員兼2017年フォーチュン・グローバル・フォーラム組織委員会(2017 Fortune Global Forum Organizing Committee)ディレクターは「中国は広東・香港・マカオ湾岸地域の開発計画を策定し、この大湾岸圏をニューヨーク、サンフランシスコ、東京ベイエリアに次ぐ4番目の世界クラスの湾岸地域に作り上げようとしている。中国が世界規模で経済協力と競争力のレベルを高め続けていることに伴い、中心となる3都市の広州、深セン、香港はマカオとともに協力し、世界で経済的に最も活発な地域数カ所を率いて世界クラスの都市アグロメーションを形成する。この都市の集まりは国際水準で取り組みを進め、イノベーションと発展を強化している。この地域の将来の成長潜在力、科学的かつ技術的な可能性、経済見通しは、ずば抜けている」と語った。

広東・香港・マカオ大湾岸圏の最上部には広州開発地区(Guangzhou Development District)がある。同地区は、同湾岸地域に多数の産業があることの優位性から恩恵を受けている輸出入経済圏である。ここでは既に電子情報、化学工業、自動車産業で構成される3つの産業クラスターが設立され、約148億5000万米ドルの価値を生み出しており、新素材、食品飲料、金属加工、生物製剤の他の4つの産業クラスターは74億3000万米ドルの価値を達成した。この地域は広州市の産業的価値の40%、外国資本運用の3分の1を占め、科学およびテクノロジー・イノベーションの国際ハブとしての同市の地位を確立することに寄与する中核的な区域になっている。


広東・南沙自由貿易区(Guangdong Nansha Free Trade Zone)は広東、香港、マカオ間の、とりわけ科学およびテクノロジー産業、人材獲得・協力、イノベーションなどに関し、綿密な協力の探求を促進する上で重要な役割を果たしている。全体の事業環境は継続的な成長と発展を示している。2017年6月までに南沙自由貿易区に設立された新規企業数は3万221社増えた。


Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170727/1908271-1-a


ソース:Guangzhou News Center

Guangzhou Hosts Domestic Dialogue on Openness and Innovative Approaches for Economic Development


SHANGHAI, July 28, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The Guangzhou municipal government held a forum in Shanghai on Thursday to

discuss open perspectives and innovative approaches for continued economic

development. Guangzhou and Shanghai serve as significant national central

cities, and have grown into major international hubs with both capitals

representing China's growth and development opportunities for domestic

champions and global enterprises, alike. The two regions are home to a number

of the 115 Chinese firms on the 2017 Fortune Global 500 list, and have

attracted attention from leading overseas firms as well. The event welcomed

government officials, executives from leading international enterprises as well

as Clay Chandler, Executive Editor, International, Time Inc. and a Co-Chair of

the Fortune Global Forum.

Guangzhou is an important contemporary international trade center and modern

transportation hub, representing one of China's earliest reform and open areas.

It has also been twice ranked as the top "City of Opportunity" by

PricewaterhouseCoopers and the China Development Research Foundation. In 2016,

the total sales of Guangzhou goods reached over USD 831.3 billion, with total

imports and exports reaching USD 129.7 billion. The momentum is only

continuing. In the first quarter of 2017, 508 foreign direct investment

enterprises were established in Guangzhou, equating to USD 1.886 billion in

actual use of foreign capital.

In 2016, domestic and overseas passenger throughput in the region reached 59.78

million passengers with a cargo handling capacity of 1.638 million tons, and in

2017, Guangzhou will increase its number of international airline routes by up

to 15, from 149 to 164.  Meanwhile, Guangzhou continues to follow an

innovation-focused strategy as the guiding force to drive development in the

city. There are already more than eight million square meters of high-tech

science and technology business incubators in the region, with more than

120,000 technology and innovative companies forming a powerful nucleus for

emerging industries like Internet, bio-pharmaceuticals, new materials,

industrial robots, autonomous drones, 3D printing and beyond.

A new initiative between Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao Special

Administrative Regions (SARs) also aims to deepen collaboration across the

regions and help support China in its further opening up to the world. This

'Greater Bay Area' initiative has become a primary topic of conversation among

scholars and entrepreneurs from both cities. Commenting on this, Cai Chaolin,

Standing member of CPC Guangzhou Committee and Director of 2017 Fortune Global

Forum Executive Committee, said: "China is devising a development plan for the

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area to build the Greater Bay Area into the

fourth world-class Bay Area after New York, San Francisco and Tokyo Bay. As the

three central cities, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, along with Macau, will

work together to lead some of the world's most economically vibrant regions to

form a world-class urban agglomeration as China continues to build its level of

economic cooperation and competitiveness globally. This city cluster is working

at international levels to strengthen innovation and development. The future

growth potential, scientific and technological prospects and business outlook

here are incredible."

At the top of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is the Guangzhou

Development District, which is an export-oriented economy that benefits from

the many industrial advantages of the Bay Area. Already here, three industrial

clusters have been established, comprising electronic information, chemical

engineering and automobiles, and have reached a value of around USD 14.85

billion, with four other industrial clusters--on new materials, food and

beverage, metalworking and biological health -- achieving a value of around USD

7.43 billion. This district accounts for 40 percent of the industrial value and

one third of the utilization of foreign capital in Guangzhou, and represents

the core zone for helping establish the city as an international hub of science

and technology innovation.

The Guangzhou Development District is continually enhancing the environment for

investment and trade facilitation, and developing reforms for businesses in

order to foster a convenient investment, operational and development

atmosphere. In addition to supporting an advanced manufacturing industry, a

modern service industry, a headquarters economy and regional high-tech

industries--or the four "Golden 10" -- the district has also rolled out a

number of global talent and intellectual property protection policies.  

The Guangdong Nansha Free Trade Zone is playing a key role in helping to

explore in-depth collaborations across Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau,

especially with regard to scientific and technological industries, talent

acquisition and cooperation, innovation and beyond. The overall business

environment has also witnessed subsequent growth and development. By the end of

June 2017, the number of new enterprises established in the Nansha Free Trade

Zone had increased by 30,221 companies.

With all of its positive momentum, Guangzhou was selected as the ideal city to

host the 2017 Fortune Global Forum, slated for December 6-8, which will gather

word leaders and heads of global businesses to discuss the future of the

economy and economic development.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170727/1908271-1-a

Caption: Cai Chaolin, Standing member of CPC Guangzhou Committee and Deputy

Director of 2017 Fortune Global Forum Organizing Committee, is giving a speech

at the roadshow

SOURCE: Guangzhou News Center




