
Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province


AsiaNet 69496(1140)

【寧波(中国)2017年7月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】浙江省政府は最近、外資の利用を拡大する広範な市場自由化政策の実施に関する所信を公表した。同省商務部の当局者は寧波での第19回Zhejiang Fair for Investment and Trade(浙江投資貿易見本市)で同文書を詳細に説明した。同文書によると、1兆元規模の工業・近代的サービス8部門への投資を促進するため、サービス・製造業部門への外国投資のアクセスに対する規制を緩和する中央政府の通達を浙江は全面的に履行しつつある。資本の利用は、特定の業種を国際的バリューチェーンの上部に導く最終目標に向かってイノベーション、品質、ブランド創出に焦点を合わせると同時に、法的な国際事業環境の構築を加速すると明記している。


浙江は東海岸沿いに位置する中国経済の原動力の1つであり、常に中国の開放プロセスの先頭に立ってきた。輸出では中国で3位、寧波・舟山港の貨物取扱量は8年連続で全世界の港の第1位を占めている。20カ国・地域(G20)は同省の省都を2016年首脳会合の開催地に選び、China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone(中国(浙江)自由貿易試験区)が2017年4月に正式に発足した。加えて、省都杭州を有名にしたeコマースの巨人アリババが初めて世界の大企業500社入りした。多くの浙江の企業が世界中に重要な足跡を確立している。


ソース:Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province

Zhejiang, China Offers Friendly Investment Environment with Favorable Policies to Foreign Companies Seeking to Invest in the Province


NINGBO, China, July 28, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Zhejiang provincial government recently released Opinions on implementation of

wider market liberalization policies that enhance the utilization of foreign

capital. Officials from its Department of Commerce gave a detailed

interpretation of the document at the 19th Zhejiang Fair for Investment and

Trade held in Ningbo. As per the document, Zhejiang is fully implementing the

central government's directives to relax restrictions on foreign investment

access in the service and manufacturing sectors, in a move to encourage

investment in eight major trillion-yuan industries and modern service sectors.

The document specifies that the use of capital focus on innovation, quality and

brand creation with an end goal of leading the identified industries into the

upper echelons of the global value chain, as well as accelerate the

construction of a legal international business environment.

During the first six months, Zhejiang approved 1,409 foreign-funded ventures

with total investment of US$23.8 billion. Contractual foreign investment

reached US$15.7 billion, up 31.9% year-on-year, while actual capital put into

play totaled US$10 billion, up 8.1%. Eleven of the world's top 500 firms were

among the applicants for approval. Notably, an ever-growing percentage of the

firms choosing to invest in the province are from developed countries, and

investments in the service and high-tech sectors have increased significantly.

Located along the eastern coast, Zhejiang is one of China's economic

powerhouses and has always been at the forefront during the country's

opening-up process. It ranks third in China in terms of exports, while cargo

throughput at Ningbo-Zhoushan Port has ranked first among all ports worldwide

for eight consecutive years. The G20 chose the province's capital as the venue

for its 2016 meeting, while the China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone was

officially launched in April, 2017. In addition, Alibaba, the e-commerce giant

that put Hangzhou, the provincial capital, on the map, was ranked among the

world's top 500 firms for the first time. Many Zhejiang firms have established

meaningful footprints around the world.

Zhejiang province will lead a new round of opening-up to foreign investment

under China's One Belt, One Road initiative, by seizing development

opportunities and giving full play to the province's advantages. Zhejiang will

assure a positive and supportive environment for all firms who choose to invest


SOURCE:  Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province




