
Sands China Ltd.


AsiaNet 69188 (0998)

【マカオ(中国)2017年7月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*サンズ・リゾート・マカオが世界の会議・展示会専門家向けに、初の「The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination」ツアーを主催

サンズ(R)・リゾート・マカオ(Sands(R)Resorts Macao)は最近、The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationと銘打った4日間の習熟のための体験を主催した。これに参加したのは世界中の20のメディアを含む150の国際的なコンベンションと展示会の専門家で、この統合型リゾートにある7つのワールドクラスのホテルにおける最新の優れた設備・サービスと、マカオの幅広い文化、遺産の魅力にハイライトをあてた。



サンズ・チャイナ(Sands China Ltd.)のマーケティング&ブランド管理担当のルース・ボストン上級副社長は「『The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination』は、当社が持つワールドクラスのホテルだけでなく、会議、カンファレンス、インセンチブの分野で当社が提供できる全てを見てもらえる最高のチャンスだ。1万3000の客室とスイート、850の店舗、150のレストラン、3つの劇場、アリーナと15万平方メートルの会議スペースの全てを1つ屋根の下に持つ7つの国際的ホテルがあるのはこの場所以外にない」と述べた。


The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationは、パリジャン・マカオのプールサイドで、フランス語の「美食家」(Bon Vivant)をテーマにしたウエルカム・カクテルパーティーで始まった。さらにそこでは会合・イベント産業の一連のホットな話題を網羅した質疑応答形式のミニカンファレンスUltimate Connect、サンズ・リゾート・マカオの世界クラスのプロパティーやサービス、デスティネーションとしてのマカオを紹介するUlti-Mart、そして参加者がチームを結成してスリリングな料理コンペを行うUltimate Chefが開催された。

締めくくりのイベントはUltimate Show Timeで、豪華なダイニング、世界クラスのエンターテインメント劇、最先端のオーディオビジュアルを含むサンズ・リゾート・マカオの目を見張る製品とサービスが実演された。(イベントの詳細については、付属「The Ultimate Download - ハイライト」を参照)

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationは、グリーン会議プログラムであるサンズ ECO360にも焦点を当て、代表団に会議産業で急速に成長するトレンドである環境の責任ある選択を提示した。


この統合型リゾートの、もう1つの重要な柱はエンターテインメントである。ミーティング専門家とメディアはザ・パリジャン・シアターで現在上演中のマイケル・ジャクソン・トリビュート「THRILLER LIVE」を楽しみ、多くのカラフルなDreamWorks Animationのキャラクターを特集した、ザ・ヴェネチアン・マカオで行われているアジア最大の屋内の氷のワンダーランド、アイスワールドのユニークなカクテルパーティを満喫した。






The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationを体験したミーティング専門家とメディアのゲストは滞在中、あらゆる予算に対応する宿泊チョイスの無類の多彩性、受賞歴のある150以上の現地と国際的レストラン、850の免税店、世界クラスのエンターテインメントといった刺激的な統合型リゾートの世界を楽しんだ。

さらに詳しい情報は meetings.sandsresortsmacao.com.を参照。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-a

サンズ・リゾート・マカオのThe Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationイベントで国際的なミーティング専門家を歓迎するサンズ・チャイナ.のマーケティング&ブランド管理担当のルース・ボストン上級副社長

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-b

サンズ・リゾート・マカオで開催したThe Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationの一部として行われた、現在の業界トピックをカバーするミニカンファレンスUltimate Connect

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-c


Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-d

サンズ・リゾート・マカオで4日間開催されたThe Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationイベントの一部として行われた料理コンペUltimate Chefの勝利者。統合型リゾートの広範なダイニング・オプションにハイライトが当たった。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-e

4日のイベントを締めくくった豪華な形式のガラディナーUltimate Show Time。参加者は世界クラスのエンターテインメント、パフォーマンス、料理を楽しんだ。



▽サンズ・リゾート・マカオ(Sands Resorts Macao)- サンズ・チャイナの統合型リゾート都市について

サンズ・チャイナはマカオで統合型リゾートを開発、保有、運営するリーディング・カンパニーである。社名にちなんで名づけられたサンズ・リゾート・マカオ(Sands Resorts Macao)は、コロアン島とタイパ島の間の埋め立て地、コタイの中心部にあり、さまざまな楽しみ方を提案する。サンズ・リゾート・マカオは、日帰り旅行のデスティネーションからマカオを統合型リゾート都市へと展開させ、世界中のビジネスパーソンの国際的ハブになっている。



サンズ・リゾート・マカオのさらに詳しい情報は http://en.sandsresortsmacao.com を参照のこと。


Public Relations, Venetian Macau Limited

Lily Cheng

Tel: +853-8118-2013

Email: lily.sw.cheng@sands.com.mo

Posy Kuok

Tel: +853-8118-2010

Email: posy.kuok@sands.com.mo

▽The Ultimate Download – ハイライト

*Bon Vivantウエルカム・カクテルパーティー

The Ultimate Download – Asia’s Leading Meetings & Events Destinationの初日はBon Vivantで始まった。ザ・パリジャン・マカオのプールサイドで開催され、フランス語で銘打たれたこの公式ウエルカム・カクテルパーティーは、同ホテルの印象的なエッフェル塔を背景にして行われた。




*Ultimate Connectカンファレンス

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationではまた、出席者が国際的な業界の専門家からブリーフィングを受け、マカオ政府観光局、マカオ貿易投資促進局から観光地・製品の最新情報を得ることができた。会議・イベント業界の一連のホットな話題をカバーするUltimate Connectカンファレンスはじめミニカンファレンスや質疑応答、さらに観光・ホスピタビリティー部門リーダーのプレゼンテーションもあり、サンズ・チャイナのジーン・カプアノ上級副社長(コンベンション、ヴェネチアン運営担当)が司会を務めた。

講演者は、サンズ・リゾート・マカオの副社長(セールス担当)でサンズ・リゾート・マカオと広域マカオの製品・サービスを導入したステファニー・タンプレ氏、シェラトン・グランド・マカオ・ホテルおよびセントレジス・マカオのゼネラルマネジャーで、これらの立派なプロパティーを導入したダニエラ・トネット氏、自己啓発弁士で「Dancing Dragon or Headless Chicken: Unleashing the Leader in You」の著者、ロバート・キルビー博士である。

近年The Ultimate Downloadイベントをまとめ、サンズ・リゾート・マカオが成功した多くのイベントも支援したブランド体験エージェンシー、Jack Morton Worldwide Hong Kongの大中華圏担当上級副社長、ナタリー・アッカーマン氏も登壇した。同氏は独創性、デザイン、ユニークなコンテンツを通し、すばらしいイベントを実行する方法について論じた。

最後に、China Travel Service Gongbei Port Guangdong Co.のアシスタント・ゼネラルマネジャー、キミー・ホー氏が珠江デルタ地域のイベント・デスティネーションに関する現況トレンドを説明した。

Ultimate Connectカンファレンスの最終段階では、イベント、会議、旅行業界で影響力があり成功した以下の専門家が活発な討論会に参加し、業界内で進行中の主要問題について話し合った。CHINA CYTS M.I.C.E. Service Co., Ltd. & Bravolinks Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd. – China社長のアルバート・グオ・ジュンフア、Maritz Global Events (USA) APACグローバル・ゼネラルマネジャーでMeetings & Conventions Magazineが「会議業界の女性トップ25」の1人に選定したピン・ヘ、Platinum World Group (India)の創業者兼CMDでMICE、結婚式、高級旅行、人材管理、TV・映画製作に関心があるスシル・シャムラル・ワドワ、クラウド、仮想化ソフトウエア、サービス分野のキープレーヤー、VMware Inc. (USA)のグローバル・ミーティング・イベント&トラベル担当シニアディレクター、エドワード・ペロッティの各氏である。






*Ultimate Chefコンペ

最も有名なTV料理番組の1つにヒントを得た胸躍る楽しいイベント、Ultimate Chefコンペティションには10カ国の20人が参加し、7チームを編成してフランス/マカオ「ミステリー・ボックス」の料理課題に臨んだ。



このようなUltimate Chefコンペの成功を受けて、経営陣は単独イベントとして展開することを計画している。それは広範なチーム編成の活動とイベントにつながる可能性がある。

*Ultimate Show Timeガラディナー

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destinationのグランド・フィナーレにしてクライマックスは、サンズ・リゾート・マカオが会議主催者に提供できる全てを網羅したガラディナーのUltimate Show Timeであった。魅力的な祭典はおいしい料理、ワールドクラスのショーと合体し、中国人6人組のドラム演奏、文字通り太鼓の一打で始まった。








ソース:Sands China Ltd.

Sands Resorts Macao Hosts its First 'The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination' Tour for International Meeting Convention & Exhibition Professionals


MACAO, July 4, 2017/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Sands Resorts Macao Hosts its First 'The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading

Meetings & Events Destination' Tour for International Meeting Convention &

Exhibition Professionals

Sands(R) Resorts Macao recently hosted a four-day familiarisation experience

entitled The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination

for 150 international convention and exhibition professionals including 20

media from around the world to highlight the latest range of impressive

offerings at the integrated resorts' seven world-class hotels, as well as

Macao's wider cultural and heritage attractions.

Meeting professionals and media from Australia, USA, New Zealand, Europe,

Japan, Korea, Singapore, India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Hong

Kong and Mainland China were invited to attend the ambitious initiative, held

between June 26-29, where they could experience Sands Resorts Macao's extensive

range of meeting packages, facilities and services first-hand.

The event, which was two years in the planning, incorporated numerous

activities across the four days, including sales presentations from The

Venetian(R) Macao; The Parisian Macao; Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip;

The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central; Conrad(R) Macao, Cotai Central; Holiday

Inn(R) Macao, Cotai Central; and Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central.

Topics included updates on all of the entertainment, dining, transportation,

retail, audio-visual available to meeting organisers.

Ruth Boston, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Brand Management, Sands China

Ltd. said, "The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events

Destination has offered a great opportunity to showcase not only our

world-class hotels, but also everything we can deliver in the meetings,

conference and incentives arena. Nowhere else will you find seven international

hotels with 13,000 guest rooms and suites, 850 stores, 150 restaurants, three

theatres, an arena and 150,000 square metres of meeting space all under one


"One of the other key messages we wanted to get across to the participants was

the wonderful culture and heritage of Macao, including its UNESCO world

heritage sites. The event also allowed us to strengthen our ongoing

relationships and future cooperation with this influential group of convention

and exhibition professionals from around the globe."

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination kicked off

with Bon Vivant - a French themed welcome cocktail party at The Parisian Macao

poolside area. It also included Ultimate Connect, a mini-conference with Q and

A session covering a range of meetings and events industry hot topics,

Ulti-Mart which showcased Sands Resorts Macao's world-class properties and

other offerings as well as Macao itself as a destination and Ultimate Chef,

which saw delegates form teams to take part in a thrilling cooking competition.

The final event was Ultimate Show Time - a gala dinner which demonstrated Sands

Resorts Macao's amazing range of products and services, including gourmet

dining, world-class entertainment acts and state of the art audio-visual (for

detailed event information see appendix - The Ultimate Download - Highlights).

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination also

focused on green meetings programme, Sands ECO360, offering delegates

environmentally responsible choices, a fast-growing trend in the meetings


The many dining sensations available at Sands Resorts Macao were also showcased

across the event, from a Macanese and Portuguese fiesta luncheon at Sheraton

Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central, to The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central's

signature Midnight Supper, a Gala Dinner at The Venetian Macao, and a Michelin

Experience lunch at Four Seasons Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip.

Another of the integrated resort's key pillars is entertainment, as well as

meeting professionals and the media enjoyed the Michael Jackson tribute show

THRILLER LIVE currently being performed at The Parisian Theatre, and a unique

cocktail party set in Ice World, Asia's largest indoor frozen wonderland, now

taking place at The Venetian Macao, which features  a host of colourful new

DreamWorks Animation characters.

The event also catered to the fitness fans with morning yoga, tai chi, boot

camp and pool activities, as well as other bespoke activities such as:

- Discover Macao via a Skywalk on the top of the 338-metre Macau Tower

- Get back to nature with a Macao trail hike and trek

- Traditional Macanese/Portuguese egg tart culinary class

- Learn about Macao's history and culture with a guided walking tour

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination experience

enabled meeting professionals and media guests to enjoy a world of exciting

integrated resorts, with an unrivalled mix of accommodation choices for every

budget, along with over 150 award-winning local and international restaurants,

850 duty free stores and world-class entertainment during their stay.

For more information please go to: meetings.sandsresortsmacao.com.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-a

Ruth Boston, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Brand Management, Sands China

Ltd. welcomed international meetings professionals to Sands Resorts Macao’s The

Ultimate Download – Asia’s Leading Meetings & Events Destination event.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-b

Ultimate Connect, a mini-conference covering a range of current industry

topics, was held as part of The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings &

Events Destination at Sands Resorts Macao.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-c

Ulti-Mart mini-expo introduced participants to Sands Resorts Macao's facilities

and services.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-d

Winners of the Ultimate Chef cooking competition which took place at Sands

Resorts Macao as part of four-day event The Ultimate Download – Asia's Leading

Meetings & Events Destination, also helped highlight the wide range of dining

options at the integrated resort.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20170703/1889807-1-e

The four-day event concluded in glamorous style with a Gala Dinner entitled

Ultimate Show Time which allowed attendees to enjoy world-class entertainment,

performances and cuisine.

For high resolution photos, please access one of the following:


About Sands Resorts Macao - Sands China's Integrated Resort City

Sands China Ltd. is the leading developer, owner and operator of integrated

resorts in Macao. The fittingly named Sands Resorts Macao, situated on

reclaimed land between the islands of Coloane and Taipa, is the one destination

that provides a stunning array of experiences at the heart of Cotai. Sands

Resorts Macao has transformed a day-trip market into an integrated resort city

and international hub for business and leisure travellers.

Pulsating with life, both night and day, Sands Resorts Macao features an

expansive offering of affordable luxury available nowhere else in Macao. With

the opening of The Parisian Macao, it now boasts approximately 13,000 hotel

rooms and suites, international superstar live entertainment, duty free

shopping with more than 850 retailers offering a huge array of name brands,

meeting and exhibition space for Asia's leading conferences and exhibitions,

transportation offerings and well over 150 dining options, including

Michelin-starred restaurants, bars and lounges. Sands Resorts Macao is a

must-go destination providing every guest with an unforgettable experience and

unparalleled excitement.

Comprised of The Venetian(R) Macao; The Plaza™ Macao, featuring the Four

Seasons Hotel Macao; and Sands(R) Cotai Central, including the world's largest

Conrad, Sheraton, and St. Regis hotels as well as the Holiday Inn, Sands

Resorts Macao is where Asia's ultimate destination is within reach. And now the

crowning achievement of Sheldon G. Adelson's vision of the Cotai Strip -The

Parisian Macao. For more information, please visit ParisianMacao.com.

For more information about Sands Resorts Macao, please visit


Media contacts:

Public Relations, Venetian Macau Limited

Lily Cheng

Tel: +853-8118-2013

Email: lily.sw.cheng@sands.com.mo

Posy Kuok

Tel: +853-8118-2010

Email: posy.kuok@sands.com.mo

The Ultimate Download - Highlights

Bon Vivant welcome cocktail party

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination kicked off

on the first day with Bon Vivant - an official French themed welcome cocktail

party at The Parisian Macao poolside area set against the backdrop of the

hotel's imposing Eiffel Tower.

Ulti-Mart showcase

To showcase Macao as a destination, and allow attendees to gain first-hand

knowledge about Sands Resorts Macao's distinctive world-class properties and

other services and facilities, Ulti-Mart took place at Conrad Macao, Cotai

Central's Dunhuang Ballroom, in the form of a mini mart with 15 booths.

Participants included The Venetian Macao, The Parisian Macao, Four Seasons

Hotel Macao, Cotai Strip; Conrad Macao, Cotai Central; Holiday Inn Macao, Cotai

Central; Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel, Cotai Central; and The St. Regis Macao,

Cotai Central. They were joined by representatives from Sands Entertainment,

Sands Audiovisual, Sands Dining, Cotai Travel, Green Meetings, Sands Shoppes,

Macao Government Tourism Office and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion


Ultimate Connect conference

The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading Meetings & Events Destination also

enabled attendees to receive briefings from international industry experts, as

well as destination and product updates from Macao Government Tourism Office

and Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute. Ultimate Connect

conference, a mini-conference and Q and A session covering a range of meetings

and events industry hot topics and presentations from leaders in the tourism

and hospitality fields, facilitated by Gene Capuano, Senior Vice President of

Convention and Venetian Operations, Sands China Ltd.

Speakers included Stephanie Tanpure, Vice President of Sales, Sands Resorts

Macao, who introduced offerings at Sands Resorts Macao and wider Macao;

Daniella Tonetto, General Manager of Sheraton Grand Macao Hotel and The St.

Regis Macao who introduced those great properties and Dr. Robert Kirby,

motivational speaker and author of "Dancing Dragon or Headless Chicken:

Unleashing the Leader in You".

Also speaking was Natalie Ackerman, Senior Vice President, Greater China, Jack

Morton Worldwide Hong Kong, the brand experience agency who helped put The

Ultimate Download event together as well as many other successful events for

Sands Resort Macao in recent years. She discussed how to execute extraordinary

events through creativity, design and unique content.

Finally Kimmy Ho, Assistant General Manager of China Travel Service Gongbei

Port Guangdong Co., outlined some of the current trends on event destinations

in the Pearl River Delta region.

For the final part of the Ultimate Connect conference, some of the most

influential and successful professionals in the events, meetings and travel

industry took part in a lively panel to discuss key issues taking place in the

industry. They included Albert Guo Junhua, President for CHINA CYTS M.I.C.E.

Service Co., Ltd. & Bravolinks Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd. - China; Ping He,

Global General Manager - APAC, Maritz Global Events (USA), and Meetings &

Conventions Magazine's "one of the Top 25 Women in the Meetings Industry";

Sushil Shamlal Wadhwa, Founder & CMD, Platinum World Group (India), with

interests in MICE, Weddings, Luxury Travel, Talent Management and TV and Film

Production; and Edward Perotti, Senior Director Global Meetings - Events &

Travel, VMware Inc. (USA), a key player in the cloud and virtualisation

software and services arena.

Some of the discussion points included:

- Important factors to consider when sourcing an event in Asia, Mainland China

and Macao

- New ideas and trends to enable organisers to make their events more relevant

and interesting for attendees

- Safety and security measures to consider when choosing a destination and venue

The panel then took questions from the audience.

Ultimate Chef competition

An exciting and entertaining event inspired by one of the most famous TV

cooking shows, Ultimate Chef competition saw 20 participants from 10 countries

form seven teams for a French / Macanese "mystery box" cooking challenge.

The judging panel consisted of Sands Resorts Macao senior management and

executive chefs.

Coming in first place was a team comprised of Japanese and Korean delegates,

who wowed judges with their restaurant-worthy dish. First runner-up was a

combined Singaporean and Israeli team, who made the bold decision to use a

large chopping block to present their dish to great effect, and in third place

an Indian side that particularly impressed with their use of herbs and spices.

Such was the success of the Ultimate Chef competition that management are

planning to roll it out as a standalone event that can be incorporated into a

wide range of team building activities and events.

Ultimate Show Time gala dinner

The grand finale, and highpoint of The Ultimate Download - Asia's Leading

Meetings & Events Destination was Ultimate Show Time - a gala dinner

encompassing everything that Sands Resorts Macao can offer meeting organisers.

The glamorous extravaganza incorporated delicious cuisine and world-class

entertainment acts, kicking off with a six-man Chinese drum performance, which

started the evening off literally with a bang.

This was followed by a speech from Ruth Boston, who stressed that Macao's

vibrant history provides a point of difference and a spectacular backdrop for

delegates who visit the city.

"Stay at Sands Resorts Macao and you have the perfect combination of the

magnificent old and the sparkling new, literally side by side," she added,

going on to thank all the guests who joined the familiarisation tour, and

especially those travelled from Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

She also thanked Macao Government Tourism Office and Macao Trade and Investment

Promotion Institute for their dedication and cooperation in developing Macao

into a leading meeting and tourism destination.

Sam Lei, Senior Manager of Promotional Activities Department, Macao Trade and

Investment Promotion Institute then took to the stage to reinforce the message

that Macao offers a unique mix of unbeatable location, improving

infrastructure, world-class venues and supportive government policies, making

it the ideal location for many different kinds of MICE events.

"The number of MICE events held in Macao increased almost five times from 260

in 2002 to 1,276 in 2016," he said, adding that "these venues, which cover over

190,000 square metres of meeting space and 37,000 hotel rooms, can accommodate

events of all sizes and shapes."

Ms Boston and Mr Lei were joined by Mark McWhinnie, Senior Vice President of

Resort Operations and Development, Sands China Ltd.; Gene Capuano, Senior Vice

President of Convention and Venetian Operations; Stephanie Tanpure, Vice

President of Sales, Sands Resorts Macao; Evelyn Kang, Assistant Vice President

of Sales, Sands Resorts Macao; Donna Campbell, Executive Director of Public

Relations, Sands China Ltd.; Janet McNab, Managing Director, Daniella Tonetto -

General Manager and Timothy Tan - Director of Sales, Sheraton Grand Macao

Hotel, Cotai Central & The St. Regis Macao, Cotai Central; Kris Kaminsky -

General Manager and Lilian Lee, Director of Marketing, Four Seasons Hotel

Macao, Cotai Strip, for a toast.

The scintillating entertainment continued with Soul Mystique from Australia,

one of the world's best quick-change acts, followed by acts which demonstrated

the range of Sands Resorts Macao in-house talent - superb opera from the

Singing Chefs / Waiters, and Moulin Rouge style dance routines, to bring a

wonderful evening to an end.

SOURC: Sands China Ltd.




