中国のテーマパーク入場者の97%が買い物の際に未来テクノロジーの使用を望む オムニコ調査


中国のテーマパーク入場者の97%が買い物の際に未来テクノロジーの使用を望む オムニコ調査

AsiaNet 69049 (0938)

【ベイジングストーク(英国)2017年6月27日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



54%が、衣類やアクセサリー類を身に着けた場合にどのように見えるのかをバーチャルリアリティー(VR、仮想現実)ヘッドセットを使用して確認したいと思っており、36%はオグメンテッドリアリティー(AR、拡張現実)ソフトウエアを使って製品をスマートフォン上に再現させたいと考えている。これらの数値は、過去2年間にテーマパークを訪れた中国、マレーシア、日本からの2000人の消費者の期待を調べた2回目のOmnico Theme Park Barometer調査に含まれている。

Omnicoのメル・テーラー最高経営責任者(CEO)は「中国では、テーマパーク訪問をより便利でエキサイティングなものにしようという強い欲求が存在する - 特に買い物の時はそうだ。国によって違いはあるが、より統合され統一された体験への需要が間違いなく存在する。テーマパーク運営者は行動を起こす必要がある」と語った。







詳細な調査結果は を参照。

ソース:Omnico Group

97% of Chinese Visitors Embrace Future Tech for Shopping in Theme Parks Says Omnico's Survey


BASINGSTOKE, England, June 27, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    54% want to use virtual reality so they can see how they look in clothing

    97% of consumers in China want to use futuristic technology when they go

shopping in theme parks, research by Omnico has found.

    54% want to use virtual reality (VR) headsets so they can see how they

might look wearing clothing or other accessories, while 36% want to use

augmented reality software to bring products to life on their smartphones. The

figures are part of the second Omnico Theme Park Barometer, surveying the

expectations of 2000 consumers from China, Malaysia and Japan who have visited

a park within the last two years.

    "There is an amazing appetite in China for technology to make theme park

visits more convenient and exciting - particularly when it comes to shopping,"

said Mel Taylor, CEO, Omnico. "Although there are differences between the

countries, there is definite demand for a more joined-up, unified experience,

which park operators need to act on."

    The results show that only 16% of Japanese visitors and 31% of Malaysians

are interested in using VR to see what they look like in clothing or

merchandise. The figures were also lower for the use of augmented reality on

smartphones. Only 13% of Japanese and 16% of Malaysians said they wanted to

embrace this.

    The futuristic retail technology most appealing to Japanese visitors was

self-scan kiosks (33%), while digital signage was most popular with Malaysians


    When asked what would make visits more convenient, 89% of Chinese, 75% of

Japanese and 61% of Malaysian visitors said a personalised smartphone app

itinerary was the answer, while for 71% of Chinese, 62% of Japanese and 55% of

Malaysians it was being able to pre-pay for food.

    Queuing for rides emerged as the biggest bugbear among all three

nationalities (an average 54%). When they were asked how they want to receive

real-time updates and make bookings for rides (or restaurants), 70% of Japanese

respondents, 66% of Chinese and 58% of Malaysians said they want to use a park

app on their own phone or tablet, reflecting a desire to use technology to

avoid queues.

    About Omnico:  

    Omnico's Cloud based technology powers POS and customer engagement

solutions across the retail, destination and hospitality sectors.

    Full report -

SOURCE: Omnico




