Koc Holdingとタタ・グループ企業が急成長するインド白物家電市場参入の合弁事業に調印


Koc Holdingとタタ・グループ企業が急成長するインド白物家電市場参入の合弁事業に調印

AsiaNet 68692(0775)



トルコ最大の財閥Koc Holding A.S. (Koc Holding)の傘下にあるBekoとインド最大の複合企業タタ・グループに所属するVoltas Limitedはこのほど、Bekoとインド最大の空調ブランドVoltasが耐久消費財の合弁事業(JV)契約に調印すると発表した。

インド法人になる新企業は対等のパートナーシップで、Bekoブランドを所有するArcelikの完全子会社Ardutch B.V.(49%)、Koc Holding(1%)、Voltas(49%)、Tata Investment Corporation Limited(1%)のJVになる。規制当局に認可されれば、急成長するインドの耐久消費財市場に向けて、冷蔵庫、洗濯機、電子レンジ、その他主要な白物・家庭用電気製品を生産する。

自己資本1億ドルのJoint Venture Company(JVC)は、世界の主要家電部門のBekoブランドとその専門技術とともに、インドにおけるVoltasの強力なブランド力と広範な販売・流通ネットワークを活用する。




パートナーシップについて、Koc Holding耐久消費財グループのファティ・ケマル・エビクリオズリュ社長は「世界経済力のアジアシフトが加速する中、この合弁事業はBekoの域内成長の重要なステップになる。インドは13億の人口を抱えて大きな可能性があり、そのチャンスは際立っている。過去10年だけでもインドの主要家電市場は9%近く伸び、世界の白物家電市場全体の3%成長を上回っている。われわれはこの合弁事業で、世界的な競争上の優位性を増大する戦略的措置を講じる」とコメントした。




Tata Sonsディレクター兼Voltas Ltd.会長のイシャート・フセイン氏は「耐久消費財はVoltasにとって論理的延長であり、Koc Group傘下のArcelikと合弁事業を立ち上げることを喜んでいる。強力な技術プラットフォームはArcelikの世界的な製造・調達力と相まって、JVCがインド市場にユニークな差別化製品を提供することを支援する。Voltas-Bekoパートナーシップはまた、Voltasのよく知られたブランドと供給力を利用し、われわれはインドにおける耐久消費財の市場リーダーとして合弁事業確立のために尽力する」と語った。

Voltas Ltd.マネジングディレクターのサンジャイ・ジョリ氏は「われわれの長い歴史、インド人消費者に関する優れた理解はブランド・流通力と結びついて、われわれがインドでルームエアコンの市場リーダーになるのに一役買う。Voltasのコアコンピタンス、Bekoの製造能力と幅広い製品範囲は、この国の耐久消費財市場でわれわれが主役になる助けになる。インドの消費者は常に計画全体の最前線におり、この進出による製品ポートフォリオ拡充は、いつものように顧客に『made for India(インドのために作られた)』製品を提供する。それは彼らのニーズを特別に満たすものである。われわれは持続的で利益の多い成長という目標にこだわり続ける。この合弁事業は顧客と株主に価値の増大をもたらすだろう」と述べた。



Arcelik A.S.は現在、7カ国(トルコ、ルーマニア、ロシア、中国、南アフリカ、タイ、パキスタン)に3万人の従業員と18の製造施設、32カ国に34の販売とマーケティング事務所を構え、145カ国に製品・サービスを提供する11のブランド(Arcelik、Beko、Grundig、 Blomberg、ElektraBregenz、Arctic、Leisure、Flavel、Defy、Altus、Dawlance)を保有し、全世界に製品・サービスを提供している。Arcelik A.S. は欧州第3位の家電企業であり、2016年の連結売上高は161億トルコリラだった。売上高の60%を海外市場での売上が占めるArcelik A.S.は1300人超の従業員を雇用する14の研究開発拠点を有する。Arcelikは1986年よりイスタンブール証券取引所(ISE:Borsa Istanbul)に上場している。Arcelik A.S.のグローバルブランドであるBekoは2000年以来欧州で最も急速で成長中の家電ブランドとなっている。同ブランドは英国およびポーランドではマーケットリーダーで、欧州の自立式白物家電のトップブランドである。


Voltas Limitedは主要なエンジニアリング・ソリューションのプロバイダーでプロジェクトの専門家企業である。1954年インドで設立され、タタ・グループ傘下のVoltas Limitedは、暖房、換気、空調、冷蔵、電気機械プロジェクト、繊維機械、採掘・建設機器、水管理・処理、コールドチェーン・ソリューション、建物管理システム、室内空気品質などの分野で幅広い産業にエンジニアリング・ソリューションを提供する。同社はまたインドのルームエアコン市場で首位を占める。

▽Koc Holdingについて

Arcelik A.S.の親会社であるKoc Holding はトルコの大手投資持ち株会社であり、Koc Groupは9万5000人の従業員を有し、売上高、輸出高、納税額、従業員数、イスタンブール株式市場での時価総額においてトルコ最大の産業・サービスグループである。Koc Holdingは高い競争力を誇り、エネルギー、自動車、耐久消費財、金融など長期的な成長の可能性があるさまざまな分野で主導的地位にある。2006年から2016年にかけて米ドル換算の連結利益の年平均成長率は11%となり、Fortune 500によるとKoc Holding は世界のトップ企業500社にランクインし、2016年末時点の連結売上高は235億米ドルだった。Koc Groupはトルコ経済の推進力であり、総売上高はトルコの国内総生産(GDP)の6%に匹敵し、輸出高はトルコの輸出総額の9%、Koc Holdingおよび上場子会社の株式時価総額はイスタンブール株式市場の時価総額の20%を占める。


1868年、ジャムシェトジー・タタ氏により設立されたタタ・グループはインドを拠点とする世界規模の事業体で100を超える独立運営企業により構成される。同グループは「リーダーシップと信頼に基づく長期的なステークホルダーの価値創造により、われわれが世界規模でサービスする地域社会の生活の質を高める」というミッションを掲げ、6大陸100カ国以上で事業を行っている。タタサンズ(Tata Sons)は主要な持ち株会社でありVoltasなどさまざまなタタの企業を推進している。タタサンズの自己資本の66%は慈善団体が保有し、教育・健康・生計創出・芸術・文化などを支援している。2015-16年のタタ企業の総収益は1035億1000万米ドルだった。タタのグループ企業は全体で66万人超の従業員を有する。



Koc Holding and Tata Group Companies Sign Joint Venture to Tap Into India's Rapidly Growing White Goods Consumer Market


ISTANBUL and MUMBAI, India, May 24, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - The JV targets market leadership in 10 years

    Beko, part of Koc Holding A.S. (Koc Holding), Turkey's largest industrials

conglomerate, and Voltas Limited, part of the Tata Group, India's largest

conglomerate, have announced a deal that will see Beko and Voltas, India's

largest air conditioning brand, enter into a joint venture (JV) for consumer


    The proposed new company, to be incorporated in India, will be an equal

partnership. The JV will be incorporated between Ardutch B.V. (49%), wholly

owned subsidiary of Arcelik, owner of Beko Brand, Koc Holding (1%), Voltas (49

%), and Tata Investment Corporation Limited (1%). The partnership, once

regulatory approval is received, will launch refrigerators, washing machines,

microwaves and other white goods and major domestic appliances for the

fast-growing consumer durables market in India.

    The Joint Venture Company (JVC), with an equity capital of $100 million,

will leverage the Beko brand and its expertise in the major domestic appliance

sector across the globe, as well as Voltas' strong brand presence and wide

sales and distribution network in India.

    The JV is key to Beko's "Silk Road" business strategy, which seeks to

create a continuous and strong presence in the corridor between Turkey and the

Asia Pacific region. This move aims to tap into the Indian market which offers

great potential with its approximately half billion middle-income consumers.

The white goods market in India is expected to reach US$ 12 billion by 2027.

    With the new greenfield investment, the JV looks to achieve a market

leadership position in white goods. The new production facility is aimed to be

operational by the end of 2018. The JVC will also sell major domestic

appliances produced in various facilities of Beko around the world.

    The JV demonstrates a joint vision of building a long-term sustainable

durables business in India and Beko's ongoing focus on the Asian continent as

the key driver in its strategic growth plans.

    Commenting on the partnership, Fatih Kemal Ebiclioglu, President of

Consumer Durables Group of Koc Holding, said: "Given the accelerating shift of

global economic power to Asia,  this joint venture will be a critical step for

Beko's growth in the region. India stands out as an important opportunity

window as it offers a great potential with its 1.3 billion population. In the

last ten years alone, the Indian major domestic appliances market grew by

nearly 9 percent, surpassing the overall 3 percent growth of global white goods

market. With this joint venture, we make a strategic move to increase our

global competitive advantage."

    Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Arcelik, said: "Our joint venture with Voltas and

Tata Group demonstrates Beko's commitment to India and showcases Beko's "Silk

Road" strategy, which seeks to capitalise on major growth opportunities in

countries across the Asia Pacific.

    "India's rapidly expanding new middle class presents a major opportunity

for our business. This young, urbanizing population includes many first-time

buyers investing in white goods. The potential for growth in this market is

incredibly exciting and we are proud to be partnering with the Tata Group to

deliver this ambitious new partnership.

    "By combining our global manufacturing expertise and innovation

capabilities with Voltas' expertise, we're confident the company will deliver

economic growth and act as a platform for our continued business success going


    Ishaat Hussain, Tata Sons Director and Chairman of Voltas Ltd., said:

"Consumer Durables is a logical extension for Voltas, and we are delighted to

be forming this Joint Venture with Arcelik, part of the Koc Group. The strong

technology platform, combined with the global manufacturing and sourcing

capabilities of Arcelik, will help the JVC offer many unique and differentiated

products to the Indian market. The Voltas-Beko partnership will also leverage

the well-known brand and distribution strengths of Voltas, and we will work

towards establishing the joint venture as a market leader for consumer durables

in India."

    Sanjay Johri, Managing Director of Voltas Ltd., added: "Our long history,

and our unique understanding of Indian customers combined with our brand and

distribution strengths, has helped us become market leaders in room

air-conditioners in India. Voltas' core competence, and the manufacturing

capabilities and wide product range of Beko will help us become a leading

player in the consumer durables market in the country. The Indian consumer has

always been at the forefront of all our plans, and the expansion in our product

portfolio, through this foray, will as always, provide our customers products

'made for India', which specifically cater to their needs. We remain committed

to our goals of sustainable profitable growth, and this Joint Venture will

create enhanced value for our customers and shareholders."

    Note to Editors

    About Arcelik & Beko

    Today Arcelik A.S. offers products and services around the world with its

30,000 employees, 18 production facilities in 7 countries (Turkey, Romania,

Russia, China, South Africa, Thailand and Pakistan), its 34 sales and marketing

offices in 32 countries and its 11 brands (Arcelik, Beko, Grundig, Blomberg,

ElektraBregenz, Arctic, Leisure, Flavel, Defy,  Altus and Dawlance) serving

products and services in 145 countries. As the third largest home appliances

company in Europe, the consolidated turnover of Arcelik A.S. was totalled at

TRY 16.1 billion in 2016. Generating 60% of its income from global markets

Arcelik A.S. owns 14 R&D centres, employing over 1,300 employees. Arcelik is

listed in ISE (Borsa Istanbul) since 1986. Beko, the global brand of Arcelik

A.S., has been the fastest growing home appliances brand of Europe since the

millennium. Brand is the market leader in UK and Poland and the #1 freestanding

white goods brand of Europe.

    About Voltas

    Voltas Limited is a premier engineering solutions provider and project

specialist. Founded in India in 1954, Voltas Limited is part of the Tata Group,

and offers engineering solutions for a wide spectrum of industries in areas

such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration,

electro-mechanical projects, textile machinery, mining and construction

equipment, water management & treatment, cold chain solutions, building

management systems, and indoor air quality. The Company is also the market

leader in room air conditioners in India.

    About Koc Holding

    Koc Holding, the parent company of Arcelik A.S., is the leading investment

holding company in Turkey and Koc Group is Turkey's largest industrial and

services group in terms of revenues, exports, taxes, number of employees and

market capitalization on the Borsa Istanbul with over 95,000 people. Koc

Holding has leading positions with strong competitive advantages in various

sectors, such as energy, automotive, consumer durables and finance, which offer

strong long-term growth potential. Following an average annual growth rate of

11% in consolidated profit in USD terms between 2006 and 2016, Koc Holding

ranks among the world's top 500 companies according to Fortune 500 with

consolidated sales of around US$ 23.5 billion as of year-end 2016. Koc Group

has been a driving force of the Turkish economy with total sales corresponding

6% of Turkey's GDP, exports comprising 9% of Turkey's total exports and Koc

Holding and its listed subsidiaries making up 20% of Borsa Istanbul's market


    About Tata Group

    Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise,

headquartered in India, comprising over 100 independent operating companies.

The group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with a

mission 'To improve the quality of life of the communities we serve globally,

through long-term stakeholder value creation based on Leadership with Trust'.

Tata Sons is the principal investment holding company and promoter of various

Tata companies, including Voltas.  Sixty-six percent of the equity share

capital of Tata Sons is held by philanthropic trusts, which support education,

health, livelihood generation and art and culture. In 2015-16, the revenue of

Tata companies, taken together, was USD 103.51 billion. These companies

collectively employ over 660,000 people.

    Each Tata company or enterprise operates independently under the guidance

and supervision of its own Board of Directors. There are 29 publicly-listed

Tata enterprises with a combined market capitalization of about USD 116.41

billion (as on March 31, 2016). Going forward, Tata companies are building

multinational businesses that seek to differentiate themselves through

customer-centricity, innovation, entrepreneurship, trustworthiness and

values-driven business operations, while balancing the interests of diverse

stakeholders including shareholders, employees and society.

Source: Beko




