SkinCeuticalsが女性外科医の訓練などでReSurge Internationalとの提携を発表


SkinCeuticalsが女性外科医の訓練などでReSurge Internationalとの提携を発表

AsiaNet 68371 (0631)

【ニューヨーク2017年5月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*再建手術、外科医の先駆的な女性のための計画 #SurgeOn

SkinCeuticalsは科学から生まれ、知識は力であるとの信念をルーツとし、皮膚の健康と美容の分野の医師にコミットしている。ReSurge Internationalとの新たな提携を通じて、SkinCeuticalsは世界のサービスが不十分な部分で再建手術ケアへのアクセスを増大させるために、再建手術の先駆的な女性を技術的に訓練し、専門的に指導し、主導的な第1世代の女性外科医を養成する構想を発表した。

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やけどや先天的な病気で苦しんでいる途上国のひとびとは、容貌が変わることでその生活を変えることができ、その結果地域社会に全面的に参加し、学校に通い、家族を養うことが可能となる。こうしたひとびとにとって再建形成手術は多くのレベルで変革である。しかし世界の50億人には、いまなお安全で、タイムリーな手術ケアへのアクセスがない。SkinCeuticalは、医療訓練の平等化こそがこの必要を満たすために不可欠だと信じている。現在、低所得国では女性外科医は100万人あたり3人にすぎず、その理由は有意義な技術的訓練へのアクセスが平等でないことやこの分野への受け入れが得られないことによるものが多い。SkinCeuticalsとReSurge Internationalはこの不均衡を是正することを目指している。

ReSurge Internationalは1969年に創立され、それ以来途上国の10万人以上の患者に再建手術を提供してきた。2014年にReSurge International Global Training Program & Academic Faculty(ReSurge International世界訓練計画・アカデミック・ファカルティー)が導入された。この計画は、ReSurge Internationalのコンサルティング医学責任者でスタンフォード大学形成・再建外科医長であるジェームス・チャン博士が指導した。世界訓練計画は「teach to fish」哲学を掲げ、世界クラスの医学部と協力して再建ケアについて地元外科医を教育し、訓練する。



SkinCeuticalsのグローバルゼネラルマネジャー、レスリー・ハリス氏はこれに付け加えて「現在、人口の3分の2は再建手術ケアに手が届かない。この数字を変えたいならこの分野への参入にユニークな障害がある低所得国で女性外科医の数を変える必要がある。この任務はわが社の創立者である科学者のシェルドン・ピネル博士の医療共同体と慈善の精神に対するコミットの進化である。われわれは今後、ReSurge Internationalと提携することを光栄に思う」と述べている。

計画の目標についての詳しい情報は 参照。 SkinCeuticalsはソーシャルシェアリング、理解構築、寄付ポータルへの容易なアクセスを通じて共同体への関与を容易にする。


米テキサス州ダラスで1997年に創立されたSkinCeuticalsは先進的な科学に裏付けされたコスメシューティカル治療製品ラインを発見、開発、提供している。抗酸化、太陽光保護技術のリーダーとしてSkinCeuticalsの製品は環境的な損傷から皮膚を保護し、皮膚の輝き、トーン、組織を目に見えるほど改善して細い線、しわの出現を見えにくくすることによって、肌の健康を劇的に改善することを示してきた。詳しい情報はFacebook、Twitter、Instagram,、または で。




Laura Cummins


Tel: +1-212- 984-4907;

Kristin Breen


Tel: +1-212-230-1800


SkinCeuticals Announces Partnership With ReSurge International


NEW YORK, May 1, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

-- An Initiative for Pioneering Women in Reconstructive Surgery #SurgeOn

SkinCeuticals is born from science, rooted in the belief that knowledge is

power, and committed to doctors in the field of skin health and aesthetics.

Through its new partnership with ReSurge International, the brand announces an

initiative for Pioneering Women in Reconstructive Surgery, to technically

train, professionally mentor, and develop in leadership first generation female

surgeons in order to increase access to reconstructive surgical care in

under-served parts of the world.

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For people in developing countries who suffer from burn injuries or congenital

conditions, a change in their appearance can change their lives--enabling them

to fully participate in their communities, attend school, and provide for their

families. For these people, reconstructive plastic surgery is transformative at

many levels - yet 5 billion people worldwide lack access to safe, timely

surgical care. SkinCeuticals believes that equality of medical training is

essential to meeting this need. Today, there are only three female surgeons for

every 1 million people in low income countries, often due to a lack of equal

access to significant technical training or obstacles to gaining acceptance in

their field. SkinCeuticals and ReSurge International aim to correct this


ReSurge International was founded in 1969, and since its inception, it has

provided more than 100,000 reconstructive surgeries for patients in developing

countries. In 2014, the ReSurge International Global Training Program &

Academic Faculty was introduced. The program is led by Dr. James Chang, who

serves as the consulting medical officer for Resurge International and is

Stanford University's chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery. The Global

Training Program embraces a "teach to fish" philosophy, working with world

class medical faculty to educate and train local surgeons in reconstructive


Through visiting educator programs, leadership training, mentorship support,

and funding of supplies, Pioneering Women in Reconstructive Surgery will help

female surgeons grow their knowledge and as a result, provide networks of

reconstructive surgical care within their communities. The first year of the

partnership will focus on five up-and-coming female surgeons - Dr. Faith

Chengetayi Muchemwa of Zimbabwe, Dr. Celma Marina Teles Issufo of Mozambique,

Dr. Shilu Shrestha of Nepal, Dr. Lorena Escudero Castro of Ecuador, and Dr.

Farzana Bilquis Ibrahim.

Says Dr. Chang of the program, "These women are not only learning surgical

skills, but how to navigate a male-dominated field, with specialty curriculum

in reconstructive surgery and career advancement through our partnership with

SkinCeuticals. It was a similar story in the US one generation ago - now more

than half of medical students are women and of my 18 faculty at Stanford

University, 8 are women. It is an issue critical to me as a father of three

daughters. We would like to mentor and empower these pioneering women surgeons

for future generations."

Leslie Harris, Global General Manager of SkinCeuticals, adds, "Today,

reconstructive surgical care is out of reach for 2/3 of the population. If we

want to change this statistic, we need to change the number of women surgeons

in low income countries who often face unique barriers to entering the field.

This mission is an evolution of Dr. Sheldon Pinnell, our founding scientist's,

commitment to the medical community and spirit of philanthropy. We are honored

to partner with Resurge International in the years to come."

More information on the program goals can be found at SkinCeuticals will be facilitating the

involvement of their community through social sharing, awareness-building, and

easy access to donation portals.  


Founded in Dallas, TX in 1997, SkinCeuticals discovers, develops, and delivers

an advanced line of scientifically backed cosmeceutical treatments.  As leaders

in antioxidant and sun protection technology, SkinCeuticals products have been

shown to dramatically improve skin health by protecting skin from environmental

damage and visibly improving skin clarity, tone, and texture to minimize the

appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. For more information, visit the brand on

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or at


Resurge provides people in developing countries with access to life-changing

reconstructive surgical care that is safe, timely and affordable. We train the

next generation of reconstructive surgeons in Africa, Latin America, and Asia;

work with them to create a sustainable business model; and together, we provide

high quality reconstructive surgical care to people living in poverty and in

remote areas. As a result of our work, our patients' lives are transformed-they

are able to more fully participate in their communities, attend school, and

provide for their families.


Laura Cummins


Tel: +1-212- 984-4907;

Kristin Breen


Tel: +1-212-230-1800  

SOURCE: SkinCeuticals




