
ヨーロッパ・ノストラ(Europa Nostra)


AsiaNet 68087

ハーグ(オランダ)、2017年4月5日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

ジュネーブのフィリップ・スターン時計コレクション(Philippe Stern's Collection of Timekeepers)が、リサーチのカテゴリーで2017年ヨーロッパ・ノストラ賞(Europa Nostra Award 2017)を受賞しました。本日、ヨーロッパでトップの遺産団体であるヨーロッパ・ノストラが公表しました。ヨーロッパ・ノストラ賞はEUのクリエイティブ・ヨーロッパ(Creative Europe)プログラムに参加していないヨーロッパの国々の際立った業績に贈られます。受賞したスイスの業績は、5月15日フィンランドの歴史的都市、トゥルクで開催される今年の欧州連合文化遺産賞/ヨーロッパ・ノストラ賞(European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards)の受賞者と共に表彰されます。有名なオペラ歌手でヨーロッパ・ノストラ会長のプラシド・ドミンゴが、欧州委員会教育・文化・青年・スポーツ委員のティボル・ナヴラチチと共にヨーロッパ遺産賞(European Heritage Awards)授賞式の司会を行います。

40年以上にわたりフィリップ・スターンは、今や同種では最も大規模かつ重要なコレクションの一つとなった多数のヨーロッパ時計を収集しました。2001年、そのコレクションを収める博物館を開設するという長年の野望は、ジュネーブのパテック・フィリップ・ミュージアム(Patek Philippe Museum)設立により実現しました。私的で家族所有のこの博物館は一般公開されており、来館者にヨーロッパの時計作りの伝統を説明することを目的としています。賞の審査員は、「この博物館の開設にあたり、フィリップ・スターンは自身の個人コレクションを公開し、より幅広い観客に知識が届くようにしました。今のデジタル時代に、このコレクション、博物館、質の高い出版物はこの技術の進化の貴重な記録です」と述べました。




EUのクリエイティブ・ヨーロッパ・プログラムに参加していないヨーロッパの国々のプロジェクトに贈られる2017年EU文化遺産賞/ヨーロッパ・ノストラ賞(EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2017:http://www.europanostra.org/ )も本日発表されました。

ヨーロッパ遺産賞授賞式は5月15日夕方、トゥルクの聖ミカエル教会で行われます。ヨーロッパ中から集まった遺産の専門家、ボランティア、支援者ら約1200人がイベントに参加します。受賞者は5月14日、トゥルク音楽学校(Turku Music Conservatory)シギュンホール(Sigyn Hall)でのエクセレンスフェア(Excellence Fair)において遺産に関する自分の優れた業績を発表し、トゥルク・ヨーロッパ遺産会議(European Heritage Congress in Turku:http://europanostra.org/european-heritage-congress/ )(5月11日-15日)の様々なイベントに参加します。ヨーロッパ・ノストラの企画による同会議は、ネットワーキングの示唆的なプラットフォームを提供し、ヨーロッパ文化遺産の年2018(European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018)に焦点を絞って、遺産に関連した最近のヨーロッパの開発について話し合います。


ヨーロッパ・ノストラ(Europa Nostra:http://www.europanostra.org/ )は、公共団体、民間企業、個人の広範なネットワークによっても支えられている遺産NGOの全ヨーロッパ連合です。ヨーロッパ40か国以上に展開するこの組織は、ヨーロッパの文化・自然遺産の保護と推進に尽力する市民社会の代弁者です。1963年に設立され、今日ではヨーロッパの最も代表的な遺産ネットワークとして認められています。世界的に有名なオペラ歌手で指揮者のプラシド・ドミンゴが組織の会長を務めています。

ヨーロッパ・ノストラはヨーロッパの危機にひんするモニュメント、遺跡、景観を、中でも「最も危機に瀕した7か所(The 7 Most Endangered)」で保存するキャンペーンを行っています。EU文化遺産賞/ヨーロッパ・ノストラ賞で卓越性を称えます。またヨーロッパ機関(European Institutions)との計画的対話とヨーロッパ遺産同盟3.3(European Heritage Alliance3.3)の調整で、遺産に関連したヨーロッパの戦略および政策の策定と実施に貢献しています。







ビデオ (https://www.youtube.com/user/Euro0paNostraChannel

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Philippe Stern's Collection of Timekeepers Wins a Europa Nostra Award 2017


THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Apr. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

     Philippe Stern's Collection of Timekeepers, Geneva, has received a Europa

Nostra Award 2017 in the category Research. The public announcement was made

today by Europa Nostra, the leading heritage organisation in Europe. The Europa

Nostra Award is presented to outstanding achievements from European countries

not taking part in the EU's Creative Europe programme. This award-winning

achievement from Switzerland will be honoured - together with this year's

winners of the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra

Awards - at a ceremony to be held on 15 May in the historic city of Turku,

Finland. The renowned opera singer and President of Europa Nostra Placido

Domingo will host the European Heritage Awards Ceremony together with the

European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Tibor Navracsics.

    For over 40 years, Philippe Stern has collected an array of European

timekeepers which now comprise one of the largest and most important

collections of its kind in the world. In 2001, a long held ambition to open a

museum to house the collection was realised with the establishment of the Patek

Philippe Museum in Geneva. This private and family owned museum is open to the

public and aims to explain the horological traditions of Europe to its

visitors. "In opening this museum, Philippe Stern has shared his private

collection with the public and made the knowledge available to a wider

audience. In this digital era, the collection, the museum and the high-quality

publication are precious records of the evolution of this technology," stated

the Awards' jury.

    Philippe Stern's collection is composed of around 1,200 timekeepers from

across Europe. The majority of the pieces are from Switzerland but many

originate from France, England, Austria and The Netherlands among others. In

this way, craftsmanship from across Europe is represented and celebrated at the

museum. The jury appreciated this aspect of the project noting that "the

collection embraces the most valuable, characteristic and outstanding

timepieces from the horological centres of Europe."

    The acquisition of each timekeeper was always followed by detailed

research. The purpose of the research was to discover the progress of

innovations in watchmaking and how these innovations reflected scientific and

social advances at the time. The keystone of this endeavour was to publish a

catalogue describing the collection in this historical context and to present

the collection to a broader audience of specialists and admirers.

    The catalogue is the result of a great feat in dedicated and minute

research, undertaken by Philippe Stern, president of Patek Philippe, and then

compiled by Dr. Peter Friess, Director and Curator of the Patek Philippe Museum

and the author of the publication. The catalogue diligently details the various

aspects of each timekeeper. Some of the timekeepers are less important because

of their relatively simple mechanisms, but other details such as the

enamelwork, the paintings or the metalwork are often outstanding. The

acquisition of each piece in Philippe Stern's collection was followed by

research into each of these details. All of the timekeepers have been

photographed using a specially developed technique in order to make visible all

of their parts both inside and out and has greatly enriched the study of

horology in this way.

    The winners of the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards

2017 [http://www.europanostra.org ] - which are presented to projects from

European countries taking part in the EU's Creative Europe programme - were

also announced today.

    The European Heritage Awards Ceremony will take place in the late afternoon

on 15 May at St. Michael's Church in Turku. Around 1,200 people, including

heritage professionals, volunteers and supporters from all over Europe, will

participate in the event. The winners will present their exemplary heritage

accomplishments during the Excellence Fair on 14 May at the Sigyn Hall of the

Turku Music Conservatory, and take part in various events at the European

Heritage Congress in Turku [http://europanostra.org/european-heritage-congress

] (11-15 May). Organised by Europa Nostra, the Congress will provide an

inspiring platform for networking and debating the latest European developments

related to heritage with a special focus on the European Year of Cultural

Heritage 2018.


    Europa Nostra [http://www.europanostra.org ] is the pan-European federation

of heritage NGO's which is also supported by a wide network of public bodies,

private companies and individuals. Covering more than 40 countries in Europe,

the organisation is the voice of civil society committed to safeguarding and

promoting Europe's cultural and natural heritage. Founded in 1963, it is today

recognised as the most representative heritage network in Europe. Placido

Domingo, the world-renowned opera singer and conductor,  is the President of

the organisation.

    Europa Nostra campaigns to save Europe's endangered monuments, sites and

landscapes, in particular through 'The 7 Most Endangered' programme. It

celebrates excellence through the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa

Nostra Awards. It also contributes to the formulation and implementation of

European strategies and policies related to heritage, through a structured

dialogue with European Institutions and the coordination of the European

Heritage Alliance 3.3.

    To find out more about each winning project:

    information and jury's comments

[http://www.europeanheritageawards.eu/winner_year/2017 ], high-resolution

photos [https://www.flickr.com/photos/europanostra/albums/72157681416179225 ]

and videos [https://www.youtube.com/user/EuropaNostraChannel ]

    Twitter: @europanostra [http://twitter.com/europanostra ]


SOURCE: Europa Nostra




