Sansiri、Le Font IAIR Awards 2017で不動産部門2賞に輝く

Sansiri PLC

Sansiri、Le Font IAIR Awards 2017で不動産部門2賞に輝く

AsiaNet 68052 (0488)


*「Company of The Year - Luxury Real Estate Thailand賞」と「CEO of the year in Property and Real Estate in Thailand賞」を受賞

タイ唯一の完全統合型不動産デベロッパーであるSansiri Public Company Limitedはこのほど、香港のシェラトンホテル&タワーズで行われた豪華なLe Fonti IAIR Awards 2017の授賞式で「Company of The Year - Luxury Real Estate Thailand」と「CEO of the Year in Property and Real Estate in Thailand」の名誉ある2部門の2賞を受賞した。これらの賞はSansiri Plc.の事業開発(コンドミニアム)担当上級副社長ウタイ・ウタイセーンスック氏(写真中央)とコビー・レザーズ国際事業部長(同右)に授与された。

Sansiriは不動産部門のLe Font IAIR賞を受賞した唯一のタイのデベロッパーで、32年の経験を持つトップの不動産デベロッパーであることや最も現代的なデザイン手法による広範なプロジェクトの提供などSansiriを新たな成長へ導くためのビジョンとリーダーシップの明確な宣言である。優れた例は東南アジアで壮麗さと優雅さにおいて最も魅力的な住宅開発の1つである98 Wirelessである。98 Wirelessは現代的なエレガンス、最高級のデザインと純然たるぜいたくの組み合せを想起させる高品質の素材を使った、地域で最高級の住居となっている。

▽Le Fonti IAIR Awardsについて

Le Fonti IAIR Awardsは主要なランキングシステムであり、イノベーションとリーダーシップにおける卓越性のアワード表彰式を主催する。Le Fonti IAIRとIAIR REVIEW.orgからなる委員会および120以上の国の献身的な司法・経済・金融ジャーナリストのチームで構成される。

▽Sansiri PLCについて



Sansiri International PR

Kamonwan Prasitwuttivech (Joy)

Jirapha Rachasuthee (May)



ソース:Sansiri PLC


写真説明:Sansiriは香港のLe Fonti IAIR Awards 2017で名誉ある2賞を受賞

"Sansiri" Wins Two Prestigious Awards at "Le Fonti IAIR Awards 2017" in Hong Kong


Hong Kong, Apr. 3,2017, InfoQuest=KYODO JBN

Adjudged winner for "Company of The Year - Luxury Real Estate Thailand" and

"CEO of the year in Property and Real Estate in Thailand"

Sansiri Public Company Limited, Thailand's only fully-integrated property

developer, was honoured with two prestigious awards in two categories -

"Company of The Year - Luxury Real Estate Thailand" and "CEO of the Year in

Property and Real Estate in Thailand", at the glittering Le Fonti IAIR Awards

2017 presentation ceremony at Sheraton Hotel & Tower in Hong Kong recently. The

awards were accepted by Sansiri Plc.'s Senior Executive Vice President for

Business Development (Condominium), Mr. Uthai Uthaisangsuk (centre), alongside

Head of International Business, Mr. Cobby Leathers (right).

Sansiri was the only Thai developer to have received these Le Font IAIR awards

in the Real Estate sector, as a clear testimony of the vision and leadership

leading Sansiri towards new growth, from being a top property developer with 32

years' experience to a company that delivers a wide range of projects using the

most modern design methodologies. A fine example is "98 Wireless", one of

Southeast Asia's most stunning residential developments in its magnificence and

elegance. "98 Wireless" has become the region's most exclusive residence

fashioned with quality materials to evoke a combination of modern elegance,

aristocratic design and pure luxury.

About Le Fonti IAIR Awards

"Le Fonti IAIR Awards" is a leading ranking systems and hosts award ceremonies

in Excellence in Innovation & Leadership. It is made up of a committee of Le

Fonti IAIR and IAIR and a team of dedicated legal, economic and

financial journalists in over 120 countries.

About Sansiri PLC

Sansiri is regarded as Thailand's leading developer of quality homes,

townhouses and condominiums, and the country's only fully integrated property

developer. With a 3,400-employee workforce, Sansiri has built more than 300

projects throughout Thailand and a residential building in London during its

32-year history, with a strong emphasis on design and livability. Sansiri

provides comprehensive services that go beyond those of traditional developers:

Concierge services, property management, sales brokerage, and long-term resort

rentals. In 2015, the company's revenues totaled more than USD1 billion.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Sansiri International PR

Kamonwan Prasitwuttivech (Joy) / Jirapha Rachasuthee (May)

Tel: +6681-750-8003 / +6680-268-8228

Email: /


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Sansiriは香港のLe Fonti IAIR Awards 2017で名誉ある2賞を受賞



