The Mikey Czech Foundationがダナ・ファーバーがん研究所の小児DIPG治療研究に100万ドル贈与

The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc.

The Mikey Czech Foundationがダナ・ファーバーがん研究所の小児DIPG治療研究に100万ドル贈与

AsiaNet 68001 (0467)

【ニューケーナン(米コネティカット州)2017年3月30日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】小児科脳腫瘍に対する医療研究に資金供与しているスティーブン・J・チェック、ジェニファー・L・チェック両氏が設立した米内国歳入法典第501条C項3号による免税非営利財団であるThe Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc.(マイキー・チェック財団、以後財団、 )は30日、マーク・W・キーラン博士(MD、PhD)率いる米マサチューセッツ州ボストンにあるDana-Farber Cancer Institute(ダナ・ファーバーがん研究所)の小児科医療ニューロ・オンコロジー(脳腫瘍学)に100万ドルを贈ったと発表した。この贈与金はダナ・ファーバーがん研究所の歴史上、脳幹グリオーマ(DIPG、脳幹部神経膠腫)に対する研究に向けられた過去最大額の単独ドナーによる贈与となる。贈与による現金は、2008年に11歳のジェームズ・マイケル・“マイキー”・チェック君の命を奪ったDIPG小児科脳腫瘍の研究および治療法開発に当てられる。


マイキー君の父親であり、The Mikey Czech Foundationの会長兼共同創設者であるスティーブン・チェック氏は「DIPGを治癒するため必要な資産は、持続可能な資金源、世界クラスの神経腫瘍学、そして最新の研究施設の3つである」と語った。同氏はさらに「われわれは持続可能な資金源になる意向であり、キーラン博士とその同僚およびダナ・ファーバーがん研究所は、小児科神経腫瘍研究と最新の研究施設の観点からして、その種の最高のものである。今回の贈与は同等もしくはそれ以上の規模となる一連の贈与の2回目のものであり、この憎むべき疾患を根絶することを目指している」と語った。

スティーブン・チェック氏は、財団でのさまざまな努力に加えて、Czech Asset Management, L.P.のマネジング・パートナー兼最高投資責任者である。同社は米コネティカット州グリニッジにあるオルタナティブ投資ファンド・マネージャーに注力する信用取引であり、運用受諾資本は約43億ドル保有し、かなりの共同投資能力を備えている。チェック氏は、DIPG研究の持続可能な資金源を確保する努力の中で、DIPG研究のために個人所得の1%を寄贈している。

ダナ・ファーバーがん研究所長のマーク・W・キーラン博士(MD、PhD)は、「The Mikey Czech Foundationからの資金提供によって、これまではこれら腫瘍を治療することが難しかったDIPGについて、根本的な分子変質を定義する研究の継続が可能になる」と語った。同博士は続けて、「これらの努力はすでに、あるインパクトを持ちつつある。DIPGの生体検査にかかわる初の全国的臨床試験と、それに続く個々の患者の腫瘍における特定の異常に特化した治療は、すでに完了している(そのような試験は世界初)。これらの努力から、DIPGはそれぞれ異なる突然変異であり、その一部がDIPGに特有でほかのがんには発生しないユニークな分子署名を持つ3つの異なる変異となって発現することを発見した。ダナ・ファーバーは現在、この疾患の治療に重要なインパクトを与え始めることを願って、これら変異に対する目標を定めた治療法を開発中である。これの努力はすべて、患者とその家族、The Mikey Czech Foundationを含む財団の献身に根ざしており、これらの支えなくして実現しえなかった」と語った。

ダナ・ファーバーがん研究所の所長兼CEOであるローリー・H・グリムシャー博士(MD)は「DIPGは、小児科患者とその家族にとって破壊的な疾患である。キーラン博士はThe Mikey Czech Foundationの資金によって、重要な研究を継続することが可能であり、いつの日かDIPGに治療法を発見してもらいたい」と語った。

▽The Mikey Czech Foundationについて

The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc.(財団)はマイキー・ファミリーが設立した501条c項3号に基づく非営利財団で、脳幹グリオーマ(DIPG、脳幹部神経膠腫)小児性脳幹腫瘍を含む小児性脳がんの医学研究に資金提供する。DIPG脳幹腫瘍は極めてまれである。年間約300症例が全米で報告されているが、不幸なことに、この種の脳腫瘍を発症する子供は極めて少数で、治療法を見つけるために乏しい医学研究費への必要な投資を正当化できないため、この種のがんは医学研究コミュニティーの間で「オーファン」ステータスに押しやられている。財団は全米のヘルスケア、教育、医学研究組織での研究をサポートする補助金を拠出し、この分野における研究を支援する。




▽Dana-Farber Cancer Instituteについて

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute(ダナ・ファーバーがん研究所)は、化学療法によるがんの回復を1948年初めて達成し、現在は最新の治療法を開発しおり、がん研究と治療で世界をリードするセンターとなっている。Dana-Farber Cancer Instituteは、成人および小児がん治療向けのBest HospitalsでUSニューズ&ワールドリポートがトップ4にランク付けた唯一のセンターである。

Dana-Farberは科学研究、臨床治療、教育、コミュニティーの関与、支援運動を通じて、がんの苦しみを軽減するための広範な共同取り組みのセンターになっている。Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center( )は成人向けの最新がん治療を提供する。Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center ( )は小児向けである。Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center( )は5つのハーバード大学医療センターと2つの大学院によるがん研究の取り組みを統合する一方、Dana-Farber Community Cancer Care( )はボストン郊外のロングウッド・メディカル地域のコミュニティーで高品質のがん治療を提供している。


▽スティーブン・J・チェック(Stephen J. Czech)について

スティーブ・チェック氏は28年間にわたるクレジットおよびコーポレート・ファイナンスの経験とダイレクト・レンディング・クレジット・ファンドの設定、運用の長期記録を有している。同氏はコーポレート・ローンのソーシング、ストラクチャリング、アンダーライティング、モニタリング、リストラクチャリングにおいて経験を積んでいる。Czech Asset Managementを創設する前は、モルガン・スタンレー、クレディ・スイス・グループAG、ドナルドソン、Lufkin & Jenrette(DLJ)、バンク・オブ・アメリカ・セキュリティーズLLCを含む(これにとどまらないが)幾つかの有名企業で働いていた。チェック氏とその家族は、全米における(i)末期患者の子供(ii)現役および退役海軍特殊部隊およびその家族(iii)緊急救援隊員(例えば警察、消防、救急)(iv)恵まれない高校生への奨学金-に関連する支援運動への有力な援助資金供与者であり、擁護者である。チェック氏はThe Mikey Czech Foundationの創設者兼共同会長、The Navy SEAL Foundation National Leadership Councilメンバー、シカゴ大学ブース経営大学院の顧問理事会メンバー、シカゴ大学ブース経営大学院Dean’s Society名誉会員、Villanova University's President's Club & Parents Executive Committee委員、Aesclepian Society of Dana-Farber Cancer Instituteメンバー、Dana-Farber Presidential Visiting Committee for Pediatric Oncologyメンバーである。チェック氏はまた、Alfred Angelo, Inc.取締役会長でもある。チェック氏はマーケット大学からB.S.(科学学士)を、シカゴ大学ブース経営大学院からMBA(経営学修士)を取得している。

▽Czech Asset Management, L.P.について


ソース:The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc.


Stephen J. Czech

Chairman & Co-Founder

The Mikey Czech FoundationInc.

P.O. Box 1717

New Canaan, CT 06840

Phone: +1 203-769-8401


The Mikey Czech Foundation Contributes $1 Million To DIPG Research At Dana-Farber Cancer Institute


NEW CANAAN, Connecticut, March 30, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN / --

The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc. (the "Foundation", a

501(c)(3) non-profit foundation established by Stephen J. and Jennifer L. Czech

to finance medical research for pediatric brain tumors, announced a $1,000,000

gift to Pediatric Medical Neuro-Oncology at Dana-Farber, headed by Mark W.

Kieran, MD, PhD, and located in Boston, Massachusetts. The gift is the

largest-ever single donor gift dedicated to Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma

research in Dana-Farber's history. The proceeds of the gift are designed to

further the research and development of remedies for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine

Glioma ("DIPG") pediatric brain tumors, the type of tumor that claimed the life

of James Michael "Mikey" Czech in 2008 at age 11.

DIPG brain stem tumors affect the cranial nerves of children, ages 3 - 16 years

old, destroying the nerves that supply the muscles of the eye and face, and

muscles involved in swallowing. Symptoms include double vision, inability to

close the eyelids completely, "drooping" on one side of the face, and

difficulty chewing and swallowing. The tumor also affects the "long tracks" of

the brain, with resultant weakness of the arms or legs and difficulty with

speech and walking. As the tumor grows, children initially lose their ability

to use their limbs. Thereafter, they sequentially lose their ability to swallow

and breathe. Notwithstanding their physical deterioration, the children

maintain their mental faculties and are fully cognizant of what is happening to

them. Survival past 12 to 14 months is uncommon, and new approaches to treating

these tumors are urgently needed as no known effective therapies currently

exist to treat DIPGs.

"The assets required to cure DIPGs consist of: (a) a sustainable funding

source; (b) world-class neuro-oncologists; and (c) state-of-the-art research

facilities," said Steve Czech, Mikey's father and Chairman & Co-Founder of The

Mikey Czech Foundation. "We intend to be the sustainable funding source and we

believe that Dr. Kieran, his colleagues and Dana-Farber represent the

'best-in-class' with respect to pediatric neuro-oncology research and

state-of-the-art research facilities. This gift is our second of what we hope

will be a series of gifts, comparable or larger in size, designed to eradicate

this heinous disease."

In addition to his efforts with the Foundation, Steve Czech is the Managing

Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Czech Asset Management, L.P., a credit

focused alternative investment manager based in Greenwich, CT with

approximately $4.3 billion of committed capital under management and

significant co-investment capacity. In an effort to establish a sustainable

funding source for DIPG research, Mr. Czech contributes a percentage of his

personal income to DIPG research.

"Funding from The Mikey Czech Foundation is critical because it will allow us

to continue to conduct research to define the underlying molecular changes in

DIPG that have previously made these tumors so resistant to therapy," said Mark

W. Kieran, MD, PhD, director of Pediatric Medical Neuro-Oncology, Dana-Farber

Cancer Institute. "These efforts are already having an impact. The first

national clinical trial of biopsy of DIPG and molecular classification followed

by treatment individualized to the specific aberration in each patient's tumor

(the first such trial in the world) has already been completed. Out of these

efforts came the discovery that DIPG occurs as three different variants with

unique molecular signatures that have different mutations, some of which were

unique to DIPG and unknown in any other cancer. Dana-Farber is now developing

targeted therapies against these mutations in the hope that we can finally

begin to make a significant impact in the treatment of this disease. All of

this effort came from the dedication of patients, their families and

foundations, including The Mikey Czech Foundation, and would not have been

possible without them."

"DIPG is a devastating disease for pediatric patients and their families. With

The Mikey Czech Foundation's funding, Dr. Kieran can continue his important

research and hopefully one day find a cure for DIPG," said Laurie H. Glimcher,

MD, President and CEO of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

About The Mikey Czech Foundation: The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc. (the

"Foundation") is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation established by Mikey's

family to finance medical research for pediatric brain tumors, including

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ("DIPG") pediatric brain stem tumors. DIPG

brain stem tumors are extremely rare. Approximately 300 cases per year are

reported nationwide, which unfortunately, relegates this form of cancer to

"orphan" status within the medical research community, as too few children

develop these type of brain tumors to warrant the necessary investment of

scarce medical research dollars to find a cure. The Foundation will approve

grants to support research at healthcare, education and medical research

facilities throughout the United States to assist research in this area.

About Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma ("DIPG"): Brain stem tumors affect the

cranial nerves, causing symptoms related to the nerves that supply the muscles

of the eye and face, and muscles involved in swallowing. These symptoms include

double vision, inability to close the eyelids completely, "drooping" on one

side of the face, and difficulty chewing and swallowing. The tumor also affects

the "long tracks" of the brain, with resultant weakness of the arms or legs and

difficulty with speech and walking. As the tumor grows, children initially lose

their ability to use their limbs. Thereafter, they sequentially lose control of

their ability to swallow and breathe and begin to have alterations in heart

rate. Notwithstanding their physical deterioration, the children maintain their

mental faculties and are fully cognizant of what is happening to them.

Symptoms usually worsen rapidly because the tumor is rapidly growing. The

patient's symptoms often improve dramatically during or after six weeks of

radiation. Unfortunately, problems usually recur after an average of six

months, and progress rapidly. Survival past 12 to 14 months is uncommon and

almost all children have succumbed to the disease by 2-3 years. New approaches

to treating these tumors are urgently needed.

About Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: From achieving the first remissions in

cancer with chemotherapy in 1948, to developing the very latest new therapies,

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is one of the world's leading centers of cancer

research and treatment.  It is the only center ranked in the top 4 of U.S. News

and World Report's Best Hospitals for both adult and pediatric cancer care.

Dana-Farber sits at the center of a wide range of collaborative efforts to

reduce the burden of cancer through scientific inquiry, clinical care,

education, community engagement, and advocacy. Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's

Cancer Center ( provides the latest in cancer care

for adults; Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center

( for children. The

Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center ( unites the

cancer research efforts of five Harvard academic medical centers and two

graduate schools, while Dana-Farber Community Cancer Care (

) provides high quality cancer treatment in communities outside Boston's

Longwood Medical Area.  

Dana-Farber is dedicated to a unique 50/50 balance between cancer research and

care, and much of the Institute's work is dedicated to translating the results

of its discovery into new treatments for patients locally, and around the world

About Stephen J. Czech: Steve Czech has over 28 years of credit and corporate

finance experience as well as a long record of establishing and running direct

lending credit funds. His experience includes sourcing, structuring,

underwriting, monitoring and restructuring corporate loans. Prior to forming

Czech Asset Management, Steve was employed by several prominent firms,

including, but not limited to, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse Group AG,

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette ("DLJ") and Banc of America Securities LLC.  Czech

and his family are significant donors to, and advocates of, causes related to:

(i) terminally-ill children, (ii) active-duty and retired Navy SEALs and their

families; (iii) first-responders (ie: Police, Fire and EMTs); and (iv)

scholarships for underprivileged high-school students throughout the United

States. Czech is the founder and Co-Chairman of The Mikey Czech Foundation, a

member of The Navy SEAL Foundation National Leadership Council, a member of the

Advisory Board of The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a

Laureate member of the Dean's Society of The University of Chicago Booth School

of Business, a member of Villanova University's President's Club & Parents

Executive Committee, a member of the Aesclepian Society of Dana-Farber Cancer

Institute and a member of the Dana-Farber Presidential Visiting Committee for

Pediatric Oncology. Czech is also the Chairman of the Board of Alfred Angelo,

Inc. Czech received a B.S. from Marquette University and an MBA from the

University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

About Czech Asset Management, L.P. Czech Asset Management, L.P., with

approximately $4.3 billion of committed capital under management and

significant co-investment capacity, is a Greenwich, CT-based direct lending

firm engaged in providing privately negotiated, asset-based and cash-flow first

and second lien secured floating rate senior secured loans primarily to U.S.

middle market companies that generate annual revenue of $75.0 million to $500.0

million+ and annual EBITDA of $7.5 million to $50.0 million.

SOURCE: The Mikey Czech Foundation, Inc.

CONTACT: Stephen J. Czech, Chairman & Co-Founder, The Mikey Czech Foundation,

Inc., P.O. Box 1717, New Canaan, CT 06840, Phone: +1 203-769-8401, Email:   




