
Shenzhen Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration


AsiaNet 67938 (0446)

【深セン(中国)2017年3月24日新華社=共同通信JBN】Shenzhen "Belt and Road”International Music Festival(深セン「一帯一路」国際音楽祭)が3月25日開幕する。音楽祭の主催者によると、会期中16回のコンサートが開かれ、「一帯一路」地域の約30カ国から傑出したミュージシャンが公演する。

内外12の芸術グループからの700人を超えるミュージシャン、アーティストがShenzhen Concert Hall、Shenzhen Grand Theater、Shenzhen Poly Theater、Shenzhen Children’s Palaceの4会場で3週間にわたり公演する。



3月25日に行われるShenzhen Concert Hallでの開幕コンサートでは、アルバニア、ルーマニア、エジプト、チェコ、スロバキア、ベトナム、タイなど10カ国のミュージシャンが深セン・シンフォニーオーケストラと共演する。

ウィーン交響楽団、Bollywood Film Song and Dance Company、カナディアン・ブラス(Canadian Brass)、リトアニア室内管弦楽団など世界的に知られたオーケストラやチームがフェスティバルの間、テーマ別のコンサートを開く。

フランスの音楽家グザヴィエ・ドゥ・メストレは4月8日、Shenzhen Concert Hallでハープのソロコンサートを開く一方、ポーランドの有名なピアニスト、アダム・コシュミエヤは4月14日Shenzhen Grand Theaterでソロコンサートを開く。

中国音楽も音楽祭では重要な役割を果たす。伝統的な中国の弦楽器と木管楽器のコンサートが4月15日Shenzhen Grand Theaterで上演され、3月28日には香港中楽団(Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra)がShenzhen Concert Hallでコンサートを開く。


深セン住民は4会場の公式サイトでチケットをオンライン予約できる。各会場のサイトは、Shenzhen Grand Theater(www.szdjy.net )、Shenzhen Poly Theater(www.polytheatresz.com )、Shenzhen Concert Hall(www.szyyt.com )、Shenzhen Children's Palace(www.szcp.com )。

ソース:Shenzhen Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration



'Belt and Road' Music Festival to Hit Town


SHENZHEN, China, Mar. 24, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Shenzhen "Belt and Road" International Music Festival will open on March 25,

with 16 concerts to be performed by outstanding musicians from nearly 30

countries along the "Belt and Road" region, according to the festival's


Over 700 musicians and artists from 12 art groups from home and abroad will

perform during the three-week music festival in four venues, including Shenzhen

Concert Hall, Shenzhen Grand Theater, Shenzhen Poly Theater and Shenzhen

Children's Palace.

"The festival is aimed at enhancing communication and friendship among 64

countries along the 'Belt and Road' by the bridge of music," said Zhang Heyun,

head of the city's culture, sports and tourism administration.

According to Zhang, all of the performers to join the festival are from the

"Belt and Road" countries, and their performances will be closely connected

with the history and culture of the Silk Road.

During the festival's opening concert, which will be held at Shenzhen Concert

Hall on March 25, musicians from 10 countries, such as Albania, Romania, Egypt,

the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Vietnam and Thailand, will join Shenzhen Symphony

Orchestra to perform for the audience.

World-renowned orchestras and troupes, such as Wiener Symphoniker, Indian

Bollywood Film Song and Dance Company, Canadian Brass and Lithuanian Chamber

Orchestra, will perform themed concerts during the festival.

Xavier de Maistre, a French musician, will host a harp solo concert at Shenzhen

Concert Hall on April 8, while Adam Kosmieja, a well-known pianist from Poland,

will have his solo concert at Shenzhen Grand Theater on April 14.

Chinese music will also play an important role in the music festival, as a

concert of traditional Chinese stringed and woodwind instruments will be staged

at Shenzhen Grand Theater on April 15 and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra will hold

a concert at Shenzhen Concert Hall on March 28.

The music festival, co-hosted by the city government and Chinese Musicians'

Association, will conclude on April 16, with a closing concert performed by

China National Symphony Orchestra at Shenzhen Concert Hall.

Residents can reserve tickets online on the four venues' official websites:

Shenzhen Grand Theater (www.szdjy.net), Shenzhen Poly Theater

(www.polytheatresz.com), Shenzhen Concert Hall (www.szyyt.com) and Shenzhen

Children's Palace (www.szcp.com).

Source: Shenzhen Culture, Sports and Tourism Administration

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