
Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)


AsiaNet 67900 (0430)

【青島(中国)2017年3月22日新華社=共同通信JBN】3月20日のオンラインNature Climate Changeにおいて、「気候変動の下でより多くなっている北京の激しいスモッグの一因である気象条件についての研究」(Weather Conditions Conductive to Beijing Severe Haze More Frequent under Climate Change)が公表された。この研究はQingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(QNLM、青島海洋科学・技術国家実験室)のチームが行ったもので、第一執筆者である主任科学者のツァイ・ウェンジュ教授、共同執筆者であるQNLM理事のウー・リシン学術委員の2人の中国海洋大学教授に指導されたこのチームはQNLMが気候変動研究の分野の世界的パイオニアであることを示している。



中国で初めてパイロットランが承認された国立実験室であるQNLMは国家的な主要な戦略のニーズに応えて国家的意思を具体化し、協力的なイノベーションを行うことによって世界的な科学、技術のリソースの配分を最適化するカギとなる機関である。最近QNLMは、海洋環境と気候変動の正確な予測をサポートするTransparent Ocean(透明な大洋)を含む大型の科学プロジェクトを実行している。その一方でQNLMは米国大気研究センター(National Center for Atmospheric Research、NCAR)、米国海洋大気庁(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration、NOAA)/プリンストン大学地球流体力学研究所(Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of Princeton University)、テキサスA&M大学などの機関と協力することによって海洋・気候予測の国際センターの構築を準備している。今後数十年間の海洋環境と気候の超高精細度の予測、評価がQNLMのHigh Performance Computing Centerで実施されることになる。


ソース:Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)

QNLM Contributes to Haze Management


QINGDAO, China, Mar. 22, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Weather Conditions Conducive to Beijing Severe Haze More Frequent under Climate

Change was published online by Nature Climate Change on March 20. The study,

finished by the team from Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and

Technology (QNLM) led by Chief Scientist Prof. Cai Wenju as the first author

and the director of QNLM Academician Wu Lixin as the co-author, both professors

from Ocean University of China, underlines that QNLM is a worldwide pioneer in

the field of climate change research.

Prof. Cai told the journalist that though it was believed haze was directly

caused by gaseous pollutants from traffic and industrial emissions, the impact

from weather conditions still shouldn't be dismissed. He said that when Beijing

haze happens in winter, the north wind on the land surface and the northwest

wind in the middle troposphere weakens, while stratification stability in lower

atmosphere strengthens. This weather condition is disadvantageous for driving

away haze; instead, it helps accumulate it to be even heavier.

The study shows that in the background of global warming, the frequency and the

duration of such stable weather condition will increase by 50% and 80% compared

with the last century. This trend, which is closely related to a series of

ambient atmosphere change, such as the rapid warming of the lower atmosphere

caused by global warming and the weakening of the wintertime winds in east

Asia, will bring Beijing more frequent severe hazes. Global warming weakens the

wintertime winds in east Asia, due to the decrease of land-sea temperature

difference in winter. Huge heat capacity in the ocean makes the sea surface

temperature (SST) rise more slowly than land surface temperature. Meanwhile,

the complex circulation system at the western Pacific and China offshore plays

an important role in regulating SST in this region.

QNLM, the first national laboratory approved in China for pilot run, is a key

organization that embodies the national will and optimizes the allocation of

global science and technology resources by making collaborative innovations, in

response to the national major strategic demands. Recently, QNLM is

implementing major scientific projects including "Transparent Ocean" in support

of accurate prediction of the marine environment and climate change. In the

meantime, QNLM is preparing for building an international center of ocean and

climate prediction by working with such organizations as the National Center

for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of Princeton

University, Texas A&M University, etc. The ultra-high resolution prediction and

evaluation of the marine environment and climate for the upcoming decades will

be fulfilled by High Performance Computing Center in QNLM.

With increasingly urgent demand of coordination in scientific research, QNLM is

ready to contribute to global climate change research as a comprehensively

collaborative innovation platform. According to Prof. Pan Kehou, Secretary

General of the Academic Committee of QNLM, QNLM will make continuous effort to

find the scientific solutions to the issues that concern the well-being of the

Chinese people. Besides, haze management is a common responsibility of all

countries in the world, QNLM should take the responsibility to lead and promote

the international cooperation on energy saving and emission reduction with

scientific research institutions from other countries and regions, and to

contribute to a better environment and development of the ecological


Source: Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)




