
Argonne National Laboratory


AsiaNet 67706(0338)

【シカゴ2017年3月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】米エネルギー省のアルゴンヌ国立研究所(Argonne National Laboratory)の科学者たちはこのほど、水中に流出した石油、ディーゼル油の浄化に利用できるOleo Spongeと呼ばれる新しい発泡体を発明した。この物質は、水中から油を素早く吸収するだけでなく、再利用可能であり、表面にとどまらずすべての水塊から分散して広がった油を引き寄せることができる。この水中から油を容易に吸収する泡の塊がOleo Spongeである。この物質は、油を絞り出して再利用でき、油そのものは回収される。

Video - https://youtu.be/v0QySTVqOJ0

アルゴンヌのナノスケール物質センターの科学者で、シカゴ大学分子工学研究所フェローである共同発明者のセス・ダーリング氏は「Oleo Spongeはわれわれが知る限り、前例がない一連の可能性を秘めている」と語った。


ニュージャージー州にある国立オイルスピル・レスポンス研究&再利用エネルギー試験施設のOhmsettと呼ばれる巨大な海水タンクで実施された試験で、Oleo Spongeは、水中と水上の双方からディーゼル油と原油を回収することに成功した。


Oleo Spongeは、船舶の往来でディーセル油や石油が蓄積しやすい港湾を日常的に浄化する目的に利用できる可能性もある。

科学者チームはこの物質の商品化を積極的に期待している。このテクノロジーのライセンス取得に関心のある者、さらなる開発のため研究所と共同研究したい向きは、partnerships@anl.gov に問い合わせを。


ソース:Argonne National Laboratory


Chris Kramer

+1 630-252-5580


A reusable sponge that soaks up oil, could revolutionize oil spill and diesel cleanup


CHICAGO, Mar. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have

invented a new foam, called Oleo Sponge, that can be used to clean up oil and

diesel spills in water. The material not only quickly adsorbs oil from water,

but is also reusable and can pull dispersed oil from the entire water

column--not just the surface. The result is Oleo Sponge, a block of foam that

easily adsorbs oil from the water. The material can be wrung out to be

reused--and the oil itself recovered.

Video - https://youtu.be/v0QySTVqOJ0

"The Oleo Sponge offers a set of possibilities that, as far as we know, are

unprecedented," said co-inventor Seth Darling, a scientist with Argonne's

Center for Nanoscale Materials and a fellow of the University of Chicago's

Institute for Molecular Engineering.

The scientists started out with common polyurethane foam, used in everything

from furniture cushions to home insulation. This foam has lots of nooks and

crannies, like an English muffin, which could provide ample surface area to

grab oil. They used a nanotechnology technique previously developed at Argonne

to infuse a hard layer of "primer" into the foam. This gave the foam a new

surface chemistry, so they could firmly attach a second layer of molecules that

grab oil.

At tests at a giant seawater tank in New Jersey called Ohmsett, the National

Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility, the Oleo Sponge

successfully collected diesel and crude oil from both below and on the water


"The material is extremely sturdy. We've run dozens to hundreds of tests,

wringing it out each time, and we have yet to see it break down at all,"

Darling said.

Oleo Sponge could potentially also be used routinely to clean harbors and

ports, where diesel and oil tend to accumulate from ship traffic.

The team is actively looking to commercialize the material; those interested in

licensing the technology or collaborating with the laboratory on further

development may contact partnerships@anl.gov.

The research was funded by the U.S. Coast Guard and the Bureau of Safety and

Environmental Enforcement. The team used resources of the Center for Nanoscale

Materials, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, in the

development of the material. To learn more, visit



SOURCE: Argonne National Laboratory

CONTACT: Chris Kramer, +1 630-252-5580, ckramer@anl.gov




