Atlantis Healthcareが子供と思春期青年の慢性疾患の転帰改善の白書公表

Atlantis Healthcare Group

Atlantis Healthcareが子供と思春期青年の慢性疾患の転帰改善の白書公表

AsiaNet 67461(0218)

【ロンドン2017年2月21日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】患者の自己管理と行動変容プログラムの世界的リーダーであるAtlantis Healthcareは21日、「Chronic Illness Experience in Children and Adolescents: Exploring Challenges and Solutions(子供と思春期青年における慢性疾患経験:挑戦と解決の道を探る)」( )と題する最新の白書を公表した。これは慢性疾患の自己管理に絞ったシリーズ3番目の論文である。






▽Atlantis Healthcare Groupについて

Atlantis Healthcareは、慢性疾患の自己管理と治療法順守を通じた患者の転帰改善を促進する独自の個別健康管理ソリューションを開発、提供するため健康心理学を活用している。Atlantis Healthcareは、商業面で世界的に認められた健康心理学専門家の最大のチームを擁し、創造的なデジタル専門家の支援を受けて、患者のより良い健康上の転帰を支援するため、受賞歴のある行動変容プログラムを開発する臨床上実証済みのモデルと学術的研究を利用している。

Atlantis Healthcare Groupに関する詳細は以下に問い合わせを:

Matthew Walls

Chief Executive Officer


ソース:Atlantis Healthcare

Atlantis Healthcare Releases White Paper: Chronic Illness in Children and Adolescents: Exploring Challenges and Solutions


LONDON, Feb. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    Atlantis Healthcare, the global leader in patient self-management and

behavior change programs, today releases its latest white paper, Chronic

Illness Experience in Children and Adolescents: Exploring Challenges and

Solutions. [] This is the

third paper in a series focusing on self-management in chronic illness.

    This white paper explores the unique experiences of children and

adolescents as they navigate through life with chronic illness. It details how

tailored programs of treatment and behavioral change interventions work to

optimise support and outcomes for this population.

    Many adults living with a chronic illness developed their condition before

or during adolescence; pediatric support solutions provide an opportunity to

intervene at an early age and help these children become confident and

effective self-managers into adulthood. As Anna O’Sullivan, Health Psychology

Specialist outlines: “When a child or adolescent is diagnosed with a chronic

condition, their life and the lives of those around them are instantly

interrupted. This chronic condition can affect their wellbeing, social

activities, schoolwork, peer relationships, as well as the lives of their

entire family.”

    Developing health behavior interventions requires considerable exploratory

work to ensure that the diverse needs of these patient groups are met.

    Senior Health Psychology Specialist and lead author Dr Sinead Ni Mhurchadha

adds: “We know that adolescents prefer dynamic interventions that capture and

maintain their attention - such as digital-based solutions - and there is

evidence that these interventions are more successful at changing behaviors

within the pediatric setting”. However, Dr Ni Mhurchadha emphasises that

“delivering an engaging intervention that meets the high expectations of

pediatric groups can be a challenge. It is essential that psychological

techniques and user-centred designs work alongside each other to create

effective and engaging behavior change solutions that deliver improved health


    To download the white paper, visit


    About Atlantis Healthcare Group

Atlantis Healthcare leverages health psychology to develop and deliver uniquely

personalized healthcare solutions that drive sustained improvement in patient

outcome through self-management and treatment adherence across chronic diseases.

With the largest team of globally recognized health psychology experts in a

commercial setting, supported by digital creative experts, Atlantis Healthcare

uses clinically proven models and academic research to develop award-winning

behavior change programs, helping patients achieve better health outcomes. The

group provides solutions and services across the globe from offices in UK,

Germany, Spain, US, Australia and New Zealand.

    For further details on Atlantis Healthcare Group please contact:

    Matthew Walls

    Chief Executive Officer


    SOURCE: Atlantis Healthcare




