


AsiaNet 67192(0103)


中国文化省が主催する各種イベントの華やかな祭典「Joyous Spring Festival(歓喜の春節)」は2010年から毎年、この時期に国際都市で実施されている。中国の新年を祝って中国文化を世界と分かち合い、地球規模の調和コンセプトを植え付けることを目的とする中国政府主催の文化交流イニシアチブは、140超の国・地域、400余りの都市で2100のアクティビティーを展開してきた。

Joyous Spring Festivalが今月、スペインで祝賀される7回目のイベントとして再びマドリードにやって来た。とはいえ、今回は違いがある。フェスティバルは新たな要素として「GOH(主賓)都市ウイーク」を導入し、中国西部の大都市、成都が第1回GOH都市になった。





成都は2016年12月16日、マドリードへの直行便を就航させた。成都と南欧を初めて結ぶ路線で、昨年9月の成都「World Routes 2016」で開設された9国際路線の1つである。成都は現在、ロサンゼルス、パリ、フランクフルト、メルボルン、ドーハなど70の国際都市を結ぶ100近い国際路線を運航し、毎年4200万人の乗客が利用している。2番目の国際空港をすでに着工しており、それが完成すれば、それぞれ2空港を保有する2都市、北京、上海とともに、中国の「航空トライアングル」を形成する見込みであり、中国の開放政策をさらに広げて、中国西部を世界に大きく近づける。



スペインのことわざに「Count your friends and you'll know about your wealth(友人を大事にすれば、自分の豊かさが分かる)」というものがある。緊密なパートナーシップの増進に腐心する成都とスペインは今後1年、関係強化と富の増産に取り組む。


Chengdu Week Lands at Madrid as Spring Festival Goes Global


CHENGDU, China, Jan. 23, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Like Christmas in the West, Spring Festival is the most important and

spectacular traditional festival to the Chinese. People's homesickness and hope

for family reunions are the same worldwide. The Chinese are witnessing their

Spring Festival going global.

Beginning from 2010, Joyous Spring Festival, an extravaganza sponsored by

China's Ministry of Culture and comprising a series of events, takes place on

time in cosmopolitan cities from year to year. Intended to celebrate Chinese

New Year and share Chinese culture along with the world and inculcate the

harmony concept on a global level, the Beijing-hosted cultural exchange

initiative has organized 2,100 activities in more than 400 cities in over 140

countries and regions.

The Joyous Spring Festival reappeared in Madrid this month, the 7th time it was

celebrated in Spain. Nevertheless, this time there was a distinction - the

festival introduced a GOH (Guest of Honor) City Week as a new component and

Chengdu, a megacity in Western China, came out as the first GOH city.

On Jan. 13, the Spanish Chengdu Week 2017 was launched in Madrid Center of

Chinese Culture. A range of traditional cultural heritages typical of Chengdu

made an appearance at the opening ceremony, including Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan

opera, tea art, shadow puppetry, paper cutting and face changing. After the

ceremony Madrid Mayor Mrs. Carmena expressed her longing for a visit to

Chengdu, "The performances are so impressive. I want to book a flight to

Chengdu right now!"

Prominent Chengdu chefs served Madrid citizens the most "authentic" New Year's

Eve dinner during the week. Besides, Sichuan cuisine master chefs gave a

lecture at a local culinary arts college, demonstrating Sichuan culinary art on

the spot. An event that lasted from Jan. 12 to Jan. 19 at a Madrid zoo

highlighted painted panda sculptures, panda story walls and panda-themed

lectures, making a marvelous success that associated art with the animal native

to China. From Jan. 13 to Jan. 19, Chengdu Tourism & Culture Center at Plaza

Mayor opened its gate to visitors who had longed to enjoy Sichuan tea, Sichuan

spirits, Sichuan cuisine, Sichuan opera, tea art and shadow puppetry in part to

know more about this China's Best Tourist Destination and its local tourism

products and routes.

Over the past few years, Chengdu and Spain have witnessed increasingly closer

ties. According to authoritative statistics, foreign trade between Chengdu and

Spain in the first half of 2016 alone amounted to $53.13 million, divided into

$37.87 million export and $15.26 million import.

A couple of months earlier, a delegation headed by Spanish Ambassador Manuel

Valencia to China called at Chengdu. The ambassador expressed his rosy outlook

on the future of the city, pledging to promote cooperation in trade & commerce,

civil aviation and sister city relationships.

Chengdu has launched a direct route to Madrid on Dec 16, 2016, the first of its

kind to link Southern Europe with Chengdu as well as one of the nine

international routes opened at World Routes 2016 in Chengdu last September.

Currently, Chengdu operates nearly 100 international routes which join 70

cosmopolitan cities (e.g. Los Angeles, Paris, Frankfurt, Melbourne and Doha)

and provide for 42 million passengers on a yearly basis. Construction of a

second international airport is already under way, which, upon completion,

promises to form an "Aeronautic Triangle" in China together with Beijing and

Shanghai, two other cities boasting two airports each, thereby further

unfolding China's open-door policy and bringing Western China a lot closer to

the world.

The megacity in Western China now ranks as one of the few national hubs due to

fast economic growth achieved in recent years. As the government steps up

efforts to make Chengdu a strategic center of economy, technology, culture &

creativity, foreign trade and transportation, the city once known for pandas,

good food, historical and cultural heritage sites is drawing ongoing global

attention to an ever-improving investment climate.

Latest statistical updates show that Chengdu manufactures one half of the

world's iPads, one fifth of the PCs and one half of the notebook CPUs. 278 out

of the Fortune 500 companies have deployed offices or plants in this city,

where nearly one million Volkswagens, Volvos and Toyotas roll off the line

every year and FAW-Volkswagen Chengdu produces one third of the group's cars.  

A Spanish proverb goes, "Count your friends and you'll know about your wealth."

Devoted to an increasingly closer partnership, Chengdu and Spain are committed

to strengthening their ties and creating more wealth in the coming year.

Source: Gochengdu




