True Zero水素ネットワーク利用の燃料電池車、温室効果ガスを230万ポンド削減

True Zero

True Zero水素ネットワーク利用の燃料電池車、温室効果ガスを230万ポンド削減

AsiaNet 67153(0082)

【アーバイン(米カリフォルニア州)2017年1月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


*True Zeroが充てんステーションで水素燃料運転の優位的インパクトを示す

True Zeroは17日、同社の水素充てんステーションが2016年にカリフォルニアで燃料電池車に供給した燃料はゼロ排出370万マイル以上で、温室効果ガス排出量を230万ポンド超削減した。

True Zero親会社で現地に本社を置くFirstElement Fuelのジョエル・エワニック最高経営責任者(CEO)は「その温室効果ガスの削減は、ディズニーランドの9倍の広さの森林を植えるのに等しい」と説明した。

自動車オーナーらに水素で走行する利点を理解してもらうため、True Zeroは水素燃料電池車を運転する社会的インパクトを表すラベルを水素供給ステーションに貼り出す予定である。

True Zeroが取り扱っている燃料電池車は1200台と見積もられ、その数は増加している。同社は顧客らに自分が消費している資源についての情報と共に、例えば食品パッケージ背中の成分表といった新しい分析ラベル(Analysis Label)を貼ることにより、どれだけ環境に貢献しているかについても明確な情報を与える。


この持続可能性分析ラベル(Sustainability Analysis Label)はアルゴンヌ国立研究所のGREETモデルに基づき、多様な車両燃料の全ライフサイクルにおける影響を示す。True Zeroの水素による走行は典型的なガソリン車に比べ、温室効果ガスの排出が60%少ない。True Zeroの水素の3分の1は再生可能エネルギーが基になっており、その割合は高くなると予想されている。

True Zeroの充てんステーションのうちの2つでは、100%再生可能原料から作られた水素を提供しており、これによって典型的なガソリン車に比べて温室効果ガスの排出を93%削減している。True Zeroは2023年までに、水素を100%再生可能エネルギーで作るという野心的な計画を立てた。


True Zeroはカリフォルニアで現在、16の水素充てんステーションを所有、運営しており、さらに3つのステーションを建築中。この完成により、同社の小売ネットワークの第1段階が完了する。ネットワークの第2段階の建設は今年中に開始の予定で、施設の規模はこれまでより大きくなる。カリフォルニアの道路で予想よりも早く需要が増大しているためで、これによりステーションごとにより多くの顧客に対応することが可能になる。


燃料電池車に水素を充てんする時間は5分足らずだが、それでもTrue Zeroのステーションでは行列が始まっており、1日の最も忙しい時間帯に待ち時間が発生している。

州内の大気汚染と温室効果ガス削減の野心的な目標を掲げるカリフォルニア州エネルギー委員会、サウスコーストAQMD、ベイエリアAQMDは、True Zeroの水素ネットワーク第1段階に補助金を交付した。同社はさらにトヨタ自動車と本田技研工業から、カリフォルニアの水素ネットワークを加速、発展させる融資を受けた。

True Zeroは各水素充てんステーションに以下の持続可能性ラベルを表示し、水素で運転することによる社会的インパクトについて、顧客に情報を提供する:

True Zeroはこのステーションの水素を100%再生可能な原料で作っている


               本ステーションの水素     ガソリン    現時点の電池EV

               燃料電池EV(注1)       内燃機関   (カリフォルニアGrid)


     石油              0.1%             79.6%              0.4%

     天然ガス         12.0%             13.5%             66.3%

     石炭              1.3%             0.4%               7.6%

     再生可能         86.6%             6.5%              25.7%

     温室効果ガス      62 grams/mile     412 grams/mile    117 grams/mile

      排出ガス         Pure Water   VOC, CO, NOx, PM10,     None

                                    PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O         



            本ステーションの    将来の水素     ガソリン    現時点の電池EV

            水素燃料EV          燃料EV(注2) 内燃機関   (カリフォルニアGrid)


     石油         1.2%             0.1%           79.6%          0.4%

     天然ガス    64.1%             9.7%           13.5%         66.3%

     石炭         1.1%             1.1%            0.4%          7.6%

     再生可能    33.6%            89.1%            6.5%         25.7%

温室効果ガス    158 grams/mile   28 grams/mile    412 grams/mile  117 grams/mile


純水排出        Pure Water                  VOC, CO, NOx, PM10,    None

                                            PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O

(注2)True Zeroは100%再生可能な水素を5年間で販売することを目標にしているが、輸送と現地処理の過程で少量の割合の再生不可エネルギーを使うことが予想されている。

ソース:True Zero


Mike Geylin



California Greenhouse Gases Cut More Than 2.3 Million Pounds by Fuel-Cell Cars Powered by True Zero's Hydrogen Network

California Greenhouse Gases Cut More Than 2.3 Million Pounds by Fuel-Cell Cars Powered by True Zero's Hydrogen Network -- the Equivalent to Planting a Forest Nine Times the Size of Disneyland

IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 17, 2017 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- True Zero Displays the Positive Impacts of Driving on Hydrogen at its

Charging Stations

Fuel from True Zero's hydrogen-charging stations during 2016 powered more than

3.7 million zero emission fuel-cell-car miles in California, eliminating more

than 2.3 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, the company announced


"That's the greenhouse-gas equivalent of planting a forest nine times the size

of Disneyland," explained Joel Ewanick, CEO of FirstElement Fuel, True Zero's

parent, which is based here.

To help car owners and others understand the benefits of driving on hydrogen,

True Zero will post labels at its hydrogen charging stations showing the

societal-impacts of driving a hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle.

Already serving an estimated 1,200 fuel-cell vehicles and growing, the company

will give its customers and others clear information about the resources they

are consuming and how they are helping the environment by posting a new

Analysis Label, like the ingredients label on the back of food packaging.

"We got into this business to make a positive impact on the world," said

Ewanick.  "Our customers are making a difference with every mile they drive.  

It's exciting to see such substantial benefits so early on, and we want to help

tell that story."

The Sustainability Analysis Label show the entire lifecycle impacts of various

vehicle fuels based on the Argonne National Labs GREET model.  Driving on True

Zero hydrogen reduces greenhouse gas emissions by more than 60 percent compared

to a typical gasoline-powered car.  About one third of True Zero hydrogen is

currently sourced from renewables, with that percentage expected to grow.  

Two of True Zero's charging stations provide hydrogen sourced from 100 percent

renewable feedstock, which slashes greenhouse gas emissions by 93 percent

compared to a typical gasoline-powered car.  The company has set an ambitious

target to source all of its hydrogen from 100 percent renewables by 2023.

The number of fuel cell cars on California roads increased dramatically during

2016 and is expected to more than quadruple during 2017.  Toyota began in late

2015 retailing its hydrogen-powered Mirai in California, and in December 2016

Honda introduced its next-generation Honda Clarity, also powered by hydrogen.  

Other automakers, namely Hyundai and Mercedes-Benz, are also leasing fuel cell

cars in the state.

True Zero currently owns and operates 16 hydrogen-charging stations in

California and is in the process of building three additional stations to

complete the first phase of its retail network.  The company will start

building the second phase of its network this year with larger facilities which

can serve more customers per station to keep up with the faster-than-expected

demand that is happening on California roads.

"We're already seeing far more growth than we expected during the first phase

of our hydrogen network," said Ewanick.  "To keep up with demand and help

automakers sell more fuel-cell cars, our future stations have to be larger and

able to charge up multiple cars at the same time."

Charging a fuel-cell vehicle with hydrogen takes less than five minutes, but

even so several of True Zero's stations are already beginning to experience

lines and wait times during the busiest hours of the day.

The California Energy Commission, South Coast AQMD and Bay Area AQMD, which

have ambitious goals to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases in the State,

provided grants to True Zero for the first phase of its hydrogen network.  The

company also obtained financing from Toyota and Honda to help accelerate and

grow its California hydrogen network.

True Zero will display the following sustainability labels at each of its

hydrogen charging stations to provide customers with information about the

Societal Impacts of driving with hydrogen

True Zero sources the hydrogen at this station from 100% renewable feedstock

Sustainability Analysis

        Hydrogen at this      Gasoline - Internal    Battery EV Today

            station - Fuel Cell EV*   Combustion Engine   (California Grid)

Energy Sources

     Petroleum        0.1%   79.6%         0.4%

     Natural Gas     12.0%   13.5%         66.3%

     Coal            1.3%    0.4%          7.6%

     Renewable      86.6%    6.5%         25.7%

GHGs            62 grams/mile  412 grams/mile  117 grams/mile

Tailpipe Emissions   Pure Water      VOC, CO, NOx, PM10,

                                     PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O         None

*While the hydrogen at this station is sourced from 100% renewable feedstocks,

we use a small percentage of non-renewable energy for delivery and on-site


Sustainability Analysis

        Hydrogen at     Future Hydrogen -   Gasoline -   Battery EV

               this station -     Fuel Cell EV*     Internal      Today

               Fuel Cell EV                         Combustion   (California

                                                      Engine       Grid)


Energy Sources

     Petroleum     1.2%            0.1%                79.6%         0.4%

     Natural Gas   64.1%           9.7%                13.5%        66.3%

     Coal           1.1%           1.1%                0.4%         7.6%

     Renewable     33.6%           89.1%               6.5%         25.7%

GHGs        158 grams/mile   28 grams/mile    412 grams/mile  117 grams/mile


EmissionsPure WaterPure WaterVOC, CO, NOx, PM10,  None

                                              PM2.5, Sox, CH4, N2O

*True Zero's target is to sell 100% renewable hydrogen in 5 years. However, we

expect to still need to utilize a small percentage of non-renewable energy for

delivery and on-site processing.

SOURCE:  True Zero

CONTACT: Mike Geylin +1-844-640-2925 / c:+1-201-341-1099 /




