


AsiaNet 67129(0070)

【バンガロール2017年1月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】










(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162











ビシャル・シッカ最高経営責任(CEO)兼マネジングディレクターは「今四半期の季節的かつその他の逆風を考慮すると、当社の第3四半期売上高の業績はおおむね予想通りである。四半期の数値以外に、われわれは当社戦略の実行に真正面から注力することを継続している。これはAIベースのオートメーション、新しいソフトウエア主導の事業の伸び、イノベーションの提供、学習主導トレーニングの増強・躍進および促進などに反映されている。当社の年間クライアント調査の結果は、12年前に調査を開始して以来最高の顧客満足度を示しており、中でもZero Distanceの採用増加と人員の漸減が最高のパフォーマンスを示したが、これはInfosciousの独創的な信頼の高まりを示す主要な指標の一部である」と語った。

U B・プラビン・ラオ最高執行責任者(COO)は「季節的には緩慢な四半期で、当社の人材活用は順調である。雇員の関与と体験を向上させる継続的な取り組みによって人員の欠落が減少した。今四半期で77のクライアントを追加し、7500万ドル収益部門で2つのクライアントを追加した。LTMベースで100億ドル収益の節目を越えたことですべての利害関係者にお祝いを言いたい」と語った。












監査委員会の勧告で2017年1月13日開催されたインフォシス社(同社)役員会は、会計事務所のDeloitte Haskins & Sells, LLP(会計事務所登録番号No. 117366 W/W 100018)(デロイト)を同社の法定会計事務所に任命した。これは同社株主の同意が必要。この任命は2018年3月31日に終了する2017年度会計年度から効力を発揮し、同年の四半期ごとの財務報告の監査も含まれる。この任命は、2013年インド会社法139条とその関連法規によって義務付けられており、同社は上記の139条で許可された最長期間の終了に伴い現行の法定監査役を交代させることを義務付けている。デロイトは2017年に開催さえる予定の同社年次総会の終了から5年連続にわたり会計事務所の地位にとどまる。

上記内容に伴い、同社の役員会は同社の年次財務報告を監査する独立登録会計事務所としてデロイトを任命することを承認し、これには米証券取引委員会(SEC)にForm 20-Fに基づく2018年終了の年の年次報告を提出することも含まれる。この件に関する詳細は、同社ウェブサイト(Highlights IND AS)に掲載された法令関連申請を参照。


同社はプラビン・ラオ最高経営責任者(CEO)に直属する次席CEOにラビンクマル・S氏を即日付けで任命した。ラビクマル・S氏は世界流通組織の長としての現在の職務に加え、特定の戦略的Business Enagbling Functionsを監督し、インドをベースにする。




第3四半期、われわれは引き続きコアサービスをRENEW(更新)するという戦略で進展を果たし、デジタル、クラウド、データサイエンス、メーンフレーム・モダニゼーション、サイバーセキュリティー、APIマイクロサービス、インターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)などの分野で新しいサービスを導入してクライアントがコアビジネスを更新することを支援した。 Zero Distanceは今後も主要な戦略的な差別化要因となり、あらゆるプロジェクトにおいて現行の基礎的イノベーションを推進する。

インフォシスはZero Distanceフレームワークを活用して、LexisNexisのグローバル・ビジネス・システム向けにメンテナンスおよびプロダクション・サポートサービスを提供するカスタム化したアプリケーションを構築した。LexisNexisは法律、リスク管理、企業、政府、法執行機関、会計、アカデミックの市場のプロフェッショナル向けに設計されたコンテンツ対応のワークフロー・ソリューションで世界をリードするプロバイダーである。


Arizona Public ServiceのCISモダニゼーション・プログラム担当ディレクターであるジャスビンダー・アロラ氏は「Arizona Public Service(APS)は、顧客に変革プロセスの複雑性で負担をかけないようにして当社のCustomer Information System(CIS)環境を更新するために必要な重要な事業改革を行った。インフォシスは当社が最適なCOTS(民生品)製品による既存システムの置き換えを加速することを可能にするとともに、大規模で複雑なCISアプリケーションのシームレスな移行と定常状態を実現した。インフォシスの深い専門的知識を備える同社チームはZero Distanceイニシアチブを活用して、最小限のシステム稼働途絶で製品のアップグレードを実現する並行持続可能プログラムを動作さえるアイデアを思い付いた。インフォシスは、事前に手動テストされた大量のテストケースを自動化する優れたアイデアも考案し、当社特定のシナリオにカスタム化したことを確認した。インフォシスが提供したこのソリューションは顧客に対する製品およびサービスの納入をよりタイムリーにし、柔軟性と融通性があり顧客ニーズに応えることができるシステムによって最終顧客のコストを節約した」と語った。

売上高で最大の伝統的スーパーマーケットチェーンで、世界第3位の小売業であるKroger Co.は、数社の企業および小売業システムおよびミドルウエア・サービス向けのサポートを提供するためにインフォシスを選択した。Kroger Co.のアネット・フランケ福社長(コーポレート・テクノロジー担当)は「われわれはインフォシスが提供する体験と機能、拡大する能力に極めて驚いた。われわれはインフォシスが顧客、品質、イノベーションに対する当社のフォーカスに最適であると考える」と語った。

ハワイに本社を置く自動車ディーラー代理店のServcoは、同社のERP更改プログラムを実行するパートナーにインフォシスを選択した。Servcoのトー・トマ上級副社長は「当社の重要なビジネス機能全域に展開するハイブリッド型のOracleクラウドおよびオンプレミス・ソリューションの実装を含め、当社の重要なOracle公開プログラムのパートナーとしてインフォシスを選択できたことをうれしく思う。この実装によって、われわれはレガシーシステムから脱却し、Servcoの極めて重要な機能に恩恵をもたらす強力で最新の統合プラットフォームを構築することによって当社のビジネスのリスクを回避できる。インフォシスがOracle ERP、クラウド技術、自動車分野におけるインフォシスの能力を保有しており、われわれはこの重要なプログラムのためにインフォシスを選択した」と語った。

House of Fraserのジュリアン・バーネット最高技術責任者(CTO)は「House of Fraserは顧客が主体となるデジタル化小売り時代への対応を急いでいる。われわれは本当の意味でマルチチャンネル計画においてオンライン、店舗内、モバイルで、新しいバックエンドオーダー管理とサービス統合機能を組み合わせる次世代の統合eCommerce and Customer Experienceプラットフォームを構築している。この更新の実行を通じた戦略的パートナーであるインフォシスと協力して、このゲームチェンジングなプラットフォームはマイクロソフトのAzureクラウドコンピューティング・インフラストラクチャー上で提供される。当社のビジネス規模では、これはミッションクリティカルな顧客対面アプリケーション向けのこのクラウド技術の先駆的利用であり、マイクロソフトのクラウド技術の完成度と機能を明確にしめすものと確信する。インフォシスおよびマイクロソフトと提携してこのプラットフォームを実現したわれわれの積極的な体験は、クラウド技術の利用がHouse of Fraserのデジタル変革実現に寄与するとのわれわれの確信をさらに強化し」と語った。

当社はバーティカル企業におけるメーンフレーム・モダニゼーションに対する需要が継続するとみており、Amazon Web SericesおよびAzureと市場への共同進出に取り組み、クライアントと提携してメーンフレーム・ワークロードをクラウドに移行する。

DBS Bankのグループ最高情報責任者(CIO)であるデービッド・グレッドヒル氏は「われわれはインフォシスと提携し、FinacleおよびAmazon Web Cloudサービスを利用した革新的な技術ソリューションを開発する。われわれはこのほど初期テストを実施して大規模なコンポーネントバッチ・プロセッシングをAWSクラウドにオフロードし、従来のデータベース技術によりも100倍のプロセッシングスピードを達成した。これはわれわれわれがコアバンキング・システムを駆動する方法を大変革する可能性がある。われわれはAmazon Web Sericesおよびインフォシスのサポートを受けて、当社のレガシー環境を現代化しデジタル変革を加速することにも着手した」と語った。


第3四半期に、ソフトウエアとサービスはともにモメンタムを継続し、クライアントに新しい価値をもたらした。クライアントによるManaの採用は、前四半期に比べ2倍以上に増えた。Skavaはブラックフライデーの小売りeコマース・サイト堅調で、販売高は30%超増えた。EdgeVerve事業はさまざまな市場で、FinacleおよびEdgeの両ソリューション・スイートで18件の契約を獲得し、21件の契約交渉を進めるという堅実な業績を示した。Robotic Process AutomationプラットフォームのAssistEdgeは、これまで最高の四半期だった。同様に、Panayaは第3四半期に予約と売上高の面で最高の実績を達成した。

世界の特殊化学品大手エボニックはInfosysと複数年の戦略パートナー契約を結んでいる。エエボニックインダストリーズAGのトマス・マイネル上級副社長兼アプリケーション管理責任者は「われわれは当社が現在必要とするITニーズへの対応能力と、将来のテクノロジー近代化プログラムで当社をサポートする能力でインフォシスを選択した。インフォシスは、エボニックの『Procurement 2020ビジョン』の一環として、エンドツーエンドのSAP Ariba実装を通じて当社の調達環境の変革をサポートしている。さらに、同社のZero Distanceイニシアチブによって生まれたアイデアを通じて、当社のプラットフォーム業務でインフォシスの人工知能プラットフォームであるManaとその認知自動化機能を活用し、重複したシステム監視アラートを分析し15%削減することができた。われわれは今後、インフォシスからこのようなアイデアをさらに期待し、将来のわれわれのパートナーシップの姿を推進することを楽しみにしている」と語った。

世界的な写真会社であるLifetouchはインフォシスと提携して、システムおよびインフラストラクチャーの障害に関するインシデントチケットの自動化と監視を行っている。LifetouchのツールであるNagiosの展開の一環として、アラート監視のためInfosys Robotic Process Automationが統合された。アラートの種類に基づいて、ロボットは、サービスデスクのチケット生成、問題の分類、組み込まれたビジネスロジックを使用した問題管理チケットの生成など、特定のアクションを実行するようにプログラムされている。Lifetouch(LNSS- National Schools Studios)のジャイ・ドレイトン副社長は「インフォシスとの提携を通じて、監視やチケット生成などの手作業で極めて反復的な作業を自動化できるだけでなく、成果の質を向上させることができた。ロボットのおかげで、われわれは24時間態勢で正確な監視や体系的アラートを伴ったカバーができるのだ」と述べた。


ICICI Bankのマネジングディレクター兼CEOであるチャンダ・コーチャル氏は「ICICI Bankは、最新の技術を活用して銀行業務における新しいパラダイムをもたらす豊かなレガシーを持っている。インドでソフトウエア・ロボット、モビリティー、近距離無線通信(NFC)などの新技術のパイオニアであるのと同様に、われわれはブロックチェーン・アプリケーションを構築したインドの最初の銀行であり、世界でも数少ない銀行の1つであることは喜ばしい。画期的なことに、われわれはEmirates NBDおよびInfosys Finacleをパートナーとするブロックチェーン・ネットワークを先行的に構築し、クロスボーダーのオープンアカウント貿易金融および送金取引の実行に成功した。複雑な2国間および多国間の銀行取引をシームレスで迅速かつより安全にすることにより、ブロックチェーンという新興テクノロジーが今後の銀行業務において重要な役割を果たすと予想する。今後、われわれはブロックチェーン・エコシステムを拡大に取り組み、共通の作業基準を作成して、このイニシアチブの商業的普及に貢献する方針だ」と語った。

今四半期の米国でのFinacleのプレゼンスを強化する重要な里程標は、Marcus by Goldman Sachsの稼働開始だ。Marcus by Goldman Sachs(Digital Finance Technology)のボー・ハートマンCTOは「Finacle Core Banking Solutionの展開成功により、顧客ニーズに対応するためのアジリティーと市場ニーズに適応する拡張性の双方を獲得し、今日の競争の激しいデジタル時代に求められる優れた顧客体験を提供した」と述べた。

化粧品会社資生堂は、Panaya Test Centerを活用して大規模なIT変革プロジェクトを実施するとともに、グローバルなテスト活動を30%削減することにより自社IT変革プロジェクトに取り組む一助とした。資生堂のテクニカルディレクターEMEAであるセバスチャン・ハバート氏は「ビジネスに不可欠なアプリケーションのスムーズな活用を確実なものとするために、われわれは欧州の11カ国に展開する80人超のビジネスユーザーを動員して、ユーザーの受け入れテストを実施した」と語った。Panaya Test Centerはテスト加速を実施し、ビジネスプロセステストをエンドツーエンドの視点から管理する効率的な方法を提案した。「私は、効率を上げボトルネックを避けるために、プロジェクトをリアルタイムで簡単に追跡することができた。今後の新製品発表でPanayaと引き続き協力し、より大きな価値を実現することを期待している」と同氏は述べた。

PanayaはElton Technologiesと提携して、ゼロ・移行時間、ゼロ・ダウンタイム、ゼロ・リスクの高品質のERP変更を提供し大企業に大きな節約をもたらす自社のCloudQuality(TM)Suiteのライセンスを再販した。Elton Technologiesのプレム・チャンダーCEOは「今後数年間、SAP S/4HANAへの移行を計画している湾岸協力会議(GCC)諸国の多数のクライアントにとりPanayaと提携する素晴らしい機会が存在する。これらの企業は複雑なERP移行に直面しており、より速いテストとゼロ・リスクを提供するPanayaのCloudQuality(TM)Suiteのような広く使われているソリューションが当社のクライアントに大きな節約をもたらすのは確実だ」と述べた。

Design Thinkingでは、われわれは主要戦略分野でクライアントとの作業を継続した。上海にある復旦大学管理学院の陸雄文院長は「復旦大学管理学院の変革を開始した時、われわれは教育プログラムで学生や管理学院の新しい学習体験を再想像して創造したいと考えた。学生・学院間の関わりを深めることを可能にするプラットフォームを構築し、近代的でスマートなキャンパスを創造することが目的だった。卒業生については、継続的学習の考えを生活に持ち込み、より深い形で彼らとかかわりをもつことで彼らがキャンパスを離れ、自分のキャリアと生涯の目標を追求した後でも、彼らの個人的で専門的な目標を達成するのを助けたいと考えている。インフォシスは、復旦大学でのビジネス教育の将来をイメージするうえで重要なパートナーの1つだ。インフォシスのDesign Thinkingとの取り組みの中でわれわれはMBA学生の経験全体を、学生の視点から、つまりその動機、期待、抱負を考察した。これはわれわれが学生の経験を変革する方法を非常に具体的に考えるのに助けになったし、われわれのチームが問題を発見し、学生のニーズを理解・設計する上で自信を持つのを助けた。われわれが、行動へのバイアスとテストと迅速な反復の力への信頼を携えつつ、2026年の学生体験を試行してプロトタイプを作成するモメンタムを構築したことに私は非常に満足している」と語った。



今四半期に当社は、インフォシスにおける学習度の向上に投資した。われわれは、Digital Tutorソーシャル学習プラットフォームとInfosys Learning Platformで、Manaと機械学習トピックスに関する新しいクラスを開始した。マイソールでのすべての新規採用者向けに、「Automation - A Way of Life(オートメーション-1つの生活様式)」と呼ばれる没入型トレーニングカプセルが、具体的な事例とInfosysのサクセス・ストーリーによりアップデートされたDesign Thinkingに関する最新モジュールとともに使用開始された。


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Infosys FinacleがOvum Researchによる「Ovum Decision Matrix: Selecting a Digital Banking Platform, 2017-18」報告で、デジタルプラットフォーム分野でマーケットリーダーにランク付けされる

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Infosys BPOがBest Employer Instituteから「Best Employer Brand」賞を受賞


Infosys Foundation(インフォシス財団)はインドで、リハビリ、アート&カルチャー、教育、農村開発など、幅広い分野で若干のインパクトのあるプログラムに投資してきた。当四半期の主な取り組みの中には、以下が含まれている。インフォシス財団アンヌプ祭のキュレーション、Akshaya Patra Foundationと提携したハイデラバードのキッチンの後援、非政府組織のSahapediaによるインドの芸術、文化、歴史に関するオンラインインタラクティブなウェブモジュールの開発への寄付、Shivganga Samagra Gramvikas Parishadを通じたマディヤプラデシュ州の持続可能な村の開発、恵まれない背景の患者、子供、青少年に利益をもたらすその他の投資。

Infosys Foundation USA(米国インフォシス財団)は第3四半期にComputer Science Education Weekを祝って、コンピュータサイエンス(CS)とコーディングを探求するための9つの州の代表学生向けの複数の助成金を発表した。財団はまた、世界で最も活発なCS教育擁護機関の1つであるCode.orgとの提携を更新した。財団は、ACMおよびCSTAとの提携で、卓越した賞を受賞した10人のCS教師を称賛し、米国で新たな2016/17年サイクルのInfy Maker Awardsを開始した。この賞は、大きな社会的影響を及ぼすプロジェクトに取り組んでいる数十のMakerを評価するものだ。2016年9月30日現在、財団は50カ国の2490校の13万4529人の学生がCSとMaker教育にアクセスできるようにすることにより、CS教育に大きなインパクトを与えた。これは2539人の教員を、CS教員養成、新しい教室の技術や教材、メーカースペースのような重要なリソースで支援することにより可能になった。学校で、あるいは放課後に開催された179のコーディング・ワークショップ、ハッカーソン、コーディング・クラブも財団によって支援された。

▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について


インフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がデジタル時代のエンタープライズの成長をどのように支援できるかについては、ウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com を参照。

Infosys Limited and Subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

(Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                                          December 31,

                                                              2016        March

31, 2016


                                         Current assets

                              Cash and cash equivalents            

3,844             4,935

                                    Current investments              

643                11

                                      Trade receivables            

1,905             1,710

                                       Unbilled revenue              

502               457

                   Prepayments and other current assets              

803               672

                       Derivative financial instruments               

15                17

                                   Total current assets            

7,712             7,802

                                     Non-current assets

                          Property, plant and equipment            

1,680             1,589


554               568

                                      Intangible assets              

127               149

                               Investment in Associates               

15                16

                                Non-current investments              

796               273

                             Deferred income tax assets               

90                81

                                      Income tax assets              

785               789

                               Other non-current assets              

111               111

                               Total non-current assets            

4,158             3,576

                                           Total assets           

11,870            11,378

                                 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

                                    Current liabilities

                                         Trade payables               

49                58

                       Derivative Financial Instruments                

1                 1

                         Current income tax liabilities              

571               515

                                        Client deposits                

4                 4

                                       Unearned revenue              

268               201

                           Employee benefit obligations              

210               202


61                77

                              Other current liabilities            

1,004               940

                              Total current liabilities            

2,168             1,998

                                Non-current liabilities

                        Deferred income tax liabilities               

32                39

                          Other non-current liabilities               

26                17

                                      Total liabilities            

2,226             2,054


      Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

       (2,400,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

     and outstanding 2,285,651,730 (2,285,621,088), net

       of 11,292,934 (11,323,576) treasury shares as of

       December 31, 2016 (March 31, 2016), respectively              

199               199

                                          Share premium              

580               570

                                      Retained earnings           

11,647            11,083

                                Cash flow hedge reserve                

4                 -

                                         Other reserves                

-                 -

                             Other components of equity          

(2,786)           (2,528)

     Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


9,644             9,324

                              Non-controlling interests                

-                 -

                                           Total equity            

9,644             9,324

                           Total liabilities and equity           

11,870            11,378

Infosys Limited and Subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                                       Three months Three months  Nine months  

Nine months

                                              ended        ended        

ended        ended

                                       December 31, December 31, December 31,

December 31,

                                               2016         2015         

2016         2015

                              Revenues        2,551        2,407        

7,639        7,055

                         Cost of sales        1,601        1,512        

4,832        4,435

                          Gross profit          950          895        

2,807        2,620

                   Operating expenses:

        Selling and marketing expenses          131          130          

402          388

               Administrative expenses          179          166          

519          482

              Total operating expenses          310          296          

921          870

                      Operating profit          640          599        

1,886        1,750

                     Other income, net          121          121          

347          362

         Share in associate's profit /

                                (loss)            -            -          

(1)            -

            Profit before income taxes          761          720        

2,232        2,112

                    Income tax expense          214          196          

635          593

                            Net profit          547          524        

1,597        1,519

            Other comprehensive income

                Items that will not be

          reclassified subsequently to

                       profit or loss:

     Re-measurement of the net defined

             benefit liability/(asset)          (1)            1         

(10)          (1)

      Cumulative impact on reversal of

        unrealized gain on quoted debt

      securities on adoption of IFRS 9            -            -          

(5)            -

      Equity instruments through other

                  comprehensive income            -            -            

-            -

       Items that will be reclassified

       subsequently to profit or loss:

         Fair valuation of investments            -            1            

-            3

     Fair value changes on derivatives

    designated as cash flow hedge, net            4            -            

4            -

               Exchange differences on

     translation of foreign operations        (189)         (69)        

(243)        (448)

     Total other comprehensive income,

                            net of tax        (186)         (67)        

(254)        (446)

            Total comprehensive income          361          457        

1,343        1,073

               Profit attributable to:

                 Owners of the company          547          524        

1,597        1,519

             Non-controlling interests            -            -            

-            -

                                                547          524        

1,597        1,519

            Total comprehensive income

                      attributable to:

                 Owners of the company          361          457        

1,343        1,073

             Non-controlling interests            -            -            

-            -

                                                361          457        

1,343        1,073

             Earnings per equity share

                             Basic ($)         0.24         0.23         

0.70         0.66

                           Diluted ($)         0.24         0.23         

0.70         0.66

        Weighted average equity shares

        used in computing earnings per

                          equity share

                                       2,285,651,73 2,285,619,38 2,285,638,67


                                 Basic            0            0            

8            3

                                       2,286,229,04 2,285,732,05 2,286,076,46


                               Diluted            2            2            

2            0


(注2)当社の業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書はwww.infosys.com からダウンロードすることができる。




Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon



Pete Daly




Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2016


BANGALORE, Jan 13, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Q3 revenues declined 1.4% sequentially in USD terms; declined 0.3% in

constant currency  

- Q3 year-on-year revenues grew 6.0% in USD terms; grew 7.3% in constant


- 9 months year-on-year revenues grew 8.3% in USD terms; 9.4% in constant


- LTM revenues crossed $ 10 bn

- Q3 Operating margins expanded 0.2% to 25.1% and net margins expanded 0.6% to

21.5% sequentially

- Q3 EPS grew 1.5% sequentially and 4.4% year-on-year  

- Attrition declined sequentially by 0.8% on standalone basis and 1.6% on

consolidated basis

- FY 17 revenue guidance revised to 8.4% - 8.8% from 8.0% - 9.0% in constant


Financial Highlights  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter ended December 31, 2016

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

Revenues were $ 2,551 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2016

QoQ decline of 1.4% in USD terms; decline of 0.3% in constant currency terms

YoY growth of 6.0% in USD terms; 7.3% in constant currency terms  

Net profit was $ 547 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2016

QoQ growth was 1.5%

YoY growth was 4.4%

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the nine months ended December 31, 2016

Revenues were $ 7,639 million; growth of 8.3% in USD terms and 9.4% in constant

currency terms

Net profit was $ 1,597 million; growth of 5.1% in USD terms

Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents and investments were $5,255

million as on December 31, 2016 as compared to $5,349 million as on September

30, 2016 and $4,765 million as on December 31, 2015. During the quarter, the

company paid interim dividend including tax of $ 453 million

"Taking into account seasonal and other additional headwinds for the quarter,

our Q3 revenue performance was broadly in line with our expectations," said

Vishal Sikka, CEO and MD. "Beyond the quarterly numbers, we continue to focus

sharply on the execution of our strategy, as reflected in the growing embrace

of AI-based automation, growth in our new software-led business, delivering

innovation, both incremental & breakthrough and fostering a learning-led

culture. Our annual client survey results show highest customer satisfaction

since we started the survey 12 years ago and increased adoption of Zero

Distance and lowered attrition, especially amongst top performers - these are

some of the key indicators of the growing creative confidence of Infoscions."

"In a seasonally soft quarter, our utilization has remained healthy." said U B

Pravin Rao, COO. "Our continued efforts to improve employee engagement and

experience resulted in a reduction in attrition. During the quarter, we added

77 clients and also added 2 clients in the $ 75mn+ revenue category. I would

like to congratulate all stakeholders on crossing the $ 10 bn revenue milestone

on LTM basis."

"Our ongoing focus on operational efficiencies has enabled us to keep YTD

operating margins at similar levels for the same period last year", said M.D.

Ranganath, CFO. "Our cash generation during the quarter was strong."


The Company's revenue outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March

31, 2017, under IFRS is as follows:

Revenue guidance revised to 8.4% - 8.8% from 8.0% - 9.0% in constant currency;

The above constant currency guidance translates to 8.6% - 9.0% in USD terms

based on March 31st rates, 7.9% - 8.3% based on June 30th rates; 7.9% - 8.3%

based on September 30th rates and  7.2% - 7.6% based on December 31st rates

*FY 16 constant Currency rates - AUD/USD - 0.73; Euro/USD - 1.10; GBP/USD -


Currency rates as of March 31, 2016 - AUD/USD - 0.77; Euro/USD - 1.14; GBP/USD

- 1.44

Currency rates as of June 30, 2016 - AUD/USD - 0.75; Euro/USD - 1.11; GBP/USD -


Currency rates as of September 30, 2016 - AUD/USD - 0.76; Euro/USD - 1.12;

GBP/USD - 1.30

Currency rates as of December 31, 2016 - AUD/USD - 0.72; Euro/USD - 1.05;

GBP/USD - 1.23

Change of Auditors on account of mandatory rotation requirement in India

The Board of Directors of Infosys Limited ('the Company') at its meeting held

on January 13, 2017, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, has proposed

the appointment of Deloitte Haskins & Sells, LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm

Registration No. 117366 W/W 100018) (Deloitte) as the statutory auditors of the

Company, subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company. This

appointment is effective financial year ending March 31, 2018 which will

include audit of the quarterly financial statements of the year. This

appointment is necessitated by the requirement under Section 139 of the Indian

Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, wherein it is mandatory for

the company to rotate the current statutory auditors on completion of the

maximum term permitted under the said Section. Deloitte will hold office for a

period of 5 consecutive years from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting

of the Company scheduled to be held in the year 2017.

To align with the above, the Board of Directors of Company also approved the

appointment of Deloitte as the independent registered public accounting firm to

audit the annual financial statements of the Company to be included in the

Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Commission ("SEC") for the year ending March 31, 2018. Please also refer to the

regulatory filings published on the company's website (under Highlights IND AS)

for further details in this regard.

Management Changes  

The Company has appointed Ravikumar S. as Deputy Chief Operating Officer

reporting to Pravin Rao, Chief Operating Officer, with immediate effect. In

addition to his current responsibility of heading the global delivery

organization, Ravikumar S. will oversee certain strategic Business Enabling

Functions and will be based in India.

Business Highlights

We continue to drive new value for our clients through automation and

innovation, improve our operational excellence, and invest in a culture of



In Q3, we continued to make progress on our strategy to Renew our core

services, introducing new offerings in the areas of Digital, Cloud, Data

Sciences, Mainframe Modernization, Cyber security, API Microservices, Internet

of Things, and more, to help our clients renew their core businesses. In

addition, Zero Distance continued to be a key strategic differentiator to drive

ongoing, grassroots innovation in every project.

Infosys leveraged the Zero Distance framework to build a custom application

that provides maintenance and production support services for the Global

Business Systems of LexisNexis, a leading global provider of content-enabled

workflow solutions designed for professionals in the legal, risk management,

corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting, and academic markets.

"Bringing forward innovative ideas to improve the customer experience while

simultaneously reducing our operational costs is a capability where Infosys has

exceeded my expectations. Infosys proposed replacing our third party system

with a custom application, improving the user experience and reducing our

operational costs. The implementation was completed by Infosys one month ahead

of the deadline, maximizing our ability to reap financial benefits from the new

custom application. This is a great example of Infosys doing more than just

managing the status quo. I look forward to partnering with Infosys on future

such innovations." - James W Wanke, Vice President of Technology, LexisNexis

"Arizona Public Service (APS) was at the cusp of a major business

transformation that required us to modernize our Customer Information System

(CIS) environment without letting our customers be burdened by the complexities

of the process. Infosys enabled us to accelerate the replacement of the

existing system with the suitable COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) product while

ensuring a seamless transition and a steady state for large and complex CIS

application. With its deep domain knowledge, the team leveraged its Zero

Distance initiative to come up with an idea to run a parallel sustainability

program that ensured the upgrade of the product with minimal disruptions.

Infosys also came up with the brilliant idea to automate a large number of test

cases that were previously manually tested, making certain that they were

tailored to our specific scenarios. The solution provided by Infosys allows

more timely delivery of products and services to our customers, saving costs

for our end customers through a system that is flexible and nimble to meet

their needs." - Jasvinder Arora, Director, CIS Modernization Program, Arizona

Public Service Company

The Kroger Co., the largest traditional supermarket chain by revenue and the

third largest retailer in the world, has chosen Infosys to provide support for

several corporate and retail systems and middleware services. "We are extremely

excited about the experience and capabilities as well as the ability to scale

that Infosys brings. We feel that Infosys is a good fit with our focus on

customers, quality and innovation." - Annette Franke, Vice President of

Corporate Technology, The Kroger Co.

Servco, a leading Hawaii based Automotive Dealer and Distributor, has chosen

Infosys as a partner to execute their ERP transformation program. "We are

pleased to have selected Infosys as a partner for our key Oracle transformation

program which involves the implementation of a hybrid Oracle cloud and on-

premise solution across key business functions of the organization. The

implementation will enable us to de-risk our business by moving away from

legacy systems and establishing a strong, modern integrated platform that will

benefit the critical functions at Servco. Infosys' capabilities in Oracle ERP,

Cloud technologies and Automotive Domain led us to select them for this Key

Program." - Thor Toma, Senior Vice President, Servco

"House of Fraser is on an accelerated journey to the customer centric, digital

era of retailing. We are building a next generation integrated eCommerce and

Customer Experience platform which combines with new backend order management

and service integration capabilities online, in store and on mobile in a truly

multi-channel proposition. Working collaboratively with Infosys, our partner

for strategy through execution of this transformation; this game changing

platform is delivered on Microsoft's Azure cloud computing infrastructure. At

our business scale, we believe this is a pioneering use of cloud technology for

a mission critical customer facing application and a clear demonstration of the

maturity and capability of Microsoft's cloud technology. Our positive

experience of delivering this platform in partnership with Infosys and

Microsoft has reinforced my confidence that the use of cloud technology will

help us deliver our digital transformation at House of Fraser." - Julian

Burnett, Chief Information Officer, House of Fraser

We are seeing continued demand for Mainframe modernization across verticals,

and are working on joint forays with Amazon Web Services and Azure in the

market, partnering with our clients to move their Mainframe workloads to the


"We work with Infosys to create innovative technology solutions using Finacle

and Amazon Web Services Cloud services. We recently conducted initial tests by

offloading large components batch processing to the AWS cloud, and achieved

processing speeds 100 times faster than traditional database technology, which

could revolutionize the way we run core banking systems. We have also initiated

our journey to modernize our legacy environments and accelerate digital

transformation, with the support of Amazon Web Services and Infosys." - David

Gledhill, Group Chief Information Officer, DBS Bank


In Q3, we saw continued momentum for software and services coming together to

drive new value for clients. Mana client adoption more than doubled compared to

previous quarters. Skava had a strong Black Friday on retail ecommerce sites

where volumes were up more than 30%. The EdgeVerve business delivered solid

results with 18 wins and 21 go-lives from both the Finacle and Edge suite of

solutions across various markets. AssistEdge, our Robotic Process Automation

platform had its best quarter ever. Similarly in Q3, Panaya saw its best

performance in terms of bookings and revenue.

Evonik, one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals has engaged Infosys in

a multi-year strategic partnership. "We chose Infosys for their ability to

deliver on the current IT needs for Evonik, and for their capabilities to

support us on future technology modernization programs. Infosys is supporting

us in the transformation of our Procurement landscape through an end-to-end

Implementation of SAP Ariba, as part of Evonik's Procurement 2020 vision. In

addition, through the ideas generated by the company's Zero Distance

initiative, we have leveraged Infosys Artificial Intelligence Platform Mana and

its cognitive automation capabilities, in our platform operations and have been

able to analyze and reduce duplicate system monitoring alerts by 15%. We look

forward to more such ideas from Infosys driving the shape of our partnership in

the future." - Thomas Meinel, Senior Vice President & Head of Application

Management, Evonik Industries AG

Lifetouch, a global photography company, has partnered with Infosys to automate

and monitor its incident tickets for system and infrastructure failures. As

part of Lifetouch's deployment of the Nagios tool, the Infosys Robotic Process

Automation was integrated to monitor alerts. Based on the nature of the alerts,

the bots are programmed to perform specific actions - such as a service desk

ticket creation, the classification of an issue as well as creation of problem

management tickets using built-in business logic. "Through our engagement with

Infosys, not only have been able to automate manual and highly repetitive tasks

like monitoring and ticket creation, but have also been able to improve the

quality of our outcomes. With bots we now have 24/7 coverage with accurate

monitoring and systematic alerts." - Jay Drayton, Vice President, Lifetouch

(LNSS- National Schools Studios)

Finacle continued to strengthen its position as a "Platform of Choice" for

digital transformation, enabling new business models for banks.

"ICICI Bank has a rich legacy of leveraging the latest technology to bring in

new paradigms in banking. Akin to pioneering new technologies in the country

like software robotics, mobility and near-field communication among others, I

am delighted that we are the first bank in India and among few globally to set

up a blockchain application. We have also marked a milestone by piloting a

blockchain network with Emirates NBD and Infosys Finacle as partners and have

successfully executed cross-border open account trade finance and remittance

transactions. I envision that the emerging technology of blockchain will play a

significant role in banking in the coming years by making complex bilateral and

multi-lateral banking transactions seamless, quick and more secure. Going

forward, we also intend to work on expanding the blockchain ecosystem and

create common working standards to contribute to the commercial adoption of

this initiative." - Ms. Chanda Kochhar, Managing Director & Chief Executive

Officer, ICICI Bank

An important milestone in strengthening Finacle's presence in the United States

this quarter was the go-live of Marcus by Goldman Sachs. "With the successful

deployment of the Finacle Core Banking Solution we gain both agility to respond

to customer needs and scalability to adapt with market requirements while

providing superior customer experience required in today's competitive Digital

Age." - Boe Hartman, Chief Technology Officer, Marcus by Goldman Sachs (Digital

Finance Technology)

Cosmetics Company Shiseido, used Panaya Test Center to undergo a major IT

transformation project, and helped tackle its IT Transformation project by

successfully reducing the company's global testing efforts by 30%. "To ensure

we go live smoothly with our business-critical applications, we had to mobilize

over 80 business users spread across 11 countries in Europe to perform user

acceptance testing. Panaya helped us save 30% of our testing effort while

improving the quality of our testing." Panaya Test Center delivered test

acceleration and offered Shiseido a more efficient way to manage the business

process testing from an end-to-end perspective. "I could easily track the

project in real time to increase our efficiency and avoid any bottlenecks. We

will continue to partner with Panaya in our upcoming rollout and expect even

greater value." - Sebastien Hebert, Technical Director EMEA, Shiseido

Panaya partnered with Elton Technologies to resell licenses of Panaya's

CloudQuality(TM) Suite to deliver quality ERP changes with zero time-to-change,

zero downtime and zero risk, providing major savings to large enterprises. "We

see an excellent opportunity partnering with Panaya for many of our Gulf

Cooperation Countries (GCC) clients planning to migrate to SAP S/4HANA in the

coming years. These companies are looking at a complex ERP migration, and a

widely used solution like Panaya's CloudQuality(TM) Suite that offers faster

testing and zero risk will certainly offer our clients significant savings." -

Prem Chander, Chief Executive Officer of Elton Technologies

In Design Thinking, we continued to work with clients in key strategic areas.

"When we began the transformation of School of Management at Fudan University,

we wanted to re-imagine and create a new learning experience for students and

faculty, in our education programs. Our intent was to create a platform that

enables a deeper engagement between students and faculty, and create a modern

and smart campus, and more. For the alumni, we wanted to bring the notion of

continuous learning to life, engaging with them in a much deeper way, to help

them achieve their personal and professional goals long after they leave our

campus and pursue their careers and lifetime objectives. Infosys was one of our

key partners in imagining this future for business education at Fudan

University. In our Design Thinking engagement with Infosys, we looked at the

entire MBA student experience, from the students' point of view - their

motivations, expectations and aspirations. This has helped us to think very

tangibly about how to transform the student experience, and has helped our

teams to be much more confident in problem finding and in understanding and

designing for our students' needs. I am very pleased that we have built the

momentum to experiment and prototype the 2026 student experience, with a bias

towards action and a trust in the power of testing and rapid iteration."  -

Xiongwen Lu, Dean of Fudan School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai,



Learnability, the ease and speed to acquire new skills, continues to be the

foundation for the company's growth. We have invested in enhancing our

leadership training initiatives by offering a more global and experiential

learning program at world-class institutions. We have also witnessed positive

traction through partnerships with organizations such as Udacity.

This quarter we invested in advancing the learning quotient at Infosys. We

rolled out new classes on Mana and machine learning topics on the Digital Tutor

social learning platform and the Infosys Learning Platform. An immersive

training capsule called "Automation - A Way of Life" is being rolled out for

all new hires in Mysore along with an updated module on Design Thinking with

concrete examples and Infosys success stories.


Leader, Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Testing Services, Worldwide

Leader, Everest Group's Capital Markets Outsourcing PEAK Matrix(TM) 2016

Star Performer, Everest Group's Mobility Services in Global Banking -Service

Provider Landscape with PEAK Matrix(TM) Assessment 2016

Leader and Star Performer, Everest Group's Big Data & Analytics Services in

Global Banking - Service Provider Landscape with PEAK Matrix(TM) Assessment 2016

Leader, IT Outsourcing in Everest Group's Global Insurance - Service Provider

Landscape with PEAK Matrix(TM) Assessment 2016

Infosys was inducted into the Winner's Circle in the HfS Product Lifecycle

Management Services Blueprint Report 2016

Leader, WW Engineering Services by Global Service Providers (based in India) by

ARC Advisory

Leader, Retail Digital Service Providers, Zinnov Zones by Zinnov

High Performer, HfS Intelligent Automation Blueprint Report 2016

Finacle is a Market Leader among digital platforms in "Ovum Decision Matrix:

Selecting a Digital Banking Platform, 2017-18" report by Ovum Research

Best Company in India, FinanceAsia's 20th Anniversary Platinum Awards

National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance, 16th Institute of

Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)

Five marketing and innovation awards following the launch of a successful

strategic technology partnership with ATP

Infosys BPO won 'Best Employer Brand' award by the Best Employer Institute


In India, the Infosys Foundation has invested in several impactful programs

across a wide spectrum of areas including rehabilitation, arts & culture,

education and rural development. Some of the key initiatives of the quarter

include the curation of the Infosys Foundation Anupu Festival; sponsorship of a

kitchen in Hyderabad in partnership with Akshaya Patra Foundation; an endowment

to Sahapedia, a NGO, for the development of an online interactive web module on

arts, culture and history of India; development of a sustainable village in

Madhya Pradesh through Shivganga Samagra Gramvikas Parishad along with other

investments that will benefit patients, children and the youth from

underprivileged backgrounds.  

In Q3, the Infosys Foundation USA celebrated Computer Science Education Week,

announcing multiple grants to enable under represented students across nine

states to explore computer science (CS) and coding. The Foundation also renewed

its partnership with Code.org, one of the most active CS education advocacy

organizations globally. The Foundation honored 10 CS teachers with awards of

excellence in partnership with ACM and CSTA and also launched the new 2016/17

cycle of the Infy Maker Awards in the U.S. which recognize dozens of Makers

working on projects with a deep social impact. As of September 30, 2016, the

Foundation has had a significant impact on CS education by enabling 134,529

students in 2,490 schools across all 50 states to gain access to computer

science and maker education. This was made possible by supporting 2,539

teachers with critical resources such as computer science teacher training, new

classroom technology and teaching aids, and makerspaces. An additional 179

coding workshops, hackathons, and coding clubs held during or after school were

also supported by the Foundation.

About Infosys Ltd

Infosys is a global leader in technology services and consulting. We enable

clients in more than 50 countries to create and execute strategies for their

digital transformation. From engineering to application development, knowledge

management and business process management, we help our clients find the right

problems to solve, and to solve these effectively. Our team of 199,000+

innovators, across the globe, is differentiated by the imagination, knowledge

and experience, across industries and technologies that we bring to every

project we undertake.

Visit www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY) can help your enterprise

thrive in the digital age.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in these results concerning our future growth prospects are

forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations intended

to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform

Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause

actual results to differ materially from those in such forward-looking

statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include,

but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in

earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth,

intense competition in IT services including those factors which may affect our

cost advantage, wage increases in India, our ability to attract and retain

highly skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time

frame contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry

segment concentration, our ability to manage our international operations,

reduced demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in

telecommunication networks or system failures, our ability to successfully

complete and integrate potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our

service contracts, the success of the companies in which Infosys has made

strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal

incentives, political instability and regional conflicts and inability to

accurately predict economic or industry trends, legal restrictions on raising

capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of our

intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our industry.

Additional risks that could affect our future operating results are more fully

described in our United States Securities and Exchange Commission filings

including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31,

2016. These filings are available at www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to

time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including

statements contained in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange

Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note that the

date of this release is January 13, 2017, and any forward-looking statements

contained herein are based on assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as

of this date. The company does not undertake to update any forward-looking

statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the company

unless it is required by law.

Infosys Limited and Subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

(Dollars in millions except equity share data)


                                                          December 31,

                                                              2016        March

31, 2016


                                         Current assets

                              Cash and cash equivalents            

3,844             4,935

                                    Current investments              

643                11

                                      Trade receivables            

1,905             1,710

                                       Unbilled revenue              

502               457

                   Prepayments and other current assets              

803               672

                       Derivative financial instruments               

15                17

                                   Total current assets            

7,712             7,802

                                     Non-current assets

                          Property, plant and equipment            

1,680             1,589


554               568

                                      Intangible assets              

127               149

                               Investment in Associates               

15                16

                                Non-current investments              

796               273

                             Deferred income tax assets               

90                81

                                      Income tax assets              

785               789

                               Other non-current assets              

111               111

                               Total non-current assets            

4,158             3,576

                                           Total assets           

11,870            11,378

                                 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

                                    Current liabilities

                                         Trade payables               

49                58

                       Derivative Financial Instruments                

1                 1

                         Current income tax liabilities              

571               515

                                        Client deposits                

4                 4

                                       Unearned revenue              

268               201

                           Employee benefit obligations              

210               202


61                77

                              Other current liabilities            

1,004               940

                              Total current liabilities            

2,168             1,998

                                Non-current liabilities

                        Deferred income tax liabilities               

32                39

                          Other non-current liabilities               

26                17

                                      Total liabilities            

2,226             2,054


      Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

       (2,400,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

     and outstanding 2,285,651,730 (2,285,621,088), net

       of 11,292,934 (11,323,576) treasury shares as of

       December 31, 2016 (March 31, 2016), respectively              

199               199

                                          Share premium              

580               570

                                      Retained earnings           

11,647            11,083

                                Cash flow hedge reserve                

4                 -

                                         Other reserves                

-                 -

                             Other components of equity          

(2,786)           (2,528)

     Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


9,644             9,324

                              Non-controlling interests                

-                 -

                                           Total equity            

9,644             9,324

                           Total liabilities and equity           

11,870            11,378

Infosys Limited and Subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

(Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                       Three months Three months  Nine months  

Nine months

                                              ended        ended        

ended        ended

                                       December 31, December 31, December 31,

December 31,

                                               2016         2015         

2016         2015

                              Revenues        2,551        2,407        

7,639        7,055

                         Cost of sales        1,601        1,512        

4,832        4,435

                          Gross profit          950          895        

2,807        2,620

                   Operating expenses:

        Selling and marketing expenses          131          130          

402          388

               Administrative expenses          179          166          

519          482

              Total operating expenses          310          296          

921          870

                      Operating profit          640          599        

1,886        1,750

                     Other income, net          121          121          

347          362

         Share in associate's profit /

                                (loss)            -            -          

(1)            -

            Profit before income taxes          761          720        

2,232        2,112

                    Income tax expense          214          196          

635          593

                            Net profit          547          524        

1,597        1,519

            Other comprehensive income

                Items that will not be

          reclassified subsequently to

                       profit or loss:

     Re-measurement of the net defined

             benefit liability/(asset)          (1)            1         

(10)          (1)

      Cumulative impact on reversal of

        unrealized gain on quoted debt

      securities on adoption of IFRS 9            -            -          

(5)            -

      Equity instruments through other

                  comprehensive income            -            -            

-            -

       Items that will be reclassified

       subsequently to profit or loss:

         Fair valuation of investments            -            1            

-            3

     Fair value changes on derivatives

    designated as cash flow hedge, net            4            -            

4            -

               Exchange differences on

     translation of foreign operations        (189)         (69)        

(243)        (448)

     Total other comprehensive income,

                            net of tax        (186)         (67)        

(254)        (446)

            Total comprehensive income          361          457        

1,343        1,073

               Profit attributable to:

                 Owners of the company          547          524        

1,597        1,519

             Non-controlling interests            -            -            

-            -

                                                547          524        

1,597        1,519

            Total comprehensive income

                      attributable to:

                 Owners of the company          361          457        

1,343        1,073

             Non-controlling interests            -            -            

-            -

                                                361          457        

1,343        1,073

             Earnings per equity share

                             Basic ($)         0.24         0.23         

0.70         0.66

                           Diluted ($)         0.24         0.23         

0.70         0.66

        Weighted average equity shares

        used in computing earnings per

                          equity share

                                       2,285,651,73 2,285,619,38 2,285,638,67


                                 Basic            0            0            

8            3

                                       2,286,229,04 2,285,732,05 2,286,076,46


                               Diluted            2            2            

2            0


1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and Condensed

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months and nine

months ended December 31, 2016 have been taken on record at the Board meeting

held on January 13, 2017  

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from www.infosys.com




Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo



Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon



Pete Daly



Source: Infosys




