Tsurigasaki Beach in Ichinomiya, Chiba Prefecture, Selected as Venue for 2020 Tokyo Olympics...

CHIBA, Japan, Jan. 5, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Division, Chiba Prefectural Government

Tsurigasaki Beach in Ichinomiya, Chiba Prefecture, Selected as Venue for 2020 Tokyo Olympics Surfing Games

The Tsurigasaki Beach in the town of Ichinomiya, Chiba Prefecture, has been selected as a site for the surfing event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Surfing will make its debut at the 2020 Games as an official sport in the Summer Olympics.

The Tsurigasaki Beach is situated in the Kujukuri-Sotobo district of Chiba Prefecture, whose accessibility from Narita International Airport is convenient. The sea off this district has dynamic waves -- most suitable for surfing.

(Photo1: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/prwfile/release/M102229/201612277527/_prw_OI1fl_e59VqCQZ.JPG)

(Photo2: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/prwfile/release/M102229/201612277527/_prw_OI2fl_L5aMlW8c.JPG)

(Image: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/prwfile/release/M102229/201612277527/_prw_OI3fl_0G1fHpKY.png)

The sea off the Kujukuri-Boso district has such suitable waves for surfing that many surfers say in unison: "Chiba is one of the best surfing spots. There's not a single day when you can't go surfing in Chiba."

The attractions of Chiba Prefecture's Kujukuri-Sotobo district include:

- The Kujukuri-Sotobo district is close to Tokyo, faces the Pacific Ocean and has waves suitable for surfing competitions throughout the year. Numerous international surfing competitions are held in this district.

- The coastal area that includes the Tsurigasaki Beach is called the Kujukuri Beach, which stretches for about 60 kilometers. Kujukuri is one of the best-known sand beaches in Japan.

- The climate in the district is mild, and has an abundance of various kinds of food. You can enjoy melons and "hamaguri" (a sort of hard clam) in early summer and pears from summer to autumn. Tomatoes can be harvested throughout the year.

- You can experience traditional dragnet fishing and enjoy fresh fish.

- "Kazusa Junisha Matsuri," a traditional festival with a history of about 1,200 years, is held along the Tsurigasaki Beach in September every year. The festival is also known as "Hadaka Matsuri" because participants wearing a minimum amount of clothing run along the shore while carrying "mikoshi" portable shrines.

(Photo3: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/prwfile/release/M102229/201612277527/_prw_OI4fl_WObVnjyK.JPG)



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