
Nanning Municipal Bureau of News


AsiaNet 66819 (1597)

【南寧(中国)2016年12月7日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国2016年アジア国際切手展覧会(China 2016 Asian International Stamp Exhibition)は12月2日から6日まで南寧で開催された。展覧会はアジア郵趣連盟(FIAP)がスポンサーとなり、国際郵趣連盟(FIP)が承認した。FIAPが開催した同展覧会は世界の切手収集育成の推進を目指した地域の切手展である。FIAPが設立された1977年以来、中国でこの展覧会が開催されるのはこれで4回目となる。

この切手展覧会は包括的なアジア・国際切手展覧会だった。FIAP選手権部門、伝統郵趣(Traditional Philately)、郵便史(Postal History)、ステーショナリー(Postal Stationery)、航空郵趣(Aerophilately)、宇宙郵趣(Astrophilately)、テーマティック(Thematic)、マキシマム(Maximaphily)、収入印紙(Revenue)、青年(Youth)、郵趣文献(Philatelic literature)、ワンフレーム(One-frame)、モダン郵趣(Modern Philately)など13のコンペ部門があった。展覧会には、オーストラリア、バーレーン、ベンガル、中国、台湾、香港、マカオ、インド、インドネシア、日本、韓国、マレーシア、モンゴル、ネパール、ニュージーランド、パキスタン、カタール、サウジアラビア、シンガポール、南アフリカ、タイ、アラブ首長国連邦から22のFIAPメンバーが参加した。全体で1300のフレームと51の文献が展示された。


今年の展覧会は開会日、南寧日、若者の日、中国十二宮日、閉幕日の5つのテーマ日を設けた。それぞれのテーマ日には、著名な切手デザイナーが会場に登場し、切手収集家と話し合った。12月3日は南寧日だった。その日、開催は「Nanning City Creativity Exhibition(南寧市の独創性展示会)」を開催した。「Nanning Memories(南寧の思い出)」「Nanning Culture Creativity(南寧の文化的独創性)」「Nanning Impression(南寧の印象)」の3つの展示によって、主催者は急速に変化する南寧の都市景観と文化の活力を実演しようと試みた。さらに、珍しい切手展、中国十二宮切手文化展、各国の郵便局文化展もイベントで開催された。



ソース:Nanning Municipal Bureau of News


China 2016 Asian International Stamp Exhibition Closed in Nanning


Nanning, China, Dec. 7, 2016 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

    China 2016 Asian International Stamp Exhibition was held from December 2 to

December 6 in Nanning. The Exhibition was sponsored by Inter-Asia Philatelic

Federation (FIAP) and recognized by International Philatelic Federation (FIP).

Established by the FIAP, the exhibition is a regional stamp exhibition which is

aimed to boost the development of world philately. It is the forth time that

the exhibition is held in China since its establishment in 1977.

   The Stamp Exhibition was a comprehensive Asian International stamp

exhibition. There were 13 competitive classes, including FIAP Championship

class, Traditional Philately, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Aerophilately,

Astrophilately, Thematic, Maximaphily, Revenue, Youth, Philatelic literature,

One-frame and Modern Philately. The exhibits were from 22 members of FIAP,

namely Australia, Bahrain, Bengal, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Macao,

India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand,

Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, and United

Arab Emirates. A total of 1300 frames and 51 literature documents were


   In addition, about 50 albums of stamps from 26 countries and regions

appeared on the official stamp exhibition organized by Universal Postal Union

(UPU). The exhibits were classical stamp albums from various countries around

the world. The personal collections of the presidents of the FIP and FIAP were

also exhibited in the event.

   There were five theme days in this years' exhibition, namely Opening Day,

Nanning Day, Youth Day, Chinese Zodiac Day and the Closing Day. On each theme

day, some renowned stamp designers arrived at the venue and met with philately

fans. December 3 was Nanning Day. On that day, the organizers held a "Nanning

City Creativity Exhibition". Through three modules of "Nanning Memories",

"Nanning Culture Creativity" and "Nanning Impression", the organizers tried to

demonstrate fast-changing city landscape and cultural vitality of Nanning.

Moreover, scarce stamp exhibition, Chinese Zodiac Stamp culture exhibition and

national thematic post office culture exhibition were also part of the event.

   In addition, an international philately seminar organized by the UPU and the

State Postal Bureau of the People's Republic of China was held during the

event. The organizers also held activities like the fourth lottery-drawing

session of the 2016 China postal cards and the awarding ceremony of the youth

postal card designing competition.

   Nanning is a city with profound philatelic culture. It is among the first

few cities that started early research on philately. The philately association

of Nanning was established in 1983. Until 2015, there are 200 substratum

philatelic organizations and 15,000 members in the association. Philately has

become a hobby of many Nanning citizens. The Stamp Exhibition held in Nanning

is a good opportunity to enhance the understanding from different countries and

nations. It also serves to propagate philatelic culture and enhance economic as

well as cultural communication among Asian countries.

   Source: Nanning Municipal Bureau of News

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