
The Consumer Goods Forum


AsiaNet 66805 (1594)

【パリ2016年12月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*The Consumer Goods Forum(ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム)理事会の各最高経営責任者(CEO)は、Priority Industry Principles(優先業界原則)の採択およびそれに基づく行動要請により、強制労働問題に取り組む努力を継続する。原則:あらゆる労働者には移動の自由があり、いかなる労働者も仕事のために支払うことはなく、債務を負わされるか労働を強制されることもない。

消費者用品業界はThe Consumer Goods Forum(CGF)を通じて3項目のPriority Industry Principles(http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/strategic-focus/social-sustainability/forced-labour-priority-industry-principles )を設定することによって、世界のサプライチェーンからの強制労働根絶を目指す社会的責任を果たす努力を重ねてきた。今年初めに発表された画期的なCGFの強制労働決議(http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/strategic-focus/social-sustainability/forced-labour-resolution )のモメンタムに基づく3原則は、消費者用品業界内外の強制労働の先導役に立ち向かう優先行動に一役買う。国際労働機関(ILO)の報告によると、現在、世界には強制労働の犠牲者が2100万人おり、CGF理事会(http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/about-the-forum/our-board-of-directors )はこれらの新たに設定された重点領域が、決議を行動に移すうえで全産業やその他を鼓舞することになると期待している。

CGFは業界調査と利害関係者との協議を通じて、最も問題でありながら、しばしば一般的な世界の雇用慣行3項目を特定した。これらの雇用慣行は特に立場の弱い労働者の場合、強制労働の事例につながる可能性があるものだ。CGFはこのような慣行に複雑な根本原因や職場の多様な実態があることは承知しているが、根絶に向けた旅は本格的に開始されなければならない。そのためにCGFはPriority Industry Principlesを決め、これらの慣行に対抗する追加的指示を与える。




Priority Industry Principlesの設定はCGFのPriority Industry Principles作業部会が主導し、Mars Incorporated、Tesco、コカ・コーラ、Walmartが共同議長を務めた。作業部会は初めに、ILOの強制労働指標(http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/forced-labour/publications/WCMS_203832/lang--en/index.htm )など国際的に定評がある各種リソースを調査した。次いでこの調査の補完として、CGF会員企業、外部の利害関係者、一般大衆に調査対象を拡大した。原則草案ができた時点で、主要な利害関係者と1対1で徹底協議して仕上げられた。


理事会が2016年1月に承認したCGFの強制労働決議は、強制労働に取り組むことを目的とする業界初の決議である。各方面の当事者から積極的に歓迎されており、CGFは市民社会、専門家との協力と関与、強制労働対策に集中するイニシアチブを継続する意向である。オックスファムとILOはすでに、ほかの主要な利害関係者による採用をCGFが期待するアプローチ、Priority Industry Principlesへの支持を表明した。


*The Consumer Goods Forumマネジングディレクターのピーター・フリードマン氏

「Priority Industry Principlesは強制労働に対する世界的な闘いの重要な次のステップである。これらの原則は、国際サプライチェーンから強制労働をなくすために必要とする変化につなげるように、世界規模の主流にしなければならない。したがって、われわれは会員がそれぞれの活動で諸原則を実行することを支持し、ひいては消費者用品業界全体の採用を呼びかける。単独で強制労働に対処できる企業はない。われわれは組織横断的な協力を通じて近い将来、強制労働のない世界をもたらす必要がある」


「The Consumer Goods Forumの理事会が極めて複雑な世界の強制労働という課題に対決すると決議したことを喜んでいる。CGF会員が政府、NGO、ILO、市民社会と協力してPriority Industry Principlesを徐々に採用することによって、われわれは恐るべき現実を根絶する長い道を歩むことができる。もし『世界に食料を』という言葉に意味があるなら、世界のサプライチェーンは地元の繁栄に役立つべきである」


「オックスファムは、強制労働が世界サプライチェーンのすきを突くことを防ぐPriority Industry Principlesの支持結集をめぐり、The Consumer Goods Forumが示したリーダーシップを歓迎する。この労働搾取の極端な形式は、労働者が人権を利用して貧困から抜け出すことを不可能にする。われわれはCGFの全会員が持てる影響力を行使してこれらの原則を支持し、この隠された悪質な問題の対処に役割を果たすことを望んでいる」


「企業界の最高レベルが承認したCGFの強制労働決議は、世界的な強制労働との戦闘に対するコミットメントという明確なメッセージを送っている。このコミットメントは現在、Priority Industry Principlesを通じて具体的行動に移されつつある。CGFと会員諸氏に大声でおめでとうと言いたい」

▽The Consumer Goods Forum(ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム)について

The Consumer Goods Forum(CGF)は世界的なパリティーベースの業界ネットワークで、世界の消費者用品業界に役立つ慣行や標準の世界的な普及を促進するためにメンバーによって運用されている。70カ国の約400社の小売業、製造業、サービスプロバイダーなどの利害関係会社のCEO、上級管理職を集めており、地理、規模、製品カテゴリー、フォーマット面での業界の多様性を反映している。メンバー企業の合計売上高は3兆5000億ユーロ、直接雇用の従業員は約1000万人、このほかにバリューチェーンに関連する従業員は推定9000万人。製造業、小売54社のCEOで構成される理事会が指揮する。

詳しい情報はhttp://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com を参照。

ソース:The Consumer Goods Forum

Consumer Goods Industry Sets Bar in Fight Against Forced Labour


PARIS, Dec. 6, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Global CEOs on the Board of The Consumer Goods Forum continue their efforts

in tackling forced labour by adopting and calling for action on "Priority

Industry Principles": Every worker should have freedom of movement, no worker

should pay for a job, no worker should be indebted or coerced to work

The consumer goods industry, through The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), has

advanced its social stewardship efforts in its bid to eradicate forced labour

from global supply chains by establishing three "Priority Industry Principles"



(the "Principles"). Building on momentum from the CGF's ground-breaking Forced

Labour Resolution [


announced earlier this year, the three Principles will help to prioritise

action to address the primary drivers of forced labour within the consumer

goods industry and beyond. The International Labour Organization reports that

there are currently 21 million victims of forced labour in the world and the

CGF Board of Directors


anticipate that these newly established focus areas will inspire the entire

industry, as well as others, to translate the Resolution into action.

Through industry research and stakeholder consultations, the CGF has identified

three of the most problematic, yet often common, employment practices across

the world that can lead to cases of forced labour - especially amongst

vulnerable workers. While the CGF acknowledges that these practices can have

complex root causes and diverse manifestations in workplaces, the journey

toward eliminating them must begin in earnest. In order to do so, the CGF

developed the Priority Industry Principles, to provide further direction to

counter these practices. The principles are as follows:

Every worker should have freedom of movement. The ability of workers to move

freely should not be inhibited by their employer.

No worker should pay for a job.  Fees and costs associated with recruitment and

employment should be paid by the employer.

No worker should be indebted or coerced to work.  Workers should work freely,

aware of the terms and conditions of their work and paid regularly as agreed.

The CGF and its members will now work to uphold these practices in their own

operations, and will use their collective voice to promote the adoption of

these priority principles industry-wide. As part of a 2017 action plan, members

will take individual actions to mainstream the Principles with an initial focus

in two supply chains of particular relevance to the industry - seafood and palm

oil in Southeast Asia.

The development of the Priority Industry Principles was led by the CGF Priority

Industry Principles Working Group, co-chaired by Mars Incorporated, Tesco, The

Coca-Cola Company and Walmart. The working group first researched a variety of

globally recognised resources including the International Labour Organization

Indicators of Forced Labour [


Then, to complement this research, surveys were deployed to CGF member

companies, external stakeholders and the general public at large. Once a draft

set of principles was produced, in-depth one-on-one consultations took place

with key stakeholders to finalise them.

Cross-Sector Collaborations

The CGF's Forced Labour Resolution, approved by the Board of Directors in

January 2016, was the first industry resolution designed to tackle forced

labour. It has been actively welcomed by a wide range of actors, and the CGF

intends to continue its collaboration and engagement with civil society,

experts and initiatives focused on tackling forced labour. Oxfam and the

International Labour Organization have already put forward their support for

the Priority Industry Principles, an approach the CGF hopes will be taken by

other key stakeholders.


Peter Freedman, Managing Director, The Consumer Goods Forum said,

"The Priority Industry Principles are an important next step in the global

fight against forced labour. These principles must be mainstreamed on a global

scale so that they may lead to the necessary changes needed to remove forced

labour from international supply chains. We are therefore committed to

supporting our members in the implementation of the Principles in their own

operations and we call for their adoption across the consumer goods industry at

large. No one company can tackle forced labour alone; we need to work together

through cross-sector collaborations to one day soon reach a world free of

forced labour".  

Emmanuel Faber, CEO, Danone said,

"I am delighted that the Board of The Consumer Goods Forum has resolved to

confront the very complex challenge of forced labour around the world. Through

the gradual adoption of the Priority Industry Principles by CGF members, in

collaboration with governments, NGOs, international labour organisations and

civil society, we can go a long way to eradicate this daunting reality. Global

supply chains must serve local prosperity if the words 'feed the world' are to

mean anything".

Rachel Wilshaw, Ethical Trade Manager, Oxfam GB said,

"Oxfam welcomes the leadership shown by The Consumer Goods Forum in coalescing

support around these Priority Industry Principles, to prevent forced labour

entering into the cracks in global supply chains. This extreme form of labour

exploitation makes it impossible for workers to access their human rights and

work their way out of poverty. We hope that all members of the CGF will use the

influence they have to get behind these principles and play their part in

tackling this pernicious hidden issue".

Houtan Homayounpour, International Labour Organization forced labour focal

point said,  

"The CGF's Forced Labour Resolution, approved and endorsed at the highest level

of the corporate world, sends a clear message of commitment to the global fight

against forced labour. Now, this commitment is turning into concrete action

through the Priority Industry Principles. Big congratulations to the CGF and

its members!".

About The Consumer Goods Forum

The Consumer Goods Forum ("CGF") is a global, parity-based industry network

that is driven by its members to encourage the global adoption of practices and

standards that serves the consumer goods industry worldwide. It brings together

the CEOs and senior management of some 400 retailers, manufacturers, service

providers, and other stakeholders across 70 countries, and it reflects the

diversity of the industry in geography, size, product category and format. Its

member companies have combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and directly employ

nearly 10 million people, with a further 90 million related jobs estimated

along the value chain. It is governed by its Board of Directors, which

comprises 54 manufacturer and retailer CEOs.

For more information, please visit: http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com.

Source: The Consumer Goods Forum




