
The Breakthrough Prize


AsiaNet 66778(1575)

【サンフランシスコ2016年12月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*2017年の生命科学ブレークスルー(Breakthrough Prize)賞はステファン・J・エレッジ(Stephen J. Elledge)、ハリー・F・ノラー(Harry F. Noller)、ローランド・ヌッセ(Roeland Nusse)、大隅良典、フダ・ヤニャ・ゾグビ(Huda YahyaZoghbi)の各氏に

*2017年の基礎物理学ブレークスルー賞はジョセフ・ポルチンスキー(Joseph Polchinski)、アンドリュー・ストロミンガー(Andrew Strominger)、カムラン・ヴァッファ(CumrunVafa)の各氏に

*2017年の数学ブレークスルー賞はジャン・ブルガン(Jean Bourgain)氏に

*物理学ニューホライゾン賞はアシミナ・アルバニタキ(Asimina Arvanitaki)、ピーター・W・グラハム(Peter W. Graham)、スルジート・ラジェンドラン(Surjeet Rajendran)の3氏、シモーネ・ジオンビ(Simone Giombi)、シー・イン(Xi Yin)両氏、フランス・プレトリウス(Frans Pretorius)氏に

*数学ニューホライゾン賞はモハマド・アブザイド(Mohammad Abouzaid)、ユーゴ・デュミニルコパン(Hugo Duminil-Copin)の各氏とベンジャミン・エリアス(Benjamin Elias)、ジョーディー・ウィリアムソン(Geordie Williamson)両氏に

*第2回国際ブレークスルー・ジュニア・チャレンジ賞はペルーの18歳、アントネラ・マシニ(Antonella Masini)さんとシンガポールの17歳、ディアンナ・シー(Deanna See)さんの女子学生2人が受賞

*2016年の基礎物理学特別ブレークスルー賞は今年5月、LIGOの創設者とチームメンバー、キップ・ソーン(Kip Thorne)、ライナー・ウェイス(Rainer Weiss)の両氏とロナルド・ドレーバー(Ronald Drever)氏の家族に贈呈

*受賞者はモーガン・フリーマンが司会し、アリシア・キーズがライブパフォーマンスを披露するきらびやかな授賞ガラ式典で顕彰される。ダニエル・エクSpotify最高経営責任者(CEO)、ジェレミー・アイアンズ、マーク&スコット・ケリー、三木谷浩史・楽天CEO、シエナ・ミラー、ブライス・ダラス・ハワード、ヴィン・ディーゼル、ケビン・デュラント、デーヴ・パテール、サンダー・ピチャイGoogle CEO、アレックス・ロドリゲス、ウィル・アイ・アム、スーザン・ウォイッキYouTube CEO、ブレークスルー賞創設者が賞を授与









今年の式典は同賞の5周年になり、受賞者は創設者セルゲイ・ブリン、アン・ウォイッキ、ユーリ&ジュリア・ミルナー、マーク・ザッカーバーグ、プリシラ・チャンの各氏とVanity Fair誌のグレイドン・カーター編集長が共催する5日夜の高級ガラで舞台に立つ。アカデミー賞(R)受賞俳優モーガン・フリーマンがショーの進行役を務め、グラミー賞(R)を15回受賞したアリシア・キーズのパフォーマンスもある。セレブのプレゼンターとして、ジェレミー・アイアンズ、マーク&スコット・ケリー、三木谷浩史・楽天CEO、シエナ・ミラー、ブライス・ダラス・ハワード、ヴィン・ディーゼル、ケビン・デュラント、デーヴ・パテール、サンダー・ピチャイGoogle CEO、アレックス・ロドリゲス、ウィル・アイ・アム、スーザン・ウォイッキYouTube CEOに加え、ブレークスルー賞創設者らも登壇する。今宵のテーマは「the universal reach of ideas(あまねく行きわたるアイデア)」である。



2016年9月1日にキックオフした本年度の世界コンペには146カ国から応募があった。ブレークスルー・ジュニア・チャレンジ賞はマーク・ザッカーバーグ、プリシラ・チャン、ユーリ&ジュリア・ミルナー各氏からブレークスルー賞財団(Breakthrough Prize Foundation)を通じての出資金、Silicon Valley Community Foundationのマーク・ザッカーバーグ氏の基金からの助成金、およびMilner Global Foundationの助成金に基づいて創設された。










*ベンジャミン・エリアス氏(オレゴン大学) とジョーディー・ウィリアムソン氏(京都大学とシドニー大学)






ステファン・J・エレッジ ハーバード大学医学大学院遺伝学部グレゴル・メンデル遺伝学・医学教授、Brigham and Women’s Hospital遺伝学部門、Howard Hughes Medical Institute治験責任医師。真核細胞がDNAの損傷をどのように感知し、反応するかを解明し、がんの発生と治療の手掛かりを提供した。

ハリー・F・ノラー カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校RNA分子生物学センター所長、ロバート・L・ジンシャイマー分子生物学教授、分子細胞発生生物学名誉教授。すべての細胞におけるたんぱく質合成の基本構造であるリボソームの活性中心形成でDNAの中心的役割を発見、現代生物学を生命の起源に結び付け、同時に、多くの自然の抗生物質がどのようにタンパク質合成を妨げているかを説明した。

ローランド・ヌッセ スタンフォード大学発生生物学教授、Howard Hughes Medical Institute治験責任医師 発生、がん、幹細胞生物学における重要な細胞間シグナルシステムの1つであるWntパスに関する研究の先駆者。

大隅良典 東京工業大学科学技術創成研究院名誉教授 細胞が不要ないしは損傷を受けたコンポーネントから栄養源を摂取するために利用する再利用システムである自食作用を解明した。

フダ・ヤニャ・ゾグビ ベイラー医科大学小児科・分子・人類遺伝・神経・神経科学学部教授、Howard Hughes Medical Institute治験責任医師、テキサス・チルドレンズ病院ジャン・ダン・ダンカン神経研究所(NRI)ディレクター 神経変性および神経疾患の病因を理解するうえでの手掛かりとなる脊髄小脳およびレット症候群の遺伝子的原因と生化学的メカニズムを発見。




ジョセフ・ポルチンスキー カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校物理学部教授、Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physicsメンバー

アンドリュー・ストロミンガー ハーバード大学Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature所長

カムラン・ヴァッファ ハーバード大学物理学部ドナー教授




ジャン・ブルガン ニュージャージー州プリンストンにあるプリンストン高等研究所のスクール・オブ・マセマティクスIBMフォン・ノイマン教授。解析、組み合わせ論、偏微分方程式、高次元幾何学、数論に多数の変革的な進展をもたらした。










*ベンジャミン・エリアス(オレゴン大学) とジョーディー・ウィリアムソン(京都大学とシドニー大学)



物理部門に提出されたアントネラ・マシニのビデオは量子もつれに焦点を合わせている。「Superbugs! And Our Race against Resistance(超強力な細菌! 耐性とのわれわれの競争)」と題するディアンナ・シーのビデオは抗生物質耐性に取り組んだ。




今年で5回目となるブレークスルー賞は世界トップの科学者を表彰する。各賞の賞金は300万ドルで、生命科学(各年最大5件)、基礎物理学(各年1件)、数学(各年1件)の分野で贈呈される。さらに、物理学で最大3件のニューホライズン(New Horizon)賞、数学で最大3件のニューホライズン賞が毎年、若手研究者に贈られる。受賞者は、業績を祝福するとともに次世代の科学者を励ます狙いがあるテレビ中継の授賞式に出席する。受賞式のスケジュールの一環として、受賞者は講演と討議のプログラムに参加する。ブレークスルー賞はセルゲイ・ブリンとアン・ウォイッキ、マーク・ザッカーバーグとプリシラ・チャン、ユーリとジュリア・ミルナーの各氏によって創設された。過去のブレークスルー賞受賞者で構成する選考委員会が受賞者を選ぶ。

ブレークスルー賞に関する情報はウェブサイトwww.breakthroughprize.org を参照。

ソース:The Breakthrough Prize


Rubenstein, Janet Wootten



Kristen Bothwell



Breakthrough Prize Marks 5th Anniversary Celebrating Top Achievements In Science And Awards More Than $25 Million In Prizes At Gala Ceremony in Valley


Breakthrough Prize Marks 5th Anniversary Celebrating Top Achievements In Science And Awards More Than $25 Million In Prizes At Gala Ceremony In Silicon Valley

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

2017 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awarded to Stephen J. Elledge, Harry

F. Noller, Roeland Nusse, Yoshinori Ohsumi, and Huda Yahya Zoghbi

2017 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Awarded to Joseph Polchinski,

Andrew Strominger, and Cumrun Vafa

2017 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics Awarded to Jean Bourgain

New Horizons in Physics Prize awarded to Asimina Arvanitaki, Peter W. Graham,


Surjeet Rajendran; Simone Giombi and Xi Yin; and Frans Pretorius

New Horizons in Mathematics Prize awarded to Mohammad Abouzaid, Hugo

Duminil-Copin, and Benjamin Elias and Geordie Williamson

Second Annual, International Breakthrough Junior Challenge Won by Female


Antonella Masini, 18 (Peru) and Deanna See, 17 (Singapore)

2016 Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, awarded in May to

founders and team members of LIGO, awarded to Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss and

family of Ronald Drever

Laureates to be honored at glittering awards gala hosted by Morgan Freeman,

with live performance by Alicia Keys and presentations from Daniel Ek (CEO of

Spotify), Jeremy Irons, Mark and Scott Kelly, Hiroshi Mikitani (CEO of

Rakuten), Sienna Miller, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vin Diesel, Kevin Durant, Dev

Patel, Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google), Alex Rodriguez, Will.i.am, Susan Wojcicki

(CEO of YouTube) and the founders of the Breakthrough Prize

The Breakthrough Prize and founders Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki, Yuri and

Julia Milner, and Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, tonight announced the

recipients of the 2017 Breakthrough Prizes, marking the organization's fifth

anniversary recognizing top achievements in Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics

and Mathematics. A combined total of $25 million was awarded at the gala

ceremony in Silicon Valley, hosted by Morgan Freeman. Each of the Breakthrough

Prizes is worth $3 million, the largest individual monetary prize in science.

This year, a total of seven of these prizes were awarded to nine individuals,

along with a $3 million Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics,

which was split between three founders and more than a thousand members of the

LIGO team. In addition, three $100,000 New Horizons in Physics Prizes were

awarded to six early-career physicists, and a further three $100,000 New

Horizons in Mathematics Prizes were awarded to four young mathematicians. And

this year there were two winners of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, each

receiving up to $400,000 in educational prizes for them, their teacher and

their school.

Since its inception in 2012, the Breakthrough Prize has awarded close to $200

million to honor paradigm-shifting research in the fields of fundamental

physics, life sciences, and mathematics.

"There has never been a more important time to support science," said Facebook

founder Mark Zuckerberg. "The 2017 Breakthrough Prize laureates represent the

leaders in scientific research in physics, math and life sciences. Their

breakthroughs will unlock new possibilities and help make the world a better

place for everyone."

The 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences was awarded to Stephen J. Elledge

(Harvard Medical School); Harry F. Noller (University of California, Santa

Cruz); Roeland Nusse (Stanford University); Yoshinori Ohsumi (Tokyo Institute

of Technology); Huda Yahya Zoghbi (Baylor College of Medicine).

The 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics was awarded to Joseph

Polchinski (University of California, Santa Barbara); Andrew Strominger

(Harvard University); and Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University).

The three honorees joined the recipients of the previously announced Special

Prize in Fundamental Physics, released in May 2016. Ronald Drever (California

Institute of Technology, Pasadena), Kip Thorne (California Institute of

Technology, Pasadena) and Rainer Weiss (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),

were recognized in May for their detection of gravitational waves, opening new

horizons in astronomy and physics. The three winners of the Special Prize will

share a $1 million prize, and 1,012 LIGO team members will share $2 million.

The 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics was awarded to Jean Bourgain

(Institute for Advanced Study).

This year's ceremony will mark the fifth anniversary of the organization, and

laureates will take to the stage tonight at an exclusive gala co-hosted by

founders Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki, Yuri and Julia Milner, Mark Zuckerberg

and Priscilla Chan, and Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter. Academy

Award(R)-winning actor Morgan Freeman will host the show, which will feature a

performance by 15-time Grammy Award(R) winner Alicia Keys, and celebrity

presenters Jeremy Irons, Mark and Scott Kelly, Hiroshi Mikitani (CEO of

Rakuten), Sienna Miller, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vin Diesel, Kevin Durant, Dev

Patel, Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google), Alex Rodriguez, Will.i.am, Susan Wojcicki

(CEO of YouTube), as well as the founders of the Breakthrough Prize. The theme

of the evening will be "the universal reach of ideas."

"Science is universal," said Yuri Milner. "Tonight it brought together some of

the world's greatest actors, sportsmen, musicians, academics, entrepreneurs,

astronauts and, last but not least, scientists, to celebrate what the human

mind can achieve. And it brought in a live audience from across the planet."

One of the highlights will be the speeches by the two female students who won

the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, Antonella Masini, 18 (Peru) and Deanna See,

17 (Singapore). The Breakthrough Junior Challenge is a global science video

competition designed to inspire creative thinking about fundamental concepts in

the life sciences, physics, or mathematics. In recognition of their winning

submissions, both students received up to $400,000 in educational prizes,

including a scholarship worth up to $250,000, $50,000 for an inspiring teacher,

and a state-of-the-art science lab valued at $100,000.

Entries from 146 countries were received in the 2016 installment of the global

competition, which kicked off on September 1, 2016. The Breakthrough Junior

Challenge is funded by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, and Yuri and Julia

Milner, through the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, based on a grant from Mark

Zuckerberg's fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and a grant from

the Milner Global Foundation.

"The Breakthrough Junior Challenge encourages students to better understand the

worlds of science and mathematics and to have some fun along the way," said

Breakthrough Prize co-founder Dr. Priscilla Chan. "Antonella and Deanna both

have bright futures in science and I am so excited to honor their work. They

are also incredible storytellers, whose ability to capture these complex ideas

in accessible and exciting ways is truly inspiring. I cannot wait to see how

they will change the world."

In addition, six New Horizons prizes - an annual prize of $100,000 each,

recognizing the achievements of early-career physicists and mathematicians -

were awarded.

The New Horizons in Physics Prize was awarded to:

- Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute, Ontario), Peter W. Graham (Stanford

University) and Surjeet Rajendran (University of California, Berkeley)

- Simone Giombi (Princeton University) and Xi Yin (Harvard)

- Frans Pretorius (Princeton University)

The New Horizons in Mathematics Prize was awarded to:

- Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University)

- Hugo Deuminil-Copin (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques and University

of Geneva)

- Benjamin Elias (University of Oregon) and Geordie Williamson (Kyoto

University and University of Sydney)

The ceremony will be directed and produced, for the fourth time, by Don Mischer

alongside executive producers Charlie Haykel and Juliane Hare of Don Mischer


Broadcast live in its entirety on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC at 10/9c on Sunday, Dec.

4, an edited one-hour version of the ceremony will also air on FOX on Sunday,

Dec. 18, at 7:00-8:00 PM ET/PT and globally on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in 171

countries and 45 languages.


The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences honors transformative advances towards

understanding living systems and extending human life, with one prize dedicated

to work that contributes to the understanding of neurological diseases.

Each of the five Life Science winners received a $3 million prize.

Stephen J. Elledge, Gregor Mendel Professor of Genetics and Medicine in the

Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and in the Division of

Genetics at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Investigator with the Howard

Hughes Medical Institute, for elucidating how eukaryotic cells sense and

respond to damage in their DNA and providing insights into the development and

treatment of cancer.

Harry F. Noller, Director of the Center for Molecular Biology of RNA, Robert L.

Sinsheimer Professor of Molecular Biology and Professor Emeritus of MCD Biology

at the University of California, Santa Cruz, for discovering the centrality of

RNA in forming the active centers of the ribosome, the fundamental machinery of

protein synthesis in all cells, thereby connecting modern biology to the origin

of life and also explaining how many natural antibiotics disrupt protein


Roeland Nusse, Professor of Developmental Biology at Stanford University and

Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, for pioneering research on the

Wnt pathway, one of the crucial intercellular signaling systems in development,

cancer and stem cell biology.

Yoshinori Ohsumi, Honorary Professor, Institute of Innovative Research at Tokyo

Institute of Technology for elucidating autophagy, the recycling system that

cells use to generate nutrients from their own inessential or damaged


Huda Yahya Zoghbi, Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Molecular and

Human Genetics, Neurology and Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine,

Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Director of the Jan and

Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (NRI) at Texas Children's Hospital,

for discoveries of the genetic causes and biochemical mechanisms of

spinocerebellar ataxia and Rett syndrome, findings that have provided insight

into the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative and neurological diseases.


The Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics recognizes major insights into

the deepest questions of the universe.

The three winners, sharing the $3 million prize, are:

Joseph Polchinski, Professor in the Department of Physics and Member of the

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa


Andrew Strominger, Director of the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature at

Harvard University; and,

Cumrun Vafa, Donner Professor of Science in the Department of Physics at

Harvard University,

All three received the Prize for transformative advances in quantum field

theory, string theory, and quantum gravity.


The Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics honors the world's best mathematicians

who have contributed to major advances in the field.

Jean Bourgain, IBM von Neumann Professor in the School of Mathematics at the

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, for multiple

transformative contributions to analysis, combinatorics, partial differential

equations, high-dimensional geometry and number theory.


The New Horizons in Physics Prize is awarded to promising early-career

researchers who have already produced important work in fundamental physics.

- Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute, Ontario), Peter W. Graham (Stanford

University) and Surjeet Rajendran (University of California, Berkeley)

- Simone Giombi (Princeton University) and Xi Yin (Harvard)

- Frans Pretorius (Princeton University)


The New Horizons in Mathematics Prize is awarded to promising early-career

researchers who have already produced important work in mathematics.

- Mohammed Abouzaid (Columbia University)

- Hugo Deuminil-Copin (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques and University

of Geneva)

- Benjamin Elias (University of Oregon) and Geordie Williamson (Kyoto

University and University of Sydney)


The second annual Breakthrough Junior Challenge recognizes two winners this

year - Antonella Masini, 18, from Peru, and Deanna See, 17, from Singapore.

Antonella and Deanna will each receive up to $400,000 in educational prizes.

Antonella's video, submitted in the physics category, focused on quantum

entanglement. Deanna's life sciences video, titled "Superbugs! And Our Race

against Resistance," tackled antibiotic resistance.

Images and select video from the 2017 Breakthrough Prize Gala -red carpet and

ceremony- can be downloaded for media use at:


About the Breakthrough Prizes

For the fifth year, the Breakthrough Prizes will recognize the world's top

scientists. Each prize is $3 million and awarded in the fields of Life Sciences

(up to five per year), Fundamental Physics (up to one per year) and Mathematics

(up to one per year). In addition, up to three New Horizons in Physics and up

to three New Horizons in Mathematics Prizes are given out to junior researchers

each year. Laureates attend a televised awards ceremony designed to celebrate

their achievements and inspire the next generation of scientists. As part of

the ceremony schedule, they also engage in a program of lectures and

discussions. The Breakthrough Prizes were founded by Sergey Brin and Anne

Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, and Yuri and Julia Milner.

Selection Committees composed of previous Breakthrough Prize laureates choose

the winners.

Information on the Breakthrough Prizes is available at


SOURCE: The Breakthrough Prize

CONTACT: For Breakthrough Prize Contact: Rubenstein, Janet Wootten -

Jwootten@Rubenstein.com / 212-843-8024; Kristen Bothwell -

Kbothwell@Rubenstein.com / 212-843-9227




