

AsiaNet 66685


ニューヨーク(米国)、2016年11月28日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

メゾンマムは本日、世界で最も大胆で多くのメダルを保持するアスリートのひとりであるウサイン・ボルトを新しいCEO(チーフ・エンターテイメント・オフィサー)に特別任命したことを発表しました。リオでの勝利の後の数か月間、次の計画を熟慮した結果、ボルト氏は自身のキャリアにおける大きなチャレンジとなるフランスで一番のシャンパンハウス[1]、メゾンマムのCEOを引き受けるとの特別声明(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn5fVdL_rO4 )を出しました。





ボルト氏は、マムで初となるチーフ・エンターテイメント・オフィサーの肩書には極めて適任です。スポーツにおける彼のリーダーシップには、並ぶ者がいません。勝利の追求と、勝利の後祝賀を分かち合う彼のよく知られた人柄は、世界中の大勢のファンを楽しませてきました。ボルト氏のモットー、「何だってできる。限界は考えない」(Anything is possible; I don't think limits)はメゾンマムのモットーである「最上のみ」(Only the best)や当社の精神の「挑戦、勝利、祝う」(Dare. Win. Celebrate)と完全に一致します。


ボルト氏の新たな役割は、マムの先駆的な本質にふさわしく、大胆で予期せぬことをするブランドの傾向を証明しています。今年初め、マムは新デザインのボトルを紹介して伝統的なシャンパンボトルのスタイルを革命的に変化させ、再定義しました。受賞歴のある英国人デザイナー、ロス・ラブグローブが作り上げたマム・グランコルドンは、メゾンマム189年の歴史上最も革新的なデザインです。ボトルの革命的な形、特に長く細い首のため従来のシャンパン製造の全工程を刷新しなくてはなりませんでした。高級シャンパンに特有の正面のラベルがありません。代わりにG.H. Mumm(G.H.マム)の名前とワシのエンブレムがゴールドでガラスに直接印刷されています。さらにメゾンマムは革新ばかりでなく、常に祝賀の限界を広げており、これまでにコルクがはじけると会場にインタラクティブなサウンド・ビジュアル体験を引き起こすようデジタル接続した、初のシャンパンボトル(http://digitalpressroom.mumm.com/mumm-launches-an-innovation-with-mark-ronson-to-push-the-limits-of-the-celebration-experience/ )とシャンパンハウスで初となるドローンを使ったボトルの配達(http://digitalpressroom.mumm.com/on-august-30-31-maison-mumm-will-unveil-spectacular-beach-delivery-for-its-mumm-grand-cordon_6163_6163/ )のプレミアを行いました。


マムの歴史を通してわが社は、1904年に探検家のジャン=バティスト・シャルコーの初めてのフランス領南極地域探検を支援するなど、あえて古い習慣から抜け出す先駆者たちと連携してきました。同様にボルト氏の指名は、彼とメゾンマムの間で予定している心躍る一連の仕事の大胆な第一歩です。ボルト氏とマムが思い描くものをあえて体験したい方は、楽しくワクワクし、刺激になること間違いない今後の発表にhttp://www.mumm.com/ で引き続きご注目ください。


1. IWSR の情報

     (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161126/443016



Usain Bolt, Icon of Victory, is Appointed the New CEO (Chief Entertainment Officer) of Maison Mumm, the Number One Champagne House in France


NEW YORK, Nov. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    Maison Mumm announced today the special appointment of Usain Bolt, one of

the world's most daring and decorated athletes, as its newest CEO. After months

of speculation  regarding his next move after his victories in Rio, Mr. Bolt

gave a special statement [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn5fVdL_rO4 ]

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn5fVdL_rO4) that he will take on one of the

biggest challenges of his career as CEO of the number one champagne house in

France[1], Maison Mumm.  

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    In the video, entitled "Usain Bolt, New Mumm CEO," the Mumm bottle is

dramatically lit atop a pedestal. Mr. Bolt comes into the screen and takes the

bottle. He then does the unexpected: he sabers it with one of his gold medals.

    In his new role, Mr. Bolt will take the lead in ideating unique and daring

ways to bring celebrations to consumers everywhere through the energy,

intensity and enticing freshness of Mumm. His long-term goal for Mumm will

include spearheading initiatives to excite the world and ultimately aid in

efforts to make Maison Mumm the top champagne house in the U.S.

    Mr. Bolt is supremely qualified to take on the Mumm's first ever title of

Chief Entertainment Officer. His leadership in sport is unparalleled. His

pursuit of victory and his well-known personality in sharing the celebrations

that follow his wins have entertained legions of fans worldwide. Mr. Bolt's

personal motto - "Anything is possible; I don't think limits" - aligned

perfectly with Maison Mumm's own motto - "Only the best" - as well as the

"Dare. Win. Celebrate." spirit of the House.

    "I'm honored to take on the role of CEO for Maison Mumm and to show the

world what it means to celebrate and entertain in daring ways," said Mr. Bolt.

"My number one mission will be to enhance Mumm's legacy in celebrating

victories in stunning ways, and I'm very excited to invite all my fans around

the world to raise their glasses with me."

    Mr. Bolt's new role is in keeping with Mumm's pioneering nature and

provides evidence of the brand's propensity to be bold and to do what is

unexpected. Earlier this year, Mumm revolutionized and redefined the style of a

traditional champagne bottle when it introduced its new bottle design.  Created

by award winning British designer Ross Lovegrove, Mumm Grand Cordon is the most

innovative design in the 189-year history of Maison Mumm. The bottle's

revolutionary shape, in particular its long, slender neck, necessitated a whole

series of innovations to the traditional champagne production process. Unique

to premium champagnes, the bottle has no front label; instead, the G.H. Mumm

signature and eagle emblem are screened in gold directly on the glass.

Additionally, Maison Mumm has constantly pushed the limits of celebration as

well as innovation, having premiered the first digitally connected champagne



o-push-the-limits-of-the-celebration-experience ](which triggers a interactive

sound and visual experience in a venue as the cork is popped), and the first

drone-powered bottle delivery service


cular-beach-delivery-for-its-mumm-grand-cordon_6163_6163 ]

by a champagne house.

    "Maison Mumm is about exploring unexpected ways to celebrate with our

fans," said Cesar Giron, Chairman and CEO of Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouet. "By

naming Usain as our Chief Entertainment Officer, we will work closely together

to bring unique excitement through daring innovation to celebrations and

moments of victory, large and small, around the globe."

    Throughout Mumm's history, the House has partnered with trailblazers who

dare to break with convention, such as supporting explorer Jean-Baptiste

Charcot during the first French Antarctic expedition in 1904. Similarly, the

appointment of Mr. Bolt is a daring first step in a series of planned exciting

engagements between him and Maison Mumm. Those who dare to experience what Mr.

Bolt and Mumm conceive are encouraged to stay tuned to forthcoming

announcements that are certain to entertain, excite and inspire

at http://www.mumm.com.


    1. IWSR source

         (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20161126/443016 )

SOURCE: Maison Mumm




