


AsiaNet 66599(1504)

【ラベージュ(フランス)2016年11月18日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

インターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)へのコネクティビティーで世界をリードするプロバイダーであるSigfoxは18日、自社のグローバルネットワーク拡張を加速し、近く世界規模のカバー範囲を実現するための約1億5000万ユーロの「Series E」資金調達を終了すると発表した。

Salesforce、トタル、Henri Seydoux、Alto Invest、Swen CP、およびTamer Groupが新規投資家としてSigfoxに加わる。Bpifrance、Elliott、Intel Capital、エア・リキード、Idinvest Partners、IXOなどの現在の投資家もSigfoxに再投資する。これに加え新規投資家が近く今回の資金調達ラウンドに加わり、調達額が1億5000万ユーロに達するものと期待される。




SigfoxはIndustry 4.0( )を、IoTの発展を推進する主要な成長経路の一つとみている。Sigfoxの国際的発展を支援する投資家に新たに加わるとのトタルの決断の背後にある理由のいくつかは、予知保全へのニーズ、並びに、さらなるサービスを志向する自社のビジネスモデルの継続的進化である可能性がある。



Sigfoxの歴史的株主であるIntel Capital、Idinvest Partners、IXO PEは今回の資金調達に積極的に参加した。












詳細はウェブサイト( )を参照するか、Twitter( )、Facebook( )、Youtube( )をフォロー。

▽Total Energy Venturesについて

Total Energy Venturesは新興エネルギー企業に投資するトタル(Total)のベンチャーキャピタル部門である。同社の投資は再生可能エネルギー、エネルギー効率、エネルギー貯蔵、デジタルエネルギー、環境に優しい輸送などの分野の革新的な事業開発を支援している。


2013年に設立されたAir Liquide Venture CapialのALIADはエア・リキード・グループのベンチャーキャピタル投資部門。ALIADの役割は革新的な新興技術企業の少数株式取得である。ALIADはその顧客知識と産業・技術専門知識によって、技術の未来を開く革新的な新興企業の成長を支援している。R&D、および新興企業とグループ内事業体とのビジネス特権契約が同社関与の好例である。

詳細は を参照。

▽Alto Investについて

Alto Investは主として成長中の中小企業に投資している資本管理企業である。Alto Investチームは機関・個人顧客を利する未公開株式ポートフォリオ管理の経験が豊富で、欧州で90件以上の未公開株式投資を実施した。Alto Investはフランス金融市場監視局(AMF)に正式承認されており、フランス資産運用協会(AFG)の正会員である。

詳細は を参照。


株式投資はBpifrance Investissement(フランス公的投資銀行)が運用している。フランス国家およびフランス預金供託公庫(CDC)の傘下にあり、企業家が信頼するパートナーであるBpifranceは、初期段階から新規株式公開(IPO)に至る企業にローン、保証、株式投資を通じて融資する。Bpifranceは運用サービス、および革新、輸出、フランス貿易投資庁(ビジネスフランス)やコファスと提携した外部成長に対する強力な支援も提供している。Bpifranceは企業の重要な発展段階それぞれで、地域特異性に応じるものを含む幅広い融資機会を与える。Bpifranceは47カ所の地区オフィス(地元が90%を決裁)によって、企業向け経済競争力の戦略的ツールになっている。Bpifranceは以下の3目標に取り組むフランス国家・地方イニシアチブのバックアップ役を担っている。





詳細は を参照するかTwitterフォロー(@bpifrance)を。

▽Elliott Management Corporationについて

Elliott Management Corporationは1977年創業の投資企業で、現在は機関、個人双方の投資家の資本約290億ドルを管理している。Elliottはニューヨーク、ロンドン、香港、東京、メンローパークにオフィスを展開する多戦略企業で、負債、株式、商品、通貨、その他各産業に及ぶさまざまな資産を取り扱っている。同社の主要目的は、金融市場低迷期に損失を最小化するという目標にふさわしい利益を生むことである。

詳細は を参照。

▽Idinvest Partnersについて

Idinvest Partnersは80人で70億ユーロ以上を運用する欧州の大手管理企業で、中堅企業向け市場区分に焦点を合わせている。Idinvest Partnersは、欧州の革新的な新興企業、および非上場企業に対する初期、2次、メザニン投資、未公開株式コンサルティングなどいくつかの補完的な専門分野を開発した。1997年、AGF Private Equityの社名で創設されたIdinvest Partnersは2010年に独立するまで、アリアンツ・グループに所属していた。

詳細は を参照。

▽Intel Capitalについて

インテルの戦略投資・M&A組織であるIntel Capitalは、コンピューティング、スマートデバイス、クラウド、データセンター、セキュリティー、インターネット・オブ・シングス(IoT)、ウエアラブル・ロボット技術、半導体製造を対象にする革新的な新興企業を支援している。Intel Capitalは1991年以来、世界の1470社に118億米ドルを投資し、ポートフォリオ企業617社が株式を公開するか買収された。Intel Capitalは事業開発計画を通じて、ポートフォリオ企業役員、インテル顧客、グローバル2000のパートナーとともに、毎年数千もの導入を監修している。何がIntel Capitalを世界有数の強力なベンチャーキャピタル企業にしたのか、詳しい情報は を参照するか、@Intelcapital( )のフォローを。

▽IXO Private Equityについて

IXO Private Equityは100%が経営陣チームによって保有される独立系企業。資本投資額5億7000万ユーロで、資産ポートフォリオを管理している。FIP/FCPI(近郊地域への投資ファンド/技術革新投資ファンド)の公募からのファンドが2億2000万ユーロを占めている。企業投資家を中心としたFPCIファンド(前FCPR)は3億5000万ユーロ。IXO Private Equityはトゥールーズ、マルセイユ、リヨンに事務所を持ち、フランス南部(南東から南西エリア)のPME(中小企業)における各プロジェクトに投資するエクィティの金額は100万ユーロから1500万ユーロである。

詳細は を参照。

▽Salesforce Venturesについて

Salesforce VenturesはSalesForceの企業投資グループで、次世代のエンタープライズ・テクノロジーに投資し、企業とクライアントを全く新しい方法で結びつける支援をしている。投資先企業は資金調達とともに世界最大のクラウド・エコシステム、そしてSalesforceのイノベーターと幹部からアドバイスを受けることができる。Salesforce Venturesによって投資先の企業は、Salesforce Foundationの統合型社会貢献モデル1-1-1の専門知識を活用しそのビジネスモデルの1部を還元することができる。Salesforceは2009年以来、クラウド新興企業の150社以上に投資している。

詳細は を参照。

▽Swen Capital Partnersについて

Swen Capital Partnersは未公開株式、非上場インフラストラクチャー、民間債に特化した投資顧問会社。Swen Capital Partnersの資金管理額は32億ユーロで、これにより以下を行っている。



Swen Capital PatneersはOFIとArkea Investment Servicesの関連会社である。

詳細は を参照。

▽Tamer Groupについて

Tamer Groupはヘルスケア、美容、有名商品そして日用品をサウジと中東地域の増大するニーズに応えて提供する大手企業である。Tamer Groupの中核となる事業は輸入、販売、販促、マーケティング、製造である。

今日、Tamer Groupは事業、サービスそして顧客ポートフォリオへのユニークなアプローチの結果、サウジ市場で特別な地位を確立している。

Tamer Groupはサウジアラビアのジッダに本拠を置き、世界の多くの大手企業と多様な契約、パートナーシップ、ジョイントベンチャーを通して提携している。

詳細は を参照。


Laurence Collet, media relations Sigfox


Simon Chan, Edelman for Sigfox



Sigfox, the World's Leading Provider of Internet of Things Connectivity, Announces a Record Funding Round


LABEGE, France, Nov. 18, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/

    Sigfox, the world's leading provider of connectivity for the Internet of

Things (IoT), today announced it is closing its Series E funding round of EUR150

million to accelerate the expansion of its global network and soon reach

worldwide coverage.

    Salesforce, Total, Henri Seydoux, Alto Invest, Swen CP and Tamer Group will

join Sigfox as new investors. Existing shareholders including Bpifrance,

Elliott, Intel Capital, Air Liquide, Idinvest Partners and IXO, will also

re-invest in the company. Additional new investors are also expected to join

this financing round shortly to reach the EUR150 million level.

    The IoT space opens up new and exciting opportunities by connecting the

physical world to the Internet. With its global network, Sigfox gives a voice

to billions of objects, allowing them to play a pivotal role in our social and

economic development.

    In just five years, Sigfox has built a unique global wireless network that

provides a simple, efficient connectivity solution, enabling devices to connect

to the cloud at ultra low-cost and using minimal energy. No other network than

Sigfox's has a worldwide footprint and can claim to connect fully autonomous

energy harvesting objects. Thanks to Sigfox, every object will connect to the

cloud at minimal cost, by relying only on the surrounding energy sources. This

promise, along with the significant developments made by the company over the

past 18 months, have contributed to the successful closing of this round of


    With more than 10 million objects registered on its network and coverage

currently spanning 26 countries, Sigfox is reinforcing its position as a global

leader in the IoT space. This new round of funding will enable the company to

expand its international network to 60 countries by 2018 and reach financial

breakeven point.

    The company sees Industry 4.0

] as one of the main growth paths driving the development of the IoT. The need

for predictive maintenance as well as the continued evolution of its business

model towards more services could be some of the reasons behind Total's

decision to join other shareholders supporting Sigfox's international


    "We are happy to accompany the development of Sigfox because the technology

it offers can be decisive to accelerate the deployment of the Internet of

things. It is their advance acquired on the market in a short time and their

capacity to accelerate the deployment of large-scale IoT solutions that

motivated our investment", commented Patrick Pouyanne, Chairman and Chief

Executive Officer of Total. "This type of solution will improve the performance

and operational safety of industrial activities, reduce operating costs, but

also be used to serve customers "

    Another key opportunity is the optimisation of industrial processes

leveraging big data. For this reason, Sigfox plans to integrate with

Salesforce's IoT Cloud, unlocking insights from the connected world that

empower any business to take the right action, for the right customer, at the

right time across global consumer and business use cases. By connecting

billions of objects and events, Sigfox and Salesforce IoT Cloud can facilitate

deep and meaningful customer experiences via its global, homogenous and

scalable network.

    Intel Capital, Idinvest Partners and IXO PE, which are historical

shareholders of Sigfox, actively participated in this round.

    "We strongly believe that Sigfox has unlocked the IoT connectivity

bottleneck and will bring billions of objects online in the near future. Its

cost effective, easy to use, open platform solution is set to become the

standard for low power object connectivity, bringing massive productivity gains

to the corporate world and everyday benefits to end customers", said Franck

Tuil, Elliott's Senior Portfolio Manager.

   "I created Parrot 22 years ago, and I know how much it takes to carry out

ambitious projects on a large scale. I am impressed by the huge progress made

by Sigfox over the last three years I have spent as a member of Sigfox's board

of directors. I am now convinced of the colossal growth potential of the market

Sigfox successfully addresses. Alongside the financial investment I am making

today in the company, I am willing to provide Sigfox's management with my

support as an entrepreneur", said Henri Seydoux, CEO of Parrot.

    "The Internet of Things is one of the next big transformational

technologies, and we are proud to support Sigfox as the infrastructure leader.

We are pleased to see a strong startup ecosystem being built around this

world-class technology.", said Paul Francois Fournier, Executive Director of


    Commenting on the announcement, Xavier Drilhon, deputy CEO of Sigfox said,

"I joined Sigfox 18 months ago because of the incredibly powerful vision of its

founders and the unique positioning of the company as a fundamental enabler of

the IoT revolution. Our rapid international expansion made possible thanks to

the support of our local operators, as well as the growth of our ecosystem,

were key to securing this new fundraising. This will allow the company to

accelerate the deployment of its network from 26 countries today to over 60

within the next two years, representing 90 per cent of the worldwide GDP."

    "When we met in 2010, we agreed that Sigfox could change the world by

bringing the virtual and physical worlds together through a new paradigm based

on the fundamental principles of astrophysics. Today, we have created the

equivalent of the world's largest radio telescope for IoT. Our network is able

to connect hundreds of billions of objects to the Internet through advanced

radio techniques." said Ludovic Le Moan and Christophe Fourtet, co-founders of


    The round comprises a "greenshoe" that will allow new strategic and

financial partners to join the share capital of Sigfox shortly.

    Lazard and Goldman Sachs acted as financial advisors to Sigfox, with

Skadden acting as legal advisor and Callisto acting as financial advisors to

the management.

    Sigfox pictures are available here

[ ]

    About Sigfox

    Sigfox is the world's leading provider of connectivity for the Internet of

Things (IoT). The company has built a global network to connect billions of

devices to the Internet while consuming as little energy as possible, as simply

as possible.

    Sigfox's unique approach to device-to-cloud communications addresses the

three greatest barriers to global IoT adoption: cost, energy consumption, and

global scalability. Today, the network is present in 26 countries and on track

to cover 60 by 2018 - covering a population of 397 million people. With

millions of objects connected and a rapidly growing partner ecosystem, Sigfox

empowers companies to create new innovations on the IoT. Founded in 2010 by

Ludovic Le Moan and Christophe Fourtet, the company is headquartered in Labege

near Toulouse, France's "IoT Valley". Sigfox also has offices in Paris, Madrid,

Munich, Boston, San Francisco, Dubai and Singapore.

    For more information, see and follow us on Twitter

[ ], Facebook [ ] and

Youtube [ ]

    About Total Energy Ventures

    Total Energy Ventures is Total's venture capital arm for investing in

energy start-ups. Its investments support the development of innovative

businesses in areas such as renewable energies, energy efficiency, energy

storage, digital energy and sustainable transportation

    About ALIAD

    Created in 2013, Air Liquide Venture Capital, ALIAD, is the Air Liquide

Group's venture capital investor. ALIAD's role is to take minority stakes in

innovative technology start-ups. Thanks to its customer knowledge and its

industrial and technological expertise, ALIAD supports the growth of innovative

startups for the future of technologies. Its involvement is illustrated by R&D

and business privileged agreements between the startups and the Group's other


    For more information, see

    About Alto Invest

    Alto Invest is a capital management company investing primarily in small

and mid-sized fast-growing companies. Alto Invest's team is highly experienced

in managing private equity portfolios on behalf of institutional and private

clients, and it made more than 90 private equity investments in Europe. Alto

Invest is fully approved by the French financial authorities (Autorite des

Marches Financiers) and is an active member of the French Asset Management

Association (Association Francaise de la Gestion Financiere).

    For more information, see

    About Bpifrance  

    Equity investment are operated by Bpifrance Investissement. Bpifrance, a

subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Depots and the entrepreneurs'

trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans,

guarantees and equity investments. Bpifrance also provides operational services

and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in partnership

with Business France and Coface. Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range

of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including

offers adapted to regional specificities. With its 47 regional offices (90% of

decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic

competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs. Bpifrance acts as a back-up for

initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:

    Contributing to SME's growth

    Preparing tomorrow's competitiveness

Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem

With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close

representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and


    For more information, see and follow us on Twitter


    About Elliott Management Corporation

    Elliott Management Corporation is an investment firm founded in 1977 that

today manages approximately $29 billion of capital for both institutional and

individual investors.  Elliott is a multi-strategy firm with offices in New

York, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Menlo Park active in debt, equities,

commodities, currencies and various other asset classes across a range of

industries. The firm's principal objective is to generate a return which is as

high as is consistent with a goal of minimizing losses during adverse financial

market periods.

    For more information, see

    About Idinvest Partners

    With more than EUR7 billion under management and 80 people, Idinvest Partners

is a leading pan-European manager focused on the middle market segment.

Idinvest Partners has developed several complementary areas of expertise

including investments in innovative European start-ups, primary, secondary and

mezzanine investments in European non-listed companies, and private equity

consulting. Founded under the name AGF Private Equity in 1997, Idinvest

Partners was formerly part of the Allianz group until 2010 when it became


    For more information, see

    About Intel Capital

    Intel Capital, Intel's strategic investment and M&A organization, backs

innovative startups targeting computing and smart devices, cloud, datacenter,

security, the Internet of Things, wearable and robotic technologies and

semiconductor manufacturing. Since 1991, Intel Capital has invested US$11.8

billion in 1,470 companies worldwide, and 617 portfolio companies have gone

public or been acquired. Through its business development programs, Intel

Capital curates thousands of introductions each year between its portfolio

executives and Intel's customers and partners in the Global 2000. For more

information on what makes Intel Capital one of the world's most powerful

venture capital firms, visit or follow

@Intelcapital [ ]

    About IXO Private Equity

    IXO Private Equity is an independent company 100 % held by its management

team. It manages an asset portfolio in capital-investment of EUR570m. Funds made

out from type FIP/FCPI's public offer represent EUR220m. FPCI's funds (ex FCPR)

mainly signed by institutional investors represent, as for them, EUR350m. Located

in Toulouse, Marseille and Lyon, IXO Private Equity invests equity amounts

between EUR1m and EUR15m per project in PME located in the South of France

(South-East - South-West).

    For more information, see

    About Salesforce Ventures

    Salesforce Ventures-Salesforce's corporate investment group-invests in the

next generation of enterprise technology to help companies connect with their

customers in entirely new ways. Portfolio companies receive funding as well as

access to the world's largest cloud ecosystem and the guidance of Salesforce's

innovators and executives. With Salesforce Ventures, portfolio companies can

also leverage the expertise of the Salesforce Foundation to incorporate its

1-1-1 model of integrated philanthropy to make giving back part of their

business model. Salesforce has invested in more than 150 enterprise cloud

startups since 2009.

    For more information, see

    About Swen Capital Partners

    Swen Capital Partners is an investment management company specialized in

private equity, private infrastructure and private debt. With EUR3.2Bn under

management, Swen Capital Partners provides:

    - a full range of investment programs for personal customers and


    - a real expertize to follow-up and monitor portfolios.

    Swen Capital Partners is OFI's and Arkea Investment Services' subsidiary.

    For more information, see

    About Tamer Group

    Tamer Group is a leading healthcare, beauty care, prestige products, and

fast moving consumer goods company responding to the growing needs of the Saudi

and Middle East communities. The Group's core activities are import,

distribution, promotion, marketing and manufacturing.

    Today, Tamer Group has established a special position in the Saudi

marketplace, resulting from a unique approach to business, service and customer


    Headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Tamer Group serves many of the

world's leading companies through various agreements, partnerships, and joint


    For more information, see

Sigfox Contacts

Laurence Collet, media relations Sigfox


Simon Chan, Edelman for Sigfox


SOURCE: Sigfox




