The Consumer Goods Forumが新たな冷媒決議を発表


The Consumer Goods Forumが新たな冷媒決議を発表

AsiaNet 66029(1273)

【パリ、ニューヨーク2016年10月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


The Consumer Goods Forum(ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム、CGF)の理事会は6日、冷媒に関する新たな決議( )を発表し、すべての消費者用品会社に対し有害なハイドロフルオロカーボン(HFC)の使用を段階的に廃止するよう呼び掛けた。この野心的な新たなコミットメントは世界の平均気温の上昇を2℃以下にとどめるという目標達成を助ける重要な次のステップとみられている。HFCは現在、温暖化係数全体の1.5%( )を占めており、対策をとらなければ2050年までにGHG全体の6-9%まで増加するとみられている。






決議全文はCGFのウェブサイト( )で入手可能。


CGFの当初の冷媒決議が発表された2010年にさかのぼると、冷蔵はすでに消費者用品業界で重要な役割を果たしていたが、HFCに代わる低炭素技術はまだ実証されていなかった。このためCGFは2015年までに冷媒への新たなアプローチの試みへのコミットを決めることによって, リーダーシップを示すことを決めた( )。

その結果、CGFのメンバーは約4000のスーパーマーケットに低炭素冷蔵システム、世界に400万のアイスクリーム、飲料の冷却装置、大半が自然冷媒の産業プラントを設置した。最近公刊された冷媒ブックレット( )もこうした成功を強調している。2010年冷媒決議は2016年1月に完了した。


この第2の冷媒決議( )は「CGF Sustainability Pillar」の一環としては4番目の環境問題決議であり、森林保護、廃棄食品に関するほかの有効な決議を補完するものである。

▽The Consumer Goods Forum(ザ・コンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム)について

The Consumer Goods Forum( )(CGF)は世界的なパリティーベースの業界ネットワークで、世界の消費者用品業界に役立つ慣行や標準の世界的な普及を促進するためにメンバーによって運用されている。70カ国の約400社の小売業、製造業、サービスプロバイダーなどの利害関係会社のCEO、上級管理職を集めており、地理、規模、製品カテゴリー、フォーマット面での業界の多様性を反映している。メンバー企業の合計売上高は3兆5000億ユーロ、直接雇用の従業員は約1000万人、このほかにバリューチェーンに関連する従業員は推定9000万人。50人の製造会社、小売業のCEOで構成される理事会が指揮する。

詳しい情報は へ。

ソース:The Consumer Goods Forum

The Consumer Goods Forum Announces New Refrigeration Resolution


PARIS and NEW YORK, Oct. 6 / PRNewswire=KYODO JBN / --

      Retailers and manufactures re-emphasise their commitment to phase out HFC

refrigerants and build on initial successes from over the last six years

    The Board of The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) today announced a new

resolution on refrigeration [ ], calling on all consumer

goods companies to phase out harmful hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). This ambitious

new commitment is seen as a vital next step in helping to meet the goal of

keeping the global average temperature rise to well below 2degree(s)C. HFCs

represent 1.5% of total warming potential [

] today, and are expected to increase to 6-9% of total GHG by 2050 unless

action is taken.

    (Logo: )

    The resolution focuses on four key areas; the installation of new

refrigeration equipment in markets where viable, the engagement with key

stakeholders to overcome barriers in markets where installation is not

currently viable, the reduction of the environmental impact of existing

refrigeration systems and the development of individual targets and action

plans to measure the first three points.

    The Board also recognises the important role that regulation plays in

ensuring the equitable global phase down of HFCs and thus calls for the

inclusion of HFCs within the Montreal protocol.

    Mike Coupe, CEO of Sainsbury's, said, "Once again CGF members are showing

global and environmental leadership, and this latest move will play important

role in achieving wider sustainability standards in the industry. As we move

away from HFC gases and towards cleaner business practices, it's crucial that

the consumer goods industry continues to lead the way and stay ahead of the


    Alan Clark, CEO of SABMiller, said, "Positive actions by leading global

consumer goods companies over the last six years have proved the commercial and

operational viability of low carbon refrigeration systems in many parts of the

world. As part of our Prosper sustainable development ambition, SABMiller has a

2020 target to purchase no new HFC fridges. This new Refrigeration Resolution

will help the whole industry move towards eliminating high global

warming-potential refrigerants from our sector, as part of our active

commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement".

    To full resolution is available via the CGF website

[ ].

    Building on the Industry's Results Following the CGF's 2010 Refrigeration


    Back in 2010, when the CGF's original Refrigeration Resolution was

announced, refrigeration was already playing a key role in the consumer goods

industry, but the low carbon technologies to replace HFCs were unproven. The

CGF, therefore, decided to show leadership by taking the decision to commit to

trialling new approaches to refrigeration [

] by 2015.

    As a consequence, CGF members have installed low carbon refrigeration

systems in over 4,000 supermarkets, four million ice cream and drinks chiller

units worldwide and industrial plants with the majority being natural

refrigerants. The recently-published Refrigeration Booklet

[ ] also highlights these successes and more. The

2010 Refrigeration Resolution was closed in January 2016.

    The CGF, however, acknowledges that while the testing of pilots and

introduction of natural refrigerants has been positive, the new resolution

announced today is necessary to help drive further uptake and ensure HFCs are

permanently removed from operational systems globally.

    This second Refrigeration resolution [ ] is the fourth

environmental resolution as part of the CGF Sustainability Pillar,

complementing the other active resolutions on deforestation and food waste.

    About The Consumer Goods Forum

    The Consumer Goods Forum [ ] ("CGF") is

a global, parity-based industry network that is driven by its members to

encourage the global adoption of practices and standards that serves the

consumer goods industry worldwide. It brings together the CEOs and senior

management of some 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and other

stakeholders across 70 countries, and it reflects the diversity of the industry

in geography, size, product category and format. Its member companies have

combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and directly employ nearly 10 million

people, with a further 90 million related jobs estimated along the value chain.

It is governed by its Board of Directors, which comprises 50 manufacturer and

retailer CEOs.

    For more information, please visit:

    Source: The Consumer Goods Forum




