「LUI Che Woo Prize 世界文明賞」が香港で第1回受賞式

LUI Che Woo Prize Limited

「LUI Che Woo Prize 世界文明賞」が香港で第1回受賞式

AsiaNet 65963(1246)

【香港2016年10月3日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

「LUI Che Woo Prize 世界文明賞」(the LUI Che Woo Prizeまたはthe Prize)は3日、香港で第1回受賞式を開催し、世界文明に多大な貢献をした3人の第1回受賞者を表彰し、調和にあふれた世界を築くという賞の使命を果たすため1000人を超える賓客と共有した。

フル・マルチメディアのリリースはウェブサイト(http://www.prnasia.com/mnr/lcw_201610.shtml )を参照。

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-b

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-c

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-d

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-e

袁隆平氏は「持続可能性」部門で「世界食糧供給:安全性とセキュリティー」を対象特定分野として2016年の第1回LUI Che Woo Prizeを受賞したが、これは世界の食糧供給のセキュリティー強化に多大な貢献をした多収穫ハイブリッド米の開発に関する同氏の科学的な成果に対して与えられたものだ。袁教授は「LUI Che Woo Prizeの受賞を大変喜んでいる。私にさらなる高みを目指すよう力づけ、励ます激励にも動機にもなる」と延べた。

「国境なき医師団」(MSF)は福祉改善部門で「流行病、感染症、慢性病の治療および/または防疫」を対象となる特定分野として2016年の第1回LUI Che Woo Prizeを受賞したが、これは2010年のハイチのコレラ大発生および2014年の西アフリカのエボラ出血熱流行の際の治療と防疫に対する欠かすべからざる貢献に対するものだ。「国境なき医師団」香港会長のリウ・チェン・クン博士は「MSFは受賞者になったことを大変な名誉だと考えている。われわれは特にLUI Che Woo Prizeが第1回表彰に当たり、流行病および感染症の治療と防疫の分野を重要対象に選んだことを喜んでいる。このことは世界で最も無防備な地域に住む人々の治療オプションや危機対応能力を向上させることの重要性に対する真の認識を示している。MSFは西アフリカでエボラ出血熱流行と戦った経験の中で、現在もいまだに存在する巨大なリスクを最小限にするため国際社会がより多くのことを行う必要性をあらためて痛感した」と延べた。

ジェームズ・アール・「ジミー」・カーター・ジュニア氏は「積極的活力」部門で「世界の人々に影響を及ぼし、活力や希望を与えた個人や団体の行動や成果」を対象となる特定分野として2016年の第1回LUI Che Woo Prizeを受賞したが、これは同氏および同氏が1982に設立した「カーターセンター」が行った多くの慈善活動が世界中で積極的な生き方を推進し、積極的な活力を強化することに多大な貢献したことにたいするものだ。カーター氏は「まず最初に、素晴らしい慈善家である呂志和(Lui Che Woo)氏に選ばれたことは大変名誉なことだと思っている。第2に、この賞を贈られた他の方々と席を共にすることも喜びであり名誉なことだ。今回の受賞でカーターセンターのプログラムを大きく拡大できると考えており、私は賞金を個人で使わず、カーターセンターに渡すつもりだ」と延べた。


呂志和博士は「第1回受賞者は国籍、経歴もさまざまで、個人や団体もあり、LUI Che Woo Prizeの国際的で多様かつ幅広い性格を表している。私は調和(harmony)こそが最も重要で、国際紛争の発生を防ぐ最良の道だと信じている。私はLUI Che Woo Prizeが真実、美徳、そして美しさの種になり、すべての土地で開花し、そして世界に少しばかりの彩りを与えられたら良いと心から願っている」と述べた。


LUI Che Woo Prizeは国際的で分野横断的、そして革新的な賞である。絶えず変化する世界のニーズとチャレンジに取り組むために、受賞は毎年異なる各部門の下に対象となる特定分野を定めている。


受賞部門 対象となる特定分野

持続可能性 気候変動の防止

福祉改善 貧困の緩和

積極的活力 多様なグループ間の調和の推進


Ruder Finn Asia

Carmen Lee

Tel: +852-2201-6435 / +852-9755-3121

Email: leec@ruderfinnasia.com

Gregory Cole

Tel: +852-2201-6416 / +852-9501-5281

Email: coleg@ruderfinnasia.com

ソース:LUI Che Woo Prize Limited

LUI Che Woo Prize - Prize for World Civilisation Inaugural Prize Presentation Ceremony


HONG KONG, Oct. 3, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The LUI Che Woo Prize - Prize for World Civilisation ("the LUI Che Woo Prize"

or "the Prize") today held its Inaugural Prize Presentation Ceremony in Hong

Kong, recognising the significant contributions to world civilisation by the

three inaugural laureates and share in the Prize's mission of building a more

harmonious world with over a thousand esteemed guests.

For the full multimedia release, click here:


Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-a

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-b

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-c

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-d

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20161003/8521606161-e

Yuan Longping is awarded the inaugural LUI Che Woo Prize 2016 in the

Sustainability category, with the Specific Area of Focus on "World Food Supply:

Safety and Security", for his scientific achievement in developing

high-yielding hybrid rice which has contributed significantly to the

enhancement of the security of world food supply. Professor Yuan said, "I am

very pleased to be awarded the LUI Che Woo Prize. It is a source of

encouragement and motivation that drives and inspires me to reach higher


Medecins Sans Frontieres ("MSF") is awarded the inaugural LUI Che Woo Prize

2016 in the Welfare Betterment category, with the Specific Area of Focus on

"Treatment and/or control of epidemics, infectious diseases or chronic

illnesses", for its indispensable contributions to the treatment and control of

the cholera outbreak in Haiti in 2010 and the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in

2014. "MSF is honoured to be one of the recipients of this Prize. We are

particularly pleased that the LUI Che Woo Prize chose the field of the

treatment and control of epidemics and infectious diseases as a critical focus

for this first award. That shows a real awareness of the importance of

improving treatment options and emergency response capacities for people in the

most exposed parts of the world. MSF's experience of fighting against the Ebola

epidemic in West Africa has hugely reinforced our view that much more needs to

be done by the world community to minimize the very big risks that still

exist," said Dr Liu Chen-kun, President of Medecins Sans Frontieres - Hong Kong.

James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. is awarded the inaugural LUI Che Woo Prize 2016

in the Positive Energy category, with the Specific Area of Focus on

"Individuals or organisations whose behaviour and achievement inspire, energise

and give hope to others", for all the good work that he and The Carter Center

that he established in 1982 have done, which has contributed significantly to

the promotion of positive life attitude and enhancement of positive energy in

the world. "Well, first of all, I am very honoured to be considered by this

wonderful benevolent man.  And secondly, it's a pleasure and honour to be

associated with others who have been given the same prize. We find that this

gift will make it possible for The Carter Center to expand its own programs

considerably and I intend to give and make the prize money go to The Carter

Center not for me personally," Mr. Carter said.

Each awardee will receive a cash award of HK$20 million (equivalent to

approximately US$2.56 million), a certificate and a trophy.

Dr LUI Che Woo added, "The inaugural laureates come from different countries,

different backgrounds, comprise individuals and organisations, reflecting the

international, diversified and extensive nature of the LUI Che Woo Prize. I

believe that harmony is of prime importance, and represents the best way to

reduce the incidence of world conflicts. I sincerely hope that the LUI Che Woo

Prize, as a seed of truth, goodness and beauty, will grow across the land and

add a little colour to our world."

Officiating guests included Mr Tung Chee-hwa, Prize Council Member and Vice

Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political

Consultative Conference; Mr CY Leung, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region; and Mr Zhang Xiaoming, Director of the Liaison Office of

the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong SAR. Around 800 government

officials, academics, religious leaders, elites from business sectors, local

and international media, and more than thirty consuls attended the ceremony to

witness and congratulate the achievements of the three laureates. In addition,

African Children's Choir from Uganda, Mr Trey Lee, a well-known cellist, Ms Yim

Wan, a pianist, and Ms Michelle Siu, an artist with disabilities, were the

honoured performance guests at the ceremony, bringing positive energy and

harmony to society, and helping to build a peaceful and loving world.

The LUI Che Woo Prize is an international, cross-sector, innovative prize. In

order to address ever-evolving global needs and challenges, each year the Prize

will set a Specific Area of Focus under each Prize Category.

The 2017 Specific Areas of Focus for each Prize Category as follows:

Prize Category            2017 Specific Areas of Focus

Sustainability Prize      Prevention of Climate Change

Welfare Betterment Prize  Alleviation of Poverty

Positive Energy Prize     Promotion of Harmony among Diverse Groups

For media inquiries, please contact Ruder Finn Asia:

Carmen Lee

Tel: +852-2201-6435 / +852-9755-3121

Email: leec@ruderfinnasia.com

Gregory Cole

Tel: +852-2201-6416 / +852-9501-5281

Email: coleg@ruderfinnasia.com

SOURCE:  LUI Che Woo Prize Limited




