


AsiaNet 65884

マイアミ(米国)2016年9月29日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --




   (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411170 )

   (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411171 )

   (写真: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411172 )

    (ビデオ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp1PEMV8M98&feature=youtu.be )


世界でもっとも高く評価されるバーテンダーのコンペティション、「ワールドクラス」(WORLD CLASS)は、世界中がよりおいしく飲むようにするというスピリッツメーカー、ディアジオ(Diageo)の取り組みであり、有名な次世代コンサルタント、フューチャー・ラボラトリー(The Future Laboratory)と共同でカクテルの将来を深く掘り下げ、飲酒体験に革命を起こしそうな動向を明らかにしました。

「ワールドクラス」:「カクテルの未来」レポートは、世界を股にかけるカクテル愛飲家が新たな体験の火付け役となり、物議を醸し、境界を覆すという興味深い文化の相互交流を探ります。マイアミの「ワールドクラス・バーテンダー・オブ・ザ・イヤー・グローバル・ファイナル・コンペティション(Bartender of the Year Global Final competition)」で発表されたこのレポートが明らかにした注目すべき動向とテーマは・・・



物議を醸すカクテル - 動向:カクテル作り関して言えば、進歩的なバーのオーナーは伝統的なルールを捨てて、自らのクリエイティビティーを取り戻しつつあります。作りたいものを、自分のやりたい方法で作るということです。



メキシコのリコレリア・リマントゥール(Licoreria Limantour)オーナーのベンハミン・パドロン・ノーヴォは、こう説明します。「スピリッツやフルーツの風味を薄めてしまうことになるのに、お客様にはいつもお出しする飲み物を甘くしてほしいと言われます。ですから、今ではまずお断りして、理由を説明します。啓蒙の過程の一環です」



シンガポールのオペレーション・ダガー(Operation Dagger)では、天井の印象的な多数の電球が愛飲家たちを出迎え、オーナーのルーク・ワーティーがトイレに取り付けたCCTVカメラが刺激的な原動力を加えています。彼のカクテルも全くの劇場です。ph感受性のチョウマメの花と色鮮やかなレモングラスを添えたウォッカは、シャンパンと混ぜると、泡がコバルト色の酒を蛍光ピンクに変えます。


カクテルはここ何年かの間に大きく進化しましたが、メニューは、今までずっと同じです。革新的バーテンダーたちは今や業界の伝統に逆らい、消費者が飲み物に親しみを感じ、メニューを見られるようなクリエイティブで新しい方法を考えています。新しいメニューでは伝統的カクテル名を使うのではなく、探索のきっかけになり、飲む人と関わるようになっています。サンフランシスコのトリック・ドッグ(Trick Dog)は、全カクテル名を星座とパントンの色に入れ替えており、ベルリンのリッツ・カールトンにあるフレグランス(Fragrances)は香りやアロマで飲み物を注文できるようにした最初のバーです。



感情に訴えるカクテル - 動向:人とのつながりに関して、バーテンダーは常に早く適応してきました。仕事の社会的側面から、人々の考え方に対する強い洞察力があるからです。流行を作り出すバーのオーナーや飲み物のブランドは、お客様とより深くつながるためのより革新的な方法を確立しつつあります。



カクテルを飲む人の感情を導くのに視覚と臭覚を使うロンドンのセイモアズ・パーラー(Seymour's Parlour)では、春のイメージを呼び起こすには刈ったばかりの芝生の匂い、ゲストを心地よい秋の夜に連れていくのには燻した松の匂いを出すというように、楽しく懐かしい思い出に結び付けるために香りを使っています。









アイデンティティーの流動的な常連客 - 動向:時代を先取りするバーのオーナーは、同調を健全に無視する愛飲家の求めに応じます。


飲むことが「男っぽい」とか「少女っぽい」などとみなされた時代は、終わりました。境界はあいまいになってきており、昔ながらの性の基準を越えて社会が進化するにつれて、アルコールの選択で解放された気持ちになるのです。今では、カクテルを説明したり、名前を付けたり、出したりするのに、バーテンダーは「性別による区別のない」(gender neutral)言葉を使っています。

「ブロゼ」(Brose)にご注目 - 男性が悪びれることなくロゼワインを楽しみ、女性が堂々とオールドファッションドをすすっています。






バーテンダーは、自身のアイデンティティーがますます流動的になりつつある、多才な人たちです。シェフであり、バリスタであり、パティシエでもあり - この役割はバーの外にも及んでいます。

これら多才なバーテンダーたちは、さらに限界を超えてカクテルを構成するものでお客様に挑んでいます。ブランチ&ショック(Blanch & Shock)共同ディレクターのマイク・ノウルデンは、「ザ・クローブ・クラブ(The Clove Club)での一番思い出に残る料理は、この100年物のマデイラです。ほんの少し垂らしてくれるので、それを味わうことができます。そして、その上から鴨のコンソメを注ぐと、実際に鴨のスープになるのです。その後にはうっとりするような思いが残りました。なぜコンソメはカクテルにならないのだろうかと。


レポート全文と詳細は、https://www.theworldclassclub.com/ をご覧ください。




「ワールドクラス」は世界最高のスピリッツ、ディアジオ・リザーブ・コレクション(Diageo Reserve Collection)と提携して、この8年間で25万人のバーテンダーを支援、訓練、動機づけしてきました。「ワールドクラス」は、消費者が最新の飲料の動向、カクテルのレシピ、業界に関する知見などの情報を求める飲料業界にも通じています。



2004年に設置されたディアジオのリザーブ部門は、世界中のラグジュアリーな機会に重点を置き、強固な遺産、職人技、真贋の上に築かれた各ブランドを一つにしました。このラグジュアリー・ポートフォリオはジョニーウォーカー ブルーラベル(Johnnie Walker Blue Label)、シロック(Ciroc)、ドンフリオ(Don Julio)、タンカレー ナンバーテン(Tanqueray No. TEN)、ケテルワン(Ketel One)ウォッカ、サカパ(Zacapa)およびシングルモルトの優れたコレクションから成っています。リザーブのポートフォリオは、ディアジオの総売上高の15%にあたり、今年度は5%増加しました。

[1] Future Labs Luxury Report 2015.

[2] Bain Luxury Report 2015.

[3] WORLD CLASS: Future of Cocktails report 2016

*情報源:世界のバー・ベスト50(World's best 50 bars)、ユーロモニター(Euromonitor)、ASKCIA

ソース: ワールドクラス


WORLD CLASS: The Future of Cocktails


MIAMI, Sept. 29, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/

     From controversy cocktails to drinks with feelings, the future trends from

the world of cocktails.

    WORLD CLASS: Future of Cocktails report explores how we will be drinking in

decades to come

    Cocktail culture is booming and showing no signs of slowing, with forecasts

showing that by 2020, there will be 400 million new consumers drinking luxury

spirits[1]. Historically cocktails were enjoyed by the Europeans and Americans

but the industry is now growing on a global scale, stretching far beyond the

confines of New York and London. In the past five years, consumption of spirits

has risen by 26% in Africa and the Middle East, 15% across Asia and 22% in


    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411170 )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411171 )

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160923/411172 )

    (Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp1PEMV8M98&feature=youtu.be )

    In turn, cocktails are leading the way on a global scale with bartenders

experimenting with ingredients and playing with technologies to satisfy the

senses. But in a world where we are constantly looking for the next big thing,

they need to be one step ahead of the game.

    WORLD CLASS, the most respected bartender competition in the world - an

initiative by spirits company Diageo to inspire the world to drink better - has

partnered with renowned future consultancy, The Future Laboratory, to delve

into the future of cocktails and reveal the trends set to revolutionise our

drinking experiences.

    The WORLD CLASS: Future of Cocktails report explores an exciting

cross-pollination of cultures as globe-trotting cocktail drinkers spark new

experiences, court controversy and over-turn boundaries. Launched at the WORLD

CLASS Bartender of the Year Global Final competition in Miami, the report

reveals the top trends and themes to look out for…


    The Context:  As we spend more time online, we are more opinionated than

ever. In turn, people are looking to brands to do the same and stand for

something - 40% of people say we want a purposeful brand.[3]

    Controversy Cocktails - The Trend: When it comes to cocktail making,

forward thinking bar owners are ditching the traditional rules and reclaiming

their creativity - making what they want to make, in the way they want to make


    Doing it my Way

    Once upon a time, the customer was always right. The next generation of

bartenders are more willing to voice their opinions and giving up on trying to

please all of the people, all of the time. You wouldn't go to a Michelin

starred restaurant and tell the chef how to dress a salad, so why tell an

experienced bartender how to make a Mojito?

    As Benjamin Padron Novo, owner of Mexico's Licoreria Limantour explains: "I

always get customers asking me to sweeten the drinks we serve, even though by

doing so it'll dilute the taste of the spirit or the fruit. So, now, we just

say no - and explain our reason to the guest.  It's all part of the education


  2. Performance (B)art & Provocative Theatre

To exhilarate and trigger a reaction from customers, bars are starting to add

theatre to the experience, leaving a strong impression with patrons.

    At Operation Dagger in Singapore, a dramatic cloud of lightbulbs on the

ceiling greets drinkers, while owner Luke Whearty's installation of fake CCTV

cameras in the toilets adds a provocative dynamic. His cocktails are pure

theatre too: vodka infused with pH-sensitive blue pea flower and bright

lemongrass, which when mixed with champagne, the bubbles transform the cobalt

liquor into fluorescent pink.

  3. The Next Generation Menu  

    Cocktails have evolved significantly over the years but menus have stayed

the same…until now. Innovative bartenders are now going against the traditions

of the trade and thinking about new creative ways consumers can relate to

drinks and navigate the menu. Rather than having traditional names of

cocktails, new menus invite exploration and engage with the drinker. Trick Dog,

in San Francisco, has replaced all cocktail names with astrological signs and

Pantone colours, while Fragrances at The Ritz-Carlton in Berlin is the first

bar where you can order drinks based on perfumes and aromas.


    The Context: In a world where people now value experiences over

possessions, we are seeing the rise of the emotional economy with people

looking for deeper connections to brands.  

    Emotional Cocktails - The Trend: Bartenders have always been early adaptors

when it comes to connecting with people - the social aspect of their job gives

them a strong insight into how people think. Trendsetting bar owners and drinks

brands are now establishing even more innovative ways to connect deeper with


  4. Cocktails with feelings  

    In the next decade, look out for bars who ditch the traditional menus and

list their cocktails by mood instead. Drinks will be tailored to conjure a

specific emotion - you may be given a red cocktail to stimulate confidence, a

yellow one for friendship or a black drink for discipline.

    Using sense of sight and smell to direct cocktail drinkers' emotions,

Seymour's Parlour in London is using scent to plug into pleasurable and

nostalgic memories, emitting the smell of freshly-mown grass to summon images

of spring and smoked pine to plunge guests into a cosy autumn evening.

  5.Story in a glass  

    Cocktails are now being used to tell a story and transport drinkers to

exotic places. Local spirits such as Baijiu (distilled from wheat or glutinous

rice from a 5,000-year-old recipe) are being used to introduce people to

Chinese traditions.

    Forward thinking bar Artesian in London taps into the personal experiences

of customers asking about recent holidays and creating a cocktail that captures

that mood and essence in a glass.

  6.Introducing the Micro-friend  

   People are looking for instant connections to savour the here and now and

bartenders often fit the bill. A new trend, 'the micro-friend', sees bartenders

focusing on building relationships with customers in the short time that they

have with them. According to Australian Tim Philips, former WORLD CLASS

Bartender of the Year, some 'micro-friendships' are built in as little as 30-45

minutes, equivalent to the time it takes to drink one cocktail.

   "Making a micro-friend is all about getting that emotional connection with

someone quickly and definitely has an effect on how much people like your bar,"

he explains. So expect your bartender to ask you questions about your weekend,

work and family life to turn you from a customer into a friend…


    The Context: According to the UN, a record 232m people are living outside

the country in which they were born. Considering ourselves 'borderless', we

define ourselves more by our lifestyles or musical tastes than we do by our

country of origin.   

    Fluid Identity Patrons - The Trend: Ahead-of-the-curve bar owners are

catering for drinkers who have a healthy disregard for conformity…

  7.Leave gender at the door

    The days of drinks being considered 'manly' or 'girly' are over. Boundaries

are blurring and as society evolves beyond traditional gender norms, people are

feeling liberated with their choice of tipple. Bartenders are now using 'gender

neutral' language to describe, name and serve cocktails.

    Look out for 'Brose' - men unapologetically enjoying Rose wine and women

confidently sipping an Old Fashioned.

  8.A career, not a job  

   As consumers become more clued up and demand more at the bar, the role of

the bartender is evolving too. Global competitions such as WORLD CLASS

Bartender of the Year show how professional bartending relies on sharp skills,

creative vision and an ability to wow; fluid identity in action.  

    Alex Kratena, founder of global drinks collective P(OUR) explains: "The

best bartenders now have to keep up with the assertive, knowledgeable and

worldly cocktail drinker - so they have to be at the top of their game and

offer that extra something."

    This has led to exciting career prospects as bars invest in their staff

more than ever, sending them around the world to develop local heroes that will

further grow the cocktail scene. Licoreria Limantour supports its bartenders

who save up to train abroad in order to hone their skills, while Outrage in

South Africa equips staff with all the skills they need - from sourcing key

ingredients and tools to running a full service bar.  

  9.Multi-skilled bartenders  

    Bartenders are a multi-talented bunch, increasingly with fluid identities

of their own. Part chef, part barista, part patissier - this role now extends

far beyond the bar.

    Pushing the boundaries still further, these multi-skilled bartenders are

challenging their customers over what constitutes a cocktail. "The most

memorable course I had at The Clove Club, was this hundred-year-old Madeira,"

says Mike Knowlden, co-director of Blanch & Shock. "They pour you a tiny bit,

which you get to taste, and then they pour a duck consomme over the top, and it

becomes a duck soup effectively. It left me with a fascinating thought:  why

can't a consomme be a cocktail?"

    "Cocktails have evolved far beyond their classic form of a mixed liquid in

a glass. Creative bar staff equipped with the latest ingredients, technologies

and ideas are changing the whole concept of the cocktail - and leaving us all

thirsty for what comes next," says Tom Savigar, Senior Partner, The Future


    Visit theworldclassclub.com to read the full report and find out more.

    Notes to Editors  

    About WORLD CLASS  

    WORLD CLASS is on a mission to inspire people to drink better and create

unforgettable experiences in the process.  Whether at home or in a bar, WORLD

CLASS encourages consumers to think and care about fine drinking in the same

way they care about fine dining.

    WORLD CLASS has supported, trained and inspired 250,000 bartenders across

the globe over the past eight years, while partnering them with the world's

finest spirits - the Diageo Reserve Collection. WORLD CLASS is also the

authority on the drinks industry whom consumers look to for the information on

the latest drinks trends, cocktail recipes and industry insight.

    World Class hosts the 'WORLD CLASS Bartender of the Year' - the world's

most prestigious bartending competition. After local competition around the

globe, 57 of the world's finest bartenders compete to be crowned the world's

best bartender. Visit theworldclassclub.com for more information.

    About Diageo Reserve  

    Created in 2004, Diageo's Reserve division focuses on the global luxury

opportunity, bringing together brands built on strong heritage, craftsmanship

and authenticity. This luxury portfolio consists of Johnnie Walker Blue Label,

Ciroc, Don Julio, Tanqueray No. TEN, Ketel One vodka, Zacapa and a fine

collection of Single Malts. The Reserve portfolio accounts for over 15% of

Diageo's total sales, and has grown by 5% this financial year.

    About Diageo

    Diageo is a global leader in beverage alcohol with an outstanding

collection of brands including Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, J&B, Buchanan's and

Windsor whiskies, Smirnoff and Ciroc vodkas, Captain Morgan, Baileys, Don

Julio, Tanqueray and Guinness.

    Diageo is listed on both the London Stock Exchange (DGE) and the New York

Stock Exchange (DEO) and our products are sold in more than 180 countries

around the world. For more information about Diageo, our people, our brands,

and performance, visit us at http://www.diageo.com. Visit Diageo's global

responsible drinking resource, http://www.DRINKiQ.com, for information,

initiatives, and ways to share best practice.

    Celebrating life, every day, everywhere.

    1. Future Labs Luxury Report 2015.

    2. Bain Luxury Report 2015.

    3. WORLD CLASS: Future of Cocktails report 2016

    *Source: World's best 50 bars, Euromonitor, ASKCIA






