


AsiaNet 65896 (1226)


Association of Corporate Communication)は9月にBRpr第5号(http://www.aberje.com.br/brpr/newsletter/news_brpr5/news_brpr5.htm )を発行した。このニュースレターは国際社会との対話を通じて、ブラジルの広報分野の優れた業績を紹介する協会の事業である。

第5号には、近年のブラジルの公共政策を論じ、その顕著な出来事や問題を説明したプロスペクチバ(政治・国際企業コンサルタント会社)マネジングパートナーのリカルド・センネス氏の署名記事がある。Aberjeと英リバプール大学の研究者ベアトリス・ガルシア氏の共同研究がもう一つの記事だ。両者はサンパウロ大学コミュニケーション・芸術学部と連携し、英国学士院(British Academy)の支援を受けて、2016年リオデジャネイロ五輪の文化的遺産について1年間の調査に共同で取り組んだ。


▽Aberje(http://www.aberje.com.br )について

Aberje(Brazilian Association of Business Communication)は広報に関する知識と実務の制作と普及の主要な国内センターである。Aberjeは1967年に創設され、企業や団体の広報を強化し、広報専門家の役割の向上を主目的とする専門的・科学的非営利組織である。その活動の中心は主張、内容、教育、キャリアである。


BRprニュースレターを定期購読するには以下のウェブサイトに登録を: http://aberje.siteprofissional.com/optinbrpr.asp


Tato Carbonaro

Public Affairs and International Relations

+55 11 5727-9090



Aberje's BRpr International Newsletter talks with Roberto Setubal


SAO PAULO, Sept. 29, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Aberje - Associacao Brasileira de Comunicacao Empresarial [Brazilian

Association of Corporate Communication] launched its fifth edition of BRpr

(http://www.aberje.com.br/brpr/newsletter/news_brpr5/news_brpr5.htm ) in

September. The newsletter is an association initiative to show the good

practices used in the Communications area in Brazil, in dialogue with the

international community.

Edition #5 contains an article signed by Ricardo Sennes, Managing Partner at

Prospectiva, which debates the public policies used in Brazil in recent years,

showing their principal highlights and problems. The partnership between Aberje

and researcher Beatriz Garcia, of the University of Liverpool, is another

article in this edition. The two parties joined forces for a one-year study on

the cultural legacy of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, in conjunction with the

School of Communication and Arts of USP, with support from the British Academy.

One article is about another meeting of Lidercom in Sao Paulo, at which Roberto

Setubal, Present of Itau bank, was present. The conversation with the group of

communicators focused on the processes and policies that led Itau to achieve

one of the most solid global reputations. Transparency, consistency,

organization and governance were some of the main themes of the meeting.

About Aberje (http://www.aberje.com.br/ ) - Aberje - Brazilian Association for

Business Communication, is the main domestic reference in the production and

distribution of Communication and Relationship knowledge and practices. Founded

in 1967, Aberje is a non-profit professional and scientific organization whose

main objective is to improve communication at companies and institutions, and

to instill respect for the role of the communicator. Its pillars of activity

are Advocacy, Content, Education and Career.

Aberje's activities go beyond Brazilian borders, as it has relationship and

exchange projects with countries that include the United States, Canada, the

United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, India, Mexico,

Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru. In addition, it is positioning itself as

the Brazilian Business Communication Think Tank.

To receive the BRpr newsletter, register here

(http://aberje.siteprofissional.com/optinbrpr.asp ).

Contact information:

Tato Carbonaro

Public Affairs and International Relations

+55 11 5727-9090


SOURCE:  Aberje




