
Sunpreme, Inc.


AsiaNet 65699(1138)

【サニーベール(米カリフォルニア州)2016年9月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】太陽電池・パネルを設計・製造する米国本拠の太陽光発電企業Sunpremeは、合計15MWとなるクラスターを構成する大規模発電公益事業プロジェクトのために12.8MWの太陽光パネル設備を完成したと発表した。このサイトだけで、すでに8GWhr以上のクリーンエネルギーを生み出している。

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Sunpreme会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のアショック・シンハ博士は「われわれSunpremeは、費用を重視し、かつスペースに制約がある地上設置において、当社の強力な両面パネルこの大規模なプロジェクトに参加できることをうれしく思う。確固たるデザインイン品質の基礎に基づき、われわれは高性能を目指す当社独自のHybrid Cell Technology(HCT)、および費用のための革新的なリーン製造プロセスを活用している。これらの差別化要因によって、(a)より高いストリングレベルのAC/DC最大出力比率(b)より大きなエネルギー収量(kWp当たりのkWh)を伴う低照度感度の向上(c)より低いエネルギー均等化発電原価―という、顧客が大切にする優れた3つの費用便益を達成した」と語った。

Sunpremeのジム・バート上級副社長(グローバル・フィールド・オペレーション担当)は「やや厳しいスケジュールの中で、このようなパネルを関連ハードウエアとともに大量に提供し、設置することは素晴らしい共通のチャレンジであった。われわれは、十分に裏付けられた手配、設置・訓練手順、当社のEPC(Equipment, Procurement, Construction)パートナーとの現場視察によって、実行することができた。このような緊密な提携に加え、当社が継続する社内の品質重視の修得プロセスによって、このベンチマークとなるプロジェクトが可能となり、最大予定設備容量よりも高い投資収益率を提供し、優れたシステム性能を実証した。これにより、われわれはさまざまな顧客とともに、別の大規模プロジェクトに取り組む準備が整った」と語った。


▽Sunpreme, Inc.について

米カリフォルニア州サニーベールに本社を置くSunpremeは、21.5から23.5%の効率を備える独自のHybrid Cell Technology(HCT)を使って、革新的なBifacial複層ガラスパネルを設計、開発、製造する世界的な太陽光発電企業である。これらのパネルは、最高のコストパフォーマンス価値を世界のクリーンテク顧客に提供する。SunpremeのBifacialおよびSmartモジュールは、最大15%のBifacialブーストなしで320Wから510WまでのSTCアウトプットを備える世界で最もパワフルなものである。同社は高効率PVモジュールのトップ3プロバイダーとしてランク付けされ、ヘテロ接合を含む商用利用可能な薄幕PVパネルのトップ10ランキングで7ランクを占めている。Sunpremeソリューションは世界25カ国で導入されている。

詳細はウェブサイト を参照。


Samantha Lam

ソース:Sunpreme, Inc.

Sunpreme deploys the World's Largest Bifacial PV Installation for a 12.8 MW Utility Project in Eastern US


SUNNYVALE, California, Sept. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Sunpreme, a US-based solar photovoltaic company that designs and manufactures

its own cells and panels, announced that it had completed deployment of 12.8 MW

of Solar Panels for a large scale power generation utility project, as part of

a cluster that added up to 15 MW. This single site has already delivered over 8

GWhr of clean energy.

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Sunpreme's Bifacial double glass GxB370W panels, with 21.5% cell efficiency and

symmetrical architecture, are designed for reliability, including a frameless

construction that does not need costly grounding. They have a lower thermal

coefficient of efficiency of -0.28% %/C, thanks to a higher Voc of 725-735 mV.

This is achieved by using ultra-thin amorphous Si films to create an innovative

split p-i-n junction for higher efficiency and lower shunt resistance.

"We at Sunpreme are gratified to be part of this large volume, utility scale

project utilizing our powerful Bifacial panels in a cost-sensitive, space

constrained, ground mount setting. Building upon a strong foundation of

designed-in Quality, we leverage our proprietary Hybrid Cell Technology (HCT)

for Performance, and an innovative lean manufacturing process for Cost," said

Dr. Ashok Sinha, Sunpreme's Chairman and CEO. "These differentiators have

resulted in three outstanding cost benefits customers care about: (a) a higher

string level AC/DC peak power ratio (b) an increased low-light sensitivity with

a greater energy yield (kWh per kWp) and (c) a correspondingly lower Levelized

Cost of Energy," added Sinha.

"Delivering and installing such a large quantity of these panels, with

associated hardware, on a rather tight timeline was a great shared challenge.

We were able to execute with well documented logistics, installation and

training procedures and on-site presence alongside our EPC (Equipment,

Procurement, Construction) partners," said Jim Birt, SVP responsible for Global

Field Operations at Sunpreme. "Such a close partnership along with our

continuous in-house Quality-driven learning processes have enabled this

benchmark project to deliver a higher return on investment than the installed

name plate production capacity predicted, demonstrating outstanding systems

performance. It has set the stage for us working on other large scale projects

with a variety of customers," added Birt.

"Sunpreme's double-glass modules provide STC outputs from 320 W (60-cell) to

390 W (72-cell) and 510 W (96-cell), enabling high performance, cost-effective

solar solutions for residential, commercial distributed generation and large

utility scale markets," stated Homi Fatemi, SVP of Global Business Development

and Strategic Partnerships. "Sunpreme's Bifacial double glass solar panels are

ideal for extreme and adverse environmental conditions while offering increased

energy yield (kWh produced per kWp installed) due to Bifacial boost, robust

product reliability, higher lifetime energy yields and significant operational

savings, while offering attractive financial returns for 30 years or more.

Sunpreme is working closely with customers on further cost performance

optimization as we continue to push the envelope," added Fatemi.

About Sunpreme, Inc.

Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, Sunpreme is a global solar photovoltaic

company that designs, develops and manufactures its innovative Bifacial double

glass panels utilizing a proprietary Hybrid Cell Technology (HCT), with

efficiencies from 21.5% to 23.5%. These panels deliver the best cost

performance value to clean-tech customers, worldwide. Sunpreme's Bifacial,

Smart modules are among the world's most powerful, with STC outputs ranging

from 320 to 510 W before the Bifacial boost of up to 15%. The Company is ranked

among top three providers of high efficiency PV modules and it occupies 7 out

of top 10 rankings among commercially available thin-film PV panels, including

heterojunction products. Sunpreme solutions are deployed in 25 countries around

the world.

For more information, please visit:

Contact: Samantha Lam,

SOURCE: Sunpreme, Inc.  




