
Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee


AsiaNet 65630 (1099)

【成都(中国)2016年9月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ジャイアントパンダを観光目的地の顔にし、かわいいふわふわの毛を持つパンダを「身近に」見物できる旅行計画の一部として中国を含むよう世界の観光客を促す一方、世界が地方の特色を持つ中国の多様な観光地により親しみを持ってもらう目的で、「Beautiful China, More than Pandas(パンダにとどまらない美しい中国)」と名付けたグローバルな観光マーケティング・キャンペーンが中国国家観光局の主催で四川省観光開発委員会(Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee)の手によって9月2日、正式にベルリンで開始された。

ドイツの航空会社、観光事業関係者やメディアのメンバー約150人がこのイベントに参加した。李金早国家観光局長とAlliance of Independent Travel Tradersのプレジデントであるヨッヘン・ゼック氏は第1回会合のスタートにあたり、このイベントのマスコットであるパンダの人形に目を書き入れた。

李局長は「『Beautiful China, More than Pandas』グローバル・キャンペーンは中国の典型的な驚異をより多くの世界の旅行者に紹介するだけでなく、中国とドイツ間の観光協力に新しいエネルギーを注入するものだ」と挨拶した。主催者たちがデザインしたパンダのマスコットは中国(China)とパンダ(Panda)を組み合わせて「Panina」と名付けられ、中国人のホスピタリティーを表す中国語の「Pan Ni Lai(あなたにここに来て欲しい)」と似た発音であった。


Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160906/0861609111 

ソース:Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee

Global Tourism Marketing Campaign "Beautiful China, More than Pandas" Officially Kicks Off In Berlin, Germany


CHENGDU, China, Sept. 7, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

With the aim of making the giant panda the face of China as a tourism

destination and persuading tourists worldwide to include China as a part of

their travel plans so they can see the cute and furry bear "up close," while

letting the world become more familiar with a wider array of Chinese tourist

attractions with local characteristics, "Beautiful China, More than Pandas," a

global tourism marketing campaign hosted by the China National Tourism

Administration and managed by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Tourism

Development, officially kicked off in Berlin, Germany on September 2.

Approximately 150 executives from German airlines and travel businesses as well

as members of the media attended the event. Li Jinzao, chairman of the China

National Tourism Administration, and Jochen Szech, president of the Alliance of

Independent Travel Traders, added the finishing touches to the eyes of the

ersatz panda serving as the mascot for the event, in a move to announce the

opening of the first session.

Chairman Li said, "The global marketing campaign 'Beautiful China, More than

Pandas' not only serves to show the quintessential wonders of China to more

travelers worldwide, but also injects new energy into the tourism cooperation

between China and Germany." Organizers designed a panda mascot called Panina, a

combination of the words "panda" and "China," and pronounced similarly to the

Chinese phrase "Pan Ni Lai," or "longing for you to come here," demonstrating

the hospitality of Chinese people.

Promoting tourism in the giant panda's native province of Sichuan is the

highlight of the campaign. Hao Kangli, director of the Sichuan Provincial

Commission for Tourism Development, spoke about the natural attractions,

culture and history, as well as the local cuisines and folk customs of the

province, emphasizing the theme of "Sichuan, More than Pandas." Chengdu

Municipal Tourism Administration director Duo Yang Na Mu gave a presentation on

tourism in and around Chengdu, the capital of the province. The province's tour

operators then followed up with a presentation on selected panda tourist routes

as well as selected cuisines that are representative of the province's local

fare. Travel agencies and tourism operators from Sichuan province and Germany

inked mutual cooperation agreements to boost the exchange of tourists between

the two regions.

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160906/0861609111

SOURCE:  Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee




