世界水週間が閉幕 水は2030アジェンダとSDGs履行で中心的役割を果たす


世界水週間が閉幕 水は2030アジェンダとSDGs履行で中心的役割を果たす

AsiaNet 65581(1075)

【ストックホルム2016年9月3日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】世界水週間(World Water Week)は2日閉幕し、国連の「持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」すべてと、2030年パリ協定(第21回気候変動枠組条約締約国会議(COP21))の履行成功を実現するものとして、水は認識されるべきであると結論付けた。

ストックホルム国際水協会(Stockholm International Water Institute)の世界水週間ディレクターであるカリン・レケン氏は「水、それはわれわれの惑星における生命線であり、国連の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)のほぼすべてを達成するためにも、気候変動が提示する課題に直面するためにも必要とされる」と語った。







ストックホルム国際水協会(Stockholm International Water Institute)および世界水週間に関する情報はウェブサイトhttp://www.siwi.org を参照。


Rowena Barber

Communications Manager


Tel +46-8-1213-6039

ソース:Stockholm International Water Institute

World Water Week Closes: Water Has a Central Role in Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


STOCKHOLM, Sept. 3, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

    World Water Week closed on Friday, concluding that water must be recognized

as the enabler of successful implementation of the entire 2030 Agenda as well

as the Paris Climate Agreement.  

    "Water - the lifeline of our planet - will be needed to achieve nearly

every Sustainable Development Goal, and to face the challenges that climate

change presents," said Karin Lexen, Director of World Water Week at SIWI.

    World Water Week 2016 welcomed 3,100 participants from over 120 countries.

Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including the goal

on water (Goal 6) was one of key issues discussed by high-level policy makers,

development and water professionals, researchers, civil society and private

sector representatives.

    Throughout the Week, there was a focus on implementation and action,

particularly on local and city level, marking a transition from the global

discussions and negotiations that led to the adoption of the SDGs and the Paris

Climate Agreement in 2015.

    "In order to achieve the SDGs; city and local leaderships are crucial; that

is where we will find the drive. It is also important that civil society,

businesses and social entrepreneurs are engaged, to learn from each other to

create smart, viable and sustainable partnerships. Water is too important to

keep inside the water community - water is a central part of the entire

society," said SIWI's Executive Director Torgny Holmgren.

    This was underlined by Sweden's Environment Minister Karolina Skog: "Water

is a shared resource and a shared responsibility. The private sector has an

important part to play. It has the competence, the technology and the ability

to invest."

    World Water Week offered an opportunity for key actors to meet and take

stock of progress towards the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, from a

water perspective. The Week will provide an annual update, tracking water in

the global development agreements.

    The Week also welcomed representatives of the High Level Panel on Water,

established earlier this year by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and World

Bank President Jim Kim, with the aim of furthering the water-related SDGs. The

Panel representatives used the Week to get input from the wider water and

development community.

    Information about Stockholm International Water Institute and World Water

Week: and

    Press contact:

    Rowena Barber

    Communications Manager


    Tel +46-8-1213-6039

    SOURCE: Stockholm International Water Institute




