


AsiaNet 65113(0879)

【バンガロール2016年7月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】





















インフォシス取締役会の指名・報酬委員会は2016年7月14日開催された会合で、2016年8月1日の額面価格で185万7820株のRSUを、2015 Employee Stock Compensation Planに基づき同社と子会社の中級レベルまでのマネジャー7898人の有資格かつ特定された好業績雇員に対して交付することを承認した。RSUは交付日から4年間で付与され、委員会の承認に沿って同期間に権利行使できる。RSUのうち、151万5135株はInfosys Employee Benefits Trustが保有する既存の自己株式から発行され、残りの株はADRおよびファントムストック権利の形式となる。


Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162

ビシャル・シッカCEOは「われわれはコンサルティングサービスおよびパッケージ履行の裁量支出に加え、これまでの四半期に獲得した大規模取引における緩慢なプロジェクト増加で逆風になることを予期していなかったが、第1四半期の成長は予測よりも低い結果となった。これにもかかわらず、われわれの戦略の履行における進展には大いに勇気づけられた。われわれはクライアントが継続的にビジネスプロセスを刷新することを支援するAIベースのアプローチであるInfosys MANAを開始し、すでに最初のクライアントの成功を導いた。われわれは引き続き大規模契約の獲得で大きな勢いがあると確信し、当社最高のRenew-New戦略を提供している。また、われわれはZero Distance、Design Thinking、オートメーションに基づく刷新によって配信サービスの成長を確認した。今後もわれわれはインフォシスを変革する長期目標と構想に集中し、この長期目標・構想ではオープンでインテリジェントなテクノロジーが人々を豊かにし、人々を解放して学習や協力の文化において革新する一方、当社のビジネスのあらゆる局面に卓越した運営とコスト規律を導入していく」と語った。











当社は今四半期、Trifactaに投資した。同社はデータラングリング・ソフトウエアのプロバイダーで、テクニカルでないユーザーがデータを容易に変換して分析できるようにする。この投資の一環として、TrifactaはInfosys Information Platform(IIP)およびインフォシスのその他のプラットフォームおよびサービスにデータラングリング・ソリューションを提供する。


当社は引き続きオートメーションおよびイノベーションを提供し、クライアントが既存のビジネスおよびITの環境を刷新することを支援する戦略に基づき事業を遂行するとともに、新しいユーザー体験を通じた新しい種類の機会を実現し、新しいオープンでインテリジェントなテクノロジーおよびプラットフォームを活用、さらにDesign Thinkingを応用してより深い問題発見を推進していく。今四半期、当社はナレッジベースAIプラットフォームInfosys Manaを立ち上げた。当社は最優良の顧客を増やし続け、さらに大規模契約での勢いを増した。また、クライアントのあらゆるプロジェクトにおけるイノベーションを推進する当社プログラムZero Distanceなどの主要イニシアチブで収益を上げ始めた。


当社はナレッジベースAIプラットフォームのInfosys Manaを開始し、機械学習と組織の深い理解とを結び付け、オートメーションとイノベーションを推進した。この結果、企業は継続してシステム環境を改革することが可能となった。当社はすでにJCIとシンジェンタを含む多数のクライアントと提携している。

シンジェンタはイノベーションとより多くの価値をビジネスにもたらすために、IT組織を変革している。これを目指し、シンジェンタはこの過程を加速することに役立つInfosys Manaプラットフォームを採用した。シンジェンタのSBS責任者であるロバート・ウェルテブレデン氏は「われわれは組織全体で、インサイトを活用し、オートメーション、イノベーション、効率、卓越性を推進するためにナレッジベース人工知能プラットフォームのInfosys Manaを選択した。Manaによって、われわれはシステムおよびプロセスにおけるナレッジを獲得し、変革コストを軽減できる機会を見つけ出し、それを実行、さらに継続的にビジネスプロセスを根本的に変革することに役立てることが可能になった」と語った。

世界有数のアグリビジネス企業シンジェンタAGは、複数年のマネージドサービス契約におけるITサービスの主要な戦略パートナーとしてインフォシスを採用した。シンジェンタとインフォシスは協力してイノベーションを推進し、Design Thinking原理で運営するDesign Studioを通じてパラダイムシフトをもたらす。この提携は新しい能力、アジリティー、オンデマンド・サービスをもたらし、企業が積極的に必要とするサービスに新しいテクノロジーをもたらすうえで一歩先を行く。

ジョンソンコントロールズのジェフ・オーガスティン副社長兼最高情報責任者(CIO)は「ジョンソンコントロールズ(JCI)は成長を加速し、事業に価値をもたらすITの役割を変革している。この目的のために、われわれは事業におけるオートメーション、イノベーション、効率、卓越性を推進することに役立つナレッジベース人工知能プラットフォームのInfosys Manaを採用した。われわれはManaを活用して、メンテナンスのコストを軽減する機会を見つけ出し、それを実行するとともに、断片化し複雑化したシステムのノウハウを獲得し、当社の事業をより機転が利きかつアジャイルなものにする」と語った。


欧州の有力な消費者配送専門企業Hermes Parcelnet Ltdは、Infosys Information Platform(IIP)に基づく次世代BIプラットフォームを実装するためにインフォシスを選択した。Hermes Parcelnet Ltdの経営情報責任者であるスティーブ・ボワー氏は「インフォシスは包括的な経営情報(MI)能力の評価を提供した。これには戦略的なロードマップが含まれ、当社が現在のMI状況を周到に向上させることに役立ち、安定とスムーズなピークを提供した。インフォシスは現在、当社のビッグデータ・プラットフォームの実現を支援しており、これは当社がリアルタイムベースで決定を下す能力を向上させ、営業効率を向上させる。われわれはインフォシスとの提携が将来、当社の事業にこれまで以上に大きな価値をもたらすことに寄与すると確信している」と語った。


この四半期、当社はDesign Thinkingを活用してクライアントのための新しいビジネス変革プログラムを積極的に推進するうえで大きな進展を果たした。

The Hershey Companyのカルロス・E・アメスキタ最高情報責任者(CIO)は「インフォシスはSAPの実装、販売、デジタル、インサイト主導組織の実現など主要な変革イニシアチブで、われわれと提携している。これらすべての分野で、インフォシスのDesign Thinkingのアプローチは、当社による文化変革の推進と、組織の主要なプロセスおよび能力を素早く実現することに役立っている」と語った。

Jabilのビジネスユニット・ディレクターであるジム・ウォーレン氏は「Jabilと当社の医療部門Nyproは、ハードウエア設計およびヘルスケア・ウエアラブルの製造に関する深い専門的技術を保有している。われわれはインフォシスのDesign Thinking、ビッグデータ分析、クラウドサービス能力の分野でインフォシスと提携し、アジャイルであり、かつ医療デバイスにとらわれない次世代のコネクテッド・ヘルスケアサービスを開発する。われわれは、この提携、およびインフォシスがこれまで提案した大きな価値に大いに期待している」と語った。


当社はPanavaとSkavaが今後もけん引力があるとみている。インフォシスとKohl’sは協力してDesign Thinkingを使ってSkavaデジタルプラットフォームを活用し、顧客、アソシエート、Kohl’s全体の体験を向上させる。


EdgeVerve Systemは、世界の金融サービス・セクターがブロックチェーン技術をさらに採用することを目指したBlockchain Frameworkを立ち上げた。この認可台帳によって、銀行はブロックチェーン・ベースのサービスを迅速に展開することが可能になるとともに、銀行取引および簿記の基調をなす運用原則に根本的に挑戦するテクノロジーを活用する機会が銀行に提供される。

Finacle Core Bankingソリューションは、Paytmの新しい決済銀行事業を遂行するために採用された。Paytmは預金製品および決済プラットフォーム向けの実績があるFinacleプラットフォームを活用し、革新的なサービスを迅速に展開することを可能にする。

Paytm Payments Bankのシンジニ・クマールCEOは「Paytmは多数のコアバンキング・ソリューションを検討した結果、インフォシスのFinacleを当社の決済銀行向けのコアバンキング・ソリューションとして選択したことを発表する。一部の最大手銀行を含む大規模利用ベースによりFinacleはスケーラブル・ソリューションであることを実証し、これは数百万人のインド人のための少額でかつ大量取引向けの大規模かつ堅ろうなプラットフォームになるという当行の目標をサポートできると確信している」と語った。

Stora Ensoのデジタル・ストラジストであるプラナブ・チャンドラ氏はAssistEdgeを選択したことについて「Stora Ensoは、ビジネスプロセスを自動化する取り組みを開始した。これに向けて、インフォシスをRobotic Process Automation の概念実証プロジェクトのために最適なパートナーとして選択したことを正式発表する。当社でまずGroup Finance DeliveryとGroup Sourcingを加えて社内検討した結果、インフォシスはInfosys AssistEdgeの中で、技術とビジネスプロセスの専門的知識・技術およびRobotic Process Automationの能力を適切に融合することが可能であると確信している」と語った。

CofcoAgriのグループCIOであるディーン・ジア・ダール氏は「インフォシスのサービス・スイートは当社のアジリティーを向上させ、当社が独立した企業として営業していくことを支援、その結果として、最小のビジネスリスクでCOFCO Groupとスムーズに合併できた。統合が成功したあと、CofcoAgriはInfosys EdgeVerveによって遂行されるアプリケーション、インフラストラクチャー、エンドユーザー・コンピューティングの世界規模のオペレーションを変革する当社のグローバルプログラムにとって最適なパートナーとしてインフォシスを選んだ」と語った。


ナショナルオーストラリア銀行(NAB)は、より迅速で柔軟性があるデータリッチな決済の提供を目的とするオーストラリアの業界主導プログラムであるNew Payments Platform(NPP)に参加することを可能にする技術ソリューションを構築し、それを駆動するためにインフォシスを選択した。NABの預金・取引サービスの執行ゼネラルマネジャーであるマイケル・スターキー氏は「NABはD+HのGlobal PayPlus決済ソリューションを使う当行の決済プラットフォーム向けの技術ソリューションを構築し、それを駆動するパートナーとしてインフォシスを選択した。われわれはインフォシスと協力して、顧客向けの新しくてエキサイティングな機能を提供するつもりである」と語った。

世界で最も尊敬されている精密光学と光電子工学の企業カールツァイス・グループは、コンサルティングとアプリケーション・サービスで主要な戦略パートナーとしてインフォシスを選択した。戦略パートナーであるインフォシスはツァイス・グループが今後5年かけてSAP環境を統合、変革する際と、HANAやマイクロソフトAzureなどクラウドベース・サービスへの移行を支援する際に同社をサポートする。ツァイスに対するインフォシスのサポートは、AIベースのオートメーションによる強力なバックボーン、Design Thinkingフレームワーク、オープンソースおよびクラウドの能力の活用によって実現される。

London Energy Tradingのプレム・チャンドラーCEOは「当社は世界拡大計画の一環として、30カ国以上における当社ビジネスのアジリティーおよびリアルタイムの状況を処理するために、取引、リスク管理、流通ビジネスプロセスの改革と自動化が絶対に必要である。われわれはLondon Energy Tradingが必要とするグローバルETRM(Enegy Trade Risk Management)Platform要件を満たすIT戦略とロードマップを規定するために、インフォシスを選択した。なぜなら、インフォシスはエネルギー取引における広範な経験をもたらし、その経験は将来に通用する当社の営業ビジネスモデルを規定する高度なコンサルティング能力を備えていたからである」と語った。

ダイレクト・ストア・デリバリーのソリューション・プロバイダーであるRutherford and Associatesは、同社の主力製品eoStarの戦略的実装パートナーとしてインフォシスを選んだ。eoStarは北米の有力飲料ディストリビューターが好んで選択する製品である。Rutherford and Associatesのポール・ラザフォード社長は「インフォシスがこの提携でもたらすプロジェクト履行およびスケール能力の専門技術に大いに期待している。インフォシスが保有するCPG業界向けのERPソリューションにおける大きな経験によって、われわれが当社を次のレベルにスケールアップする際に支援してくれる最適な企業である」と語った。

▽Zero Distanceを通じた根本的イノベーション-プロジェクトカバレッジから価値提供への進化

プロジェクトにおけるインフォシスの根幹をなすイノベーション・プログラムであるZero Distanceは昨年いっぱいかけて、クライアントのビジネスに直接影響を与える付加的ないしは隣接的イノベーション・ソリューションの形でプロジェクトカバレッジからクライアントへの価値提供にまで進化した。

Hudson Global ResourcesのファイナンスコントローラーAPACであるオーウェン・シャイア氏は「インフォシスはこの7年間にわたり信頼できるパートナーであり、必要なサービスを提供する優れた仕事を成し遂げてきた。この数年、インフォシスはZero DistanceプログラムおよびDesign Thinking運動の下でオートメーションおよびイノベーションに集中しており、これがわれわれの提携に大きな価値を付加した。インフォシスはオートメーションを実装し、われわれと緊密に協力して革新的なソリューションを提供することによって、既存の仕事の流れをより効率的にする機会を積極的に見つけ出した。これはわれわれの予想に合致するだけでなく、それを超えた結果を生み出した。向上させること、および革新的な考え方の新しい分野を積極的に求めるアプローチへの変革はインフォシスの既存および新規の顧客に多くの付加価値を提供することになると確信する。今後数年間にわたりインフォシスが提供する成功に満ちたイニシアチブとコラボレーションに期待している」と語った。




Amazon Web Services(AWS)との戦略的提携を締結し、レガシーITから現代的なクラウドベース・プラットフォームへの移行を容易にするテクノロジー・スイートを提供する

KUKA Aktiengesellschaftと提携し、共同でIndustry 4.0を導入した企業をサポートするソリューションを開発する。この提携の目的は、顧客がデータを収集、評価、利用しプロセスを向上させるソフトウエア・プラットフォームを開発することである

Infosys FinacleとサムスンSDSは提携し、モバイルバンキングおよび決済サービスを利用するうえでセキュア、迅速、便利な方法をエンドユーザーに提供する。この提携は金融サービスの顧客に対し、従来の認証プロセスなしでシームレスなユーザー体験と容易なアクセスを提供する

Infosys FinacleはOneginiと提携し、モバイルセキュリティー・プラットフォームとFinacleバンキング・ソリューションを統合した。この統合によって、銀行は顧客がデバイス上で取引する際、指紋、顔、瞳孔、音声などによる認証や多元認証などの向上したセキュリティーを顧客に提供する


Everest Groupの2016 PEAK Matrix(TM)for Independent Testing Servicesリーダーとしての地位を獲得

フロスト&サリバンの「IT Services Provider of the Year - Banking Financial Services and Insurance Sector」として選ばれる

Infosys FinacleがガートナーのMagic Quadrant for Global Retail Core Bankingのリーダーとして選ばれる

Infosys Finacleが「Best-in-class' in Advanced Technology and Breadth of Functionality in Celent's report, 'Ubiquitous Digital For Channel Banking: Global Digital Platforms Solutions Vendors, 2016」にランク付けされる



インドでは、Infosys Foundation(インフォシス財団)は今後も社会で好ましい変化をもたらす強力な推進役を果たしていく。今四半期、同財団は数あるプログラムの中で、教育とヘルスケアに数件の助成を提供した。この中には、Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-PuneとBangalore Life Scienceへの助成金付与が含まれている。

Infosys Foundation USA(米国インフォシス財団)は今四半期、Computer Science and Maker教育への平等なアクセスを米国の過小評価されているコミュニティーに提供するミッションを絶えず追及してきた。Maker運動を活性化させるため、同財団はホワイトハウスで開催されたJune Nation of Makersイベントで#WhyIMakeソーシャルキャンペーンを立ち上げるとともに、Infy Maker Awardsの春季優勝者を発表した。同財団の年間ソートリーダー会議であるCrossRoads 2016で、財団はNational Science FoundationとDonorsChoose.orgと提携し、CS for All Community Givingプログラムを発表した。このプログラムは、公立学校のコンピューターサイエンス教師のトレーニングに対するクラウドソースファンディングの新しいモデルを開拓する。

▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について


インフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がデジタル時代のエンタープライズの成長をどのように支援できるかについては、ウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com を参照。

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                                            (Dollars in millions except equity

share data)


                                                           June 30, 2016    

March 31, 2016


                                         Current assets

                              Cash and cash equivalents            

4,598             4,935

                                    Current investments               

83                11

                                      Trade receivables            

1,761             1,710

                                       Unbilled revenue              

484               457

                   Prepayments and other current assets              

805               672

                       Derivative financial instruments                

9                17

                                   Total current assets            

7,740             7,802

                                     Non-current assets

                          Property, plant and equipment            

1,624             1,589


561               568

                                      Intangible assets              

142               149

                               Investment in Associates               

16                16

                                Non-current investments              

258               273

                             Deferred income tax assets               

93                81

                                      Income tax assets              

772               789

                               Other non-current assets              

111               111

                               Total non-current assets            

3,577             3,576

                                           Total assets           

11,317            11,378

                                 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

                                    Current liabilities

                                         Trade payables               

39                58

                       Derivative Financial Instruments                

1                 1

                         Current income tax liabilities              

609               515

                                        Client deposits                

4                 4

                                       Unearned revenue              

228               201

                           Employee benefit obligations              

210               202


79                77

                              Other current liabilities            

1,014               940

                              Total current liabilities            

2,184             1,998

                                Non-current liabilities

                        Deferred income tax liabilities               

37                39

                          Other non-current liabilities               

20                17

                                      Total liabilities            

2,241             2,054


      Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

       (2,400,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

      and outstanding 2,285,633,494 (2,285,621,088) net

      of 11,311,170 (11,323,576) treasury shares, as of

           June 30, 2016 (March 31, 2016), respectively              

199               199

                                          Share premium              

571               570

                                      Retained earnings           

11,014            11,083

                                         Other reserves                

-                 -

                             Other components of equity          

(2,708)           (2,528)

     Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


9,076             9,324

                              Non-controlling interests                

-                 -

                                           Total equity            

9,076             9,324

                           Total liabilities and equity           

11,317            11,378

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income  

                                (Dollars in millions except share and per

equity share data)


                                                             Three months     

Three months

                                                           ended June 30,   

ended June 30,


2016             2015


2,501            2,256

                                           Cost of sales            

1,592            1,434

                                            Gross profit              

909              822

                                     Operating expenses:

                          Selling and marketing expenses              

137              129

                                 Administrative expenses              

170              152

                                Total operating expenses              

307              281

                                        Operating profit              

602              541

                                       Other income, net              

112              119

                    Share in associate's profit / (loss)                

-                -

                              Profit before income taxes              

714              660

                                      Income tax expense              

203              184

                                              Net profit              

511              476

                              Other comprehensive income

        Items that will not be reclassified to profit or


               Re-measurement of the net defined benefit


(2)              (1)

          Equity instruments through other comprehensive


-                -

          Items that may be reclassified subsequently to

                                         profit or loss:

                           Fair valuation of investments                

-              (2)

     Cumulative impact on reversal of unrealized gain on

            quoted debt securities on adoption of IFRS 9              

(5)                -

          Exchange differences on translation of foreign


(173)            (137)

            Total other comprehensive income, net of tax            

(180)            (140)

                              Total comprehensive income              

331              336

                                 Profit attributable to:

                                   Owners of the company              

511              476

                               Non-controlling interests                

-                -


511              476

             Total comprehensive income attributable to:

                                   Owners of the company              

331              336

                               Non-controlling interests                

-                -


331              336

                               Earnings per equity share

                                               Basic ($)             

0.22             0.21

                                             Diluted ($)             

0.22             0.21

        Weighted average equity shares used in computing

                               earnings per equity share

                                                   Basic    2,285,622,329    


                                                 Diluted    2,285,768,122    




2.当社の業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書はwww.infosys.com からダウンロードすることができる。

IFRS-INR Press Release:





Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2016


BANGALORE, July 15 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Q1 Revenue Growth at 2.2% qoq in USD Terms; 1.7% in Constant Currency Terms  

- Q1 Revenue Growth at 10.9% yoy in USD Terms; 12.1% in Constant Currency


- Added 3 Clients to $100 Million + Category Taking Total Count to 17

- FY 17 Revenue Guidance Revised to 10.5%-12.0% in Constant Currency  

Financial Highlights  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter ended June 30, 2016

Quarter ended June 30, 2016

Revenues were $2,501  million for the quarter ended June 30, 2016

QoQ growth of 2.2% in reported terms; 1.7% in constant currency terms

YoY growth of 10.9% in reported terms; 12.1% in constant currency terms  

Operating profit was $602 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2016

QoQ decline of 3.7%

YoY growth of 11.3%

Net profit was $511 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2016

QoQ decline of 4.1%

YoY growth of 7.4%

Earnings per share (EPS) was $0.22 for the quarter ended June 30, 2016

QoQ decline of 4.1%

YoY growth of 7.4%

Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents and investments were $4,918

million as on June 30, 2016 as compared to $5,202 million as on March 31, 2016

and $4,750 million as on June 30, 2015. Dividend payout of $481 million was

made during the quarter.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of Infosys

Limited at its meeting held on July 14, 2016, approved the grant of 1,857,820

RSU's at par value which shall be made on August 1, 2016, to a total of 7,898

eligible and identified high performing employees upto mid-level managers of

the Company and its subsidiaries under the 2015 Employee Stock Compensation

Plan. The RSU's shall vest over a period of four years from the date of grant

which shall be exercisable within the period as approved by the committee. Out

of these RSU's, a total of 1,515,135 equity shares will be issued out of the

existing treasury shares held by the Infosys Employee Benefits Trust and the

balance will be in the form of ADR's and Phantom stock rights.

In accordance with the Postal ballot approved by the shareholders on March 31,

2016, Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and Managing Director has been granted RSU's

amounting to $ 2 Million which shall be made on August 1, 2016. The RSU's are

time based and will vest over a period of 4 years subject to continuous

service. The exercise price for the grant is equal to the par value of one

share per RSU.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

"We had unanticipated headwinds in discretionary spending in consulting

services and package implementations as well as slower project ramp-ups in

large deals that we had won in earlier quarters, resulting in a lower than

expected growth in Q1," said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO. "Despite this, I am very

encouraged by our progress in the execution of our strategy. We launched

Infosys MANA, our AI based approach to helping clients continuously renovate

their business processes and have already delivered on first client successes.

We continued to see strong momentum in large deal wins in which we are bringing

the best of our Renew-New strategy to every deal; and we continued to see

growth in our delivery services due to their renewal on the basis of Zero

Distance, Design Thinking and automation. Going forward, we will continue our

strong focus on our long-term goals and vision of transforming Infosys where

open, intelligent technology amplifies people and frees them to innovate in a

culture of learning and collaboration, while bringing operational excellence

and cost discipline to every aspect of our business."

"Our client additions and top client growth was strong during the quarter.

Automation continues to be a core lever in the renewal of our traditional

service offerings." said U B Pravin Rao, COO. "We are making impactful internal

process changes through our simplification initiatives with a focus on better

employee experience and improved productivity.", he added.

"Our focus on optimizing cost efficiency levers helped us during the quarter

and our cash generation was strong" said M.D. Ranganath, CFO. "We navigated a

volatile currency environment effectively."


The Company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017,

under IFRS is as follows:

Revenues are expected to grow 10.5%-12.0% in constant currency*.

The above constant currency guidance translates to 10.8%-12.3% in USD terms

based on March 31st rates and 10.0%-11.5% based on June 30th rates

*FY 16 constant Currency rates - AUD/USD - 0.73; Euro/USD - 1.10; GBP/USD -


Currency rates as of March 31, 2016 - **AUD/USD - 0.77; Euro/USD - 1.14;

GBP/USD - 1.44

Currency rates as of June 30, 2016 - ***AUD/USD - 0.75; Euro/USD - 1.11;

GBP/USD - 1.35


This quarter we made an investment in Trifacta, a leading provider of data

wrangling software that enables non-technical users to easily transform data

for analysis. As part of this investment Trifacta will provide a data wrangling

solution for the Infosys Information Platform (IIP) and Infosys' other

platforms and offerings.

Business Highlights  

We continue to execute on our strategy of bringing automation and innovation to

help our clients Renew their existing businesses and IT landscapes while

enabling New kinds of opportunities through new user experiences, leveraging

new open intelligent technology and platforms, and driving deeper

problem-finding using Design Thinking. This quarter we launched Infosys Mana, a

knowledge-based AI platform; we continued to grow our top accounts and

increased our momentum in large deals; and we began to monetize key initiatives

such as Zero Distance - our program to drive innovation in every client project.

Purposeful AI for the Enterprise

We launched Infosys Mana, a knowledge-based AI platform that brings machine

learning together with the deep knowledge of an organization, to drive

automation and innovation - enabling businesses to continuously reinvent their

system landscapes. We are already working with a number of clients including

JCI and Syngenta.

Syngenta AG is transforming their IT organization towards innovation and

delivering more value to business. Towards this Syngenta has chosen Infosys

Mana platform that will help accelerate this journey. Robert Weltevreden, Head

of SBS at Syngenta, said, "We have chosen Infosys Mana, a Knowledge-based

Artificial Intelligence Platform, to help us with insights, drive automation,

innovation, efficiency and excellence across the organization. Mana will help

us capture knowledge across systems and process, identify and execute

opportunities to lower cost of change, and fundamentally help transform

business processes on an ongoing basis."

Syngenta AG, one of the world's leading Agribusiness companies, has selected

Infosys as their key strategic partner in IT Services across a multi-year

managed service engagement. Syngenta and Infosys shall jointly accelerate

innovation and bring in a paradigm shift through a Design Studio operating on

Design Thinking principles. This partnership will bring in new capabilities,

agility, and on-demand services to stay a step ahead on bringing new technology

to service business needs proactively.

Jeff Augustin, Vice President and CIO at Johnson Controls, said, "Johnson

Controls (JCI) is transforming the role IT plays in accelerating growth and

delivering value to the business. Towards this objective, we have chosen

Infosys Mana, a Knowledge-based Artificial Intelligence Platform, to help us

drive automation, innovation, efficiency and excellence across the enterprise.

We will be leveraging Mana to identify and execute on opportunities to lower

the cost of maintenance, capture the know-how of our often fragmented and

complex systems and enable our businesses to be more nimble and agile."

IIP as the Data Storage and Machine Learning Foundation for Mana Continues to

See Good Adoption

Hermes Parcelnet Ltd, a leading European consumer delivery specialist, has

selected Infosys to implement a next-generation BI platform based on the

Infosys Information Platform (IIP). Steve Bower, Head of Management Information

at Hermes Parcelnet Ltd, said, "Infosys provided a comprehensive assessment of

our Management Information (MI) capabilities. This included a strategic roadmap

which helped us implement a set of tactical improvements on our current MI

estate and provided stability as well as a smooth peak. In addition, Infosys is

in the process of helping us deliver our Big Data platform which will improve

our ability to make decisions on a real time basis and enhance our operational

efficiencies. We are confident that our partnership with Infosys will help us

deliver even more value for our business in the future."

Strategy and Design Consulting: Finding and Solving the Most Significant

Challenges of Our Clients

Over the last quarter, we made significant progress in leveraging design

thinking to proactively drive new business transformation programs for our


Carlos E Amesquita, Chief Information Officer, The Hershey Company, said,

"Infosys is partnering with us in our key transformational initiatives spanning

SAP implementation, sales, digital and being an insights driven organization.

In all of these, Infosys' approach of Design Thinking is helping us drive a

cultural transformation, while enabling key organizational processes and

capabilities with speed."

JIM WARREN, Business Unit Director, Jabil, said, "Jabil and our medical

division, Nypro, has deep expertise in hardware design and manufacturing of

healthcare wearables. We have partnered with Infosys for their Design Thinking,

Big-Data analytics and Cloud Service capabilities to create the next generation

of connected healthcare services that are both agile and medical device

agnostic. We are very excited about this partnership and the immense value

Infosys has brought to the table thus far."

Panaya, Skava & EdgeVerve

We continue to see traction with Panaya and Skava. Infosys and Kohl's are

working together, using Design Thinking and leveraging the Skava digital

platform to enhance customers, associates, and the overall Kohls experience.

The EdgeVerve business continued its strong market momentum with 16 wins and 21

go-lives for both the Finacle and Edge suite of solutions across markets.

EdgeVerve Systems launched its Blockchain Framework designed to further the

adoption of blockchain technology by the global financial services sector. This

permissioned ledger will allow banks to rapidly deploy blockchain-based

services, providing them an opportunity to leverage a technology that has

fundamentally challenged the operating principles underlying banking

transactions and book keeping.

The Finacle Core Banking solution was selected to power Paytm's new payments

bank business. Paytm will leverage Finacle's proven platform for its deposit

products and payments platform, enabling it to rapidly roll out innovative


Shinjini Kumar, CEO, Paytm Payments Bank, said, "After considering multiple

core banking solutions, Paytm is happy to announce that we have chosen Infosys

Finacle as the core banking solution for our payments bank. With its large

deployment base in India including some of the largest banks, Finacle has

proven to be a scalable solution and we are confident that it will be able to

support our aspiration to be a large and robust platform for small value, high

volume transactions for millions of Indians."

Speaking on their selection of AssistEdge, Pranav Chandra, Digital Strategist,

Stora Enso said, "Stora Enso has embarked on a journey to automate its business

processes. Towards this, I am pleased to confirm that we have now chosen

Infosys as our preferred partner for the Robotic Process Automation Proof of

Concept project. After initial discussions internally with our Group Finance

Delivery and Group Sourcing, we believe Infosys will be able to provide the

adequate mix of technical and business process expertise and competence within

Robotic Process Automation, driven by Infosys AssistEdge."

"Infosys' suite of services increased our agility, helped us operate as a

standalone company, and subsequently merge smoothly with the COFCO Group with

minimal business risk. After the success of the integration, CofcoAgri has

selected Infosys as the preferred partner for our global program to transform

global operations across applications, infrastructure and end user computing

powered by Infosys EdgeVerve," said Dean Zia Dar, Group CIO, CofcoAgri.

Strengthening client relationships and adding new clients

National Australia Bank has chosen Infosys to build and run the technology

solution that will enable it to participate in the New Payments Platform (NPP),

an industry-led program in Australia that is aimed at delivering faster,

flexible and data-rich payments.

"NAB has selected Infosys as our partner to build and run the technology

solution for our payments platform, using D+H's Global PayPlus payments

software. We look forward to working with Infosys to deliver new and exciting

capabilities for our customers," said Michael Starkey, NAB Executive General

Manager of Deposits and Transaction Services.

Carl Zeiss Group AG, the world's most respected company for precision optics

and optoelectronics manufacturing, has selected us as its key strategic partner

for consulting and application services. As strategic partner, we will support

the Zeiss Group as it consolidates and transforms its SAP landscape over the

next five years, as well as helping in the transition towards HANA and

cloud-based services such as MS Azure. Infosys' support for Zeiss is enabled by

a strong backbone of AI-based automation, design thinking framework and

leveraging the power of open source and cloud.

Prem Chander, Chief Executive Officer, London Energy Trading, said, "As part of

our global expansion plans there is an inherent need for us to transform and

automate our trading, risk management and logistics business processes to

handle the agility and real time nature of our business across 30+ countries.

We selected Infosys to define the IT strategy and roadmap for addressing the

global ETRM (Energy Trade Risk Management) Platform requirement for London

Energy Trading, for which Infosys has brought in their extensive experience in

Energy Trading coupled with their high end consulting capabilities to define

the operating model for future proofing our business."

Rutherford and Associates, a Direct Store Delivery solution provider, has

chosen us as a strategic implementation partner for its flagship product eoStar

- which is a popular choice among leading beverage distributors across North

America. Paul Rutherford, President Rutherford and Associates, said, "We are

extremely excited about the expertise in project implementations and ability to

scale that Infosys brings to this partnership. Due to the vast experience in

ERP solutions for the CPG industry that Infosys possesses, it is a natural fit

that we feel will help scale our company to the next level."

Grassroots Innovation through Zero Distance

Zero Distance - Evolving from project coverage to delivering value

Our Zero Distance, the grassroots innovation program across projects at

Infosys, has evolved over the last year from project coverage to delivering

value to clients in the form of incremental or adjacent innovative solutions

that have had a direct impact on their business.

Owen Shier, Finance Controller APAC, Hudson Global Resources, said, "Infosys

has been our trusted partner for the last seven years and has done a fantastic

job delivering the required services. In the past few years, Infosys' focus

towards automation and innovation under its Zero Distance Programme and Design

Thinking Movement has added significant value to our partnership. Infosys has

proactively identified opportunities to make the existing streams of work more

efficient by implementing automation and working closely with us to deliver

innovative solutions. This has produced results which have not just met, but

exceeded our expectations. I am sure this change in approach of proactively

seeking new areas of improvements and innovative thinking will bring in lot of

value add to Infosys' existing and new customers. I look forward to further

successful initiatives and collaborations from Infosys over the next few years."

Extending the Reach through our Ecosystem  

We continue to expand and enter into multiple strategic partnerships to offer

innovative solutions to our clients:

Expanded our relationship with Microsoft Corp. to simplify and automate

migration to Microsoft products and to accelerate Microsoft Azure-based and

other digital transformations for clients

Entered into a strategic collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer

a suite of technologies to ease transition from legacy IT to a modern

cloud-based platform

Partnered with KUKA Aktiengesellschaft to jointly develop solutions to support

companies embracing Industry 4.0. The aim of the collaboration is the

development of a software platform that will allow customers to collect,

evaluate and utilize data to improve their own processes

Infosys Finacle and Samsung SDS partnered to provide end customers a secure,

fast and convenient way to use mobile banking and payment services. This

partnership offers financial services customers a seamless user experience and

hassle-free access without lengthy authentication processes

Infosys Finacle partnered with Onegini to integrate its mobile security

platform with Finacle banking solutions. This integration will allow banks to

provide their customers enhanced security such as fingerprint, facial, eye and

voice recognition as well as multi-factor authentication, as they transact on


Awards and Recognition  

Positioned as a Leader in Everest Group's 2016 PEAK Matrix(TM) for Independent

Testing Services

Recognized as the 'IT Services Provider of the Year - Banking Financial

Services and Insurance Sector' by Frost & Sullivan

Infosys Finacle positioned as a Leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Global

Retail Core Banking

Infosys Finacle rated 'Best-in-class' in Advanced Technology and Breadth of

Functionality in Celent's report, 'Ubiquitous Digital For Channel Banking:

Global Digital Platforms Solutions Vendors, 2016'

Beyond Business  

We are committed to contributing towards and giving back to the communities in

which we are present.

In India, the Infosys Foundation continues to serve as a powerful catalyst to

bring about a positive change in the society. In this quarter, among various

programs, the Foundation provided several grants towards education and

healthcare. Some of these include grants to the Indian Institute of Science

Education and Research - Pune and Bangalore Life Science Cluster

Through the quarter, Infosys Foundation USA relentlessly pursued its mission of

providing equal access to Computer Science and Maker education to

under-represented communities in the US. To evangelize the Maker movement, the

Foundation launched the #WhyIMake social campaign at the June Nation of Makers

event at the White House as well as announced the winners of the spring cycle

of the Infy Maker Awards. At CrossRoads 2016, the Foundation's annual thought

leadership conference, the Foundation announced its CS for All Community Giving

program in partnerships with National Science Foundation and DonorsChoose.org.

The program pioneers a new model of crowdsourced funding for training of

computer science teachers in public schools.

About Infosys Ltd

Infosys is a global leader in technology services and consulting. We enable

clients in more than 50 countries to create and execute strategies for their

digital transformation. From engineering to application development, knowledge

management and business process management, we help our clients find the right

problems to solve, and to solve these effectively. Our team of 190,000+

innovators, across the globe, is differentiated by the imagination, knowledge

and experience, across industries and technologies, that we bring to every

project we undertake.

Visit http://www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY) can help your

enterprise thrive in the digital age.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations

intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2016. These filings are available at http://www.sec.gov.

Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral

forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the company's

filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to

shareholders. In addition, please note that the date of this press release is

July 15, 2016, and any forward-looking statements contained herein are based on

assumptions that we believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company does

not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from

time to time by or on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                                            (Dollars in millions except equity

share data)


                                                           June 30, 2016    

March 31, 2016


                                         Current assets

                              Cash and cash equivalents            

4,598             4,935

                                    Current investments               

83                11

                                      Trade receivables            

1,761             1,710

                                       Unbilled revenue              

484               457

                   Prepayments and other current assets              

805               672

                       Derivative financial instruments                

9                17

                                   Total current assets            

7,740             7,802

                                     Non-current assets

                          Property, plant and equipment            

1,624             1,589


561               568

                                      Intangible assets              

142               149

                               Investment in Associates               

16                16

                                Non-current investments              

258               273

                             Deferred income tax assets               

93                81

                                      Income tax assets              

772               789

                               Other non-current assets              

111               111

                               Total non-current assets            

3,577             3,576

                                           Total assets           

11,317            11,378

                                 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

                                    Current liabilities

                                         Trade payables               

39                58

                       Derivative Financial Instruments                

1                 1

                         Current income tax liabilities              

609               515

                                        Client deposits                

4                 4

                                       Unearned revenue              

228               201

                           Employee benefit obligations              

210               202


79                77

                              Other current liabilities            

1,014               940

                              Total current liabilities            

2,184             1,998

                                Non-current liabilities

                        Deferred income tax liabilities               

37                39

                          Other non-current liabilities               

20                17

                                      Total liabilities            

2,241             2,054


      Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

       (2,400,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

      and outstanding 2,285,633,494 (2,285,621,088) net

      of 11,311,170 (11,323,576) treasury shares, as of

           June 30, 2016 (March 31, 2016), respectively              

199               199

                                          Share premium              

571               570

                                      Retained earnings           

11,014            11,083

                                         Other reserves                

-                 -

                             Other components of equity          

(2,708)           (2,528)

     Total equity attributable to equity holders of the


9,076             9,324

                              Non-controlling interests                

-                 -

                                           Total equity            

9,076             9,324

                           Total liabilities and equity           

11,317            11,378

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income  

                                (Dollars in millions except share and per

equity share data)


                                                             Three months     

Three months

                                                           ended June 30,   

ended June 30,


2016             2015


2,501            2,256

                                           Cost of sales            

1,592            1,434

                                            Gross profit              

909              822

                                     Operating expenses:

                          Selling and marketing expenses              

137              129

                                 Administrative expenses              

170              152

                                Total operating expenses              

307              281

                                        Operating profit              

602              541

                                       Other income, net              

112              119

                    Share in associate's profit / (loss)                

-                -

                              Profit before income taxes              

714              660

                                      Income tax expense              

203              184

                                              Net profit              

511              476

                              Other comprehensive income

        Items that will not be reclassified to profit or


               Re-measurement of the net defined benefit


(2)              (1)

          Equity instruments through other comprehensive


-                -

          Items that may be reclassified subsequently to

                                         profit or loss:

                           Fair valuation of investments                

-              (2)

     Cumulative impact on reversal of unrealized gain on

            quoted debt securities on adoption of IFRS 9              

(5)                -

          Exchange differences on translation of foreign


(173)            (137)

            Total other comprehensive income, net of tax            

(180)            (140)

                              Total comprehensive income              

331              336

                                 Profit attributable to:

                                   Owners of the company              

511              476

                               Non-controlling interests                

-                -


511              476

             Total comprehensive income attributable to:

                                   Owners of the company              

331              336

                               Non-controlling interests                

-                -


331              336

                               Earnings per equity share

                                               Basic ($)             

0.22             0.21

                                             Diluted ($)             

0.22             0.21

        Weighted average equity shares used in computing

                               earnings per equity share

                                                   Basic    2,285,622,329    


                                                 Diluted    2,285,768,122    



1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated interim Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months

ended June 30, 2016 have been taken on record at the Board meeting held on July

15, 2016  

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from http://www.infosys.com

IFRS-INR Press Release:


Fact Sheet:





