大腸がん肝転移の患者にはSIR-Spheres(R) Y-90樹脂微小球に対する著しく深い腫瘍反応が見られることを、新たなSIRFLOX分析が示す

Sirtex Medical Limited

大腸がん肝転移の患者にはSIR-Spheres(R) Y-90樹脂微小球に対する著しく深い腫瘍反応が見られることを、新たなSIRFLOX分析が示す

AsiaNet 64964

バルセロナ(スペイン)、2016年7月1日/PRニュースワイヤー-ファーストコール/ --

ヨーロッパ臨床腫瘍学会(European Society of Medical Oncology)の第18回世界胃がん会議(World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer)において、フォルカー・ハイネマン博士がオーラルアブストラクトセッションで示した新たなデータは、最近発表されたSIRFLOX研究でmFOLFOX6とSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球を組み合わせて一次治療した肝臓優性切除不能大腸がん(mCRC)の患者は、化学療法のみを受けた人に比べてはるかに深い肝臓の治療反応を経験したことを示しています(1)。

(ロゴ: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150119/724485 )

(ロゴ: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160629/385027LOGO )

初期mCRCの研究における全生存(OS)および増悪後の生存期間と相互関係があるとみられている比較的新しい、効果の深さ(Depth of Response:DpR)分析によれば(2)、化学療法と組み合わせてSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球を投与された患者では、効果の深さが著しく増しました(75.0%:67.8% 肝臓内腫瘍組織量の平均減少率;p=0.039)。患者はまた、化学療法のみを受けた人と比較するとDpRに対して2か月長い、最大の腫瘍縮小(中央値266:206日;p<0.001)という統計的に有意な数字を示しました。

分析により、肝臓内腫瘍組織量の基準値がより大きい状態で研究に参加した患者において、SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球の治療効果が最も顕著だったことも明らかになりました。(肝臓の12%以上が腫瘍に置き換わっており、これはDpRの判断材料を特定するために事前に決めた統計的カットポイントです)SIRFLOXの患者の半数以上となる、より重症のこの患者グループは、化学療法のみの治療を受けた人と比べて20%深いDpR(77.5%:57.2%;p=0.003)とDpRに対して3か月以上長い(中央値298:196日;p<0.001)統計的に有意な数値を経験しました。SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球はまた、これらの患者の競合リスク分析(27.2:13.1か月;p=0.003)による肝臓の無増悪生存期間(Progression-Free Survival:PFS)の中央値を倍にしました。

逆に、肝臓内腫瘍組織量の小さい(12%以下)参加患者では、SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球で全肝臓内腫瘍が完全に反応するか消滅する可能性が、化学療法のみを受けた人に比べて6倍以上(11.3%:1.7%;p=0.003)となりました。


ハイネマン教授は、次のように説明しました、「腫瘍学者たちは、生物学的製剤に見られるように、無増悪生存期間(PFS)は必ずしも遠隔転移を有する大腸がん患者の全生存予測の正しい判断材料になるものではないと見ていた時期がありました。このため、近年は、特に患者の効果の深さに及ぼす治療の影響に関して、mCRCにおけるより適切な全生存の代理マーカーを見つけるための重要な動きが高まっています。Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球の効果の深さと最大効果までの時間は、肝臓内のPFSが長くなったことと共に非常に励みになりますし、2017年に予定している生存データへの期待も高まります」



大腸がん肝転移の一次治療でmFOLFOX6とSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球関連の、SIRFLOX、FOXFIRE、FOXFIRE Globalの研究を組み合わせた全生存データが2017年に利用できるようになると、この方法の予測値は裏付けられるかも知れません。


SIRFLOX研究は、530人の患者が登録する、腫瘍学における世界最大のランダム化介入放射線学的研究です(4)。SIRFLOXは、現在の標準治療の化学療法と組み合わせて、腸から広がった肝臓内の切除不能の大腸がん腫瘍と最近診断された患者におけるSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球の一次使用を調査しました。研究は予測、非盲検、多施設、ランダム化制御で、オーストラリアとニュージーランド、ヨーロッパ、中東、北米の施設で行われました。



SIRFLOXの研究結果では、化学放射線療法を受けた患者のどの部位と比べても無増悪生存期間(PFS)に著しい差はありません。これは、SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球が肝臓に向けた治療法であり、肝臓の外の転移には影響しないからで、驚くことではありません。しかし、研究者たちは、競合リスク分析による肝臓のPFSがかなり長くなったことを報告しています。対照患者の中央値12.6か月がSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球を投与した患者では20.5か月(p=0.002)になり、放射線治療が腫瘍を狙う肝臓内での進行リスクが31%低下しました。

全生存は、追加した2つのランダム化制御研究のデータを含む複合生存率分析の一環として、続いて報告されます。これらの研究はSIRFLOXと非常に類似したデザインとなっていますが、FOXFIREと呼ばれ英国で行われており、国際的な研究はFOXFIRE Globalと呼ばれています。全体としては、SIRFLOXに加えてこれらの追加研究に573人の患者登録が完了しました。1100人以上の患者のデータをプールすることで、現在の化学療法にSIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球を追加することによる生存利益を分析するための十分な統計的検出力を提供します。3つの複合研究の生存データは、2017年に発表の見込みです。

SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球について

SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球は、アルゼンチン、オーストラリア、ブラジル、欧州連合(CEマーク)、スイス、トルコのほかアジアの数か国で切除不能な肝腫瘍の治療法として使用が認められています。米国では、SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球はFDAの市販前承認(PMA)を受けており、原発性大腸がんの切除不能な転移性肝腫瘍の治療法として、FUDR(フロクスウリジン:Floxuridine)のアジュバント肝内動脈化学療法(intra-hepatic artery chemotherapy:IHAC)と共に用いられています。


Sirtex Medical Limited(オーストラリア証券取引所:SRX)は、オーストラリアに拠点を置く医療ビジネスで、がん患者の転帰改善に取り組んでいます。当社の主要製品SIR-Spheres Y-90樹脂微小球は、肝臓がんに対する標的放射線治療です。40か国以上の1000を超える治療センターにおいて、肝臓がん患者を治療するために、これまでに6万1千回以上の投与が行われています。詳細情報は、http://www.sirtex.com でご覧になれます。

SIR-Spheres(R)は、Sirtex SIR-Spheres Pty Ltd.の登録商標です。


1. Heinemann V、van Hazel GA、Sharma NK他。「遠隔転移を有する大腸がん患者の容積測定モデル内での効果の深さの評価:SIRFLOX研究の結果」(Evaluation of depth of response within a volumetric model in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: Results of the SIRFLOX study)。Annals of Oncology 2016;27(追録2):要約O-014

2.Heinemann V、Stintzing S、Modest DP他。「遠隔転移を有する大腸がん(mCRC)の治療における早期腫瘍縮小(ETS)と効果の深さ(DpR)」[Early tumour shrinkage (ETS) and depth of response (DpR) in the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC))]。European Journal of Cancer 2015;51:1927-1936

3.Cremolini C、Loupakis F、Antoniotti C他。「早期腫瘍縮小と効果の深さが、一次化学療法とベバシズマブ治療を受けた遠隔転移を有する大腸がん患者の長期的転帰を予測:GruppoOncologico del Nord Ovestによるフェーズ3 TRIBE試験の結果」(Early tumor shrinkage and depth of response predict long-term outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab: results from phase III TRIBE trial by the Gruppo Oncologico del Nord Ovest) Annals of Oncology2015:26:1188-1194

4.van Hazel GA、Heinemann V、Sharma NK他。「SIRFLOX:遠隔転移を有する大腸がん患者の一次mFOLFOX6(プラスまたはマイナスのベバシズマブ)対mFOLFOX6(プラスまたはマイナスのベバシズマブ)に選択的内部放射線治療を加えたランダム化フェーズ3試験」(SIRFLOX: Randomized phase III trial comparing first-line mFOLFOX6 (plus or minus bevacizumab) versus mFOLFOX6 (plus or minus bevacizumab) plus selective internal radiation therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer)Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;34:1723-1731

5.Sherrill B、Kaye J、Sandin R他。「腫瘍学における全生存の代用評価項目を診断するメタアナリシスの検討」(Review of meta-analyses evaluating surrogate endpoints for overall survival in oncology)OncoTargets and Therapy 2012;5: 287-296

6.Shi Q、de Gramont A、Grothey A他。「現代のランダム化試験における遠隔転移を有する大腸がんの一次評価項目としての無増悪生存期間に対する全生存の個別患者データ分析:消化器がんデータベースの分析と調査結果」(Individual patient data analysis of progression-free survival versus overall survival as a first-line end point for metastatic colorectal cancer in modern randomized trials: Findings from the analysis and research in cancers of the digestive system database)Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015;33:22-28

7.Petrelli F、Barni S。「無増悪および増悪後の生存率と進行性大腸がんにおける全生存との相互関係」(Correlation of progression-free and post-progression survival with overall survival in advanced colorectal cancer)Annals of Oncology 2013;24:186-192

8.Kumar R、Price TJ、Beeke C他。「大腸がんの生存率:原発腫瘍を伴う遠隔転移を有する同期疾患と異時性疾患の患者の分析」(Colorectal cancer survival: An analysis of patients with metastatic disease synchronous and metachronous with the primary tumor)Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2014;13:87-93


ソース: Sirtex Medical Limited


Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Had Significantly Greater Depth of Tumour Response to SIR-Spheres(R) Y-90 resin microspheres, New SIR


Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases Had Significantly Greater Depth of Tumour Response to SIR-Spheres(R) Y-90 resin microspheres, New SIRFLOX Analysis Shows

BARCELONA, Spain, July 1, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

     New data presented by Prof. Dr. Volker Heinemann in an oral abstract

session at the European Society of Medical Oncology's 18th World Congress on

Gastrointestinal Cancer suggest that patients with liver-dominant mCRC treated

first-line with the combination of mFOLFOX6 and SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin

microspheres in the recently published SIRFLOX study experienced a much more

profound response to treatment in the liver than those who received

chemotherapy alone.[1]

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150119/724485 )

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160629/385027LOGO )

    According to Depth of Response (DpR) analysis, a relatively new methodology

that has been shown to correlate with overall survival (OS) and

post-progression survival in earlier mCRC studies,[2] there was a significantly

greater Depth of Response (75.0% vs. 67.8% mean reduction in liver tumour

burden; p=0.039) in patients who received SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres

combined with chemotherapy. Patients also had a statistically significant,

two-month longer time to DpR or maximal tumour shrinkage (median 266 vs. 206

days; p<0.001), compared to those who received chemotherapy alone.

    The analysis also revealed that the treatment effect following SIR-Spheres

Y-90 resin microspheres was most evident in the patients who entered the study

with a greater baseline liver tumour burden (>12% of the liver having been

replaced by tumour, a statistical cut-point that was pre-determined in order to

identify potential predictors of DpR). This group of more compromised patients,

representing over half the patients in SIRFLOX, experienced a statistically

significant, 20% greater DpR (77.5% vs. 57.2%; p=0.003) and over three-month

longer time to DpR (median 298 vs. 196 days; p<0.001) compared to those treated

with chemotherapy alone. SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres was also

associated with a doubling of median Progression-Free Survival (PFS) in the

liver by competing risk analysis (27.2 vs. 13.1 months; p=0.003) in these


    Conversely, patients who had a smaller liver tumour burden (less than or

equal to12%) on study entry were more than six times more likely to experience

a complete response or disappearance of all liver tumours following SIR-Spheres

Y-90 resin microspheres compared to those who received only chemotherapy (11.3%

vs. 1.7%; p=0.003).

    Prof. Heinemann, Professor of Medical Oncology at the Comprehensive Cancer

Centre, Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich, Germany, and European Principal

Investigator of the SIRFLOX study stated that, "As treatment for metastatic

colorectal cancer has improved over the past two decades, life expectancies

have increased four-fold. But this increased survival benefit in turn has

raised the barrier of proof of efficacy for new therapies or combinations of

therapy that have emerged."

    "Oncologists have for some time observed that Progression-Free Survival, or

PFS, is not always a good predictor of overall survival for patients with

metastatic colorectal cancer, as has been seen in some studies with biologic

agents," Prof. Heinemann explained. "For this reason, in recent years we have

seen an important surge of activity to find better surrogate markers for

overall survival in mCRC, particularly regarding the effect of treatment on

patients' Depth of Response. The greater depth of response and time to maximal

response following SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres, together with the

prolonged PFS in the liver, are very encouraging and increase our anticipation

for the survival data we hope to see in 2017."

    The DpR concept and methodology were developed by Prof. Heinemann and his

colleagues in Munich, in collaboration with other experts in treating

colorectal cancer. In the SIRFLOX DpR analysis, a novel volumetric model was

used to estimate each patient's spherical liver tumour volume, based on the

length of up to five target liver tumours, which were selected during a central

independent blinded imaging review of the patients' baseline and subsequent

radiographic images. DpR was then measured by tracking tumour shrinkage until

it reached its lowest point, or nadir. In previous DpR analyses of the FIRE-3

study with the biologic agent cetuximab, Prof. Heinemann observed a

statistically significant correlation between DpR and overall survival.[2] This

observation has also been supported by an evaluation of the TRIBE study.[3]

    "We were able to complete this DpR analysis because the original SIRFLOX

methodology included extensive radiographic data to determine response to

treatment using traditional RECIST criteria. But that is the beauty of this

methodology; when the right dataset is available we don't need any new

information to estimate the volumes and shed potentially important new light on

the original findings," Prof. Heinemann added.

    The predictive value of this approach may be corroborated when overall

survival data on the combined SIRFLOX, FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global studies of

the association of mFOLFOX6 and SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres in the

first-line treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases become available in


    About SIRFLOX

    The SIRFLOX study is the world's largest randomised interventional

radiology study in oncology with 530-patients enrolled.[4] SIRFLOX investigated

the first-line use of SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres, in combination with

a current standard-of-care chemotherapy, in patients with recently diagnosed

non-resectable colorectal cancer tumours in the liver that have spread from the

bowel. The study was a prospective, open-label, multi-centre, randomised

controlled study, being conducted at sites in Australia & New Zealand, Europe,

the Middle East and North America.

    The primary endpoint of SIRFLOX was progression-free survival (PFS) at any

site, as determined by independent central imaging review of CT or MRI scans.

PFS involves finding out how long a person survives without the cancer

developing any further. In patients with secondary tumours from bowel cancer,

improved PFS typically correlates with improved overall survival.[5]-[7] PFS in

the liver was also an important secondary endpoint of SIRFLOX, and other

endpoints were tumour response rate in the liver; tumour response rate at any

site; liver resection rate; hepatic and extrahepatic recurrence rate;

health-related quality of life; toxicity and safety and overall survival.

    The patients recruited in the SIRFLOX study had unresectable colorectal

cancer liver metastases, with approximately 40% also having metastatic spread

to the lungs and/or lymph nodes, and 45% had intact primary colorectal tumours.

About 90% of the patients had synchronous disease, meaning that the distant

spread of the cancer was confirmed around the same time as the primary tumour

was diagnosed. Patients with synchronous disease have a worse prognosis

compared to those who develop spread to distant sites sometime after the

primary tumour is diagnosed and surgically removed.[8]

    The SIRFLOX study results show no significant difference in

Progression-Free Survival (PFS) at any site in the patients who received

chemo-radiotherapy. This was not surprising as SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin

microspheres are a liver-directed therapy and do not have an effect on

metastases outside the liver. However, the investigators reported a

significantly prolonged PFS in the liver by competing risk analysis - from a

median of 12.6 months for control patients to 20.5 months (p=0.002) for

patients receiving SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres - resulting in a 31%

reduction in the risk of progression in the liver, which is the organ in which

the radiotherapy targets tumours.

    Overall survival will be reported subsequently as part of a combined

survival analysis including data from two additional randomised controlled

studies. These studies, which share a very similar design to SIRFLOX, are

called FOXFIRE, which is being conducted in the UK, and an international study

called FOXFIRE Global. Together, these additional studies have completed

enrolment of 573 patients, in addition to those in SIRFLOX. Pooling the data

from more than 1,100 patients will provide sufficient statistical power to

examine the survival benefit from the addition of SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin

microspheres to current chemotherapy. The survival data from the three combined

studies are expected to be released in 2017.

    About SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres

    SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres are approved for use in Argentina,

Australia, Brazil, the European Union (CE Mark), Switzerland, Turkey, and

several countries in Asia for the treatment of unresectable liver tumours. In

the US, SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres have a Pre-Market Approval (PMA)


    the FDA and are indicated for the treatment of unresectable metastatic

liver tumours from primary colorectal cancer with adjuvant intra-hepatic artery

chemotherapy (IHAC) of FUDR (Floxuridine).

    About Sirtex

    Sirtex Medical Limited (ASX: SRX) is an Australian-based global healthcare

business working to improve treatment outcomes in people with cancer. Our

current lead product, SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres, is a targeted

radiation therapy for liver cancer. Approximately 61,000 doses have been

supplied to treat patients with liver cancer at more than 1000 medical centres

in over 40 countries. For more information, please visit http://www.sirtex.com.

    SIR-Spheres(R) is a Registered Trademark of Sirtex SIR-Spheres Pty Ltd.



1) Heinemann V, van Hazel GA, Sharma NK et al. Evaluation of depth of response

within a volumetric model in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer:

Results of the SIRFLOX study. Annals of Oncology 2016; 27 (Suppl 2): Abs. O-014.

2) Heinemann V, Stintzing S, Modest DP et al. Early tumour shrinkage (ETS) and

depth of response (DpR) in the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal

cancer (mCRC). European Journal of Cancer 2015; 51: 1927-1936.

3) Cremolini C, Loupakis F, Antoniotti C et al. Early tumor shrinkage and depth

of response predict long-term outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

treated with first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab: results from phase III

TRIBE trial by the Gruppo Oncologico del Nord Ovest. Annals of Oncology 2015;

26: 1188-1194.

4) van Hazel GA, Heinemann V, Sharma NK et al. SIRFLOX: Randomized phase III

trial comparing first-line mFOLFOX6 (plus or minus bevacizumab) versus mFOLFOX6

(plus or minus bevacizumab) plus selective internal radiation therapy in

patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016;

34: 1723-1731.

5) Sherrill B, Kaye J, Sandin R et al. Review of meta-analyses evaluating

surrogate endpoints for overall survival in oncology. OncoTargets and Therapy

2012; 5: 287-296.

6) Shi Q, de Gramont A, Grothey A et al. Individual patient data analysis of

progression-free survival versus overall survival as a first-line end point for

metastatic colorectal cancer in modern randomized trials: Findings from the

analysis and research in cancers of the digestive system database. Journal of

Clinical Oncology 2015; 33: 22-28.

7) Petrelli F, Barni S. Correlation of progression-free and post-progression

survival with overall survival in advanced colorectal cancer. Annals of

Oncology 2013; 24: 186-192.

8) Kumar R, Price TJ, Beeke C et al. Colorectal cancer survival: An analysis of

patients with metastatic disease synchronous and metachronous with the primary

tumor. Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2014; 13: 87-93.


Source: Sirtex Medical Limited




